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<br /> 0��14�98 p,� D��D OF TRIJST � ?,�b��`�� �age 4, �
<br /> Loan fi��8�l120 b (Cantleue�) �� �
<br /> � �• O
<br /> �� 'Forecttomtre by Pa'r�or a!8ete. t}tAnder taasob to tareele3a by exerciso 01 lhe Powor of 3sla horaln contninaa,lonQor ohal!notfty Tru9teo und �
<br /> • shs0 dopo�it witA Ttusteo this Roed o1 TtuSt nnd the Nots►end euoh�scafpta and avlde�aa o!e�Qmndlturos mado nnd soauro0 by thls Oood of ��:�
<br /> �nr.t asTru�toa may roqutro. '
<br /> � : (e)Upon reaelpt o}such rtottce Prom Lender.Ttustee ahali cuuse to bn recorded,published and dollvored to Trustor suah Notico o+Onfn�tt i
<br /> cmd NoL'co ot Snto aa thon roqulred by Iaw and by tAls Doad af TnisL Trustoe nhail,wNhout demnnd on Troator,arier euah tlme as mny
<br /> • - Slrsn�e requlrad by law ond aftcr rccordatton ot uuoh Notte,n aI Deteull nnd rsfte�Notice ot Sato having boon glvoa aa roqulrod by Inw,sell
<br /> „ 4 �M Praparty at the dme and plaot►of taia tbced by It in suah Notice ot Sato,eUher as a wholo,or In aepnrato lots or parcaW or Itams no P
<br /> 'Tnstso sAatt d�m e�aQlont,and tn nuch�rdar as It may detsrmino,at publla auatton to tho highest bidder tor cnsh In Iavufui money of
<br /> � 8�e Unitcd Sfates peyabta at tha tlme of aale. T►ustoa ahnll doliver to suoh purohaset o�purohosors theroot it�gnod and euHieisnt deed or
<br /> �,�� d�ads canvoytng the property eo eatd,but withaut any covenant or war►anry,oxpress or tmpiled. The reeituts In ouah eiced ot any mattors �:,:
<br /> ,�„ �,,,p�,,, �r tac�ts ahali ba Conclusivc�proof o!the trutMulnes9lhomof. Any person,Inolu�ing wlthout timltaUon Trustor,Trustoo,or Londar,muy `
<br /> �p�rohano at 8uah ealo. �
<br /> �b)As may be pormitted by Isw,aftor duduoiing a!1 oosts,fses and expanses ot TNStse and of thls Trust.Inoluding cosb ot eNd6nco ot —
<br /> tl�a tn eonneoUon vlth aalo.'Iirustee shaU apph►the prooecsds ot�ele to ps menl of py uli ouma oxpondod under Ihe tsrms ot this Oeod ot �
<br /> � . s�xur+ed uheroby e d�(I`.i?ha romelnder,Ithany,r to t�Re parson�or psreonsi epally onU�lla�d horot�t nnd Iato oharges� pq al►othor sums Ihon
<br />;?:�.4' . � �� (o)T�us'.oa may in the manner proNded by Inw postpot�a s�to of NI or any portinn of the Propedy
<br />�•"" " Rerrst0lea Ho!acdu�ive. Yrustee and Londor,snd enoh of tham,shatl be enUUad to antorce paymont and peAormnrtoo of any Indebtodnass
<br /> ar obEpaUons sootued by tMs Oesd ot Tn�at and to exerc�e el!dghb and powars urtd2r this Dond ot Trus►,under the Note,under any ot tho
<br /> "' � i4elated Documents.or under eny other apreement or eny taws�aw or herc��ft�r in tao9;notwithstandinp,somo or ad o!suoP�Indebtadnesa
<br />-�;�•. end abEgatioas se�curad by ihls Oaed of 7rust may now or heroaRer bo otheiwl�o soaur�d,whethsr by moAgage,deed of trus1,pledge,Iten,
<br /> .:,.. � �_
<br /> asstenmer�t ar oMerwlsa. Netihor the acceptanoe of thts�ead of Srusi nor Its enterooroenl.whethar by couR netlon or pwsuant to the power o
<br /> '�"4,� , aela a othar pat+t6�s oontalned in this Desd ot Trust,ahnll pre udlca or in any m�nncrtr aNect 7ruatee'a or Lenders rtght to realize upon or _
<br /> eidorae any oYher secud�y now or hereatter held by Truatee or�nder.It 6atnp a�rE�ad that TNSteo and Londer.and eacA of tAem,ahall be
<br /> � enlltled to en�'orae thts Deed o4 T►ust and nny other seoudty nor�ar hereatten c�ld by IAndor or Trustse�n sueh ordar and mamrer as they or �
<br /> ",, „��.F.; ;i� �Ihar�t1�em may in lheir absotute d�screUon determinc• t10 remedy conferr��d upon or resefvad to Trustse or Lender.Is Inlandod to bo
<br /> caota�NO af any othe►remedy In tAts Dead of Tnut a by taw provlded ap�rrnitted�btst esoh shali be cumulaUve and ehe�be In addIDon ro —
<br /> ` �"i ev�ydher remedy Qiwn tn thb Oecd uf Trust or rtow or hereaftor e�dstln9 at law or in squlty or by statute. Evary povror or remedy glvan bY ihe _
<br /> �'','�; �` . Nota a any of the Retated Documoats to Trustee or I.onder or ro whtch etttar o1 them may bo othenvlse ena8od. may bo a�wrclsed, _.
