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<br /> S. Hn�ard or Prnpotty lnne�rance. A�rm�ver ehnil krep the impr�vementa n��w exietin�{c�r hereniter crscted�m r:• w .
<br /> the:!'ruperty� .aured ngni cist lai�by fira,ha•r.c�rds included�vithin the term "extendeet cuvero�c�"unJ cmy uther hnxatde. ��,r,,.:._
<br /> '• tn4l��ding PlaadA ar flaaeiing, for which I.ender requirw9 ineurance.'I'his in�urance AhnU hv mc►intained in the iim��unta
<br /> ' nnS G�r the �riudn thut [an�,ier requiecs.'I'ho ineurnnct: cArrier peovidin� the inRUruncc� nhull hc- chi�::en My li�►rr���vcr +, -�
<br /> Huhjcct tu LendCr'n upptc�vel which ehall nut lsd unten�cmably�vithheld.If Bnrr��wer tuils u�muintnin cuver�uc descrihrd �
<br /> .. ' oluw�, Ixndrr mny, nt I.�:nder'a��pti�m,��btuin cavera�,u eu pratect I.ondvr'a rlght�in th�Pn�perty in uccorJnnrr �vieh
<br /> • �:+ru�rnph 7. '
<br /> All ineurnnrc�p��llcie�and��:newut�v eholt bo acceptnbto m I..ender and r+huii in�ludn a::ten3atd mo��tg��;c ct14lLSl'. _ _
<br /> � Ixnd�r ehnll hnv�thu�i g�t tn hold tho palicic� and renewnl�. It l.ender requires, Nnrruwer ahall Pr�►mptly givr tu __ ,�
<br /> - I.�ndcr i►Il recetptr+�►t�uidprc�miums und rene�vnl natic�.In the evont ot losv,Darcnwer ahell givr:prompt notice to tha +,.,
<br /> � ��?�" inRUrunca carrler und I.end�r. l.cnder may make praot ot los5 ii not mnde promptly by�3ormwer.
<br /> ��. e w se a ree in�►ritin insucance roceeds shuq be applied to rc�toratlon or repair ���=::;,r
<br /> L►nless l.endvr and Horcoaer oth r i g 8, -.P,rr.
<br /> ot thC i'�operty damaged.itthe restorntlon or repair ie ecanomtcally 4ea ible and 1..ender's security ia not lessuned,If the , .
<br />- ��; re.gtoration�r repair is notcc�nomIcally feasible nr T.ender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shnil be -_,
<br /> applted to tha sums sacured tay thie Securlty InRtrument,whether or not then due,with any excesa pa�d to Banower.If _
<br /> Hnrrawer abandana tha Property.ur does not anawer within 30 days a notice iram l.ender that the in�urance carriar hss �`�
<br /> oftered to settle a clatm.then[.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. I.ender may use the proceeds ta repair ar E`�_
<br /> restoro the Propecty ar to pay sume Fecured by thie Security lnstrument,whether or nat then due.The?0'day period will ,r
<br /> be�in when tha nottce is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and �orroaer otheratse sgrea in writlng.any application of proceeds to principal sh�ll not extend or ..�
<br />-.. `° pn4tpcme tho duo dnte of tho atitonthly payments referred to in paregrephs 1 and 2 or change thc emount of the payments.
<br /> If under para�raph 21 the Property is ncquired by Lender. Horrower's r��ht to any insurance polic.ies a��d proceede "
<br /> , resulting trom damage to the Praperty prior to the acquieition shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums s$cured by �`
<br /> ,�; . } this Security Instrument immedi��ely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occup�a�y.Pcesotvatinn,Maiateneace ead Protecttoa of the Property;Borrower's Loaa Applicetion; �_,�"�
<br /> �. Lessahotde. Borrativer sheil ocaupy,establish�and usa the Property as Borrower's principal restdence atthin stxty days
<br /> ,,.�„ aiter the execution ot this Securtty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property us Borro�ver'a principal �t;;
<br /> restdence tor at least one year atter the date of occupancy�unless Lender otherniso agrces tn wridng,which consent shall i:�
<br /> not be uncensonably wit��held.or unless extenuatin�circums4�nces exist which aro bayond aorrower s control.Borcower __
<br /> �� ahall not destroy,damageor fmpair the Property,allow the Property to dateriorate.or commit wests on the Property. �
<br /> •� �� � Bonower shall ba�n de�adt it any forfr�iture aatton or procced�ng,whather cIvit or edminal,ia begun that in Lender's
<br /> good taith judgment cmuld re�ult in tortetture ot the Property or otherwise muterially impair tha lten created by th3s
<br /> , _ . = Security Instrument or Gcnder's Eecurity interest. Borrower mey cura such a default snd tsinstata,es pravided in
<br /> - paragreph 18� by �susing �he action or proceeding m be dismisscd wit}� a riilii►g t�ipi, iz� l.cader's � lalth
<br /> ' �� determinetion,precludestorQeiture at the Sorrower's inteee.at in the Property or ot�er material impairment aY the llen
<br /> created by thia Seaurity Iretrument or I.ender's security interes�Bocmwer ahail also be in default If Borrower,durinII
<br /> the loan appltcation praass.8ave matertally false or inaccurate in?ormation or stawmenta to Lender (or fatled to
<br />� � � provida I.ender�vith any material tntormatton)tn conneatton aith the loan evidenced by tho Note.including,but nat
<br /> limited to.representatione conearnin�Borrower's occupanay of the Praperty as a pdncipal residenae.If this Security
<br /> Instrument is an a leasehdd.Bonower shall comply with aU the provis3ons ot the lesse.It Borrawer acquims fee titlo ta __
<br /> the Propertp�the ieasahold and the fee title ehell not merge unless Lender a$ee�s to the mergor in�wdti�g.
