.,. �
<br /> �
<br /> r, �
<br /> �� , ., ,�
<br /> � ..__._.,..,.�,...�_- .�. ._ .. .. . ,. ... _ .._.._.- �------_...._.__.
<br /> . • . . ,
<br /> •�, A�Borrowor moy curo ouah n dafoult and reln3tote, na pro'vldod In pnragraph 18, by couaing tho uctlon or proeeQdinp to bo
<br /> . • dlamiooed�vlth c►rulinp thnt, in Londar'e Qood 4alth dotartn!nntlon,precludos lortcituro 01 tho Botrowar's Intarest In tho Property or
<br /> � other muteriul Impa:nnont of tho Ilcn ereated by ihls 9eeurlty Inntrumcnt ur Lendor's eacudry Interost. eonowar ahuil nleo bo In
<br /> � ,datault It 6orrowcr,dudng tho loan npp�cntion procoso.Qavo mnterinly lalsa ar Innccurata intormation or atatemonts to lender(or
<br /> 1nilod to pr�vido Lcndor with nny matc�iai Informntlbn) In connoetlon with !hv tonn �videncod by tha Noto. Including,but not
<br /> � umited to, represcntotlona concemtng Bonowor's aaeupnncy ot tho PropeAy us o pdnclpnt rosldenco. II this Socudty •_�_
<br /> � Inotrument Is on o �ezsnhotd, Borrowor ahali compty wRh nil tho provislana of tho teaao. If Bortower ucquiras lee tlqo eo iho
<br /> Property,tho Icaoohold and tho tco tltlo shall not mcrgo unloss Lcndcr aprcos to tho mcrflcr In wdting.
<br /> �1 � 7. P�ateotion o! Lend�P's RIgMe in ttte Property. It eorrowcr talis to po�tarm tha covenants und agreamantn
<br /> contnined In thls Sncudry In3trument, or ther� Is n legal procaoding thnl moy eiflNtlenntry nitact lendePs dflhts In the Praperty =
<br /> „ (such as e proceoding in bankruptcy, probate, for condamnatlon or la�ielture ur to enlorce Iaws�r rcgulntlo�s), thcn LcnAer mny �__
<br /> do and pay tor whntever Is neceseary to protsct tho vniuo oi the Properly und Londer's elghls In tho Property. Lendor's actlons
<br /> _ .,;,��i may InCludo pnying uny eums secured by a 1{on vthiah hau pdoriry ovor lhin Eecudry inatrument. appeadng f�cuurt, paying _
<br /> �•• •� tcasonabla nttomctys'fees nnd onteHng on the Property to mutco repuir�• Nthough Lendat rtwy tnko actton under this pnragmph �
<br /> � � : 7, Lcnder does noi have to do oo. _
<br /> My umounts disbur�od by Lenda under parngraph 7 shall beeomo additlonul debt of BoROwer secured by this Sacudty (� �-
<br /> ' •� � instrument Unisss Berrawer and LEnder ugrcae to othar terms o1 payment, theso amounta ahall bear interest trom the date of —
<br /> � disdursement at tha No4e rate and uheM bo poyabta,with interest,upon�otico irom lencter to BoROwcr ro�uc�Ung payment. �-
<br /> f 8. MOrtaage Insu►anee. If Lender �equUed moRgage inaurence as a condiUon ot muWng lhe�oan securod by this �
<br /> G Seeur(ty Instrument,Botrower shall pay ihe premiums required to mntntaln the mortaapa Insumnco In eflecl.It,tor ony reason,tha �
<br /> • mortgage insurence ccverage requlred by Lender tapses or ceases to be In ettect, Bortowe►shal�pay tho premlums requtrcM ta � -.
<br /> obtsin coverage substantially equN4lent to tha mortgage Insu►anco previously In etfect. at a cost substantlairy equNalent to the � _._
<br /> cast to Bonower of the mortguga inauranee previousty In eifeet, trom an aRemote mortgege insurer approved by Lender. It
<br /> � substnntiaiy equt�aient mortgage Insu►ance covemge is not availabie, Bonower ahau pay to Lender cach montt► a sum equal to �
<br /> �_. � ort�twc�flh ot the yearly mortflxfle insurance premlum being paid by Borrower when tho Insurance coverage lapaed or ceased to
<br /> � x
<br /> be in stleat. Lender will accept,use end retatn these paymonta es a Ioss�eserve in lieu of mortgapa insuranae. Losa resenre
<br /> „ J�� paymenta may no longer be required.at the optlon ot Lender,H moKgege insu�ence coverege(in the amount and fo�the petfod
<br /> thai Lender requiros}�+sovlded by an Inaurer approved by Lender agaln become� uvu(table and is obtained. Bortower shall pt►y _
<br /> �`"� the premiums reqe:m�ll 10 maintah�modgage fnsursnco in eifect, or to provlde n loss reserve,untll the requirement tor mortgnge fa
<br /> insurancs enda in accordance wRh any wrilten egroement beMreen Borrowet and Londar or eppiicable law.
