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<br /> '1'OC31E'I'HI?R W1TH nll the improvemente notiv ur h�reaiter arected on the pr�perty, c�nd nll easementa, '"",,
<br /> ` nppurtenances,and tixtuces now ar horcatter a part oP the property.All replacements and ndditiona shall a1FO he rovered __,
<br /> " hy thie Security Instrument.Ail uP the fore�oinE is referred to in thts Securtcy Inatrument ns the"Praperty." � ��n��
<br /> ' HOltRO�V�R COVF.NANTS that Barrnwer fe la�vfully eaised af the estrsto heroby conveyed nnd haa thn rl�,ht to � �,,_.
<br /> grant nnd cot�vey the Prapecty und thnt tho Propecty ia unencumbered,excapt tor encuntbrnnces af recnrJ. Hurn»ver 1 .�?.-
<br /> warrnnta und wfll ddPend�enarnlly tho title to tho i'roperty ogntnst all cluimR nnd damunda,subj�ct to any encumhrc+nrcn � �� .
<br /> t►f recnrd. v"
<br /> 'TIiiti SIi('UKITY IN.`'i'I'l3UI�1�N'1'combines anitotm covennnta fnr nationnl use and non-uni�arm coven�mtH�r•ith
<br /> limited vuclatione by�!u�iRdiutton m cpnetituto o unitarm securfty inatrument covering reAl proFierty. --
<br /> UNIIiO�tM CUV�:NAN'1'S,Horrawor and I.cnder covenunt and agrce a�tollawR: -
<br /> ��,�;;;,,�. L!'sy�nont at Prinaipal�nd IntoreAt;l'repeyment and l.ate Charges.Aarrower ehnll promptly pay when duo _:.:���
<br /> ,.. r,� : thv�rincipnl nf nnd inter�st nn th�dobt ovidonced by thd Natv und any prapayment and lnra chacges dua under tho Nuto. :, ;�._
<br /> - �, FundA 1or 7'oxeR and Ineu�anco. Subject to uppltcoble lnw nr to a written�vaiver by I.eader. Iia�rc>�ver shutl _
<br /> ' uy to l.emder on the�dny m�nthly paymantA sra dua under the Note,until the Note is patd in tull,a sum ("Hunda")far.
<br /> " � -" �u) yenrly wxes and ussessment�wh{ch ma)�ott�in priarity uver thts Securlty Instrument as n lien an tha Pro�erty; (b) --
<br /> � ;' yenrly Irasehc�ld paymanta or ground r�nta�n tho propertY,if any; (c)yesely hazard or praperty insurance ptemiume; _'_•_
<br /> � �.,� (d) yearly tl�i�d insurance pr�smlums,if nny;(e)yoarly mortgega inaurnnce premiums,t4 any;and(f)uny sume payable ,1.
<br /> � by Hurco�ver to Ixnder,in occordanaa with the provisions of pacabKaph 8.in lieu af the payment of martguge insuranw �.;_
<br /> �� ,' promiums.The.sa iwma ure callr�d"F�..:ro�v ltems." L,ender may,at any ttme,callect and hald Funda in an amount not �.:,Y
<br /> � ta exceed the maximum nmaunt u lendar tor a fedarally reloted mortgage loan may requtro tor Borrower's escroa �6i„_
<br /> acc�unt undet the 4ederal Real Eatate Settlement Procedures Act o4 1974 es amended icom time to ttme, 12 U.S.C. �_.—
<br /> ;;. Saction 2G41 et ses�. t"1�PA").unlcss another la�Y that applies to the Funda sets a l�er amount.It so,I.endar may, ;; _
<br /> . � at any time,collect and hold Funds tn an amount not to exceed the lesser amount.Lender may esttmate the amount ot ��,
<br /> Funds due on tha basia of current data end reasonablo estimates ai expenditures oi future F.scrow Items or otherwisa in �
<br /> • nccordence with appltcable law. d:-•"•.n
<br /> ' The Funds ahall be hold in an inatitution whos9 dogosits are insured by a tederal agoncy,inctrumentality,or entiry
<br /> (includl�g Lendar,iY Lendor is suoh an institutian)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lendar ehall apply the Funds to �_,
<br /> . . pay tha Escrow Iteme.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and upplytng the Funds,annually analyzin�the _; -
<br /> ' esceow account,os verifying the F.scrow Iteme.unlc�ss I.ender pays Borroaer interest ntt the Funds and applicabla latv �.
