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<br /> ° " " at the uption i�f L.endec, iP mo�eB�ndBT a8 a;n�becom�e.98 avnileblo ucid ia obteined.Iiorroaer ehall puy the prem1iume `:
<br /> pravided Uy an ineuror nppraved y 8 � , _
<br /> � reyuired to mnintnin mort�uga ineuronca in etiect,or to iweendHarro cr ndVl.ender or appNcabinma vt for maetgn�� � --
<br /> insuronce enda lrt ncca�dence�vith nny tvritten agreement ba ,�;;_
<br /> 9.lnspectinn.l.ender ar its ager�t mny muko reusonnblv entrIes upon and inapectione oP tha Nro�rty.ixnJer ehnll :,�i
<br /> give HottU�ver nuttce ot the time ot or prior to un inspection sEx;ejfyin�reasonoble cnuse Por thd inspection. k� • _
<br /> � �(1, ('�mdemnatIon.Thd praeecda af an af the pcup�em ta��nm�nveyunce ir1 lieuEef c.em<lrmnutp n are��hereby .�,
<br /> any condemnntion ar other taking Y p '«''
<br /> h� a�.signed end shall ba pnid ta i.ende�.
<br /> Ia the event oY a totnl teking ot tha Propdrty.the prncee.da shall ba upplied ta the eums se�:uced by thia Security
<br /> '"::«r� Instrument,whether or not then duo,�vith any excess pnld w Borto�ver.ln tha event af a purtic►l taking of the PropertY in G� ,.
<br /> "'�: which tha fair market valua ai the PropertY tmmedtately bef�ro tha taking ia equnl to or greater then tha umount�f the
<br /> sums secured by thte Security Insuument lmmedtately before the taktn�,unless Borrower and I.ender other�vlso egree _-
<br /> � tn�vriting,thn sums sccured by tt�Is Security Inatrument shall be reduced by the amount ot tha p'���by tb�th�II r �"---
<br /> the 4ollowinII fractions(a)the totnl nrnount of tha sume secured immediately before tha taking, ��,�
<br /> market vulae of tha Property im medtntely beYore the tak�n�.AnY balanca eholl be paid to Borco�ver. ln tha event oi a _
<br /> "� partial tukIn�of the Property in cvhich the fair market value oi tha Property Immedtutely befare the taktng is less than �
<br /> �'„ the amount o4 the suma secured nmmediately be4ora the taking,unle�Borrower and Lender othetwise ngree in writing _�
<br /> or ut►I�ss applicuble law othetv++ise provides, the proceeds shell be upplted to the sums seaured by thla Security �;,_
<br /> Instrument Nhether or nflt tha eu me are then duo. �( -
<br /> !f the Property ie ahandone�d by Hanotiver,or it,after notico by Lender to Borrower that the coademnor otfers to
<br /> " ''=�' make an award ar �ettle a clnim tar damages, Borrower fa�la to respond tc�i.ender within 30 days atter tha data tha _
<br /> � ,�otice ia given,l.ender is suthori zed to co�lect and apply the proceeds,at ita option,either to mstoration or repair ot the _
<br /> Property or to tha aums secured by this Security�I�strument.whether lir�io�t�oQn�Ue.��p�ncipnl shell not axtend ot r..;_-
<br /> lJntess I.ender and I3orroa�rother�visa�ents refnterred�to in paraf�'aPhe 1 and 2 or chan�e th� emount of such
<br /> ' postpone the due data ot tha mon�hly pay v
<br /> r�. Paymente.
<br /> I 1. Bonow�ar Not Itelea�ed; Forbearance BY Lender Not a�'iraiver. Bxtension oi tho time for payment ar
<br /> rnaditication oi amarttzation of the aums secured by this Se�urity Instrument�rented by �.ender to any auceessor tn
<br /> •:�,,. , intereat ot Borrower shall not operate tD re�ease tho ltability of tho origtnal Borrowor or Borrower's auccessoi's in _
<br /> :,�� �. ;' inteceRt.Lender shall not be rcqwred to cammence proceedings against any succe�or in interest or retusa w axtend
<br /> - - �� tima tor poyment o potherw�Hmr o�wer�f Bonotweretsu ceessore in interestthAnY t rnbe�ancarby L.enderrin e ere sing
<br /> =:;-;=,;=�= cia�;�a�sd snad..b, th_�r�g' .
