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<br /> " ' r 'IY)ti}iCg�aR N1TN all tho improvements na�v or herea4tor crected on the pro rty, nnd all casament�,
<br /> +;..
<br /> ' appurtcnnnces,and fixtures nocv or hereuPter n patt of the�roparty.All repincemente and ndd ttnnaeh�ll nl Mn bo covored C�„�
<br /> by thie tiecuti ty Instrutnont.All a4 the 4oragoin�is referred to in this Security Inetrument aq the Prop�My. � �'
<br /> HOlt�ln\V�E2 COVL�NANTS that B�tro�ver is lo�vtu11y selsed at the estata heraby com'eyed ond has the right tu
<br /> ' ���> grnnt und cat�vay the f'roporty und thnt the Praperty is unencumbered, oxcept 4nr encumbronces oF rccord. Hnrr�nver � _�
<br /> ' warrunt�an d �v i l l de ten d genera l l y t h e t l t l o to the Pro p Ert y u gatnet ull clnims nnd demundA.subject to nny cncumbrnncea :.�/.
<br /> ., c�P record. Q �"''
<br /> ' •rj{��gECUItI'fY 1NSTRURt�N'1'combines unifarm covennnt�tor nattonul use ond nun'unit��rm covenuntR�vith }
<br /> �� {imiteJ varia2iun:,by jurtsdiction to e�nstic�itee uniPorm securtty inatrument covarin�ce,s►1 ptopeny. �;,'`
<br /> -' ��"'�- C►NIPORA!t'OV SNAN'I'S.Borrawer and Londer covenant ond agree as follo�va � _
<br /> ° 1, Payrno a t o t P r i n C i p a l a n d I n t e r e c n t;P e e p a y m e n t a nd Lete Cher ges.Barco�ver shnll promptly pay when duN � -
<br /> ��� tha principal ot and intcreat nn the dabt evldenced by tha Nate and any pregayment and lnte chargea due un der t h�Nutv. __
<br /> 2. Fuade for Texea at�d Ineuranca. Sub}ect to agplicablo low or to a written waiver by I.ender, Horroa�r ehall
<br /> ''�"''""""Mp' pay to Lender on the day monthly paymentsere due under tha Nate�unttl the Note ie paid in full,a sum ("Funda")tor: __
<br /> ' ' ` (a)y�fly texes and assessments wMch may attain priot�ty over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Praperty;(b)
<br /> � , j yearly teasehold payments or ground renw on the Property,i4 uny; (c)yearly hazerd ar property insurance promiuma;
<br /> (d)yesirly flood insurancd premiume,if any;(e)yearly marigage insuranca premiume,lf any;und(f)any suma pAyable
<br /> e
<br /> by Horrower to L.ender,In accordanca�vith the prov�sions o4 pnragraph 8,in lteu ot the payment ot martgo�e: nauranse
<br /> � ,�. premiume.These Itema are called"Escroe�►Iteme."Lettder may.at any time,collect and hold Funda in un omount not
<br /> Q; to exceed the maximum amount a lender tor a federally related mort$a�e loan may require for Borrowera �scrow
<br /> ��� ; � ;t`�� uccount und�r the tederal Real Estato Settlement Procedures Act af 1974 as amended fram time to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br />';ji"�.:.t�}t`r� ,� �;' Section Zb01 et seq. �"�pAp�.unless anothe�'law that epplies ta the Funds sete a lesser amount.lt so,Lender may,
<br /> ..=,:,r,.',.�s�' .
<br /> ;� .. �st any tlrlie, coltcct and hold Fun d e 3n an am�tm t nu t t o e xceed tha lesser amount.l.ender msy estf mato th�amount o
<br />_';,:,,;;ryf5�.��. �'' ',,, l�unds due on the bASis of oucrent data and teasonable ess3mates of axpenditures of tuture Esctow Items or othCC'wise in
<br /> �� ••�: accordanca�vith�pplicable law.
<br /> '�'���`'. The Funds she11 ba held in an inatitution whosa deposita�re��su�ed by a federai agenoy,�nat�umentslity,or enttty
<br /> ��''��`�+w`•` � (including I..�nder,if I.ender is such an institution)or in any Fednrc��Home Loan Bank.Lender ahall apply the Funds to
<br />:,:.s�,..,,.tis��`: .
