, ., ..y.rri! .
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<br /> 4.
<br /> Thc F'und� nhull he luld in an institution whi�sc dcpt�sitti nrc insurcd by u fcdcrui ngc��cy. intitrumcntutity, ur entlty ,:
<br /> �� (Inrludin�t t.cndcr.if IAndcr i+yucli un intititudunl ur In any I�Cdcrnl Homc l.�►un�i+nk. LAndcr yhuli npply U�c)'und.+tu puy thc T•�.,
<br /> .. �xcrow Itcnn. l.�ndcr nn►y nut rNargc B��r r��w c r l i+r h n l d i n g��n d u p p l yin g thc Fui�dti,unnuully i►nuly�ing ihc cun��v urri�unt.ur - `
<br /> vcrityine tbc Eecruw Itcm+,unlc+ti lxndcr puyy H�►rniwcr intcrc�t un ti�c Fund+und uppficublc luw pcnnit�IAndcr h�muk c s u c h ._
<br /> ' t�churgr. Huwcvcr. IAnJrcUuti witlu itlii H�luun,�ui��,.tii��PPiicublc llmv�prwiJc+�uthcrw� c�Unlc1,ti�nn��aK��u�nt iiti�nc Jc iar � ��1-.:
<br /> us��l hy l.endcr in ruti�n�
<br /> � aPplicuble litw rr,yuireti iotcrr.rt t��he puid. l.�nder�hidl uat be rcyuircd tu puy 1���rruw�:r uny iuterc�t��r curningy un thc Fwid+. � ;�_
<br /> &�rrawcr imd l.�ndrr muy ii�zrcc in writin�, Iiu�YCVCr. thut i�ncr��tit rhuli tn puiJ un thc Fu�ids. iw�ndcr,hall givc tu liarn��vcr, s r�
<br /> � .. �.: wtthuut churgc, nn uuuuli{u«uuutiug uf thr Fund•, ,h��win t rredtiti unJ dchit+tu thc I�undc und ihc put9usc tia which ciich � �i',
<br /> . dcbit t��thc flunds wuy madc. '1'hc 1�undw urc plcdg��l iiti nddit�unul.rccurhy firr utl r�ams xccur�d hy thi�S��urity luurununt. E`
<br /> . ;�-� If the I'unds hrid Ny l.endcr exrcrd the umounty pimiitted to hc held Ny i�ppUcublc litw,I.rndcr shull ucrount tu Horn�w« —
<br /> ,,;,;,;;,.y fur the exces,Hund+ in nccurdunre wlth thc ti�vluen duo�l.end c muY�o��►tifyf Borruwer in�ri inb u���i',�n�u�i ca e�l3orr�w P � �-^-
<br /> ^+�� t{mc Ix niit�ufficicnt to pi►y thc I?ticn►w Item
<br /> � shull puy tu l.en�lcr the umount nece�u►ry to muke up the defiricncy. Burn�wer.hull muke up the Jeficiency in no morc t iui � —
<br /> 1WCIYC p111111NIY�:1y111E01lt,ut i.cn�lcr'h sulc discreUon. —_
<br /> Upan puynuut in full of uU sums tit�urMl hy thi+ Security In+trument, l.ender sl�ull pmmpUy refund tu Norrn��er uny _
<br /> Fundti held by L.ender.If.'unu���und.ti held by l.ender ut ttic time of ucqais+iti n upeyu(a a.+�� u creditrugainst the yun�s�se�tlred by __
<br /> . nf tlie Pmpcny.shull app y Y �
<br /> ; this Scrudty lnst�ument.
<br /> • ' 3. Applta►tlon of Poymenta.Unlcsa applicub(c luw pmvides atherwi�c.u{l paymcnts receiveai by l.en�fer under pwY►SraP s
<br /> " '+ i und 2 ehnll be uppliaf: C�r•u.to anY prcAayment charges due under the Nate: second,to umaunt�payable under purngmph 2: _
<br /> third.to intcrctit duc:launh,t��principal duc:und lu.tit,tn uny lutc churgr+Juc undcr thc Natc.
<br /> ;� q.Char��.wi Ltem.8orrower shull pay a l l tuxcs,u,scss m e n ts, chur ges, fincti unJ impasiti��n+uurihutublr to the Pm perty
<br /> � � ,� th��ce obl�utions in he manner p�rov ded intypurug Ph 2t�or if not puid in hnt m�unncr,Bc rrower�shuti pay thBn u�Irnc d�ircctly •-•
<br /> to the penan owod payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish ta Lendcr ull noticcs of umannts ta bc puld under this puragraph•
<br /> If Borri�w�r makes these payments di►�ectly.Borrower shull promptly fumish to Lendcr receipts evidenctng the paymentg.
