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,' <br /> ..... <br /> � ----. ._.. . � <br /> .... ..-----� ..._ . <br /> ,�• .. ., <br /> . : 62�9�tfl8fl D��� �� TRUSY Pege 2 ,. .. <br /> , 6oan�ta 7aa� � ���«�(��� lCo►otinued) _ _.._ ,. <br /> " � Truat ohstl havo the m�tn►rtg�tthtbu�od to suah tarm;►In tho IJnlorm Commorclai Codo. Atl roluNrtco�to doitnr nmount�nhnil mean nmounls In <br /> Inwful rnonoy of tho Unitad 6tat�s at Amart�p. . ° <br /> Qu�r�7tot. Tho v�ord 'buarnntof moans nnd Ineiudos ��Ihout IlmitnUOn any nnd nll puncnntorn, surotles,nnd aecommadntlon purtios in <br /> connaatlon�vlth the Indobtednes�l. <br /> t�sgrovnrreanta Thn word�myrovu�qo�ta'moana end Irzciudrrs vdthou!llmltatlon aIi axlsting and tuturo Improvomonts,bulldinga,otrueturos. <br /> • moDlte hames nffbcod on the Ftaat Proyerty.laCU►ias�additlon�,repiacanxint�and oth�r conskucllon on tha Ronl Propculy. <br /> �n�obiadns�. Tho word'lndebtcdnes�"mearrs at�Pdn�tpal an0lntsrosl payabl8 under the Noto snd any amounta oxpendo�or advanoed by `'�L. <br /> L�nder to diechttrgo WsI}peflom of Tnbtor ar e�onsa�Inaurred by Tt�tea or Lander to eniorco obl:gatlons oT Tnutor undur lhis Oo¢d a4 Trust. <br /> -`" � tay�ther vttth fntcu¢st on s�nh amounb se providod In thts Ooed aR Trus� in addtaon ro tho Noto,tho word"Indo�todnoss"Inatudes alt <br /> obltpa800e,dcab�and LtebGlttes,plus�interest thEreon,of T�uslor to Lende�.or any one of more ot thcm,ns weli as all alaJmn by Lendpr apninst <br /> b <br /> Trustar,or any ono or more o?tham, lher eow e�ds11n0 a hereafter adNng,whether�elated ar unrolatod lo tho purpose ot tho tlato,v�holhor <br /> voluntary or othorwise.t�hether dua ''not dua,nbuoluto mt conUngent,llQatdated or anllquldAted nnd vihothur haotor may bo nablo IndhAduWiy � <br /> pt)oloUyr with olh:ao.�yhoih`�r ob�1$atod t�e gwuantor or oth�rise,and whether mcomry upon suah indobtmJn4ss maY bc�w horeattur mny . _, <br /> boaome bartod !sy any dnttite of IlMtatlon.a,and whether eueh indebtodnoss may be or hereatter may becortro othenutya unonforcaab�o. �..n;,;�_' <br /> Spociftc�lry,without IlmiteBon,ihis Oeed af Trust secures.In additlon 4o t{�e umou�s s�edfted in the Note,all tuturo nmountu Londor In Ita .�.;ti,. <br /> � dtsaeUon may loaA to Tnptar togetha with e11 tnteresl thsreon•ho�qaver,!pno ovent shan sueh tuturo odva_gces�ae�udlnB Int4rosl)excosd 1� , �_ <br /> • the 8g8�Siate 5100,000.00� �e ��8�O}th�8�60t�1 O}�UB�8hn11 aot exceed at arry one Ume 100�00o Qo .:;..�__ <br /> Kota. 7Ae word"Note'meana tRe Natm c�t c d F a Druary 9.1 9 9 9�i n t h e princi pnl nmount�t*90r0&5.60 irom Trustor and eny ;;���:_.- <br /> � �p„botto�ye�s tp Lender,tpgotAer wlth fltl�onawats,caxt0nslais.modlftceUOne,reflnandng�,nnd subs8tutlons tor the Ncte. Tho rt►utudty dalo ot _�_�� <br /> . � tMS Deed of Tnest b Febniary 3,¢009; �=_.. <br /> J'�`+''1 �-���rn. �tJ�•�p�p�tProg arty'�n eUeq ulpmont,lbRUres.and other arUcles of peraonal properfy�ow or hereattor �P� <br /> ,,,.,t .,_ f awned by Trustsr�ared now a hereartor attached or asfJlzad t the Real Proparty;togathsr wiih ati aac�lofls,Pa�b�and eddtlosat to�ell �n7��y_ <br />=�,:;., ,.,;:,;: , replaoemonts ot.end