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'� , . <br /> , n.'. <br /> _, . .. .. - .. . - _ ._'— -..._ —_ <br /> ' ' " <br /> � , . . . . .� .. ...._._....�....._._...__�..._... .._.. . <br /> , � , <br /> ... .. ..... <br /> ,��a,�,� ....._ ._ .......'""" ' " <br /> _�'lCi�.�l !�!'t�7 ••'".__'......_._ . .. . . <br /> � <br /> TODETHER WIiH ali tho Improvemento now on c�reuflor eraetod on tho preperty. and aA essemenls, and �� <br /> • NRutos now or hereaRer n pnA ot lho prepurry• AD roF��cements and addilions shuil atso bo corerad by this 3ecu�ity instrument. <br /> M ot the lorogotng Is rofened to In thtc 5ocudty Inelrumcnt as tho'Property." <br /> BORROWER COYENANTS that Donowor Is iswtulry neltod of tha astute horeby convoyad und hus the rlght to grant nnd <br /> � convoy tho Property and thnt tho Prope�ty Is unencumborad. exeopt tor eneumbraneos ot rocord. Bonower wortnnts and wIN <br /> dafcnd gonerniTy tho 11tio to!hu Properiy nQr�inet u�cialms and dcmands,oubJect to nny encumbmnces of record. <br /> TH19 SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambinos w�lorm covennnta tor nqUonai uso snd nonunitorm covannnts with iimlted <br /> , �� va�tuqona by Judsdietion to eonntltuto a unitorm aewriiy�noWmoni covering ►eat propuety. - <br /> UNIFORM COVENAMTB. Bartower and Londtt covennnt nnd nQreo n3 totlowo: ;, <br /> ' 1. Paymont of Prtnoipst and I�ntoveet; P��paymont and Late Charge�a. 8or►ower slu�li promptty puy wh�►► <br /> �D„-�,duQ�1►+tt�' �:. <br /> ,. • ,; due tho edndp,^.�ot and intcrost on thn debt evldeneed by iho Ploto nnd nny prePuyment ond Inlo oh tho Nota' ' <br /> .. 2. Funds for Texes and Inaur�ne9.SubJect to upp9ntiblo tuw ot to n wrltten wuher by Lender,`¢ r9��cr Et1nl1 p'1Y <br /> � � to Lender on the day monthly pnymants uro due u�dor tho Nato,until tho Note Is atd In tuU,a sum ("f ��s� or. (n1 yemry t��. <br /> , ..'_ tuxas and nssossmenta wAtch may nttain pdority ovor lh�� SocudtY InsWment us a Iien on the Pro�erl�����d Incu�gnco ' � °�'' <br /> •'`l'��'�,LL payments or ground rents on the Propedy. li us�y. (a)yendy hazard or property inauranco premtums:a(ityy ��t':. <br /> premlum�,M any:(o)yearty moRgsgo tnsurcance Premtums.It uny;and(Q eny sums payab�e by Bonower to��CC,ID(��GWdAn�G••�� �,_ <br /> r —. <br /> with tho provisions ot pnmgr4Dh 8, ln Aau ot 4he puyment of mortflage Insurnnce pramiums. Thosa Itema are cnllad 'Escrow <br /> Items' lender may, ut uny Ume, eo8oet and hold Funds in un amount not to exceed the mexlmum amount a le��der tor o � �:_: <br /> Iodemily related mortgage loan may reqdro tor Borrower'a oserow account under the tedcrnt Neal Batnte SetllemsM Procnduras <br /> Aet oi 1974 as amended from tima to time. t2 U•S•C• g 2801 nt seq. ('RESPA'), unlosa another law that uppiles to tho Funds [,v-. <br /> seta u lesser amounl. If so,Lender may. at a�Y time, coliect and hold Funds In an amaunt not to oxceed the�osser amount. �..,_ <br /> 4.'-.: <br /> ;� Lender may estimcite the amount ot Funds duo on the basis ot eurtent dau�and roasonabie esttmates of expendltures o1 tuture ��; <br /> ° � Escrow Items or othe�wise in aecordunco with appnaublu I�w. - <br /> ' The Funda ahull be hetd in an inatkution whose depasks are insuced by a tedera�agency,Instrumentelity,or entriy pnciuding �, <br /> �� 4 � Lender, it Lender fs aueh an instituUon)or in any Federul Home lonn Btu►k. lender shnil apply the Funds to pay the Escrow �. <br /> Itema. Lender may rtot eharge 8orrower for hotding nnd appMng the Funda,annually anaiyzing the escrow eccount, ot verttyMg �� <br /> • the EQerow Items, unlesa Lender poya Borrowar interciat on tAe Funds and npplicab�e law pem�lta Lender to maRo sueh u ` <br /> , , �,.