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<br /> ry' (i)All or part of the Feoperty,or a beneftcial interest in a trusc owning all or part of the Property,is sntd ��.:_,
<br /> '� -
<br /> or othenvisa trnnsfen�ed(other thaa by devise or dcscent).An �.:-.
<br /> - {1i) The Propacty is not accuplcd by th:purcht�set or�rantee us hia or her priucipal realdence, ar the
<br /> �� purcheser or grantea does so occupy the Propeny but hta or her credit has not beea spproved in v__
<br /> ..� �`�; accordana with the requirementa of the Secretary.
<br /> �,
<br /> ;����' (c)No Waiver. If ainwastances occur that would permit L,ender to require immedlate paymen�in fu11,but � ,
<br /> �,.,,��a" Lender does not require such paymenta,Lender does aot waive its dghta with r�spect to subsequent eventa. F;:
<br /> �._ [.,'
<br /> (�l)Ytegulattons ot �Sure3ary.us maay cin�m�ta��s��adona issued by tho SecnterY will limit
<br /> � Lender's dgh�a. in the caso of paynaent defaults, to re�uice immediate puyment in full end foteciose if not
<br /> � �- patd.This Saurity Instn►ment does not authorize ecreleeution or forecloaure if not perniitted by regulatioas
<br /> '��/.� �' of the Socretery.
<br /> tJ�j�t�;:' ":
<br /> ,,,J�U�y�; �e�Jylm�tg8gel�Iat Insured.Horrower a�rees that if thla Securlty Insuument and the Note are not deiermin -
<br /> '.�:;�,,�.r ; to be eligi�le for insurunce under the Nattonal Housing Act within 60 daYs from the da20 heTe°f, I.eader
<br />- ..•�i:,: ,. u�ay, at ita option, mquire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Insm�ment. A _
<br /> . ut
<br /> " " written staaement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to 60 days from the date tiere°�
<br /> n
<br /> ���'�i�er:j,,, � . ahaii be dcemed conclnsive pmof of such
<br /> ,�r.�`:� declining to insur� thia Securlry Insuument tmd tiie Note, .
<br /> t�;��..�`�
<br /> ��',�j��;�1p:.�� ineligibllity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, thls option may not be exercised by I.ender when the
<br /> '�i�S���'��' � tmav�labiliry of iresurauce is so le ly d ue t o I.e n d a r's f a i l u r e t o r e m i t u m o rt ga ge insurance Premiutn to the �
<br /> . }.F::�.
<br /> �_,:t��: S��'• Unraediate a ent ia l�Il -
<br /> � � r 10. Idctn�st�t�anent.Borrower has a righe co be reinstated if Lender ha.v requirEd P Ym
<br /> .' :,�'r:,.',��:,' bacauso of Borrower's fallure to pay an amount due uncler the Note or thia SecuritY Iastrument. Thia r[�ht applies
<br /> �,'r�•.!�;};:,
<br /> .;,t'�"�t�,`�'��� even aRer foreclosun pmceedings are 1neHtnted. ro reinstate tlne Se�uritY Insmunent� Borrower shalt t�►der m a
<br /> aR
<br /> =;:','�`l� lwnp eum nll amounro required to brlaig Borrower's account cur�ent lacludlag�to the eacent they are obligatioas o
<br /> u
<br /> =�'"`�' Sorrowex under this Se�:udty Insavment,fat�eclosure costs aad reasonable aad customary etcomeys' fees aad e�cpensea
<br /> "�" ?•Sa�. pmperly associated aith the foreclosure proceeding. Upon relnstatement by Borrower.this Securlry lnsuument and
<br />'i`��'�'_ the oblfIIations that it secwes �hall rcmain in effect as if Lender had aot required im�me�iste paYment in fl�ll.
<br /> ...:.:�^;
<br />_;;,;!1����� Howevcr, Lender U not :equired co perm�t �ei�sta��st ff: (!) I�n�ir haa Accepted minaWtement after the y
<br />;•�r,�ltir,� commencement of fotectoaute praceectinga within two ye�us immediateIy P�S thc commencement ot a cutrent
<br /> --- - = foreclosuro�roa�edin&, (ti) reiflstateme°t will preclude foreclosure on diff�t xi o nds tn the funue, or (iii)
<br />--�:��^��� reiastn;ement w�l adverseiy affect the prlority of the lien created by thfs Security
<br />--.A=,��;;� Il. �iorrower Not Releasedt F'otbtnrnnce BY �der Not a Weiver. Bxtension of the tiiae of pnyment or
<br /> ---- moditication of aeno�izadon of tha aums secum.d by this Securicy Inamunent granted by I�eader to sny success�or in
<br /> --�-_�-� interest uf Barrower eriall not operate to release the IiabWty of tho origiaal Boaower or Bomower's suoaessor in
<br /> -- _ [nterest. Leud�shali aat be required w commeace proceedln8s agalast uny successor in interest vr r�fi�ee to extend
<br /> ,.�,�,,�.��, dma for payment orothenvise mod[fy emortiu�tion of the sums seaured by this Securitp Insuume�t by r�ason of ony
<br /> �,_,R,���� demnnd made by the orlgira�l Borcower or Borrower's successora in interest•AnY forbearAnc°bp I�:Cndor[n exeretsing
<br /> any rtght or remedy ahall a»t�a waivar of or preclude the exeicise of any rlghc or reraedy.
<br /> -.�.:,�:;�� t�_ g,c�wm a,u]ybsl;�s Bound;�ofnt and 3everel LiablQty;C o-S i g ne.ra.'[`he covenants aad agc��nnants
<br /> ----=---� ap�his Securtty Insuumeut ehall bla�l and bonr,fit the sucassore aad assfgna of I.ender and Honawar,subject to the
<br /> � th
<br /> - �� providona of p�tag�aph�(b). Borrower's caven�nts and agre�ementa si�all be joint and seveml.�Any���Er who
<br /> --�:�`� co.si thts Set�ry Insuument but does•uot execute the Note: (a)ia co•signiag thia Securicy Inequmont only to
<br /> ::."���� mortgege,grant and convey that Bo�rower's interest itt ibo Pmp��l+under the tem�s of this Securiry Io�uvment:(b)
<br /> -_ — is not pereonaw► a611gated to puy the sums secured by this Se.c:udty Insw�ent:end(c)aBr�ea that Lender ancl auy
<br /> - -=_�- other porrow�r riiay�ree to extend, modify. faibear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of thta
<br /> ---- -__-- �,-udr;Ias�-we�nt os tL NetP wirhnn�chrt Borrower's consent.
<br /> �:��:�.�d
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