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<br /> autrowcr ahnU prnmptly glvc L.endcs�vrittcn nattce of uny investigatian,clidm, demund, luwsuit or uthcr nction by uny �_,
<br /> , ' „ ' Qovcrnmcntut or rc�ulatary a}.}ency or privnte pany inyolviit}�thc Pmperty c�nd cmy Hiuurdous Substuncc ur F.nvircmmentul Lu�v f.,�_
<br /> , , of whtch 8nrmwcr hua ucwul knuwlcd�c. If����ti Subatanrc nffectin�ttl c Prciperty iic:�ncceti��ry�.'��r"wc'r��hull promptly tukc E•"
<br /> nnp removal c�r othcr remediatfun af uny Har.stak u ��.-
<br /> � �ill nccessury r�emealiul uctluns in iiccurdance with Enviranmentul l.aw.
<br /> ° As uxed in this putn�lruph 2U. "Hua.uni��us Subsumces"ure th�»s wubtitunce�Je�ned c�+t��xic ur I�;uaird��u. subtitcmceti hy a•-
<br /> � '^ Lnvirunmen�al I.uw und the f��iluwing �:ubstunces: �usuli��e, kerosene, c�ther t�umnuibic or tuzic pcuolcum�roducts, tuxic --
<br /> � , � pestictdcs'nn hhZ h���,�vie mnentil ll.uw'��mcunsifalc ul�luwti und lu vs oY thrnjurisdi ti�m where1ithe�Prupeny is fo uted h;u �_�
<br /> �' Ihlv panir.,np • �.
<br /> ' ° � � � telatc ta health.hufety ar cnvirunmcntui pmte��tiu�i. •
<br /> � '� NON-UNIFORM CaVE?NANTS.Baauwer und Lendcr further covenant and agree ati fallaws: �
<br /> _ :--�` 21. Actclemtion;Rrmednt t 4thsgr5ecurltyi tnstrun ent B�nt rtat p� r to nccelern,ion under�parrn�truph N un q� -
<br /> at uny covenant or oRrcent
<br /> ' uppllcnblc ln�v provides ntttenvise).The noiloe shnll spcc(tiys (a)the default;(b) the action required ta cure the defaulh,
<br /> J '� (c)a dnte,rtat less than a0 dnys from �he date the nattce Is given to Iiarmwer,by ahich the default must ke c�red; und
<br /> 'T `� (d) that tallure to cure the dYfnuit on or befure tP�e dutr epeciThe aotisee hall further afarm Borraever f�ee r�ht eo ,�,�,
<br /> �. .�y' sa��e+ad by tMs Seturtly Instrument und�le of the 1'��srrty. --
<br /> reinstnto nfter nccelerotion and thc rG�ht to br1n� A umart ct��tton to c+ssert tl►e non-existence af a de�oult or unY other
<br /> u
<br /> � , deiense of Burro�ver to uccelerntiva rnmd�ule. IP the defuult is�ot cured on or before t(�e dnta speci4ied in the rtQi�,
<br /> Lender, et iss opUon,muy re9ute+e�mm��nte gayment in€uQl af all rums baured by tBif�Securdty Inst►vmer►t wi4lsaut
<br /> _ .. iurt�er demund and may�t cuhi�red in pursuin�the mYedtes provided�n t�hl�pu�rnyph 21i�tnctudlceR b tdn t Umtted
<br /> y�:;:�a:,'.� e n t i t t e c l t o c o l l e c 4 n t l P x p e
<br /> y "'"'"' to, reasonable attarneys'fees nnd cestg ot ti Qe e v i dence. rt of the
<br />-'�"''`°�i tiver of isale Is invoked, Trustee shall record a cAtice of detault in each rnunty in whicG any pa
<br /> � � •��-•� •� � IP Ehe p4 � licnble In�v to Dorrower end to __
<br /> property is locnted and ehall muU co tes of such notfce ii�i�e�anner pre�sritled bY n�►�►
<br />'��:;�E.`�i�.�;�; the other pepsons Bres�rib�d bY applicable Inw.After the ti�e mqutted by mppltcable luw,'Y'ru�tee�hnll give publlc nottce -
<br /> of sule to the persons nn�In the mnna►er pres�eE�e�1 by applicnble lu�v. '6rustee, wlthout demand on Borrower,shutl seli
<br /> �r _�,i�'.�._ the Propsrty at pubite auctton to the hlghest hfldtJY��t t➢�e time and place and unde tthAE�e of nl or ny puml of t6e
<br /> �.:�+�� sa►e tn ane or more pat�els and in any order Trus-��o�sterac+tn�.re�tu rn��ule�d sule. I.ender or tts designee may
<br /> g�,o��pr pubQc annonncement at the time and plusv�S Aay p Y
<br /> ��mm°",.' pur+cha�tTsc Property at nny�ale.