<br />�� 7. Protectioa of Lender's Rig6ts in the Property. It$otrowor teils to parfarm tho wvonst�te and agreements
<br /> ��" conwtned in thie Security Instrument,or there te a legal proceeding that may si$niftcantly sYfect I.endor's ri�hts in the
<br /> 1 � - ' Property (such as a pcaeed'►ng in bankruptcy. probate. far candemnatton or forAeiturn or ta�enforce lawa or
<br /> � <<� ;..'�� regulq�ians�, then Lender tnay do and pay for whatever is necesssry to protect the velue of the Pr�p2r►.y und Lender's
<br />�:s,°�+u�;:;;ts rights in the Property. 1,rn�3er's actions may�ncluda payirtg any eums secured by a lien whiaD�.haza pnority over thie
<br /> r,k.r• p;��iw, Security Instrumes�t,app�ariag nr�court,paying reasonable attornays'i'ees and entering on the Pmpar'ty 2c�mnke repairs.
<br />-;���.;�<<M•�` Aithough Lendor rnay tzake$ado�under this parograph 7.Lancler does not havo to do so.
<br />�*_h.:,,,�w Any amounis disbn�rsec�by l.ender under this paragraph 9 shu11 become addttional debt of Bc►rmtivarr secured by thia
<br /> x Secority Instrument.Unl�ss Borrower and Lender agree ta nther tarens of payment,thae amrauntg::hail bear interest
<br />° trom the date oi d�sbutsement at the Note rnte and ahall be payable.with tnterest,upon notice trom I.��ider to Borrower
<br /> ',. . . �, requestinspayment. --- -
<br />�" 8. Morigage Ineut�nco.If Lender teo�uired mortgage insurenca ea a condItion of ineking thfl idcn sscured by thie
<br />_�...:rr'Yt . . -- -
<br /> � �• Security Instrument,Borrower ehull pay th�premiums c�equtred to mutntain the mort�aga insurana�in effeat.It,4or any
<br />;..�;•_��-��
<br /> ":,�_x��k.;,� rea,�n, thn :nuribnga i�u�urmnc�: r,nvcrage r�ucred by Lender le��or�to be ir etfect, Hnrrower ehsll pay t a .�, _
<br /> _ ' �-..-�;•�^ premiume reyuirecl w.�bu►iu covorago sub3taatially equivaleat tc the mortgage inAUrerax proviuusiy in a4iecx,et a cast .�, A�_ `
<br /> 'r'?�`;iV�."�'� substnntially equival�t to the cost w Borrower of the mortgage inaucanca previously in o�rfisc4. from An eltemato i�r�. —
<br />��°r.�;"',,,� .•• ' mortgu�e insurer epproved by Lender. Ii substantietiy equtvalont mortguge insurnnoo oovernga is nos available, . __
<br /> Borrower shall pay to LaKler ench month a aum equsl to one-twelith ot the yearly mortga�v Insuramoe premium beinA ;� .
<br /> ' �, „� patd by Borrower w}ien the insutance coverage lapsed or ceased to b�in efteat.Lender�vill uoerzpt�uso and retain thase _
<br /> • payments as a toss t�esave in lieu of mortge�e insurance. Losq reserve pnymenta moy na lnng�r be roquired, ��_
<br /> . � ��_
<br /> � �..
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