1 1�
<br /> ,..,_ . • '. `
<br /> � :L.....�a�.�.:.�.........� _'__.__.—"—'__._._._.. .. ..�... .. .. ..._ .-... • .. . . . ___.��__._.�._ .
<br /> ,
<br /> Ga-o�tfls9 D@ED A�TFtU�T Paga a ' �
<br /> E.aea No 782843 ��(����� t��nti�usd� _ �;:� :
<br /> .. � C'_^ +.�•'"' `_ ...�—'.__Yv.� .—...—•- e��,—C� ��Pr --..-�— I.
<br /> ro8ud to tho edaquaoy af lta e�audry,anter vAon nnd fpke posse�ssion of the Prope�y,a any paA thersof,ln Its otirn r�ame ar In tho rtamo
<br /> . ot Trustas,art�do any aota whch il dsams nsc�2ry ar daslraD:o to prssarro iha vstuo,maAcsiabllty cr rantablpty ot th�P�op�uty,or port ;�'..
<br /> 04 tha Propirly a IntQrq�it in lho R+rope�ty;incraas�the I�oma hom tha Pro�wriy or protx't fho eooudty ot lhp Prop&rly;and,vdth or wlthput
<br /> taking�a�seaslan at the I'ropaAy,e�j to�or otherv�a cotfect tho renta,fssuos and proflb ot tho ProPeAy,Induding thoso pnst dua und �i . .
<br /> unpald,8nd aApy Uro cema.less cosb snd expensas of operuUOn and collootton,Inciudlnp attomoya fcos,to any Indubt��nvs3 eccura� `a
<br /> � by thts Ceod o!Truct,all in Buo1►o►der te Lendor may determina Thb enterinp upon and takin�posses�lon ot tRp Propedy,tho coiloctton � •
<br /> � of ouah ronto,l�aas und praAts,and tho npplie�8on tt�rcsat ohatl no!caro ar watva nr.y dnfault or notleo of dofattl2 undsu th!a Dood o}Tro�t �• .
<br /> or Inva{Idate any Qot ctona In respaise lo sucb detANl ar pursuunl to such�oUoa of Q�taull;and,rsotwlth:Us�dlnp ttW continuar�(n �
<br /> � Rass�ss�on o!1Ro Rraperfy or ths collooUon,roae!pt and applksUon ot renb,�ssuee or pronta,Trusteo or tsndor eh�il bo onttfeG to �'?+:.r•.
<br /> , oxerctss every Aght Qrovldod(or�n Itre Noto or tho Relatad Ooouenonta or by law upon th0 000urronco ot nny wont ot dotault,�ndud'.na tha
<br /> ...__ . . rtght to OxOtCise thp polv8t of 881U;
<br /> . . . (b) Commonoa an notion to:orecbso thb Qeud of Yrust ea n moRgago,appoint o rocelvor or 8pt�ollicalty onforoe any of ttr,�covsnen$ ..
<br /> � herctot;and �
<br /> inter�;t�tho F'raperQy t Ne eold�wh eth noUoo Truatsa Ehall ea�use o be dury fit3d for�rccordn!ha apPraPdnta otl�s ot 1ha CouMy�ln ,;;•.�
<br /> whbh the Rropady la toontod;and �-��_!
<br /> (d) WitA rospocf to aJl a any part ot tlr�Persoru�l Propc+rty,Londrtr sh�ll hava ail thn dghts nnd remodtas of 4 s3cured pMy unAar tht► �.;Y�^;'-
<br /> bl�ibreska Unitortn Commercie!Code.