<br /> ; i. $1. l�speetton. Lendet or�a agent may make reasonnble c.,nrias upon and InspecUons c�`r 4.`.a Property. Lendet sht�i�give
<br /> '•:=;° BortawEr nailce si the ltme ef or prior to an fnspection speoitying r�oASOOable cause for the ins�a�c1lan.
<br /> 1 q. C�ndeuauun�tio�.The proceeds of ar.y award or c�alm tor damages, d(rect or consequrnUa�, in connection with any
<br /> � condemnaUan ar other laWng of any part ot th2 F'ropariy, or tor conveyance h liau of condemnation,are h�.raby aseigned and
<br /> ` �;.,. , aha0 bo paid to Lender.
<br /> ' !;;: In the event oi a total taldng of the Properly, the proceeds ehnN be appllnd to the sums secured by this Sewrlry
<br /> °��;.;��° Inswment,whethor or�ot then due, with any exaesa paid to Bortower. In the event oi a partlal taking of tho Properly in whioh
<br /> � - t�te it1iT matkal raiun ui tYi6 S-'t8�bii3i IM1SiiiLdl�tt!'f bE1bt8 th8 S@.Hna Ia!M�!?�t�or greater then the amount ot tne sums secured
<br /> , by thts &ecudty lnstrumant immedlatey beiore ths taWng, unless BoROwer and Lendcr otherwioe agreo(n wdtlng, the sums
<br /> ::• ` secured by this Seti:diy Instrument shall be reduoad fiy the umount ot the pro�eds mulGpQed 6y tho foilow�g 4raetton, (a)the
<br />-t •��,. ' totai amount of the auma secured Immedlatety beturo the taWng,divided by (b)the tair market value of the Fto�►criy immediatary _
<br />_;.;..,..�,f��; betore the teking.Any bai�nca shati be pald to 9otrower.in the event of a partie!9aking ot the Properiy in whiah the tair market
<br />- • valua at tht+ PropeAy lmmedtatery betare the taidng Is less than the amount ot the sums secured Immediutefy before the taidn�,
<br /> ;` '" unles8 8orrower and I.ender othen+visa sgree In writing or untess applicabta Iaw otherwlso �,:evidos, the proceeds shnil ba
<br /> .. �,:. ;.,;
<br />�;Y;, :;.,,,.,, ' applfed to tha eums aowr�d by thfs Seeudry Instrumen't whether or not tho sums are then due.
<br /> it the Property is abandoned by 8orrower,or tt,afler notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor aHers to make an
<br /> -�:,�Fr;+� awatd or setUo e cis[m for damagea,Bortower fails to respond to Lendet wlthin 90 days after tho date the noUco Is gNen,
<br /> -.. _:�r„ti Lender Is authorized to coltaet and eppry the proceeds, at its optton, either to restoraUon o�repair of tha Praperty cr to the
<br />; :Y;`,•.'g}���� suma seeured by th!a Soeurity insi�umu►t,whether or not then dua.
<br /> J==-=;,,_.iF�� Un�ess Lender and Bortower othonMlse agree In wdGng, any appllcntfan ot proeeeds 4� pdndpei shail nat extend or
<br /> �-��-LL-=�� postpone the duo dnte ot tho monthry paymenta retetted to In parugrapha 1 and 2 or chenge tho emount ot such payments.
<br />-���'-'�-°5°*•-�.�� 11.6orrowa� Not ReleaBed; Forbearance�y Lender Not a Watvar.Extension of the ttme tor payment or
<br /> �-��� modiflcatlon of amoft�ZSbon ot the�ums secured by thts Sucudty InsVurnent graniacl by Lender to any successor In Interest of _
<br /> �`�"'�5— gorrawar nhNl nct opetate to release tbo pabfilty ot the ortginai Bor►owor or Bonower'o suceesaors in interest. l.ender shaq not �,.
<br />-��_°',u
<br /> . be requirad to commence proecedinps agalnst any succesaor In tnterost or retuse to extend tlme tor payment or othe�wise
<br /> - � ``i: modHy amordzat[on of the suma aeeurod by this 3ecurity Inahument by reason ot any demand mada by the urtginat Borrower or
<br />- �"�' °' Bortower's Rucce:soro In Interest. My forbeantnco by lendee In exercising any dght or remwiy ahall not be a waNer ot or
<br /> ;�:'�t;;; precludo the exerdse ot any dght or remedy.
