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<br /> • If tke umounts held by Lender for Escrnw ltems exceed the amounts parmtttcd to be held by RBSPA,I.endsr ��_
<br /> �`� ehall accaunt to Borrower fo:the excesa tt�nds as requlred by Ei�SPA. If the amounta of funds held by Lender at any
<br /> ' tim�a�e ncst sufficfent to pay the Escrmv Items wben due.Lender cnay notify tha Borro�var ond require Borrower to
<br /> ' .�.� make up the shortage sta peraaiued by RESPA. €�
<br /> h � The Escrow Fuads aro pled��d as additional se�urlry for ell sums secured by thia Se�uricy Inatn�ment. If
<br /> Sorrower tendera to Lender the tWl ps�yment of all such suma. Borrower's ascaunt shall be credited wlth the balance
<br /> � remaining for all tastallment itema(a).�b?,and(c)aad eny mortgage insurauce premium itte�allment that l,ender hua
<br /> �"� � � not become obligated to pay to the Ser,retary, and l.ender shall pmmptly refund aay eacess funds to Borrower. °-
<br /> R + Immediately prior to a foreclasure sale of the Propetty or its acquisitioa by Londer. Borrower's account shall be r`-
<br /> ,, �. credited with uay balance rsmaining far all installmenta for itema(a),(b),aud(c)• .
<br /> 3.Appllcatton oY Peymente.AU payutents uaslet paregrapl�s 1 aad 2 shall ba applict!by Lender as followa:
<br /> � � �,to the mortgage inaurance prem3wn to�a paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly chorge by the =-
<br /> . �,.
<br /> Secretary instead of the tuonthly mortgage insuraace promium; -_
<br /> `'. Second,to any taaes,special assessments,leasehold paymenu or ground renta.and fue,ftood aad other hazard
<br /> ;. ,, .-T.,�
<br /> =�-, � insurauce premiums,as re4uired;
<br /> `` ��. �ii .to iatcrat due uader the Nota; ..
<br /> �'' * Fourth,to amorti�tia�s of the principal af the Note;and _
<br /> L: ,:-Gj M1 --�
<br /> --� '''' �,to late chargea due under the Note.
<br /> � q.1�yr�,�1ood and pther H�rd L�suraace.Borrower ahall insure aU improvomenta on tha Property,whether _
<br /> `r�'�'�� .` now in eaistance or subsequendy erecte�,againat any hazards.casualdes��nd�°ndn8encies.including fire.for which
<br />;ar.. .,:
<br /> Le.nder requires Insurance. This insurance ehall be maintaiQed in the amounts aad for the perioda t�ai Len er --
<br /> '''?;�"„'';� requires. Borrower shall also tnsure ull impmvemema on the Property. whethar ao�v 1n exist�uce or subsequently _
<br /> �`�'���"'�0� ere�ted�against losa by floods to the eacent required by che Secmtary. AU Insurenco sholl be carried with companies
<br /> _:-�:_� approved by Lender.The inaurance poliales and any renewats shall be held by Lender and shall include loss payable
<br />-�=���„��� ,� clauses lu favor uf,and in a form acceptable to,I.ender.
<br />_;��� In the event of losa.Borrower ahall give I.euder imraediate notice by muil.Ixndar tnay mzdce proof of loss if not -
<br /> - �prumgtly by Pomnaer.F.ach inaurance conapanY coacerned is hereby authorized an,d direcud co matce payiuent =
<br /> t%?nt�;,� •� for such Ioss direcdy to LCnder. instead of to Bbnawer end to Lender joindy. All or any part of tiiC insur�ce _
<br />_;=t"=,a� pmceeds mqy be applied by Lender.at ita opdon. either(a)to the reduction of the indebtednesa under tha Now and .
<br /> _ -__'�,,�""�--,.,,,--,i""-+.,.�� this Secus9t�+Insuumeat.fust to aay delinqueat ataounts applted in the ordcr in paragragh 3,aind then to prepayment
<br /> Aa a licatton of�ha rocto�a to the
<br /> of prinripal, or(b) w the restoratton or repair of the dameged ProPertY• Y PP p h�.or
<br /> �`°�"°`°°�� prlacipal shall aot extend or postpone the due datm oi ihe moathly payments w�ich arc refernd to in art�grap _
<br /> change the nmount of euch paymenta.Auy exoess iasurance pmooeda over an amowit required to pay alt autatanding
<br /> - indsbtedaesn under the Note and this Security Instrumeat ahall be paid to thc endry Iogeily enNtled the�w.
<br />�� 1n the event of foreciosure of th[s Securiry Tnst�ument ar ottter transfer of tit18 to the Pxoperty that extingutshes
<br /> --- - the indebtedacss. ull rlBht. dtle tund iaterest of Bornower in and w insurance poIicie.g in force shall p�ss W tha
<br /> �� purchaser.
<br /> S.OccupuncY. Preservatlon�Muinten�m�e mnA Protection of tho Prc►gerty3 Bon+ower's Loan Apgllcatlon;
<br /> I.easthoaa�. Botrower shall occupy�establlsh. t�rid uas the Propert�►as Bora+owar's principal residenoo within s�ry
<br /> = duys aft�:r 1he eaecudon of thls Securlty Insawaent(or withi�eixty daYg of u latcr sale or um�sfer of el�o Property)
<br /> and shall continua co occupy the Peaperty as Bcrrmwer's prino�pal residence for at teast one year efter the date of
<br /> oocupancar.unless Lender detarn�iaes that requi�eamm will cause undue heMship for Borrower.or unteu.s excenuaNng
<br /> c�rcwnstances oxist whtch are beyoad Honru�x's control. Borrower shall uot�f� Lauder of any extenwuing
<br /> eiceumstanees.Borcower uhail not cx►mmit waste m de,cuoy�damage or subst�dally ehs�nge the Property or aliow the
<br />--= property to deceriorate,reosonable weFV and tear excepted.l.ender may inspect tho P�oPertY�f the Prot�rty ts vacant
<br /> -- - _---� or atianc4oned or the loan is in defauit.L�nd�:rn�y i�e re�sQa�ble er_.Nen to Qmtect and pteserve sueh vacant or
<br /> - - `�=�'-`�"'� Peo�a or e tmwu: ,
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