<br /> � Fo�Cifuutre bY PawQr at 8�t9. tt lsnder E�tecta to fasealose by oxerclso of the Po�v�ot&eh�horein coM�lnad,Landar eha!!nptily Trustco cnd ��"'�'`
<br /> afi�'J dr;Intft with Tructae tM4 D08d ot Trust and the Pdote end etuah reoetpta and evtdenoe ot oxpanditures mndo nnd secwod by 1hS�Qeod ot S,��i,;�
<br /> , � Tiud�a Yn�cte�may�aqulno. ---
<br /> � (a) 4'�nn rQCetpt of euch noUao trom Londer,Tn�stea oheD cause to ba rocordad,publbhed and dalvored to Trusta such N�ot O�tault �;,
<br /> and��be of Sele as thon requtred by law and by tP�b Desd of Trusf. Trus�e ahaU,ruithoul demand on 1'nutor.after ouah timn as mey �:
<br /> t thnn bti mqutrod By law and nrter recoMaUon of suah Notloo of Oetault and after NoUOe ot Sate haNng bosn yhren as requs�,od by taw,sou �'�•_�
<br /> � , thn Praporty at t9ce ltme artd ptaee of sate tOcod by it In sueh No d o e o t S n t e,o t t her ea e w ho t e,or in sepsra te l o l s a p a r a�t s or I te m s a s �;�-:;
<br /> Yiuctoa stu�il doo�c�dtent,und In such ordor us It may dotermine,at pubL"a auction to tho htghost biddor tor ctsh b Iaw7u1 monsr/of `
<br />. � tho tlni�pd Stutes payabte at the tlme ot sate. Tnsstea shati detivar to suoh urohaser or purohas�xs thtxeof Ib poad and tuf�nt doed ar �_,�="
<br /> doodo cqm�tng tf�o proportyr eo sdd,but witAout nny covoru�nt a wartan�y,eo�ros9 a imp,'ed. Tho recttets in suoh doed ot any mattwa �`-�i�
<br /> . or iqof��hN]bo ccnctu�hro proa?ot ths truthMnoss themoT. My person,includtne without ItmttaBan Trustor, Yn�4os,or tundor,muy ��..�,x,
<br /> � j Purohits�at uuch e�lo. -
<br /> . � (b1 M mnY bo R�itted by law.aAer deducUng a�casls taes and mq�snso9 of TrusteB srtd o}thls Truet inoludlro eos�ot evtdonflo of �•�1:"°-
<br /> llllD in aannncUon with snte,Tnu4�a shcill aQpy tha praa�eds of salB to payment o} p)al!eams e�ondod undar tho torms ot thl�Ooed of !;;��r_
<br /> 71utt or untia tho tams o!tlw I�ote no!thon re,pafd,lndudinp but net IlmHed to aowued interest and tato charyos,•p 1)t�o t har uuma i h an �^�'�`"
<br /> sacured htuwby,nnd (�l)!he rorttsinder�it any,to the persoa a pasons top�iry enlltled thexeto. ���
<br /> � � (q�riva4ua mny M ttw manner proviQed by tuw pos�one e�le ot att o�any podlon ot tho PropaAy. � _
<br /> � KBmoQlns f1'qt h�tRlltaSVi. 7ntstee a�10 LonQer,an0 anCh of tnom,siwi7 Oo enUtled fo enfocco poyme�and pe�Formana�oi any mdaulad�was °
<br /> or obl�ndvrm aasuard t�y this Qeed a!Trust and to nxercise nU rtghb and powers under thia Doed of Trust,urtda thd Note,undor anr of thU --
<br /> • Ftef�to Goaumnntv,4v under any otloor ngreement or nny laws now ar horeatter In foro9;notwrih�tnnding,somu or s6 ot ouC!►IndpDtodnoss =
<br /> � and obll�pHnns sacurttwl by fhb Qegd ot Trust mny now cr hereafter bo oth�rwise eaotaed,whether by mafqttno,deed ot h�t,pIiOpo,tlen,
<br /> ' ncntgmm�nt or aths�n�?acr. Neithor the e000ptnnoo ot thb Qeed ot Trtmt nor tts eMorcomeM,whotha by oourt nctlon or pusuant to thd p0�ver ot
<br /> k satn or dthar povr&rn aontained In thts Oeed o!Trust,ahalt pre1udtca or in any manner attset Traateeh a Lendefs�pht to�aelln�upon or
<br /> enta�a�np othflr�aourlty rtow or Asreartnr hotd by Trwnee or Lnnder,it bdnp ngrued that Tntotoe und Lertdor,nnd eCCh af ihOm.shnti 60
<br /> � entlllo�90 entn�¢e itt19 i5eed o!Trtut end any otho►security now or herealter held by Lendor or Truatee in suoh ard�end mflnnar a8lhey Or _
<br /> 3 elthor of 1Ht►m mn tn thatr absWut9 disorebon datermirro. No re conhxred upoa or reserved to Tnistoo a l.ondw,b tntonsbd to bo
<br /> p or
<br /> exctucWs of any oth�r romady In tNs Oead ot Tiru�t or by taw provld orpormitted,but oaoh shall bo cumutaUve ond ahaa bo fn addiUon to
<br /> ' atirory otAcx�mody flivsn M tAts Deed otTn�st a now or Q�ereattar e�dsUnp at Law u tn equtry o�by sfatt[te. EY�ry potvet or romody gtvun by thn
<br /> �. fllotu o�s��+ot ittil(�ltleted OODUme�to lhtstes ar i.ender or to whioA ekher Of them mdy DO othelwlse erttltild, may bo eo�e�vtsed.
