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.;�i./" . �. <br /> �1 .� ' <br /> � ,�4 � <br /> �1 'Ji� .. <br /> •�'[�Sy' . . .. . <br /> � "' . .,. � /J � . ., _ <br /> �„ ... �..,,rw,yl•Myl�'���qu,. .. � � . , . .. , , ��. <br /> ' . .. .. � „ .�. . . .. . „ -+ni�-�. <br /> � <br /> �i - . . _. . .. _ ... ..." "'""_.... <br /> • .. <br /> . ,. .. _. ...... <br /> r .. ��. . .. .., ..._ ..---°---- .. <br /> . . _._n--�--`— -... .... . .... .... .... - -- c�: <br /> �t ' �S. Hoyord or �'rop�rty IaAUponce. liorrawer shall E;cep the i rnprovementa now axiatin�or hereafter erected un � <br /> �' the'Property insured ogninst la�v by flre,hozards ineiuded alth inthe term"extended covPra�e" end any other horards, _ <br /> irtcluding floods or flooding. tor whtch Q.endor requires ineuro�ce. "ThiR inRUrAnce sha11 be muintained in the amountR � '=- <br /> • and P��r the period.g that I.ender requires.The tnaurnnce c�rriev providin� tha Insu�r,nce sh�ll bn chosen by Borro�ver � �-. <br /> . • sublect t��l.ender's approval whtch eholl nat be unreusonably wi t�held.I4 Botrower tAils to meintain coverage drscribed =_: <br /> " - �� abave,L.ender l.ender'a option,obtain wvera�e to protat 1.ender's righta in the Property tn accardance with a _ <br /> • paregraph 7. �+-: <br /> � �� All insur�nce po(icies and�enawuta ahall bv nccepteble to Londer and ehali include a etandu�rJ murtgegn cla��.su. <br /> " ., I.ender ehall hova the right to hold the poltcies aRd renewal�.IP Lender requjres, Aorrower ehall promptly �tve to _ <br /> ° � Ixnder aU receipta ot paid premiucns and rena�val nottces,in theeventof lo�s,Borrower shail gtva prompt nattce to the =_ <br /> ;;;,;��i insurance carrier and I.ender.l.ender may mnke proof of los9 if not rnade promptly by Borrower. w _ <br /> .;.,,r�pr;, Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writtnB,insurance ptoceeds shull�e applieJ to restoration ar repair _ <br /> . l of tha Property drimaged.iP the restoratton or repnir ia economkcally tenaible und I.ender's 5ecurity is not thn _ <br /> d <br /> �� y; erstoration or repair is nat econamicxilly teasible ar Lender's secwity N�uld lx►lessened,the insurence proceed�shall be -� <br /> ^•,r,� applied to the sums secured by this Seaudty Instrum�nt,wfiather or n4t then due,with nny excess paid to$orro�vor.Ii <br /> . Horrawer abandons tha Property.or does not ans�ver�vithi�30 deys a n�tice 4rom Lender that the�nsurance carrier has __ <br /> ' oftered to sattle a aisim.tlten Lender may calleot the inauratacro proceeds. I.ender mny use the praceeds to repair or <br /> "{,,, restore the Proparty or to psiy sums secured by this Seour�ty Inatrument.whother or not then due.The 30'day petiod�viq _ <br /> begin tivhen the notice is given. - <br /> Unless Lender and Borraner othar�vise ugres in Nrtdng,unyappitcatlon ot proceeds to pdncipal ehall not extend or <br /> L. ,r �� poatEsons th�cl�ie date af the monthly paymenta reten�ed to in p�+rogrephs 1 and 2 or ohange tha amount ot the payments. — <br /> �' lf under pAra�raph 21 sha Pmperty la ncquired by Lsnder,Ewrro�ver's right to any inauranco palicies end procecxis <br /> •• . ' resulting trom damage to th9 Property prlor to the acqule�tton ehell pass to I.ender to tha extent oi the sums seouted by <br /> '. this Security Inatrumeat immediately prtor to the acquieition. �= <br /> .-.w. 6.Occupsncy�Presarvttion.Maiutanauce�nd Frotectlon of the Property; Burrow�er's Loam Application; - <br /> ` ' � Leasehol�s.Borrower 9hn11 occupy,estnbliah.and use the Prc�paty es Borrower's princtpal residence within sixty duys <br /> :� ;.,{ �� after the execution oi thia Seeurtty Instrument nnd aha11 ccs�nanue to ocaupy the Prcn�,�rty es Horrower's pnn��ipal - <br /> ' • residenaa 4or at least one yeas efter the dnte ot occupnnay,unle�l.ea�det otherwise agre�as�wri4ing,wtdch ca�►sent shall <br />::_:,':�•�' '° � not be unteasonubly wit�held,or unless exk+nuattng circumstanas�siet whx�7�are beyoncb�ortawer's control.Hotcower <br />:�.�,,;: ; shail not destroy.damaga c►r impair th�Property,altotiv tha Property to d�aeviarate�or eommit weste on the PropertY• <br />�'��•-`�.: �orrower ehall be in deiault if uny torfeiture action or proceer�ieg� aheth�a�civil or crfminal,is be$un that In I.ender's <br /> ;.�'A��d�^' good tuith judgment could result tn forteiture ot tha Propetty►m otherwise materially impair the lien creat�ed by thia <br />-,���;;:��. . _ Securitv Instrumont or Lender's seourity interest. Horrowar ma,y cure auch a detault end reinstate� as �rovIded tn <br />�....-f,.,,,y�;��� parogccrigh I8, by causing !1►o nctlon or prc�ccxding to be disna�sse� witb s ruiing thai, in Lci��er's �3 taii3t - <br /> :;::,�,.�:,; determmatlon.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower'e interest in the Propor�ty or other materIa!Impairment ot the lien <br /> `=��:;„,�a ��reated by thia Secudty Inatrument or I.ender's secur�ty interes�Aaroaer ohall also ba in delauit it Borrower,during <br />--:s=�,�_v: <br />