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<br /> " . A2-03-909D ���o oF ��us� .�:����te'��D2� �eos a .p .
<br /> (c��ntt��ed) •
<br /> Loan Plo�a2843 ,��.�--._....--
<br /> �. - - --�- — .
<br /> � . � Isw or by Nebraslm I�w. '
<br /> qp�g I!(dp L�E11g,Thaloilmrrinp provislons ro1aUn�tp tho toxirs ane l:ens on tde PrcpeM nre e Part os�hlg Oasd o!7rust. ,,..,
<br /> Payment. Trustos�ha[I peY whon duo(und in eJt ever►ffi pria to ddinqusnoy)att texes.eAeclal tnneg�asssssmo^ts�cAarQa�pncludinp v�ate�
<br /> and eawa),Mns s�d IroDor�QOna lovtad a8alnsl or on axount ot the P►op�rtll�and shail pay whon due all c1�1m9 tor wak dane on or for �:::.
<br /> . nt�ot!.e der undaf INS Osed o TnisL hoxooAt t�r 1ho Go�►ot fexos malntnt�n t,�h ments not duo a d II I�l us ol�zv�P�ovt�i:G In 4tia 0 d �
<br /> ��.:
<br /> ot Ttu31. �'--
<br /> " � pROAERTY DA[�IAQE INBIJAANCE.Tho toitowirt�provisions reiaUn�to Insudng tho Proporty nro e ped!ot tht�Coed ot Trus4
<br /> '�::�" . �"
<br /> � � Malntaneneo o!O�urence• Trustor shal ptoouro and melntain polk�es ot Ore Insumnce wilh sinndard�uctondod covarnpo ondo�sements on a
<br /> � �eplacomor.t bris�s la t1ro fu1►�nsarab�s va�uo covodnp ap Improvamenb on the Fteai PropsAy�n an nmount sufilalant 10�vold app�iwBon ot any �-,,
<br /> coinsurance etauss,erid with a stnndnrd mort�a800 cinuso in Mvor of Lendor. Tnrator sheil e�o Droauro nnd mnintnin aomprehonslvo penorat �".-
<br /> IlablBty insuranoo ins�sh coverapo Amounb as Londer may�4uost with hustos and Lendor being named as addftlonnl Inauradn In auan IlabAlly --
<br /> �n�yrpnog pol'Gas.Addtlmn011y,Ttustor shail matntatn sueh other Insurance� tnduding but not un�ite6 to htuord,businr�Mtr.nupUon,nnd �__
<br /> botter insur�noe. e�londor ms►Y reae°�bty requlre. Pollcl�s shaU be�vdlt�n In fam,amountn,covcr�und�roasonably acceptable to —.
<br /> �eader snd Lssued Dy 8 company or ac�ntes�easortaby eao�table to Lenda. Tncsta,upon r¢quo.ai of Londer.wIU dollver to Lender from �,,,_
<br /> , ' Ume to tlme tho potdes a oe�ifftitoates ot naa►ert,o�In farm satlataetory to Lertder,lnciudlr�g atipuladons thnt covet�gos v�Iil not be canoeiled or =_
<br /> ' � dimin�hed wilhmutet tcrost ten p0)deys'prtar written noiba to Lefldeu Eaoh tnsuranoe Po1fcY a�o shail Includ�an endasement provldirg thnt =_
<br /> covera0E►M tavor d l.�nder vAil not bo impsht►d In any way by any ect,omisston a detautt of 7rt�stor or any other e�son. 3hould the Reat �;_:
<br /> rap►
<br /> �;, . 2 PtopeAy at sny Hmelsecome Ixated In an aren desl�nuted by lhs Diracta o!the Fodaei EmerOonoy Mnntpament nay as a apecta�tload �1` -
<br /> ;;>�i!.. y� haattd erea�Trustaa�rees to obtein and mNnteln Fodcxel�tood tnsursnce tor the tuq unpald P��balanoo of th�loan.�P to the ma�dmum =__,---
<br /> ,:«.��;, ., Pni�p Amits eet��!t�R�sUonnf Flood ir�suranoe PrcBrain.or�othemise re4Wred by Lendm,and to mmntaln such irauran�tor the torm o?
<br /> ,>c;:��, 9hr►Iotsn.