<br />_ • . Borrower shull promptly dischurge any lien which hw pdurity avcr this Security Instn►ment unless Hurrowcr:(u)agrces in
<br /> wr�ting to the payment��f the obliBation secured by the Iien in u munner ncceptnble to i.endec;ib)contests t�good faith the llen
<br /> by. or defends ogainst enforcement of the lien 3n, le�ul raceedings whicli in the I.ender's opinion vperate to prevent the
<br /> . enforcement of the lien;or(�nder determines that uny pa�of the Pro�rty islsubject to a lien which m•ay�attnin prtority over
<br /> .. this Security Instrument. If
<br /> ," thi�Security lnstrument,I.ender mny�Ive Borrower u natice identifying the licn.Borrawer shall sntisfy the lien or take one c•r
<br /> ' mom of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of rtuticc.
<br /> . � g, w�zard or �+oQerty Insurnnce. Eono�vcr shult kcep the im�rovements now caisting or hereaftcr crected on thc
<br /> property Insured ugainse loss by fire. haxnrcis included within the term extended coveroge' and anY othzr hazards.includinII
<br />�'� � • floads or tloodiu��oThe insurnnnce�carrier provid n�e insurunce.hull betcho e�niby Bn�rroweres b�ect ao L�cni��a����
<br /> that l.ender req
<br /> '" whtch shnil not be unreasonubly withheld. If Borrower falls to mninu►in coverage descr�bed above, Lender may. at Lender's
<br /> �, �� .;�' option.obtain coverage to protect L.ender's righu in the Property in accordunce with pam�raph 7.
<br />�,�:����;�•�,�� - AII insurance po�icies pnd renewals shall he acceptabla ta L.ender und shall include a standard mortgage clavse. �ender
<br /> shall have the ri�ht to hold the policies ttnd mnewais.If Lender requims.Borrower shall pmmptly give tcn II.,t:nder e11 neeEiF�ts of
<br />="", �• ; i; patd premiums and renewul notices.In the event of Eoss,Borrower shall give pr.�mpt natice to the inst�ranoe carrier and l.ender.
<br /> i��.�::.;�,.;�, Lender muy make proof of Loss if not madc prompely by Borrowcr. Ii�to restoratiun or repatr of the
<br />�•:; .;. �� Unl�ess Lender and Bormwer atizerwise a�ree in writing. insurnnce proc�'eds shall be app'
<br /> `' �°�-' Property dams�eci.if the restonst�on ar repair�s economically feasible and l.ender's secunty is not�e.csened.If the restora'tion or
<br /> � repair is not economicaily t'easible or l.ender's security woutd be lessened.the insurance procceds shall be opplied to the sums
<br />=';�',7`r ' secured by this Security Instn►mant. whether ar nut then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower ubiutdons the
<br /> -� --- Property.or does nat�nswer within 30 days a rtotice from Lender that the insurance carricr has offered to settAC`���m•sums -
<br /> 1——� Lender may collect the insurance praceeds. Lender mAy use the pmcecds tc� repair or restore the Property P Y
<br />�""�'� secured by this Secudty Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30�duy periocl wi11 begin w�en the natice is given.