<br /> ' � s cortcureMty ar IndependeMry,irom qme to tlme and as oftan as may bo daemed aq�ad:ent by Trustee or Lendor.and eliher af them may
<br />'�:�;,�• pu�W Ireeonsl.stent romsdbs. Nothing(n this DOed of Trust ehiUi be cortslrusd ns prohibiUnp l.endat trom seekirtp a deAotenoy judgment
<br /> ,::. „• apat ral Ih�Trustor to ths extent such aotlon b permNtod by Inw.
<br />-1� '��; Raquelt For Nollce.Tnisto�,on behatf oT?rustor and Lender,heroay roquesb thit m copy of sny Notioe of Detauit and a copy of any Notice
<br /> ;;'�.'�j• of BsN u�de�tAis Oeed of Tnist be meUad to them et the addres�s sot torlh In tho fM�st nemSmph of this Oesd ot Trust.
<br /> �, ., �,
<br /> �
<br />-����:� �e,�fe.�;�rn.�es. It Lender instlt�tes an1+sutt or aoUon to eniorae any o!tM torttia ot this Oeed of Tnut,lanclar ehpil be entlU9d o
<br /> recover avah aum as the cau�t may ndJudge�easonabb as attomoys'fees at tM1�i Art.t o�any appesi. Wi,aifior a+wi any�awt adloss k �
<br /> �'�`"• U�ory¢��eq reusonabie c�enses Incurted by tender whloh in Lender'e opinton mro n�.cessary nt any Ume tor the proteoiton ot Iffi interest or the
<br />�,-����,,�� � a �n4oroorteenl ot Ns right9 eha11 becon+e a paA of tM Indebtedn�a paynbte on demur►d and shall bear interest at the Note rnte trom the date ot
<br />`"f'�'�j � N4ieAditl=fB U11t11 t6pNd. E�ensos oovtued by 4Ms parapreAh Inolude,wltP�e�t qn�Jtadqn,howeve►subjact to any Qmlb undor eppilcabte Iaw,
<br /> londats nttor�oys'toea whether or not there b a�n�vau►1,Includt attuneys'teas tac bankruptoy procaedinAs pnctudinp etloAs to modNy ar
<br />�;�`�_�..,�� vcasb nny wtomatlo stay at Injanotlon).appeats and any anUc�pated posHadgmtnt colleaUon seMces. fhe cost ot searohinp recotds �
<br /> •'_ ��..,� obtair��g Utlo nports pnciuding torectosure r�e�oAs)�aurvsyore'roFCtb.eFP���tllle Insutanoe�and toes tor the Thistee�to tho exten{ __
<br />_�`-y�� perm3ed by applfcabla law.Yeustor elso vrill pay any eourt costs,tn additlon to nIi oStr7r eums provlded by taw.
<br /> -.�.14ESt'67S�Y�
<br /> �ti�_=,�-a;.� AlIQ5C8.L�0lfS PROYISIODIB.Ths t�fowirg misoeitaneous provtstarq ero a par4 0!tHa DAed ot Trus1:
<br />-'�'�� Ip t,pw.Tht�O�ad�f?rw!has been deUvered to Lender mM ax�2m�6d�Lender tn the Stato o!NnDnalw fits Daad of 7�wt
<br />"'��� �(i�i1�v�1 by ao�9 ea9eatniod In sccordertce�tth tfis ldwa of the 8L�►o ot @te0wlu.
<br /> �_ p1zyu a}��en�e.�lmo b of tho ossenco tn thu pafamnnce of tNs Deed of TnRf.
<br />.-..----=J;n WMy1rs �nd,p0�ta�nts, Lendor ehAR rt�t ba Eeomed to hnva�ralvad ony dafiM urcder thls Csed of Truyt(or unda the R�ated Oooumente)
<br /> -_=�°-Y.S,� �.j�ry��pr b���rr�Unp pnd sipnod by I.endar. No detay or orNccion on thm puA at Lender In eocoroistnp any right ahaN operate as a _
<br /> -- - w4tvar of 6uph dpht or any other dgAt A vraMu br any parly of o provEcton o!tt�a Ooed o!Tn�st aheU�o!tioraHiNte a wvver of ar prejudk�tho
<br />_ _— p�rt�rteM oft�wlso ta demand��4iot eomptt�noe wlth thal provtstan a�y otTm provlston. No pdor wafvar by Lender,na any aourso of
<br /> =v�� aaf6�b�twoen tAnder and tn�ta�shdi constHUte a wnlver of a�►y ot L�nda'ls�tphta�a any o!Trostora obllpaWns as to any tuturo
<br />���.�:,„,:��� tr��orte. Yrherwvor cor�ant by Londor is�aqulrod In fhle Deed o!Tn�t,thra�sn8r�Ct euQA con5�nt by Lende►in eny Instnnce shatl not _
<br /> �� aon5fluta canlinu!np coraenl to subsoq�x+nt tnstanoes whoro suaA corao�ft(s rcr�ulred. -
<br /> �falrpr p�t1pRlestepl,t Ekompllan.TnittOr i�eroby reteases and v�r�tvcs att rtnh'p and benefds of tho homostuad e�cempt�on laws ot the 5tate ot
<br /> =_'°-`��-� l�C.�.�d!►O C41�!!�t?4Mr??+S?!•�Jti+d by Ihit�Dend e!Tnlst.
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