<br /> - 12. 5uccessors and Assigna Bound; Joln! and Several Uablitiy; Co-elgners. Tho covcnante and
<br />-�,�„�n agreementa ot this Security Instrument sha�bind and benafit tho succosso►s and easigns ot Lender nnd BoROwer,sub�oct to the
<br /> --"�`"' �� provistons of paragraph 17. Bo�ra�v�fs covenanta end agreoments shuli be Jo1nt and several. My BorrowQr who co•stgna thts
<br /> �"��±?;%J�`(T`������ g�sr4ty�s��trum�nt Eut d��r�t�,x�na the Nota: (al is eo-sipnfnp thlu Secwity instrument onty to martgage, grant end �onvoy
<br />�""-+^'-�;.-�%'�� !h� 9prtoytet'g 4ntars�t In thp Pm�aa�y undet tfie lorms ot thls Secudty If18WmG1C (b) is not pCreonatiy a6figalcaf to pey tAe
<br />:=�i61:«M.-
<br />_ -,�=k���•:�� sums oacurud by Lhis Secu�ity Instrumenk ansi (c)apruos thot Lender und eny other Bartower may a�o io extend, mo ,
<br /> ,- :° tor6eur or make any aecommod�iona with rogarct 90 the terms of this Saac.��y lnstrument or the Noto without that Boaower'a
<br />- . . :r.� consent. J
<br /> '• ..� 13. Lo81t Ch8rgo9. tt thP toan aecured by thi3 8acurity Inc�wrr.em is subJect to a taw wh�cb eata rrtaximum�orin _
<br />'. . chnrgos, und that taw Is tinaliy interproted so that the intcrcist ar other (aun ctEafges eo{Iocted or to be eot►ectad in conneaiton _
<br /> ••� with tho�on►►mceeed tho permltted Gmftc�,then: (:�)any such loan chorgo slwG iba reduced by tho amount necessary to reduco
<br /> � � �� tho ehnrgo to tho permittcsd ifmit: and (b) cir�p auma aircady eollueted hom CLa�rawet whtch exccalod�er.:'r1Ged 1'.mits will bo "-
<br />� � rotundod to Bortowor. Lendcr n�y choose to mnkm this mtund by n�ducing tRO�o��incipat owod under tho Noto or by�a{dng u
<br /> � diroet pnyment to Bortower. if a vetund reduoes p�incipat, tho reductton wi� bo treated as a parttal prcAaymmt without any �
<br /> - ,; prepaym:nt ehtu+gv under the I�at�.
<br /> 14. NOtICtls.My noti�o to �otrower provided for in this Scaudty Instrument shaq be given by deilvering K or by ma�ing it q�
<br /> - by first ctasa mail unless oppltcabto Iaw requires uso of another merihod. The notice shnit be directed to tho Property Address
<br /> .. �� �r nny other addreas Bortowar dESSignates by noUce to L¢nder. My notico to Lender eha{{ be gNen by flrst etaJJ matl to
<br /> ,�....�...,. _.,,...�i,e. �a.ma ��,�do�mmtass bv noUca to Borrower. Any natice prorided for In thi3 -
<br /> -------- tc�ttidio uwiaao wo.w ..a.a.... �..� .._.� __�'-- ---�-- _ '
<br /> Secu�iry InstrumEnt ahnU bo dacmed to hnre been glven to Bortowar or Lender when given ao provided in thio pamgtaph. _
<br /> _i ., 15. Govoratng Lnw; SOV01'i�bllHyi. 'Phis Secudty Inshument sha8 bu govemed by tederai law and the Inw of tho
<br /> judsd:aUon in whfch tho Prapedy is located. in tho ovent that nny provision or dauso ot this 3ecurtty Instrument or tho Noto
<br /> ° conti}cts with c+ppUcublo tnw, auch conA}et ehnli not aNect other provistons ot thio Securfty�natrument or tho Noto which ean be
<br /> .. ,. given e(icrct v�iihout tAe contllelin4 ptovMalon. To this end the provistons ot this 3ecudty tnsUument and tho Noto oro dodnred to
<br /> ' bo ewcrabio.
<br /> " 18. BOV�mvY�P'S COpy.8artower shuU bo gben one eonfonned copy of tho Noto and of thls Securtly (nshument.
<br /> �� Pa90 9 ot 9 � , �' -
<br /> _ FtItU.LN'(�1991
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