<br /> �•,�;{�,,. • � �'",i,
<br /> `.�,. p�pEptpiTUqEg 6Y�.ENaER. If Trusta faib to compy wtth any prov�lon of this Oesd of Trust,or it a�r aetlon or prooeedl� �o tn het I�.endaT
<br /> EAl
<br /> '.: . would materlMY af►a�9lendots Intorasb In tho Prog:�rrly,Lendos on Tn�stora behalf rtwy,but aheA not bo rsq�red 6, y M
<br /> ,`r;, ,fi� deemg epproprtata, Anyarnount that Lander o�end�in so doing w�i boar IMeresl at th��a1 ti��bi�e on�demand�(b)be ad tdod to the batunee _
<br /> <"`"�C�� �`, by Londer to ihe dato drepnY�nflnt by Tn�stor. AU auoh e�erues,at Lendera opUon,
<br /> :"'��s� ,� of tRe Note and be appat�ionc+d amang and be payable with any 4ietaUment n nb to becomo due aurl�e;the► p)tho tetm at any appAcable
<br /> :��'f Ins�uanoe pollcY a (H�� �►�n�term nf the Note.or (o)bo hoatod as n oon Pay�ont whlr.h wW Do duo and payable at tho Note's matudh►.
<br /> �
<br /> � Tht�Doed of Tru9t atsarCl cecure payment of thoso amounts.TNO rtghTa provldod far in thb para�aPh shatl be In addiUon to any other dph�a ar any w_
<br /> • mmAd:es to w1�kh'Uendr�nY bo enbUed on eocouM of the detau�. Any suoh ectton by LonEer shail not bo construed sa curinp the dotautt so as to
<br /> bar Lortder trom an�/z�a�edY Ihat it otherw�e woutd have had. �a D������T�
<br /> ..r,,,A WARii�tiTYi��NBEQF TITLB.The fotlowin9 Provislons�Sa1inp to owneishtP o!tM Properly �,,
<br /> N�1714. Tntstor wam�a�s Iha� (s)TNSta hotds Sood nnd mai��stb��a In q�ny ues Ir�surea�poGeY�tilb�rePat.or rtnat dtb opWon tssued tn �'
<br /> (�, r.r:es8nbrtsn�+!�aanr tt�an thoso set toAh►n the Reat Propo�iY O�p —
<br /> ��--- ��`
<br /> f avor a f,a n d a o c e P l 6 d b Y►L8Rd0t UI C'DMSCIIOiI WI�Ii ihL1 L1�bB0�t�np2�nri� =D)Tii�OZCt S�2 3�S�!�!i��_qi and 4tAhOtilY t0 BX6GlI9 Sft —
<br /> , � ,f �ofivsr tht5 Oaed dY�ust to Lender.
<br /> , , � petenw o!'$J!�"e,S�sbject to the excepbon M A?m pemyraph above,Trusta wartnnb and wtA torevar dotend the tRie to tha Prop�rly ng�los!the
<br /> r ' • 18wfu1 CINms 04�iPB�sOns. �.
<br /> -'titb� . _,:.. ' �__
<br /> :;i•�,:7' ' DEFAU.Y.Each of tPolotlawin8,at the oP�on o?Lender,chaU canc�tute an event of detautt('E��aat of Oetat�under this Daed ot Tn� �,.:
<br /> .:.r; „ �,
<br /> DetYUtt an indebleQsf�a- Fallure ot Tnutor to mako nny�poympM when due on tAo Indobiadrro�.
<br /> , :,;:.�. , pp�n¢�p�hra�PSymsntt. Fuituro of Tn�stor wilhtn tho Uma requtred by t0oin Qead o�t TN,►t to mnlco Mr PeYn►ent tor texes or tr�suranct►�or
<br /> � • any otha RaYr���ry to prevaM fi[inp of ar to efloct dBaharpe ot anY ilon. extenston ot eredt�secuAty e9�ment,Pu�ehese a entss
<br /> - � •"" Det�ult In F�o! 7AtM FarWt. 3hoWd 9onovrer d�autt und�any lonn,
<br /> epreemant�a nm1 oi�er s�roemsnb U favor of any othor crad�tor or pc�on thnt may materlaaf►�teoZ any of earowers prop�fY or 8orrow�e"e �....,
<br /> � ` abltily to repay ttaloans or 0��^8�0wds obltQnUon�un�tht�O�d o!Trust or any rolafed document �•:.