<br /> cone�errantfy or InKopondenit�r,hom hmo to tlmo und sa otton as may De deemod tuqiodlaM by Truatoe or Leedar, end ollhor of Mem may
<br /> - pvraua fncoa�tunt mmedioa. Notrt�r�In !h!a Deed ot Tn�t shatl be cor�ttod as prohiblHnp Lendor trom seaklrog a dotld�nay judgmont
<br />- eQNm►!Hid iivGtdr tp tito extent GuoA atCtlpn b permittod by 14w.
<br /> � RM{ueat Bar Ndqft��castor,on behnit of Ttusta an0 LenQor.her�yreq uesb thnt a capY of any Notice ot ReFautt end a oopY�of any Notko
<br /> -� �, at 8ep�unOer ihl�Ca�O oT Tn�st be moite0 to them at tho addresses set fath in the ftrst Rarc�rePh ot thi�Ooed of Tnia1.
<br />- � � Jtl�mr.e�rA'6eep=if7�en�es. if Lend�r instltufos any oult or aotton to e�force any of tho terms at thb Dead of Tnist,L�ndor BhM bo omiHod to
<br /> roca��r s�rh surn�ea the eourt may adJudQo reasonoDle as attaneys'imes at Mat and on any epppal. Whether ar not court notton Is �""-
<br /> ary n
<br /> ' tnvahr�,�".,�tl rua9on�ttl8 e�e�es incurred by Londor whtah In LendePa opinlon are ne�sary at any Nma fa tha protec9on of Ib IMorost or tho —
<br /> � entarcmnant at ttn dptlta shad become d part of tho Indebtodness peyab�9 on demand nnd sha�t boar interost cit!ho htoto rato from tha daW o! -
<br /> � e�ondituro unm topold. F�enses eovered by thta para�reph InWutlo,wtthout Ilmltatlon,howowx subJeat to any 11mHa undat aApl;coble law. �" �'°
<br /> Lendare attomo��S'tdas whethor or rtot there!s s Iawsuit,tndudinp sttomeys'fe��tor bankruptoy prooesdin{�s pnoludin8 ottorta to modly or �
<br /> vnoato sn+ aulumnGe stay a InJuncBon), cppeab and any a�tloipated post-judpment co¢ectlon servtcos, the ec�t oi aearohir►g rocads. f.'°�
<br />_ _ ° • " obtnlninp�Un mportu(Snctudinp torectosure rcporb),sun►oyora'roport�,oppralsat tcss,dNo fnsur�nco,end tora tor t�e Tructea,to the mROnt
<br />" �.�.._� pmm'�tod by apD�a law.Tnrsto�a�tn wIN pcty any court cosb,fn addttlon to aii othnr sums provided by�nw.
<br /> ��_ ...�:� F�:=_
<br />_-,� .._--__,. _ __
<br /> � MIl1C&11A1�4l3�PFCt�US�JlDI�1S.Tho following miscollanoous provlslons are a perl at thia Deed ot Trusk --
<br /> � AppEfc�slle La�N. 'I�la Oeed af Tnut�u been dettvered ro Lisnde►end e�ptei7 0�►L.er�dor tn tho titate ot Kebraatw 'Rts Ooa1!of YpWt
<br />