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.JI�ti' . .• ':' <br /> .5�'li��16�F'�' � ��d•l1', 'y�(•�{1� • - - <br /> � , <br /> .. ,F--�—s . .. . U <br /> . � . � <br /> ��� :�.' � . .. ' ' ,. .. . �. _' � <br /> l �� . �. .. .. .. . ., ..;6V:A4RF�• <br /> . <br /> . . .�• ... �,' . . . <br /> � -1�'A4.a _�;_r..+�^.,.. � .. . �• _ ._.. .. ._..._._.__��.............�__._.h...�.y. <br /> . , • --"'--- ' . . - - <br /> '_—'---_...._� _.�.__il._—..._.. ............ ._- . __....` ----......-"--'-_..._..___ .._ .. .. . ..._ ... ... <br /> � , � <br /> 02-�0�9989 9�.�n��+�1� DEED O�T�iU�T ,• 4 � Paga 3 = <br /> � ' Loa�r No Y(i30�0 �� '1� (ConUnued) � ,. c �_ <br /> � ._..._ _ � � � �� <br /> �tnintonenco ot teauran�e� Yrustor ahaU p�aaure and maletnin po!lcl�s at flrs insuranee wlth standard extonded covarago ondaeomonb on a _ <br /> - reptacemunl betts for Ihe tuU leauret�lo valao covcufrtg NI Improvoments on tho Reril Praperty In an nmouat sutNcleM to ctvoid uppllcntion ai uny �= <br /> a <br /> eoinsuranco ciause,nnd wilh n atundnrd mort�agoo clauso In favor of Londer,togolhot tvllh suoh other hemrd and IIeblUty Usurance us Londa d� <br /> muy m.naonabty roqulro. Po!lctos ohnll ba vr�tton In torm,amounb.oovarages and basis roasonabry accnptabl�to Londor and Issued by n <br /> �� " eomo�ny or oompant¢a maeonabty aecep�bte to tsnder. Trusfor,upon roque�t o!Londer,wilt dWiver to lsnder hom Nme to tlmo the poltc� � <br /> or cddlllcate�of Inaurenea In torm satisinotory b tsnder�Inctuding sdputatlons that aeverapas wlil not bs wnoelted w dlminis�ed wUOenut at -�t- <br /> toaet ten(10)days'pdor wAflon noUoo to Londsr. Each Irs�urertco pollny Nso ahaU Irtcludo an ondorsomont�tt covarago M fnvor W [, <br /> Lender w111 not be Impab�ed in any v�ay by any eot,omisston or detault of Ytustor or amr ot�ar person. "fha Reaf Property Is t�aated in bn area E <br /> - dosigneted by the O lreator of the Federat Emergeno�r Hlanagemen!Agonoy fls a spectat flood hazard erea. Yru�tor a8rees to obtaln and <br /> � ' malntain Federal F1ood Insurunce for the futt unpald pdncipat bntanca ot the loan,up to ttre ma�dmum poltoy Iimlln sot urtder tho NnUonal Flood <br /> ;���, In9urenco P�ogram.or as othorwlsu requlred hy Lender,und to maintaln auoh Inaumnco for the torm ot tha tonn. , <br /> __.�..�.. OtPQ�[p171i.RE8 B1/IENDER. If Truator fatts 1�comply with any provlslon of this Oeed of Tn�t,or it any actton or prcoeading Is aommenao�that ?` <br /> ' would mnterialty aHoct L.undor's Intorosta in the Propedy.londer on T�ustols boAaif may,but ahail not ba raquirod to,talco nrry aollon that lendor <br /> � deam9 appropdete. Any amount that tsndor expends in so doinp will bear ir�erost at tht�reto prov►dod tor in the Hoto iram tha dato inaurrod or p�id <br /> �� ., t 0y londer to the�ate of repayment by TNStor. A!I auch o�onsas,nt Landafs apUon,w:0 (e)be pnyable on dam.