<br /> �•'1;'�� Upon rrxei�t oY puyment of the price 6td. Trustee slauil deliver to the purcQe�.�r:r Tnustee'e�� �nvc�i�g the _
<br />: _.��',•; -
<br />''''`'�""� g►rmperty.The rccitals In the Trostee's decd sha91 be prtina farie evldence ot the truth of the statements mude¢1� n•
<br /> �"'�`b.�' 1 the proceeds oP the sale In tRe�ollowtng opden(n)to all cosus and expenses of exerclsin8 tice Power of
<br /> .n�.�,a,;;�,. Trustee shall aPP Y `�'
<br /> �-��""�'�;, sale,aad the sale,tacluding the p9yment o!the Trustee's fecs uctually Incurred,not to exceed
<br /> Y�'!�� of the odnctpal emaant of the nQBe ot the tlme of the dec�armtton of detsWt,�ue�d'reas���ttorney�s'i�y{��{��
<br /> ..�.-�-tt;����,! by Inw;(A) eo c�el sur�s secure�by ia�as Secarity�ns�,v.-.-.����tr)� �- �'�0 ,
<br /> n
<br /> ..,�:,,,,41.�,•':� It.
<br /> ?,2.Re:cnnveyancr. Upon puyment of ell sums secuc+ed 8y this SecaritS'Insuument. L.en�er s�All request Tcustee to
<br /> -. --- reconve nch��cope�Trustee htap rcconvey tite Property wi3hou warrax►tY nnd wichout churge co ehc pei�sa ob persons l�Iy
<br /> InstrumQ �►
<br /> �u•.Ltr�A:::'�
<br /> _:••;i�� entidpd to it.Such person or per�ons shali pay any��'�uan VASts.
<br /> _�--�;;;9,��;� 23.SubKttuto'i'rtestee. Lender. at its option� muy f�ronn time to time remove Tn►stoe ahd sppoint a auccess�x b'ustEe to
<br /> _ ---��_ �ny Trustee eppo�nted heaeunder by an instrum:nt nec�td�d in the county in which this Securi[y Instn�ment ia cecordocl..Withoat
<br /> -m=-���� cunveyance of tho Prope�y,the sua�essor ttustc2 shall succeed to all the ttHe. power nnd dutie9 mnfem*d ��1Mn TruStee herein
<br /> ���"',�,.�'� and by up}+Ilcable lnw.
<br /> -- - 24.Request Ior Nottces.Borroa+e�requests tiiat coptes of the not�ses of defuult and eale be sent to Bo:rower's nddness
<br /> ____ - which Is tlie Property Address.
<br /> 2.4.�iders to thi9 SecuritY 1�'.�'+��E�nt�a ts�uf each such rider Rhall be in�ro�orated i io nnddehali�nend Sund suyplert�nt
<br /> SeEUdty Insuument.the covenants und egree
<br /> = trie covena licable bBo�mm;•nt�of this Secnrity Instmm�ent as if die rldeds)were'a ptut of thia Secudry Ins:ztltn�nt.
<br /> --- [Check app .
<br /> __-,::__r,� O 1-4 Family Rider
<br />-- -��.�;1',l,�� _ Adjustable Rate Rider Condominium Rider C�Biweekly Payment Ridr3� .
<br />--�--`;��'?r�� �,�a d u u t o d pA yment Itider �planrt�d Un9t Davelopment Wder �S�n d H o m e R i d e r
<br /> _ -------- . Sallaon Rid�r Rato Improvement Ri der
<br /> ---- ' � V.A.Rider �QtheKe)[sP��fYI _
<br /> —--„-��.,
<br /> w',��:�
<br /> _�l.Yh� ' - . _
<br /> -_---_'_� �
<br /> -- _- -� �3Y StIaNINQ�ELOW,Hnrrovyer ncoe�ss nnd agrecs to the tetms end ooven�nta conWined in thia Security Insttumxm nn�`}
<br /> --_�-�-—, in ony ddeKs)e�cuted by Bona�ver anl reaoi+ded vufth tt. . •
<br /> _ --_--=_ _ Wita�sea: t�„y�...-°'� (SeaQ�,'
<br /> '=°,.,'���.� ' an y c ilnme r -9ormvref
<br /> �::?,a.:: . ""�
<br /> �s e
<br /> --:.`'>v'���' - �2�'��/`�' c.�,�
<br />- '1.,,'('fl��:�rti �r Q C �ni Q�er -BfITN f
<br /> _-.�:�y�'.�)��(if' '� •
<br /> ,:ir.."''1,tt.T�..
<br /> �..sr�.,:.��=. '�°�,i
<br />.:..+,5��'-r �+� M�s11 - ���
<br /> _ ���� .. •E07[OWCT
<br /> ...•.'�„�"t�1� •Sonuwcr
<br /> +ti••...'c, ��
<br /> - ':� ,';�
<br /> ,
<br /> , � :�: i,
<br /> ° STA'i'E OF IV�BRASKA. Ha 11 Caunty sss
<br /> .. : The foregoing instru+nent was uckn�wledged before me thia 23r d �y°f Feb ruar p ' 1999 :
<br /> �
<br /> .,�i by g�ndy g� g�hfmm��'�nt Brenda J. Schimmer inewtdConnty.thed�.teufnresatd.
<br /> : Witness mylwnd-undno a Grand Island, NE � �7
<br /> �.+r. :.. �Cl'lAt 1FL��
<br /> - -�.....� ' �.�lknitCl�
<br /> '; .;'.,:,. � + My Crnnmission�xpit�cs: ��,wettc
<br /> , � �Ilb��� ' .
<br /> 4��p�� Rom,aoaa vrso
<br /> s �� ���P��� Ps6�4ot4
<br />