<br /> =.'-M��,•�� � Ar�,y right or remedy ehall not ba a aaiver oi or preclude the exerctise o{any rigt�E ur iz:��d�•
<br /> ;::�Y:H'�'t i2,$uccossora and A�.vl�as Bound;Joint aad Several Liability:Co-signers.The cavennnts and pgceemonts
<br />:'.°::�� of ihts Security Instrument�hall bind and benefit the successore and ussi8ns o�Lendor and Borrocrer.subject to the
<br /> ,,,,����;�., provisions o4 pzsagr�ph 1?•$oi'r°"e�'�a�°venante and agreementa shall be joint and several. Any Burrower who co-sign�
<br /> -��_�:;�; this Securtty,3n�tr.ument but doa not�eoute tha Nota: (e)is eo�tgnin�this Seaurity Irtstrurnant only to murtgaEo.
<br /> it5�4
<br />���.;;;.=.:r,'=�" g r ant nnd cpnvey'zhat Borcower's inte!rest in tha Property unde� the terms of thie ���t�de�r andC ny;othcr
<br /> _`���••�;�'� �, ,onatly o�?qdgated to paY tha surns s�cured by thie Secudty Ira�arumen t;and (c)a�
<br /> -?�''�' rawer may agree w oxtend. modl4y�torbear or mnke any acco�modnttone wlth ce�ard w tha terms of thie Security
<br /> ;:��'�,�„� :
<br /> , ,;_,�-��, .. ( umentor,#�w Note aithnut that Bor�awer's wnser►�
<br /> �,____����;. 13. I,oan��nargae. I4 the loain securad by this Security Ieists�ament is subject to a(aw ahich sate mnximum loan
<br /> �--����r charges, and that law is finally intetpreted sa thnt tho inter�c�r other loun eharges coYl'ected or to ba col�ecta�l in
<br /> -���"�w-�"—" cannectinn with tha laan exceed the permitted limits,then:(a�a�y auch loan c}�arge eha11 be reduced by the amou»t
<br /> __—� �e�es�aryr to rede►ce the chatg�� the permitted limit; und (b) pny sume elready collected trom Horrower whloh
<br /> exceeded permltted limitt���vi11 be retunded to Barrower• Lender muy choosa to mnke this reiund by raducing the
<br /> the mduct�on
<br /> -_.'_� .� prirtcipal owed under tha Note or by msking a dit�ect paYment to�orrower.I4 a reiund reduces pristcipnl, v
<br /> . _ �a:.
<br /> w i f l b e treated as a p artial PreptiaYment without any prepayment�ha�ge under the ote.
<br /> ,,.,,��};,� ,' 14.No3icea.Any notace to Borrow er provi d e d tor tn t h i s S�,�n�.�t Y I n a t r u m e n t s h a ll be g tven b y dalivering it or,wy
<br /> -__- -- nnAiling it by�irst cic+ss meil unless applicable law reqnires use oP another method.Tho notiee ehnll be direcw�d to�tha
<br /> ��=:�.� Ft�perty Address or any other address�orra�ver designates by notice to Le�►der.Any+nndce to Lender shnll be given by
<br /> - �_;;;;� iirss cia.�Keaii tt�I.Fndet''s s��+=°'+�'�he�n or anY other address i.ender designates by nottca to Borrowes. Any
<br /> -- ��' �°,��°� notice provided tur in this 3c�urit;�Instrumont shatl Ud deemed to hnve Ueen�iven us 8arru�rer ar Lcnrl..�-r�h�b�ven •♦
<br /> �.:;;T� us provtde8�n t'his paragraPh.
<br /> -- - -- . 15.Ooverning Law;S�verabiltt ted In tho eve�i►t 4hat pro iaiotn ar ctnuse t this Security Instrument or the �� .
<br /> —=_�_-=�, �urisdiction in ahich th��wperry ie�oca
<br /> _°"'�"'�� Note contiicts cvith applicsbta lew. such confltct ehell not attectothet provisiosna oi ttde Security Insuumant or the Note :�,; _
<br /> '�-'"-'`�`:`%�� which cnn ba g�ven ef{eet Nithout tho oontlicting provision.To thia end the proviaions of this Security Instrument and : . _
<br /> .,
<br /> -��"'""�}",�`���,�:;;" tho Note nte declated to be severable.
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