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<br /> � of Boaower's covenants and ogreementa under this Securiry instniment und the Nato. For this purposo, Homc�wer ��_`_;
<br /> � irrevocably 6rants and wnveys to the Truatee,in aust,with power of sale,the fallawinII dcscribPd propssrty locaced
<br /> ���i Coun�Y� Nebraska: �'�'-
<br /> LOT TFIREE (3�� IN HLOCK NINE (9). 7xB DYI��'S ADDITION TO i}t� CITY OS tiFi71ND -
<br /> . .� ISIrAND, Hl►I.L COUNTY� NEHRASKA. " `
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<br /> 7 wJaieh has the address of 625 'G1EBT JOf�J t3'PIt�L�T (Sircet] -
<br /> _ .'. .•,�.� c�RI►ND IeL1�ND [�+�Yl.NobrasIca 68801 [ZipCatel �°1'roperty Addmss"); :_
<br /> TOtiBTHBFt WITH ali t1�e improvemunta now or h2reaftcr erected on tha pmpertY. end aU easeraente, a�
<br /> ��_•,�;>'� . s�p�u�teaanc�es and tlxtur�es now or hereafter a pard of the property. All replscomants aad addldona ehu11 alsa be ■-
<br /> covered by thia Securlty Inatmment.All of the foragWlnB is referrcd w in this Seaudry Inattument ns tho"Pa+nparry•' __
<br /> -�- ;..r M ...
<br /> _Y.�'�c..; • BORROW6R COVENANTS that Borrower is inwftilly scizxd of the cstate her�by wnvcyed and hne ahe d�ht to
<br />-��_.�a�,'� grant aad wnvey the Propeny and that thB Prc�geity ie unencum�e:rd�except far oncumbranceg of rccorcl. Borrower
<br /> --�,;•• warrer►ts and wlll defead generally the dde to the Progerry aBatnst all ol�ims and domands, subjact to aay
<br />-:-';`�ris� enc�atbraaces of record.
<br /> ��-��� THIS SECLIRITY 1NSTRUMENT combtnas uniforat covcnonts for nation�] use and non•uniforan coveuants
<br /> q,,,,,,�;..,.,9�� with liaaited verlatIons by jurisdittion to conntfatta a uaiform securicy insinun�ttt v�ve�i��3 r�ai p�c�tY. °
<br /> -3;-��;.r— Borrower uad Leader coveuant and agree au follows:
<br />_..,.°::::;';� UNIFOItM COVBNANTS.
<br /> �-----•°-° 1. Payment of Fetndpal, Wterrs�t a�� Lnus Chnrge. Borro►ver shall ps,y when due the princip�l of, and
<br /> —_� Interest on,Rhe debt evldenced by the Hot�s nnd lnta chargea due wzder ihe Notv.
<br /> -___-- 2. Montbly Payment of Toxc9, LtsurAUCe snd Othcr ChnrQes.Bflma�v�es shall includu in r.ach moathly
<br /> --°-==� ps�yment,togethe:with the principal and inte�t as sct foith ia the Note aad any:ict�charges.a sum for(u)w�ces aad
<br />� '�'�'��'� special assessments lev[ed or to be Ievied sgaiaat tho Fmperty. (b) leas�holti'Paymcnts or IIc�ound rente on thc�
<br /> ._...�.w,.. ----- p�,cperty�and(a)Premium�fo�insuraacc irsquii�d uador paragraph 4. in uny yoar ta which th�e Lender muat pay a
<br /> --- _- mortgage fasuratue Prea►ium to thc Se�u�y of Hcuning aad Urban Developmont( Sccrcuuy )�or in eay yeai in
<br />-- which such premiwm w��tld have beea nqttimd lf 1�cndor sttll held ihe Socurlty•rnstzument�each moathly payment
<br /> ;',;, afiaU also iaclude elther: �i}a sum for the auaual mortBago insurance premlum•ta ha paid by Lender tc�the Secxetary.
<br /> -:.;�.;;� a�{�i)a ntonthly charg0 rn&t�ad of�mortgaga in�u�nca premlum if this Secudty�ltn�t��nent ia held by tho S�cr�tery.
<br /> � -� in a reasonuble amount to tie determined by tito�to�y. Except for thu monthly char�e b�,�the r�!+�*etnry, •�hGSe
<br /> � `-__ - items are cailed"Bscrow Items"aad the suma p�id to L,endar c+ra called "Bscro�v}�uads.'
<br />-__-=� I.ender mny,at eny tlme.collect and hold amonaw for Escrow Items in an Ag�t�eSate amount not to exc,eed the�
<br /> rmaximum amount that may be recivired for Sqrr�wor'y oscr�ow eccauat under tTio Roal Fstate�Sentaraent P ro o r.dures
<br /> -_�-=-n-� t�ct of i974. 1't U.S.C. Se�tinu 260t t-t seq. and imptementiag te�ledQns, 2�4 f`1�R Pnrt 35IN1; av they anay be
<br /> -_--� amended foqm time W time(°RFS1PAp).w;cee��t tiiat t(ia eushioa ar c�serve pa»Ntted by 1tI�Sl�A tor una.nticipxcui�
<br /> .---------__� diffbussemenes err disbursemeats before Wo Eo�awar's payntcsnts are uvailablo in ths account mqy aot be based on
<br /> �-__ � amounts due for the mortgege 3asurance p�muwn. '
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