aG suOsUtutlads tar,Qny ot su�h proDedy;nnd topeth�r with ap prooeeds Onduding without UmitaUon oll t�umnao d��.,_. <br /> ��: �:,;+;:i�',�. , pmoeeds and rotunds ot premlums)hcm eny saie ar other dsPaslflon ot tha ProP�Y• A�, <br /> r;; .,, ;� �;�}a . <br /> . � ptq�Elly.'fhe wad`ProPert�rttwtre Co"�ciivaly the Roa1 ProttarlY and Ma Peraonf►t Propo�ty. ��-;�,w;;_ <br /> i`ti„y`,, , , <br /> ,�.,,: • R�pPpg�ny, mg wardy'4iea1 property�mean tRe propwy,tnterests and dghb dosaibad ebova�n the"Conveyance und Qrant"secHon. <br /> � t7t�a� .. ��„�.• --- <br /> ry IOan v:,�x,�a. <br /> .,�.., d�ettted D�eument�. The wads'�elated DoaumeMS°' mean and indude with�,di�q���nd M othe r n3trume meag menb and <br /> , `.�"'iF1� npreomonts�envfronmental apreemen'tg�9uaranUos.seourltyaproemenb.mortSaB ---- <br /> C document9,whethet now or t�reatter,e�dsUng,oxeouted in aonnecdon wlth the Indebtednass. �.-_ <br /> •.k n�'t Rents. The word�ant4'moans e�►�Sant and tuture �ents.revenues,Incomo,issues,royatt►es,proflts,end other benefits derlved fram Iho �;��� <br /> • t prpperly. _ <br /> .�_ T�u�or, The Nrord�TNSIOf inenns�jt end etl perso�and eaUtles execWng thb Deed ot Tnist,tnatudinp without IimtffiUon ali Tnatom�amed <br /> -._ - - � <br /> 4 �1i�. : --- <br />_ � THlB 0�OF TRllBT. IN�INQ TF� ASglQNMEIiT OF RatTS AAID 71�S�CtlA'f7Y INTFREBT IN T1�RErfta Ai�3�'cA�ni'Z <br /> , ,. ,�' „ PRAPERT'tt.iti ft[VEN TO gEC1�1H (1)PmYPAENT OF TlR..'IND�AN� (!)PER�ORIdOANCE OF AN1f AND ALL.48L10ATIO�IS dF <br /> ��g�pp�pEp��{F.�qp,Aq'ED QaOCUA�iTS,AND THi8 D�D OF TIiiJST. THlS 0�OF TRUST IS QIY�N AND ACG�Ff ED <br /> OH T!8 F8L10WiliQ'IEi�MB: ' <br />���; ' PAYME'�tT AND PF.iiFORIaAAAtiit�.ExceDt es othe�wlse Provs�dad in thb Oead of Tnist.T�stor ahen pay to LenEer etl wnounts secured by thb Oeed <br /> A <br />- o}��ttqy bocome due,aRd bhell strlctiy a►id�n s tlmoh'rr�nner partam M ot Tnistors oD1lgaBons vnder ttre Note,thb Oead o!Trust,and the <br /> � � �..;,'; Rstatsd DocutrNMs. <br /> , .�,f... ., PGSiiES810N AND MAlN7f11ANCE OF Tf i�PROPfl�1TY. �rosttor agrees that Tnistors possesslon�nd usa of the ProDeth�e�Ni be qovnraed by <br /> :1<4x <br /> � the toAawlnp Provis4on�: � <br /> . �T pQ���d tlse.UntU thp ooeuRenoe of nn Event d Oetault,Tnistor may (s)remaln in posses5lon and eo�trot ot the ProP�Y� (b)uso, <br /> operate or ma�ape the ProyeAy.and.(o)coltect any Rer�ta trom the PropeAy <br /> , p�y�p I�i�ttti�,T�ustor sl�aq melntsin tho Properfy tn tennnffiblo conditlon and promptly perbrm e!►rePa►rs.reptacomenta,and malntenar9ce <br /> '' t�eoesggry to pre5etva Ib valW. <br />_. ;.,.... :• e ��g�y�ee�. Tnator rep�osm►b nnd wartaob tNat the Pro�y nev�r haa been�nnd nover wtM be so tonp os thts Deed ot Trust <br /> -, -..