<br /> .•- , �t<.
<br /> .-:.-,f K,;'. C�t�plynce Oe1MAt• Failure of Tiustot to comPhl wtih anY other tertn�obU�nUOn�aov�nent or aor�dlUOn contalnad In thb Daed o!'P1ust�the _
<br /> ;--=s`w".`,, r�°� Noto or fn eny of 0� iialsted Daeumcnb.
<br />_�;_.�;�—�, y�'��
<br /> T•1�.��,�;;� DefeClNo CWtatar�ttx�. Thts Oued at'1h�st or n�ry af the R�el4ted Oocurtwnts oonses to!so tn tuU fm�ca and otteat(tndudinp falture ot any
<br />=,,;:�,;;::. c o M a�n t d a a u n r w� M aa�to a v�itd and pe�fected s�seur7ty Interest a Uen)nt any Umo artd tar any rensoa.
<br /> `''��r�: nr�`' t��py T�¢@s,sdutlan mr tennlnaflon of Trustota eodatenoe es a poing businass.thc insotwnay of T r u s ta.t h o npp o in t m e m o f a ro o o W�e r �;:
<br /> �;
<br /> `�it�y��::' �?� fa a r ry Rad ot T�ustah Pr o D'e�N�any ass�nmont tot tlrn beneftt ot crodttae�enY tygo o!araEttor wakou4 or tha commeno�meni o!any ---,
<br /> a�o c e e d ire�urtdatrsybaniwptol►ar InsNveno�►laws by or epa�rutTntsta.
<br /> �.
<br /> - �,..,:. --
<br /> _= 6lreete Af:ez7ls�pQtitrantor. Any o f!h o P r a o e d i n p e v a rt b a o c u r a w i t h��vct t o n n y O v a r M t a r O f a n y o f the Indebtgdness or any Gua�n'i�r
<br /> t:a 9
<br /> _���,w, � �a�o�l�o m p e t��1�or cevokes or dktpu�s tha v�7dltY ot�or IlnbNiY under�any Oufuant�ot tho I�dabtedness.
<br /> EVeitts AfleOt[np Co�Bo�rasvsta�p��y(�of fho Preoedfn�t erecds ooawa wI�1 resp6ct to eny co-kteROwer of�a�n�[y o!tho indebtedr�or any
<br />_."Ii1�i1�L._ �.G-���-IIMM �JMA7�108�J1001i1Qtlwfl�Of(AY�f���1�69�Y����,a uad��urta�,��y a�i�N90��. . _'
<br /> _-.�.�..-:`.:.�� �dr� GiwnP. A��'�! :C;w•�• "_r"'�°„„Nb1 b rrustore nnande►aone�Jon. w t.cad�r e�'�ves ti�pra--�ai ar �,�r.nt ar --.
<br /> _ -r-- .
<br /> ;T�:•.�'�A " i:^,, p�rtnanoe a!tro�.�bteaness is�mpa7�m.
<br /> - ��'r --
<br /> .. IM�Udty.LR�dr in0oodtlatthdeomsttse»lrrcocure.
<br /> pIQHTB AtiD RENlE�9 ON OEFAI�.T. UPon tha oocurtenoe ot eiry Errer�ot QatnuN an0 et a++Y Yn�thaaftar.7n�ste0 or lender.nt tts opti�on.
<br /> - �
<br /> � may exen�se any orwa�nae ot the toAowln9 ripMs and romsdtes�M addiUOn to say other A¢tds ror romadias P��0y taws
<br /> 4
<br /> Ancatefetbn�Qo�_Oetautk Addllia�l RrrtseQie�. If anyevent o!deta�t occurs as psr ttfo tarcna af the Note securod hereby.tran�ihna�
<br /> } tlectero slt IndaEieo�ess secured by 1hi9 Oood of Ttust to be due nnd peyalslo end tRO camo ahulHhnroupon ba:ome due artd payab�a �_
<br /> nny presentmo�,dc3martd,Protest or ootloo of any kind. 17�rc+efte►.Lensor r++ar• __
<br /> • (a3 �h�a R�on ar by agont,wAh or vrithoul ttrUqlnB any acdon or Pr000eme0�or bY a�amivc�►6APa�by a�uA nrtd wllhotA •'�:;
<br /> �4 6 �J�.
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