� eharge. Howeves, Lender may requlre Borrower to pay a oneUme charge tor an Indepen�em res► esWto tax �eRon+ng serNca <br /> ' uead by Lender in ce�nocUon vrith thls toan. untess appiicablo Iaw provides otherwlse. Untess an agreerne�i Is made or <br /> nppAenble Iaw requNos Interest to do peid. Lenda shnll not bo requirsd to pay Bonower any interest or eamings on the Funds. _ <br /> " ^ �•'� Bortower and Lender may agree In wdtlng,howerer,that interesx ehaA be paid on the Funds. Lend;�ahali g(vo to Bortower. - <br /> �, without charge,an ennual accountfng ot the Funds, eredfts und debfta to the Funda and tha purpose tor which each <br /> debit to the Funds was mado. Tho Funds are pleidged as Addltionat securfly for all su�m�1p��dar ahall account o Bonrrawer <br /> If the Funda he�d by LEndor oxeeed the ome�nta p�nnNted to be held by app! __ <br /> tor the exeass Funds tn aecordaneu with the�equiremonts of applicabte law.H the amaunt oi the Funda hetd by lendor ut any <br /> dme is not sutfldent to pny the Escrow Itema who� due,Lender may s� �otiy Borrower ln wdttng,u�zL In suoh ease Borrowsr <br /> sheli pay to lender the amount necessary tu meke up the d�iidency. mmrtower shall make up the deit�'enay in no mure thnn <br /> � tweNa monthry paymente,at LendeYs sole dscretlon. <br /> Upon payment in full ot ail sums secured by thls�cu�tty Instrume�t, Lender shali prompUy rotund to Borrower any Funds <br />- neid by Lender. ii�ui�d��°a�d by Ledor at�tho ttma ot acquls Uon orpsate as�e aed�gal st theQsums�ssc+++red bY�� - <br /> :�u a�aN any <br /> SecurEty Inatrumen� enta ��nceived b Lender under <br /> , � 3, Applleatioe� ot Paymerr�. Unless appllcabtent�char esddue utnderithe Note;econd,to umount ptiyabie under <br />:�,.,;. pamgrnphs t and 2 ahall de applied: iirrsst,to any preaaym 9 <br /> �;ti, , pamgrc�h 2;third,to irnerest due; tourth. to prindpc�l d►ca;and tast,to any�ate chntrges due under the Note. <br /> am <br /> �!�.�.�, . 4. Charges; l.lene. Bort�wer sheN pay a1 toxes, assossments, ehnrges. Sines ond Impersidons attdbutabie to tho ' <br /> ���l. ' ' property which may attain pdority over thi�Sewrity InaUument,and lensehold peyments or ground rents, It any. Borrowar ehc►p - <br /> -. pay theso ob9gmUons in the manner provided h paregraph 2,or B not paM In that manner,Borrawer shelt puy them on tlmo _ <br /> - � "% direcUy to the pcxson owed payment Borrower shell promptty fumish 40 lender all noUces of am�unts to be paid under lhts <br />�� .. .. , puaSraph. It Boaower mslu3s these paymente diroatty, Borrowe► ahalt promptly tumish to Lendet rocefpto evidencing iho <br /> . . payments. — <br /> ''� ��•���`� Bortower ahnll proms:ry dischargo any Ilen which has pdodty over this Secudty InsUument unleseontests In ppd f�o th0 -. <br />'��:„;.,.�..v,:t,` - <br />- wifUng ta the payment of tho obligatlan secured by the Aen in e manner acceptablo to Lender; (b) fJ <br />_,=,Y�.`:�.` lien by, or dotands agelnst eniorcement af the Oen In, 1e8a1 Procoedings whteh in the Lender's opinion operato to prevent tho <br />_ ;-=a�=�, entoreement of the Ifen;or(a) secures ftom the hoider ot the Ilen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordineUng tha llcn to <br /> �,.::�:,�r, this Socurfty InetrumenL tf Lender deleTminoa thet any pnrt of the Property Is subJect to o lten which may attaln pdodiy over this <br /> ::v.;�•?