�nd, (b)be addad to tho bNano� << <br /> „ , � of the Note and be appoAionod amo�g snd be payublo with nny inafu'lms�nt puymunb to becoma duo dudng etthEr (i)Ihe torm ot any appllcabto �, <br /> • Insu�anoe poilay or pi)tho romolning tam►ot 1he Note,or (o)be treated c►�n bat►oon paym9M whloh will be due and payablo at the Nota s matudty. �:_ <br /> - Thts Doed ot Trust atso wl1 sacure payment ot those amounts. Tho dghk�provided for In th's paragreph shaU be in eddition to amr other�lghts or any ��; <br /> ,:�._,�t remodtos to whleh 6snder mny be eMitled on axount ot ihe def�u�. Any suoh ao�on by Lender ahall not be conshuoc!cia curtnq the detault so us to _ <br /> bur Lond�r hom any remody ihat It otherwiso woutd have had. ���f <br /> � � ' ?' WARRA.NTV;OEFE�I8E OF TITLE.The fotlowtrtg provtstams retaUng to ownership ot the Proporty ero a part of this Oeed of Truat <br /> �-` <br /> _ ;� Titim. Trustor wttrranb thak (a)Tntatar rtotds Qoad un0 marketabi9 tlUe of record to the Properiy fn fee simple,firee und dear of ell Ilens and ��' <br /> onaumpr�n�ss otF�et lhan 17�os6 eet tarth In tAa iieaf t�ogartq dr.,�Ptlon or in nny tltlo�nsurartae poltoy,tlUe report.a flnat thte opinton tssued In � <br /> ; ^ �•� tnvcr pt,end accepted t►y,Lendor ln com9cUon v�ith thi��t�ad of Trust,and (b)Tiustor hot the fuli rfpht,power.and authodty to exeoute and � <br /> detivor Wa Qeed o!Trus!to lendor. <br /> ' Oefcnao o?�dUa�. Subject to fhe excopUon In tho parng►nph nbovo,Trustor wnRant�and wlit forover dornd tho titta to!he PropoAy agalnst ths __ <br /> � ,. tawtul detms o?at1 pe�aons. � <br /> �, � DEFAULT. EaOh of tho totlowing,at thn opUon pf lendor.shalt consUluto an evant ot dofauY('Evont o}OataulP')under tfils Deed ot Tnnx - <br /> � '�� OelwtC m»Indebtadnesa Fallaro of Trustor to metce any payme�when due an the Indebtedness. <br /> .r� ; <br /> � � Det�uulC en Other Rqmeots. FNture of Trustor within tha timo requtred by this Cood ot Trust to make uny payment tor inxes m In,sura�ce,ar <br /> any oth+3r paymsM neeessary to provont�Ing of a to eHeai disohar�e of t�nY Ilon. <br />-`�� ' ;., Co�npN�noe DelauR� Falture of Tntatar to compty wlth any othe�term,ablipatlon,covenant ar condiUon contolned In this Deed of Ttuoi,th� <br /> - •..��;•: Noto or tc�nny of the Retated Oocuments. <br /> > -• Oeto6WA Col�tefNtutlon. fib Caed of Tnist or any a41ho Ret4tad Oaumants ceacs�to be In fue toroa and�iGct(includtnp taYure ot tny <br /> .� � �;�.