<br />''"'�41-`�� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrlting, any application of Qraceals ta principal shail not extend or
<br /> �_�--"�� postpone the duc date of the monthly paymenu referred to tn parasruphs 1 end 2 or change the umo:nt of the payments. Cf
<br /> �_,��.� under paragraph 21 ahe Property is ucquimd by Len4er.Borrower's ri�ht to t�ny insurw►ce polictes and proceeds►esulting fmm
<br />�_;-„�..,�-,. damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shnll pass to Lender ro the ex¢enz of tho sums secured by t�nis Secudty Instrument
<br /> -_=••�'�*� immediately prior to the acquisition. +
<br />_°;�`!� Y 6.Oscupsutcy,Preservatton�Matntenance and Pro��wer'sh rinci alrrestdencc we t�in si ty days�aftec the e�e on of -
<br />-_�„��_� Bomower shall occupy.establish,And usc the Property�e�o ert as Borrower's princlpnl resldenoe tor nt tenst one year after
<br /> z this Secudty Instrument nnd shuU co�itinue to uccupy P Y
<br /> - '�"'!' the dato of occupancy,unless I.ender otherwise ugrees in writing. which consent sl�all not be unreasowbly withheld,or unless
<br />���`--�,--��� ex.e�luntlug :tres�mstances exist which are bevond Borrower's wntrol. Borrower shnll not datroy, damage or impair the -
<br />�.�,,•„•,;, --' Fwµrsiy, aS2oti� the Property tn�iPteriorute.or commic wu�te on•the i�roperry• B�+�a�cr;hal: be in c3.�fa�lt if s,ny forfeituce
<br />�.=r�.,i.:;i'd�� nc�ion or proceedi�8.ahether c�vd or crlminal. is begun that m Lender's bvu�i taltl�judgmtnt coultl�s»>r in fnrfeiture oi the
<br /> ` " � '��`�� " propc�y ur utl�erwise matcriully impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest.Borrowex may
<br /> °�'n y�����'' ` cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in purngreph 18•i�Y cuus�°E�he action or pmceeding to be dismissod wxth n rutin�,
<br /> ���`-�� that. in I.ender's tz�d faith determination. prccludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Pr�perty or other matednl
<br /> impatrment of the lien creuted by this Securlty I�tistrument or Lendcr's security interest.Borro�ver shall also be in default if
<br /> ' •,;;?::.��! �t Bonower,during the loan uppltcation process,�ave matedut{y false or innccurate inCormatton or stutements to Lender(or fniled
<br />- , '•������-' to provi�'e L.ender with nny muterial informntion)in connection with the loan evtdenced by the Note.including,but s►at limited
<br /> ;�, .' .!1 �..
<br /> � �;��,;• �: to,rtpreszntatians wncerning Borrower'�c�eeupnney of the Propecry us u prineipal residenee. If this Seeudry instrurs�enl fs on v
<br />±� . lcaschold, Borrower shall comply wlth all the provisions of thc Icasc. If Borcower acyi�iecs fee titic to the p'ropc�Y• the
<br /> . L.:.
<br /> � �:. Icaschold and the f��,title shal�not merge unless Lt:nder f Borro er t I�to i crform he cavenunts•and:�rrxments contained in _
<br />_ , , ?'� 7.Protection o?I.ender s Rights in the Pro{mrty. P g such ns a =
<br /> thts 5ecurity Instrumenc. nr rob�c isfor condemronac�n or forfciturcior�t enforce law.orre�ulations);7hei�'L.endety�Y do and
<br /> - � - - r pmeee�ling in buukrupt Y• P
<br />—�"t"'__ ___ � nsv for whntever is nesessutY to protect the vnluc of the Property und L.ender's ri�rhts in nhe pw1�rtY• n nd n'c urt��paying
<br /> .... �__ _�...:... ,...o� �h;. cocurinr Imzr�unient, uDP� �
<br /> - " � ' _� ;nclude p�ying uny sums secured oy II tiCil wiu«� ��� r,•..••v �--• - -
<br /> � � �� � rcasonuble nttorneys' fees und entering un the PropertY to muke repairs. Although I.ender may talce ecta4�n under this parn�rapn
<br /> ' - 7,Lendcr docs not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disburs�d by Lcnder under this purngruph 7 shal� become nddittonal debt of l�ar�ower secured by thjs
<br /> Security Instrur.tent. Untess Borro�yer und Lender agrec to other terms of payment.these artounts shap bear inten�t from the
<br />� dute of disbursement ut the Note rnte and shall be payablc, with intemst. upon notica fmm I.ender to &�rrower requesting
<br /> • payment.
<br /> g,Mpntgage Insn�nnce.If Lender rcynireci mortguge insuranre as u cnndition of making the loan securod by this Sccunty
<br />- , � lnstn►ment, Borruwcr sh:ill puy he�p bmiu�n�e eq�uired o f�ses to beci effert�Bonrrowor shall P Y�ieef Premiums ra►uired to
<br /> murtga�c insumnce roveraIIe rcq Y P� �
<br />^ ' obt:�in��verage�ubstantialiy equivulent to the mortguge insurnnce pre�iousiy in effect.ut a cost substuntially ecDuivalent to the
<br /> • �ro+t tn�orrowe�of the mortgage insucunce pre�iously in effect, from un atternute mortgAge insurer approvai by Lender. If
<br /> . � . Fottn 3028 9lSO
<br /> -- .. aoQo 7 0�a
<br />