�. gacurNy Instrument,Lender may gNe Bdrtower a noUce IdenUtying the Ilon.Sortower shall seUsty the Ilen or take ona or mae of <br /> ths actions sot foRh abov0 wlihin 10 days of tNe glvin�ot noUce. _ <br /> � " 5. Ha:ard or Pro�rty Insw�ance�Bortower shnll keep the improvem�nts naw exlsUrtg or hereafter areeted on tfio _ <br /> _-- -•._,,._ Proporty tnsurcd agstnat toss by tire,h�►zards Includod within the torm 'extendad eoverago' and any other hoznrds,InGuding <br /> J ���``"� tloods or flooding,tor which Lender rec,uYes tnauranee. Triis Inau►enco shali bo maintafned In t7�o�mounts nnd tor tho pedods <br /> s��� "�` ' that lendar requlros. The insurunco carrler providing tho tnsuranee shait bo ahosen by Bortower subject to Lender's cipprovcJ <br /> —�"�"�-�- which shall not be unreasonaby wllhi+eid. It Barower faits to malnYah►covera90 desanbcd abovo,Lender Lender's <br /> Y;;,��r i opUon,obtntn coverage to protect Lander's dghta En the Propedy in aocardanco wfth paragraph 7. <br /> a��;��.�.w;,:,� All Insurunee poltdes and reiawets shniit be ee�eptabte to Lender nnd shall :ntlude a stundurd mortgsge clausa. Lender <br />=-==:a�:r_a-,w� sholl havv iho rfght to Kai�Mo poEa�mid �ar_wets. 1!i�:d.M:�ssFts3.E^ttcrr!�t ehnl4 nrorr�oUy alvo to Lender A�reeetpts of <br /> ;�:;,�`����r petd pnnmama and renewal noGun�. 1�� ihe avcnt ot Sa�s.BortC'::er 9h��► Qwp rmmpt not}ce to the inaumnCe Cartlei und LCnd�. <br />- '���*�'"' tEndcr mny mntco prcof of Ioae M not mede prampty by 9orrow�. <br /> s ' , <br />?� � �' � Unless lendcr nnd BoROwer othe�wlse ugree In wdtln9,inauranoa pracecda,shall be epptiad to rostoratlon or ropnir of t e <br /> '''"�+' � ����•,�, property dcunaped,if the rostomtton or repalr Is economimily teusible`�nd�:�+dtl�a c��curitY Ia not leasened.Ii tho routoraUon or <br /> r;;��::,. - <br />'%`: �� t• repatr ta not economiealy teasibte or Lender's eeCUrity/would bo(ossenctd,t�o insurancu proc¢eds ehatl bo e,vp��d to t e sums _ <br /> ° �;�. ' aecurod by thta Seeurity instrumont,whether or aot then due, wkh any oxcess P�10 to BoROwer. 11 8ortower wbandona the <br /> � Prope�ty, or does not anawer wfth(n 30 dayrc a noUco from Lender that tho�nsumnes ca��ler has dlfered to s�ttle a daim,lhen <br /> - `�j � Lenda may coitcet the insuraneo pro¢eeds. lender may uso tAa�roaeeds to repair or restdro tho Properly or to pay suems <br /> ` seeured by Mis Secu�ity Instrument,wAethsr a not then due, 7t'�m 30-dfly pcdod v1111 bagin whFn thv notieo Is gNen. , <br /> . {�• UMoss Lender end Bnrtoweo otheiwise agrce in wtiting. any applicntfon ef proceeds to pdncipal sh�tl not extend or <br /> ' ' '� postpono tho duo d:to ot 4he monMy p'rynnent� retened to in parc►groAho t riltd 2 or chango tho amount ot t�o paymeM�. B <br /> r <br /> undcv parugraph 21 Ne Pro�poe t1� ��heeacQuiai�o�Lshalt�pase oWLendarhto tho wcten ot t e�'aums by hsc3ecurity �natrumc3nm <br /> �� .�.. . '_ �. duer�go to tho Propaty D _ <br /> .�� _+ _ p immed�ately prtor co tno acquislUon. _. _ �4t�_r._� �...� o...��ntt.u� ef tha ProDOrl�l: Borrower's Los�n <br /> - -- �, 8. Occupancy� !'f089itl8[tv�� �nau�w��a..w � • '�---_--- - - - <br /> „ AppliCIItlOn; LeA89hold0.•Bortower sho0 occupy,Qstnblish,and use the Property as Bortowei s pdncipnt residenco wRn�n _ <br /> sbRy dnys nRer tho ucoeuL'nn o4 Wa Secudry lnot�ument ond shatl conUnuu to occupy tl►Q ProPeAY aa 8orrower'o pdneipnt <br /> ' rcstdcnso tor at leant ono ycu niter tho date o} oc�rpaney�untesa Lender othenHtso agrnes in wdting, whtch eonaent ahnil �ot <br /> � " ba unr�nsonably wfthhetd,or unlosa cuctenunting draum3tances exlst whfeh ara boyond 8orrower'o eonVoL Borrower ahnli not <br />- � ' de3troy,damago or impair the Properiy.aUoty tho ProperiY to dotciioruto,or eommit wuato on tho Properiy. Borrowa oholi bo In <br /> , in odeiWro of tho P�roparty or otherv+iso ma9tc�liy Mpuldr tho lie�i�tad byghf�t3scudty lnstrumcnt ortlrndcr'o ococudly i,ntroat� <br />_ ' , . <br /> � F1�16.LM0 11199) Pape�W 9 <br /> n <br /> 1 <br /> . � <br /> ; � �, ' �+ � 11295 �. _ _�-- ----�j�'..i,JF�i,�..=:'•—n�; <br /> -_—__—__..��.�_....---'-"'�. <br /> --•� , .. -.,ti <br /> . i ._-___-.•----• • � -- <br />