<br /> ��:�;�':�t��,. . �wy the Escrow Iteme.I.ender may not chacge Borro��t for holding and applying the Funde,annually analyxing the
<br /> -�`i`:���f�, escrow account, or veri4ying the�crocv IYams,unles:x.ender pays Borroaer 1ntQrest on tha Funds end applicable laa
<br /> �''��°�W� .� ,�;. rmits Lendor w make such a churge. However. L�nder may require Borrower to pay a ona-ttmo churga for an
<br /> � '`'';�: `�� �dependant real estate tax reporting service used by Lender tn connectton cvith thia loan. unless appltcablo l�w provides
<br /> ;�;�;,�_,��,� otherwisa.Unles�en agrrsment is mude or applicabie law requires interest to be paid,I.endar ahall not be requlred to
<br /> _�:�c�.�..• � pay Borcower eny intsrest or earnin�a on tha Punds.Horcower and Londer mey agree in writing,hoNever,thnt interest
<br />�i't"'+ti'�� shnll be psid on tha Funds.L.ettder sholl give to Borvower,without charge,an annual accounttng of the Funtis,showing
<br /> •x�'���� ` cscdit:snd��ite to*_he p��nds and the purpose tor�hich eaoh debit to the Funda�vas mnde.The Funds atu piedged as
<br /> �--��� additional s�;curity for all sums secured by tAis Security i:isttument,
<br />=:^�^: ;-•� Lender shs}1_account w,
<br /> ':;;rw. ��� �� If the Puniis held by Lender exce�d tAe amounts permitted ts�ba held by upplicnble lna,
<br /> ` �>>:`;;� Botrower fnt.th�e exeess Punds in uccorcl�nce aith the requitem�a4s of appltcable law.If the amount of th�+Nundx he�d . ,
<br />-"+;,���r` by Lender at aAy time is not sutiicient w pay the�scro�v Itema w�➢�en due,Lendor rnay so notity Borroaer In writing, .
<br />-=-�;,�; und.in such cese Horrower ahall pay to Lender the amaunt necessary to make up the deiiatenay.Borrower ehall make
<br /> �.��,,,,--
<br />-_=�,� up the deficienoy in no more than twelva.rnonthly paymentg,at I.ender's sola discret on.
<br /> Upon �yrnent in 4u11 of all suma seauted by this Security Instrument,Lender shelf.promp�ly refuad tti Borrower
<br />----��� ; any Fund� held by Lender. If, under p�ragraph 21, Lender ehall acqutra or sell th� PropBSty, Lenc�er� Qrior w the
<br />_ `=`""�''`�'�� acquisition or exlo of the PropertY.shail apply any Punds held by I.ender et the t[ma of ac9uisition or enld as a credit
<br /> :;'.,•;�� a�aitust the sums soaured by this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br />_;::::;,�,���__ 3. Application oi Paycnonte.Unless applicabin law provides othenvisa,ell payments received by L:spder undor
<br />""'""'�""�'' paragraphs l pnd 2 sh�11 be applied:firs't.to sny ptepayment cherges duo undor the Note;second. W am�c:ants payable
<br /> _-- _,,� ur.der paragrep.h•2;third.to interest due;.fourth,to prIncipnl dae;and luet,to any lote churgm due under tho Note.
<br /> ��,.�_� 4. Cha�rga.a;L�xns. Borrower�hali pay all texes. asse,ssments,charges,tines and imp�sitions nttribt+table to tn�+ �
<br /> �;;,— property wfi�uh mny attaio priority over th�e Secud�yr Instrument,and leasehold pnyments or ground rents� ii any. '
<br /> ''�;;�� Bor�ower shall pay thess a'�ligations tn tho manner provided tn paragri►ph 2,or i� not pnid in that m8nnes,Borrowet`'� _
<br /> �--�=- sholi pay tLiem on ti me dire�tly to the person owed payment.Borrower ehall pmmgtly turni�h to I.ead�r r!1 notices of
<br />��`�'�-°".,��� Amounta ta�ba paid under thiap�tegcaph.It Horrower makes these payments direotly,Bofrower ehe11 prr�rnptly furnish.
<br /> '_°��a;q�� to L.ender receiptaevtdencing tha pr►ymente. -
<br />�-���-�- � yn.l••wr.r Rhall promptlY d{scharga sny lien which has prior�ty over this Security Inetrument unlo-ase 1�orrowar:'(mi
<br /> �;:;:���'--,�•�::.� 8��ee,y;n v�rit�ng �he,p�yms�nt of the abligation se�ured by tlie tien in e mannor uccep�bi�tu i.:auri,t'���s����n
<br /> .':�=?"��� �i� Fai'�fe�ds a ainst en4orcement of the iien in, legai proceedings whiCh ii► tl�e I.ectcler s opinion
<br /> __� �;ood 4eith the li by;
<br /> --�--�a:� operate to prevent the entorcement of thelten;or(c)securea trom the holdor of the lien en agceement.s�tieFactoiy to
<br /> J-"°' '`-�"-� Lendet,s�►tsordinating the lien to thie Security lnstcumant.l[I.ender determ�nes thnt any part ot the Prop�..°s�ey is su`b,�ect
<br /> ..�._,-.'e�', to n li�p�vhich mey attuin priority over,this Seaurlty Instrument�Lender may give Borrowar a notioo id�ntifying 2tia',
<br /> �f a,�Y`�:: °� lien, $orrower shnll satisfy the lien or take one or moro of the actions set fotth a6ova wiihin 10 dnys of�tha givtagfo2
<br /> r�=�� notice. � .
<br />_ ,,;,.�
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