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<br /> ubando�ced Progerty. Borro�vtr shall ulso be ia default 1f Boreower� durlug the l�nn application process, Bnve
<br /> mnter�aJly fnise ar inaccuratts Informntion or stntementa to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with eny materinl
<br /> � inf�rma�ion) in connoction ��lrh the lcx+n evldenced by the Note, iucluding, but not limited to. rEpresentntione
<br /> concorning Bono�ver'e oaugaacy of the Property as a princEpul residence. If ttila Secudty lnstrument is on n
<br /> IeuseUold,Borro�vor ehnl l con�ply with tha provisions of the lease. Ig Borrower eccluires fee title to the Properry, the
<br /> leasehold and fee titlu shall nnc be mcrged unless L.ender agrces to the merger in writiag.
<br /> ,� 6.Coude�nnat8on. 'fha �stoceeds of any award or claim for dameges.dlrect or wnsequential,in conttectioa with �
<br /> any condemnntion or od�u¢��klna of nay pmrt of the Property. or for conv�yaace in place of condem�nation, arc
<br /> her�by asaigaesi aad ahn116o paid to L.eadcr to the eatent of the fWl araowu of the indebtedness that remains unpaid �
<br /> uadr,r the Note and thls Socurlry Instnunent. Lender shall appty such procee�to the reduction of tke�adebtednea� '
<br /> uudr.r the Note aad dut�Ser�ur[ty Instnuaent, Rrst to any dellnquent amouats applied In the order pmvided in �
<br /> paragrt+�h 3,and t�ea te� prppyment of prIacipal. Any applicatioa of the proceeds to the principal ahall aot extend or -
<br /> • postpone the duo duto oF�ha ssr.oathly puymenta,which are referced to in paragraph 2�or change the amount of such ...
<br /> payraents. Any excesspraeeds over ua antount required to pay aU outsuutding iadebtednes,s under the Note aad tthis ���:�
<br /> � . SYCUrIry Inatn►ment sha11 bo paid to the endty legally entitled thereto. ,�;'
<br /> - �. �herr;�,s tcy�rcas,acr and Ptiula�ion of H.Qader's Rtgt�ts in t�ae Prop�er6y. �3orrower shall pay all
<br /> � govem,uental..:muufe�g��lclharges,fines and imposidons that are not lneluded in paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay i,y,�
<br /> � � �� these ob1lIIa�ons on dme du:rctly ro the�entity which ls owed the payment. If failure to pay would adversely affect �-
<br /> •r l�nder's inter�st in the P��perty, u�+� Leader's request Borrower shall prompdy flirnish to Lender ��eipta
<br /> `:''�;;" ., evidenciag thase paymoau. �''
<br /> "�� Ii'Bormwer fnila to mnt�:these paymenta or the payments required by paragraph 2.or fails to perform any other �'.'-:
<br /> ��4',�: •.� covennnts and agreewansscooteined!n this Secudty Iastrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may significanQy v _
<br /> -.•..:.,;� ��� effixt LeadoPs r3ghte iia ipu T�togerty(such as a pmcee�ing in bankivptcy,for condemnation or w enforce lawa or _
<br /> �,� • rEaulations),t4ten Lcndar m�y do and pay whatever ia aecessary to pmtect che value of the Property and Leader's �
<br />=�;�,;;�: r�ghts in ttie��eit�r,inoludil�payn�tens of teaes.hazard insurance aad other items mentionefJ in paragraph 2. -.
<br />�;�;� ; pny�mQtu�r.e dubwse� �}r Lender uader tiiis paragraph shall bexome an addldonat dabz of Borrowet and be
<br />-�_�r�:;._ ,=� ���;� �orz�n��t���„mr.nr. Y�ese amouara shall berirr lnterest from the date of disbwrsement.at the Noto :`
<br />=w��_,..� r�te.and at tho opdono€Len�ler. shall be immedtetely due and payable. "��
<br /> Borcow�r shali poarnpUy diachasge any lien whicb has prIority over this 5ecudty Iastrum�nt uNess Borrower: --��`�S•.�'-'"��
<br />�'� • �^..
<br /> „�. (A) ogrees in wtltin�ta tdu ppyment a'F the obligation secured by We lien in a manaer acceptable to Leader; (b) .:r-
<br />- '� contests ir1$oad fn�ith Wo lina by,or defends ageinst enforcement of the lien in� legal proccedings which W the . �<-
<br /> Y_':.
<br />---�:w:� � L�nder's oplaion aperatu tc► pcevent the enforeement of the lien; or (c) secures from ttte floldor of tha lien an r:.;
<br /> - _,� � • Agroement sntiofactory t�tender suGordinatis�g the lien to thia Secudty[nsaument. If Lendes determines that nny part _
<br /> -,,,, ' of�lto Property le subjaa�ta•a Hen which may atta3n priority over this Security �lnstn�ent, Lender may glve __
<br /> _ _.,.,.,m B�axrower t�not�ce idontilyLt�the lien. Borrower shell autlafy the lien or take oae or more�f the actiuna set forth =
<br /> -_--��";" �� uhove�ultbia 10 duysof tib giving of notice.
<br />