� car��e+oo�,+��«�s�a�,a�a�ny�i��ss��,;ac am s�s�a s�a��. <br /> =,.`• �,,;". Da�th a�(neolve�y� Tho daath ot Tn�tor,the Insoivertcy ot Th�stor.!he appotntment af a rooet�rer ror nny pad ot 7ruatc�'s prooerhr.any - <br /> c9_';.���';,i;':f' flsslpn�n1 Qa the beneflt at crsditoen,am►Sype at aeditot wakout,or ih9 commeneement ot any prooaedln0 under mmny btnRnrp�ay o► <br /> ;;�,�Jr.��t��;i InsoNnsr�laws by au0e�nst Tnmta <br /> ��!�:�iu�`lf.l ' EvaMa AfNeztinp Quranta. My ot tM Prooedinp svani5 ooaura with�esPect to�r�y Q�arenta o!an at the Indebtodn�ss a any Qt�nranta <br /> � — <br /> �'�'��'� d!a3 a became9lncompete�,ot revokee ordtsputss the vAAdlty Ilabilly under.any Querant�►of �ndebtedness. i!s apUOn� = <br /> �.;�;�,�.. may�bul shaQ no!be requtred to.permit tha Qunrantor'e estate to assume uncondlBonally the oht�attons nrtsinp urtdar the�uuanty tn a — <br /> =}?����a� manrtpr satisfactory to Londor,and,In ddn�so�oure tho Evant of DalaWG <br /> r..�{ro�. <br /> ��'�k,f� lr�taeuril�. 18nda►in pood faith Qaoms Ilse�t Ir�secare. <br /> ;,,;�•z��,,;� RIQFtfB A9iD REMmtEB ON OEFAt�.T. Upon fha oocunnoo ot anp Evont of Default and at any Urrto therenrter,Tius1�a l.artdor�at its opUon. <br /> -_:�_;,;���,-#� may oxadco ony one w moro a1 the toltowlrq rtpMs and addiUon to ury other dphb ov rerr�vdNs proutded byiaM: <br />'_r;t�'�?�Y�' ImxeteQB'Jon upon Oetaulh,�ddltlanal Remed�ea. IT any event o!dotautl occu�s ea ps►the terrt�s of tA8 Na�e aec�eto�heteDy.Lertder rt�r <br /> dpctero+�I Indebiedness ceoursd by thb Deed ot Tnist to be deo nnd pnribls and ttw asrrts shal thereupon become duo and ptyabN without <br /> --_.—=..�s;,;�'' a�Y P:�tment.demmd�Protest ar eotloe of ernr klr�d. �t+�attx.Mr�mar <br /> °---._�:;:::r�:�f. (�;.�Ithar tn peison or by e9ont.xt'.�a wlthoul brtnplrp nny acLbn or Prorx�odln0�a by a reoesu�n oPAotM�d by�aouR arM without <br /> �sr�io the ade4uaoY ot its secudN.amw aPon an�Wc�Oossesstan M the��a M►P�tl�enof,l�Ib own narn�or In the nsrtis <br /> - =_-- 09 tnnte��a�d do any aots wh1cD ft dewma n�aossa�ry a dsst�bk to prosavs the ue�mMcetob�iry ar r�ntabYY.y►cf th�Proparty►.ar Pwt <br /> -'_.�`.� of it�e Property a tnierest in tfio ProRertY.incresss tt�ro inc�m�trom ths Prop�ly ar protec!the aec�Mb of the RapedY and�witl�or wNhout <br /> __��+ tetclny Possosston af tho Proparly.sue ta►or oritim+.�tsa coll�eo4 tha ronb.Issue�and P►a��the Pro�edy►tndudtrig tho:e Paat due�nd <br /> - ur�:tld.and�DOh t������artd eo�e�vs of ape�Uon end cou�cUOn,Inolu�np�ttan�ya tee�.to u►y Indebtrdn�aecund <br /> �°_:�� br tt�Deed ot Trusl,nN tn auoh dd�+�s tsnder mey determin�. 'R�s erdatr�i upon end Wdn�Otss�os.