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i � <br /> ' • 17. TPane'to►of th�Properly or a 8enc�flctal Interocit (n Borrowor. tt nn or uny purt of lho Property o► <br /> " any inleront ln p lo aold or tranaforccd (or if a bvnaAcinl Intcrast in Bonower is ao�d or trunaterred nnd Bonower Is not a natuml <br /> pereson)wlthout Londer'o prior w�ittan conaent, Lender moy,ut Ifo optlon. roqulre Immodlato pnyment in full ot al!auma secured by <br /> thl� 8ocurily (netrument. Howevor, this option shail not bo oxerclaed by 4ondor It oxorcfso Is prohibited by todernl law as ot the <br /> doto 01 thla 8oarity InstNmont. <br /> �f lcndor axorclaes thla optlon.Lendor shuB gho Bortowor notieo ot nccolerutlon. Tha notico ahall provlde a pe►lod of not <br /> loso lhnn 30 doyo irom Iho dato tho notico Ia deUrerud or mtillod within whlch 8ortower muat pay nll sums securod by this <br /> 3ecu�lty Instcument. II 8arrower 4ulls to pny these aumo prlor to thp oxpirotlon of this perlod, Lender mny Invol<e any remedies <br /> .. permlttod by this Socuriry Inatrumant wilhout turthar notleo or demnnd on Borrower. • <br /> 18. Borrower'e Rlght to Rolnetate. H Bortowor meota certnN condiqona. BoROwet shall hove the rigtrt to have � <br /> � entorcomont of this Secudty �nstnimont dlocontin�ed at any qme prior to tho eadfer ot; (o) 5 duys (ar auch other pedod as , ':;-: <br /> . �� applicnbio luw may epecly tor relnstatemant)betaro ealo of tho Property pursuant to any power of sa�e contained In thls Secutily <br /> " Instrumont:o► (b1 csntry ol a Judgmcnt entordng lhis&acurlty Inatrumont.Those condiUons are thnt Bor►ower. (a) pays Lender all� .;+ <br /> ° � sums which then would be due under this Sowtlty Instrumont and the Note as If no neceieratlon hnd occurred; (b)cures any� <br /> dafault of uny olher covenant or agrEremants; (c) puys nA expenses IncuRed in enforofng this Seeudly Insttument, ineiuding, but• <br /> �ot Iln�lted to, reasonabla attomoyu'tcsos; and(d) tnkes euch nction t�s Lender msy reasonubiy requlre to assure thal the Ilen of <br /> this Sneurity Inatn�ment. Lender's dghts In tha Praperty and BoROwar's obllgnUon to pay the sums secured by this 3ecurity a - <br /> Instrument shaB continue unchangad. Upon reinstatoment by 8orrower, this Sewrity inatrument and tho obilgationa seeurod Q -� <br /> hereby ehatl �ematn tulty eftecthe as H no accelereUo� hed occurred. Howuver,this►ight to reinstate shail not appty in the case � `"' <br /> of asceiemtlon under paregraph 17. ; °' <br /> 19. 5916 of NOt9; Cbange of Loan 8ewicor. The Note or a p partia� interest in the N�te (together with this � <br /> y Saeudty inetrument)may be sold one or more tfines without pdor noUce to BoROwer.A sale may resuit in a chango tn tho entiry� �� <br /> • . (known as tfie'Laan 3eMc�t')that collects monthly pnymonta due under the Note and this 3ecurity Instrument. There also may �• <br /> •• ° be one or more c�anges of the Loun Sarvlcer unreieted to a sat9 of the Nute. If there Is a chengo of tho loan Servicer. �:;- <br /> • f_ BoROwer wUl ba�iven wrltten noUce ot the ohange in accordance wkh paragraph 14 above and appiicable I�w. Thp nattce wfll "`�' <br /> " sWto the namo nnd addross ol the new Loan Setvicer and tho nddreas to whioh payments shoutd be made. The notico will atao ° <br /> „ „ � contein any other iniortnatlon rc�pufaed by applicable Iaw. <br /> 20. Flt�z8tdlous SubS4�tnc�s. eo;rower ehatl not cause or permit the presonco, use. diaposai, �3eTAge, or reiease ot , <br /> �� • •��• eny Hemrdoua Substanees on or In ihe Properiy. 8ortower shali not do,nar allow anyone etse to d�, an�ihing aNecttng the <br /> Properiy that la In vloluUon ot Any Ersvironmental tsw. The preceding two sentances shell not apply to tha presence, usa, or <br /> " ototage on the PropeRy ot sma:] quantlUes ot Hazardoua 3ubstsnees that are generaily reeognized to be appropdato to nom�al �� <br /> restdendat usea and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower ehatl promptly gNe Lander wdttan notico of any InvesUgaUon, claim, demand, taweuit or other action by any <br /> .. ��� � govemmentat or regulatory agenay or privete parly Involvhg the PropeAy and any Hazardoua Substnnce or Envtronmentat Lew ot <br /> ���r.h �inrMyyar hoa actuef knowledge. It 6orrower IQams. or is notHled by any govemmentat or�egutatary outhority, thet uny �"_ _ <br /> X` removal or other remedietlon ot any Hezurdous SLbsWnee aHecting Property Is necessary, 8ortower shali prompUy take nU <br /> � �: � <br /> � �, necessary remedint actfona En accobance with Environmentat Law. - <br /> �� .;+; Aa used In thia paregrapA 20,'Haxerdous Substences" are thoso substances defined as toxto or hezardous substences by <br />
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