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<br /> ..�.,.� '. :,
<br /> ' .,,.,Fti " ,s .. , .
<br /> � .. „ „ � ' ` ,
<br /> .r.��na.,t. . .. '1, . � ' , '�"r
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<br /> ' . ' _ .. : --------� •----_.. _ .. -•-•-•---�--...._.. . __.._�.--•----� �..
<br /> _ ._ _.. .`=. ........ ._ . ,
<br /> „ Q2-20�t988 " , ��r�D O�TWU�T ������g�� P��a� �.
<br /> . �. Lsen No 783020 ° (Cob�l6jtuod)
<br /> ...._. - _--=��
<br /> Quatuntor. Thd wnrd,Dunt� f inean�and inctud�ts wlthout Iimltation nnY a►d �I Quamntaro,durotla7,artti axommoda4on partl�In -
<br /> connocUon wlth fh�indebtodn9ss. "
<br /> . Improvementa The wor0"Improvsmenta'means and lncludes without�Imltptton�II md�ting nnd tuturo improvom9n',s,buJElnBO,otiucturas, .
<br /> mcbilo Aomes uflbcad on the Reut P�opdrty,lacitttl»,additlona,replacemnnte�trtA other construatlon on the Roat Property. ',�
<br /> � IttQep2e0ppsb.TRp word Nndabtedrtess"means tU pdna�Pa�Qnd��iGrc:�t puyzba unQ:r tho Noto f�nd any nmounts arponQad or ndvnnCOd by �Y_
<br /> lender to dh�,oharQe obltpatlons of Truator or expt�es Inaurred by SYustee c*Lendor to entoroo oblipatlana ot Trustor undar th�Q�d ot Trust, ,,.
<br /> to8othm wilh i�t o�suoA umounb as provtded In tAts Dead o f Tn�t.
<br /> �,�, Nota The wonl°Hote^means the kote deted February g0�/�Af1,ln th� prin�c[pa1 emour�4 of 54,898.H0 tram Truatar tn lendor, �`�'
<br /> togothor wltA uli ronewats,exter►slons,modi8cutbns,reSnancinps,and aubstitutbn.s tp tho Noto. Tho matudy dato ot lh�t Dcnd ot Yrust Is _
<br /> ,� .'"�`'' Fobrueuy Y0�2004. �.
<br /> ' Peracnal Proporry. Tho words"Patsorenl Prape�y'mean all squlpment,1bRureS, and othor orHc�es of porsonai praperty now or hixoattor _
<br /> otvned by Trustor. end now or horeaRar allaai�ed a atllued to tha R�3�p�y.� �pether with ait access�ons,perta,and nddl4�ns ta,4N
<br /> ' replaoomanto ot,and att subaUtuilor�s for,any at suoh propetty; and topothet wltMaA proaeods (In�tudlnp without Ilmltatbn na Irwaupnco _
<br /> 1 proae�►ds and rofurtds o!premlums)hom a�selo or other disp�ltlon ot tho Prope�fy.
<br /> ' Properly.The werd`Pr�.mes�s oopYCtivory tho Real F�roperty and tho Pnrsannl ProRo�Y• —
<br /> „ �' Real prqpprty.The watds'Re�l ptoperl��mean the OraP��interesb and rights desamod ubova In tha"CJOnveyanaa and L3rAnt°eardam,
<br /> ' ' Relatod Ooaumer�te. '�1�a words'Retated Ooeumoats'mean and tnctudo wNhout�mitaUOn all promissory notos, credlt ngro�mantt.loan
<br /> . ., r agreemenb,ernironmar►t�egreemenb,9uaranUea.aeaudty aproamenb,mmtSe9es.deeds of tru.st.an0 atl other Instrumont9,RUm�n►+'mtt'end
<br /> daaumsrds,uhctl�r�a heresfte►e�^0.���"conndcfion wlth the Indebtedness.
<br /> ° Rente. Tha word'Wan3s'r►teans at�Present and future�nts,revenues�Ucome,issues� �oyaltles,proflts,and othcr beneti�d�rlx�q trom tE�o =
<br /> �� PtoPertY•
<br /> `�:: Tn�a2mr.'fho werd Rn�sto�'means any and oli persons and en@Uen ou2�u11ng thb Oaod of Tnrst,including wllhout Aenlfation 4�u Tn►exaro namud ��
<br /> ..:'e� 8boY0.