<br />' °"' Permits [.ender to make euch s charge. However, Lender may require Borrow�r to pay a one-time char�a for an =.___
<br /> � mdependent real�gtate taa t�eportinB servica►ued by I.ender in connection with this loan,unless appltcable law provides _
<br /> otheraise.Unless un agreement is niada or appltcabla law requtres intetest w be patd.Gender ahall not ba required to
<br /> y �'� pay Borcower any intarest or earninga on tha Funda.Borrower and L$nder may a�ree in wrlting,hotivaver�that intereat
<br /> ' ` eS'iait l�pa13 tst:ths Futtds.LAn�Ar Rheil give to Borrotirrer,aithout charge.an annual accounting of the Punds,showin�
<br />_ •. credits and dobits to the Funds and the purposa{or which eaoh debit to the Funda was made.'!t►e Nunds are pled�e�I as '
<br /> - addittonel security for atl eums secured by thte Security Instrument. __
<br /> � It the Funds hold by Lender exceed the amounte permitted to be held by applicable law�Lender aholl acoount to
<br />�;I,,;;; ;.� Borrower f�r tho excess Funds in accordtinca with tha requiremante oi appl�cnble Inw,I{the aanount of the Funds hold
<br /> • by Lendar at eny ttme is not suftictent to pay the F.ccrow items whmn due,Letider may so nt�tity Borrower in writing,
<br /> 4.:�� 1�:...��� .
<br />`�;:,'•. �•� ;, and,in such cesa Borrowar shall pay to I.ender the amount necesQary to meke up thd defioiency. Borrower shull make _
<br />�,-- > ':-���,�. up tha deftctency in no mora thnn taelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretian.
<br /> YT: .`�. Upon payment in full of all suma secured by thie Securlty Instrument,I.ender shall promptly refund to Bnreoxer
<br />�YNudv'•ti4ab'� ,' any punds held by L,ender. it, under paregraph Zl, Lender shail scquite or sell the Proparty� Lendet, prior to tha�
<br /> '� -��• ���� acquisition or sate of tha Property,shall apply nny Funds held by Lender at the tlma of acquis[tion or salo as a credit -
<br /> 4�="'.�' ' a�sinst tha sume secured by thia Security Instrument.
<br /> --' '`'"�"' 3. Applic�tion of Pny�neate. Unless applicable law provid�s othera�se,afi payments received by I.endor under
<br /> ...�:.��:m
<br /> �����,� paragrapt�s 1 and 2 ahall ba applied:ftrst,to any pre�ayment charg�dua undar the Nots;second.to emounta payable
<br />�z�*�,��! undar paragraph 2;third.to interest du9;faureh.to pnnaipal due;and last,to any late charges dua under the Noto.
<br />---:����°� 4. Charges; Lleae. Borrower shall pay all taxes. esse.4sments,charges.fines and im�r+sittons attributeble to th�
<br />��`'�'�'�•`'�"� Property whicD rney attnin prlority over thts Securtty Inatcument,and leasehold payments or ground rente. if ony. _
<br />��,?•:�.;j��, , Born�wer shull pay these obligatiui�a in the menner pmvided in peragraph 2,or if not pnid_in that mannor,Borroaer
<br /> :�a.. �'..:•�
<br /> v�iu�,,,;__ shsll pay them on t�me directly to the parson o�ved paymeat.$orrower shall prornptly furnish to Lendor al!noucosa
<br /> ;r�,�:�.J,., aatounts tob�Qai���tr}�ue parngroph.It Iiorrower makes these paymenta direotly Banower ahall promptly fucnish --
<br /> ^�+'�'...��`. to I.endor rec4ipts�vidcsiiaing the payma»ta. '� _
<br />—_'�-±�"-"�f�'�� gns�,wer shali promptly discharge eny lien which hae priority over this Security�Instrutnent unless Bortuwer:(a�
<br /> ,-w"�= (b)contw�irs ''. —
<br />_-=';�:-_-_:-?�3 �-,-
<br /> �,::�, o,�rce.s in writin t��ci�e payment ot the obti�otion secure�by ttie lien in a�nanner acc�tabte tc� ��� ai;
<br />'�=�_,•��"'°�:-�.`�' good f,vith thd I�en by.or defencls ngainst enioroemen!oi tlta lien in,le�et proaeEd'ongs ahich in thn i.�enJnr's oplitifos �• �
<br />�,. :,.,�;1,;;;';,,' ---�
<br /> =�=---- o,�arnts to prevent�the entorcdmsnt oi the llen;or (c)secures•fronn tha holder o4 thn lien an agreement satiefnotot'y W
<br />°�-'-:�'''.•�'° . , l,ender subordinatin�tho lien w thie Soourity Instrument.It Lender determines that nny part of the Pc+operty la subjoct
<br /><�"�r^►?��'"'. �' to a lien which may nttatn priodty over thia Seaurity Instrumvnt,TRnder may giva Borrower u nottce idandfyinpthe _
<br />=�`:�:•;.�r:°'`` � 1�fsn.Bonnwer shull sotisiy the lten or tske ona or more of the ac4ions set torth above within 10 dnys oi the givinp at _--
<br />:�-. �•.:•- _ ..
<br />�� .'' • � rl�tice. , F..
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