�: ...,.. rertWrt�s a Ren on tho ProPpN• usad tor the oenerat�on,rnanutaeture-,storeqe�treatmeat� dksPsaN,rdeess or threttensd rokaso ot nn9 <br /> hamrdo�es waste or tMse tsrtns are d e!lned tn ttw Com preheiaMs EmMoama�lR�qponse,CompsmnUon and UaDiqh►Ao!ot <br /> . ,� 1980�as am�nded.42 U.S.C.Se�lot�96�1�et soq•�('�C�RCLA��Mo 3uPerfund AmDndmenta an d�ie8uthetiratton� ('SA�iA9.ePplM�a.b�e <br /> e <br /> ,, „ state ar F�de�t isws�a�eYu'�cttoro edopted OuieusM oo a of thetoropotrp. Tn�ator authorinas Lertde�and tb e9anb to enter upon the <br /> � ;?'t Propaty to make such InspecUor�s rnd tests es lsndor m1Y�m nppropdate to datermirw comptianoe of the PropeAY with this section of the -- <br /> -.. %j;�ul., t�ood ct Tnnt. Th�ata heroDY (a)���n���d�����tnst Lendor tor indemc�ty or conhlbudon In the eveM Truatar _ <br /> ' . •a�`'� becomes Aabla tor clonnuA a otAer casts urtGer any sueh tawa.nnd (b)aarees to Indemnffy artd hotd Oarmtas3 Londor a9a[nst any end at �3__- <br /> _ • :.r•�� N�itng gnd lassog restAtlng fio.'n a 6(saCh ot this pore�raph ot the Deed of TtusL This obUpadon to fndamnity shait�urNve the paY�nt ot tho _--_ <br /> �,�• Indebtedness and ths BaUsfe�Uon of thls Deod of Tnat. � <br /> --__���`.'__... <br />�:i;r�.,.;.�.�,.�-:..�it:.7 E;t22C.�tC9�tide°t9. TN�tos BNflR esot�st�o�conas:ct Gt e',�.wrar��e.n L�1►�Iormdnt�k�T wtorf�w�{n0 romovb'o,�or�pmnt to iu y ottsat pis�iY � 't-:�-_ <br /> �'••-�:-�.--'--rtr�;, p�ppprly 0�anr pwiitm ui 4w F�aryo�.�f. :.lttt0ii!�!!t��„_..._u1y <br /> -- .....�:;�ti s., � dpht to romovo,any Umbor�Mr�n�dud���and pa�b s�►►�Q�av�«�products wlihout the pdor w►ltton ao�om ot tsrtder. <br /> ;.�,.� � <br /> • 'ti, , p�p�,�8�-t�tt8�NT By 6ENpEp. Leeder[ts opllon,deotero Imm�dlatcry due and payabie eii sums aeaursd by tht9 Qesd ot Tnttl <br /> �'NT <br /> upon 4he 6ato or trorote�.wAhcM the LenQer'e pdor w�flten conssnt,01 slt or any part of t���b��u eGWtable;wt�ether�vot nte7 <br /> � "seta or trarater'metns the ConveYat�oe of ReellPropedy or o�r dpM�Utla ar tnteca�t therefn: �eesehoid IrRerest wltt►a term p�ter Men <br /> . or Uvata�crY:whother by outrMM sNe��pd�1 affitiment act10 oot�traCt.tBnd oonbaCt.ContrAat tor deed, <br /> � :1 � ttues(S)Yeare�tease-oDaan vo�rnct.a,bX ae0a.�ss�0���a'�^���r�t��In ar to an tend trust hotdln�Wo to the Reel _ - <br /> �hIP Or Artdtod U&bnity eomPIIrry� � <br /> :'�'t�. ProPerh►.a ar�+r��m���,ioy�r�oa of��opem►i�serest. it mm�usca�B caa«�uon,p =;__ <br /> . :;:,��t't� trenster e�fl in0tud@3 flny ctianDB ln o�nsers hip of m o r e M a n A v o a h►-R�o D a r o e n t(2 b 9 6)o f t R 9 voU n p atoClc.P a r h a ashiA IMerests or limlted OalsLdY <br /> •.......:...... c o m p a t►y i n t ar�t the a�so mny be,of Truator. Ho+rewer�lhls opUon ahall not bo oxorohred bY I.�nder R aucA exerotse b RrohSbiWd by taderal �"_":;: <br />= � • C�°;`,r � <br /> .i�,. �. ,?•: <br /> :`r•�' , °' <br />��' �,f. ---- �.:; .-.�.� <br /> �. '�t�% �7 s%{_:.r—^���:J;. ' ,.{;;��'-''�. _ <br /> , • :1r..�. . .- - •- . . � ,ri,., • :p. ,iC:r . , . ' <br /> .....�, . _ <br /> .t .. ;.�; , <br /> .� <br /> ,. �... � <br /> 1 � � <br /> ----- t,.--_- _ __ _ � _,,__:, - -° -- -- - - - — '=�— = -- -- - <br /> . _ -_ - <br /> -�r- ---�--------- ---_'_- . ._. .___..._. .------- .._.:.. __..-.: _._ .----- �- ----------- -�------�-�----------__.-------�---------------- -- ---- ---- <br /> �_..., , . , - •�... . . � - � �.;. <br />- � , � ' . .. , .i - . <br /> �_i..` ._ .. , .. , . , . . . . <br /> �, , .. <br />- .,s .. . . . . .. ,. •' - <br /> , , � <br /> . . <br /> � <br /> ., � <br /> , . <br /> .. �� � - _.. . .. <br />