�lon ot4�R�'�ty�tho catoaCoa <br /> vl a�sA►er�is.tsaues and proflte,and 9Aa apptkxUon the�eot eheA not c�xe a waiva any dMault or noHOe of QMaW uncD�rlNS Med of Tnist <br /> - ro tRVeRdete any acf dons In responss W wch detault a purcu�ud to auch notica►ot dettulf:nnd.notwlthsLndlnO th�conYnttsnce In <br /> '' -• pa�amyion ot 10e r�rc�pc�tY ar tt�a wll„dton. rcx�t and aPP��oa ct�r�,��s ar Frvfik�•iru�cr tcn�x�bo cri'as."'�tv ;� <br /> _------= --�= <br /> _�,�;�,4 oxp�qso eveu�r ripht pr�viBos fa In tNe Ne2e or the Ratate0 Oocumaz►ts or by taw upan the aoeurtonce ot any enn2 d¢lstautt,tnclu6Mp ina ` <br /> __�.-w,_. �t:9 to e�tenCise the po�trar Of eato; <br /> —__...-..��:;� ; (0) G�n,msnoe an actlon to taod�a Mts Deed ot Tnrst as n morl�ape.oAPolM a reooNnx af spedticaAy eMorsa9 any of tha pu�nerds <br /> __�_d�s�;� : Ni�and <br /> _—s��aq5�'"., <br /> _�,,;,,_;:�s� ':�. (o) ��Uver to TNStee e wrftton�an�irnUoa ot dotautt and demand tor sttle artd a wrltten eotice of d�.t�t and eieatlon to csuse 71ru�tab <br />_=_---�s`��• Infore�t In the Proporty to Eo soid,xtls�cfi notloo Tn[stee sPreA causa to bo d�By t�ed tor recad In Hw�app�nprlds atAoes ot ths Caunty In <br /> .��:�tre�':tT'';.', f �w9ltoh the Properly is looatod:ertd <br /> - ��ti: � ! (d) Wlth respoet to NI or eny parf o!!ho Rersonal Proporly�Lender 6ha0 Mve atl tho ripAb artd�smodiis af a f.ecur6d pa�iy urtder th� — <br /> �• � NoA^�'.��[t Unitam Commor�tat Cod�. - <br /> � �t'_ <br /> >��. ' .. �' �. <br /> :i. <br /> u.. .•� Il ..iG�l' . . ' r_ .. . ... . .. '����-�. .,.... µ "z±l,:�,°w.r..s <br /> . <br /> ., . I , .. , , , . ,ti �.;.: <br /> . <br /> �.� _`` -�_ _ ° ' - - - - -�'-' --- -- ---- - --:..� _ ��, ��.rr,�,:�` — <br /> •, �• - r]F <br /> „ . .: . . .., i, <br /> — � °- -� �- : _- -- - --- - - ------- — ,- __ — _ — --. _ __ - <br /> . .,... F .. � � -. . .. _ <br /> ::-:. � �.:� <br /> �t �� ,. ---+x- :. <br /> . „ . , . �'r.,�.,.:_ <br /> n.. „ „ '4 r� " . .. „ .� �= ' ., . . . .utir�e-. <br /> .� .. <br /> .. •.• <br /> � - .. ., .. . .., .� ii . .. .. - . ., . ' <br /> , . . „ .. , � .y.�� <br /> . , . . . � , . u . � . '4' <br /> , . �, ., :,\i. <br /> , ,. . <br /> . . .�. . � <br /> , , , <br /> , <br /> , , . . ,, � <br /> . _ ° q.�. , , „ _ <br /> ,,. ' .. . • ,. • ' • g , . . <br />_ ' , G" �� , ' , . ,r'ti.'�,�. , ,;. + .. „ a•'.. ' ��. - <br /> . . .. . J �� .. i .;�. .� , . . . . . <br /> . '.',.. ,� . ..�• ' ' 1 . <br />.-' ,' � " . �i . . <br /> ., - 4 .... .� t �j4!ii�u vn.. ,� <br /> - i . . - .. . .. . .. , - . n .. . . <br /> .. ., .. _ � . ,�. . � . - • � <br /> - ' .. .. 'u ... �� . � 1 � ' ' -� f``. ,. '...__ .... <br /> .. .. o � �.� _ . _ ..o� . . .: �. <br />