<br /> '.,.>i:.
<br /> �r
<br /> • .� � O!i 7F�FOLLOW�Nt�i TERbiSs
<br /> ' % PAVINE1�iT 617VD PERFORIIAdCE. Excep�as otl►erv�se Pra�Aded In this Deed ot Trusl,Truslor shN{pay to Lendor a0 amouMB socur�nd by this Qoed
<br /> a!Teust as they bacome due.and ahaA atricay and tn a dmel�►mnrtner per(orm etl o!'hustots obligatlona undor the Noto,thiu OFmd ot Tnul�and the
<br />' . . Relatod Ooo�mord9.
<br /> (_ti;,��.:.,:�;. �L��:��N AtuD MwINP�P7ANCE 0�tl�PRQPEF77V. Thntor e9reos thnt Trnistors Oossesston artd use ot tha P�oA�Y aht'3 pe 4ovemed by .
<br /> !hs bltowing provlslorts:
<br /> � � pcs�e�elw�and We. UnUI tAe oaaurr�ance o!ee Evant of Oefautt�Tnistor may(a)remaln In possesston und cor�roi at 1h0 Arqporty, (b)�a
<br /> �=- ••� ;, aperate a manage the F►oPe fi►�and(�)colteat enY Renb trom the Prope�►•
<br /> ri'-:_".. :
<br /> _�`.;�.:4;;' OtAp ta AtdnW». Tntsta shail maintn)n Ihe PtopoAY in tenantab�e conditbn end proroPtlY Derto�m nfl eopairs.ropirtcamanli�0nd maMtennnee
<br /> --�.-«,,;,_' neoeasery to pre�en�s[ffi value.
<br /> -�::��';.� H�r�rdous Sutraimeea Tneata re0resenb ond wurants that the PropedY newr fas boen,and nover vrip bo co tnng a�tht9 Oesd ot Tast
<br /> .?.;;?�r.�,.,� mmelns a llen on Iha Property,used ta tt►o genetatlon, manufacture,�torapo. treatmeM. dis rse►,refease or 92r,sainn�d rotonse of eny
<br /> .?��;r.�;;a'� hazardous west0 aeubstanae�as tRose term9 ere deRned In!he ComprehensNe�mdronmeMat Ponse�
<br /> Camponaatl�n•and Liab�iry Aat of
<br /> - `�'� 198A�as amend�d�42 U.3.C.Sectlon 9601.et seQ•t"�RC�.A7,tho Sunertund Amondmenb and Reauthorim8on f�1(�BARA',aPP�balrle
<br /> _;:�;�r.,-��
<br /> st�tp a fsdxd lars. n�reQtAalions adopted puraunnt to any ot the faesotnp, TNSta*autho�ag�ondm and I�C asor�s to eMer upon
<br /> -.-. -;._����.'� to make such irap�ctlons and Qosts aa tsnder maY��aPProR�to to determine comptlar►te of tha P , �+ith ihb seelton of the
<br />- �- �- °o�ed W Tn�sL ,rn�ta he�by �a�rela�s�a�d we�s�►y��teinq ep�lnat londor tor indemn:ty or canV�on in the evant 7nastor
<br />'�'A_.4�=� pocomes Oabb for cl�pnup a other casb under anY s�ch Inws�and (b)aQrees to hdemntty and hold hum.'�L�,nder eaEilnsi nny end eIf
<br /> —_—� clAtma and l�s rosWtlnO from a broneA o?Mb O��ruPA ot the Oeed of 1'nn�stt TNe obOpation to Indemn'h shfil sundve the paymont o!the
<br /> _-- °-�,�'._.�.—�°� indefltedness+�ndthe aallstacUon otthbDoo�o}TN�t.
<br /> -`--�•'_:`Tr"�.� Nt�1e�u�c�,Mfate.Trusta shell no2 cuuse�conduct or perm[t ar►y anlsAnoe na cammit.pxmtt,or n�]tor nrry e�ippinp af or weste on ar to tAo
<br /> - — Pr�r�pr cr anN Pa6on of the Pro�sr�. Wtthou!timitta0�N��l of tl�tae0dnp.7NStOf Wlll 0t11 f91T1Q�1l.Of g(8flt l0 Yfl�l OlY18f�DTtJ��TIR
<br /> - ------— dpht to remow.anY Umbe►.mir�als l{ndudiny oH end 0�)�aoY.�revei a►ock Products aflho�t the pdw aY�n cor�ent of Landor.
<br /> --- --- _� Dt�ON BALE—C�7SEN7V 6Y L@ID�R. Lender may�ai lb aPUon.dsci8re Immedl�4tiry duo artd OAYnbb aN sams 5ecurod by thls Dr�eed o}Tnis7
<br />-n=�",+��?"����� uAan lhe Ea1e tx trer+ster,t+�rthout the I.�ndere Prta w�ilten consent.o!aV or any p�i mf the Reat PraAeAr.or�rry tnteres!In tho Real Propefi►• A
<br /> —' �t '�elo a h+nr+ohN�'mean�Uw oonveyanoe of Fi�el���ot aM+�hf.�tle a lnterest Uesr�olni whether bpal.4enCtii.kU or eqW�bie7 whether voluntary
<br />--�.'�;� or tnvotumnRt wl�ther b ouht�ht stle.4�d� saie coa0ra�i.laad contracl,ca�t tor deed�4w�htl�d Interost wtth a term great�ti�n
<br />-°'%..�;,,,�u� 1h�(3)vnma,teaso-ap�on cor►tract.a by ule.�ssiD^rt�r�,a tr�s�a�any Cenatldel tnterest in ar to nnr iand tnut holdln0 titb tm th9 Reat
<br /> -- - --� FrOPW'tll�W bynrry ttfirt m�thOd Ot CBtIwY�ltt�s of P.�i F�a�re��Y iistd�o"at. K�t:j Th�lCtl.R 3 Ccs�tM!Nwn,�uln*�!thb a tlmttoC Uabf51Y ComAe�1Y� _
<br /> . -�� USfISA9f Q�80�udes A�ry�In ownw�i'Jyi ot ma�3 tt�an trrCnty�-l4vo perGent{25e[.)ot tM votl�g stock.Prui�.srsh;y�intc�ra,^�or tfmit^sf 11..9lf1Y
<br /> �._-�.�� CempMr�ntOtesb�as f1�e x1ES may be�of Trustor.Ftowyver.tAts aAflon elwY not be aaaprdsed bY Lende�M su�•euera3se b Prohibltod by tedarai
<br /> -=�==°� law bt Dy NebrasW{aw. •
<br />� ��� TAXE�9�9�1D UQiB. The to�lowtrp provBloia re{atlro to ths tex�s and Uens an tho Propa►p are a put ot th:n D�ad a77na1.
<br /> _ ,--�r•�-'��
<br />�`�,.�.-a� ��!�
<br />_�.,�,ti.,,�.r„- Pa�yttsant. Tn�stor ehsH pay whon due(end In aU everda P�a ta d�1n4��Y1 atl�, tewoo.es�rds.ehacaes pnciu �D wa ur
<br /> -. ..�,s�C-� �nd Scrwerl,tlneo�nd hnposttlorts tevbd a�al�t a an eaoount cf ihe Frof�N. �s�P�r�dua aQ ae1►m tor vrort�dona on or for
<br /> '.�•,;.�'�.Y. . •�S rendo�or met�W tumBhed to ttee PrcDeRY. Ttustor sheN mNntnin If��tree of e7 8Qm h1Mir�pAapy ovor or oquai to tho
<br />` .,. ., •. . Inter�t o!LonQ�r un�at thF�Oeod o!Tnat.eaaNRttos the Qun ot taxe�and e�s�=nm�s not due and m000a�l4�s oiharwtse provtdad In thb Daed
<br /> �z�•c� :<x of T�vsf.
<br />:`•'-F".':�t i•� m PROPEAVV�►DAlIAGE 1ltSIXtA1tCE Tho to�owtt�p PtOVIs!ons�BUng to Inut►d�the PropoAY atu e RErt A!iHa Oc�r��O!Tnlst.
<br /> _ ... .., , .�
<br /> �I ♦�-� � u .. . --r�:--.na.r,�.�.-... .�aw.r�.v.r.�. � -- . .. . . � � � s
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