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<br /> i►t thv ��pd�m aP Ixn�cr, (t murtuuRo insurnnc�cuvcrnac+ (in th� omnunt ond f��r tho peri��d thnt l�;nder rcyuirc9) •
<br /> . pruvid�:d My on iau+urer opprnvcd by IAnder n�nin hscnmes ovaitat�ln und ir���htained.liarrnwer ehull pay thn pr�mi►�rna
<br /> �ey+drcd tu mointc►iro mnrt�ngo insuranco in efPeuc.or tu prewide u lu.0 resorvv, unti! the reyuirdment tar mort�uge
<br /> � " inhurnnwv un�ln in accnpdancu wfth�ny�vrltten o��evment between H��rmwor nnd I.endec or upplicnble law.
<br /> 9. ina(tcotiun.l tindcr��r ita a��nt muy mnko ren�nnnble ontries up�n nnd inapectiona of tha Nrop�rty.I.�nder Rhull � '�;_
<br /> , �� ` givd H��rn►wor nnttco nt tha timo af ar prlor to on inRpectian epecifying re�onnblm causd tar the lnapection. �-
<br /> l0. Cundomnoti��n.'I'ho proeeedA a� nny n��lnrd or cloim tar damn$es,direct or consequentinl,tn amnecti�m wi4h � �`'=''
<br /> any conddmnutiun or athar tuking of any purt af the Praperty,or fur c�►nvr�yancu in licu of conderimnutian,urc hereby � __
<br /> nsci�n�d and ehull he psid to lxnder. -
<br /> In the evcnt oP u tnte,l tuking of tha P�opetty, tha praceeds ahall be applied tn thr suma�ecured by this Security _
<br /> -'�ti J�^�' Inatrument,whnther ur nat then due.with any exce,�.g paid to Borrower.in the event of a partial taking af tha Property !n ;"
<br /> �� ""r' which the fnir merkdt valuc ot the Praperty immed�ataly befare the taking is equal to or�reater than tha Amount o4 the
<br /> suma secured by this Security Instrument immediately be4aee tha teking,unless Horrower nnd I.ender othar�vise ugrea
<br /> � in writinQ.tho c,uma secur�sl by thte Securi ty inetrument ahall he reduced by thd amount af the proceeds muttiplied by
<br /> • , thn tollo�ving Iraction:(a) tha total amount ai the sums secured immedistely be4ore the taking,divided by (b)the fair �':-vf
<br /> ; market vnlu0 of the Ptopsrty immediately before tho teking.Any balnnce shall be paid to Burrower.In the event�f e „_
<br /> ' �� �rtiol taking of the Pi�oP:rty in which the teir market value of thd Property immediately before the teking is less than �°
<br /> tha emount ot the sums secured immediately betore the taking,unless Borroaer and I.ender otherwisa a�ree in writing
<br /> , t or unless applicoble law athenvisa provtdes, the proceeds sha{i be applied to the sums secured by thia Security �;��:.
<br /> �� Instrument whether or nat the sums are tAen due. �-�`'
<br /> If the Property iF ahandoned by 8arra�ver,or it,after notice by I.ender to Hnrrower that the condomnor oiPers w �_::__
<br /> �.� make an a�vard or settle�a claim for damages. Borro�a�er Taila to respond to Lender wtthin 30 days after thG Jates zhe t
<br /> notice is given,I.ender is authorized to colleat and apply tAe proceeda,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the 1�`
<br /> . .� property or to tha sums securcd by this Security Instrument.whether ar not then due.
<br /> �,� Unless I.ender and�c�'trower otherwi$a agree in Nritin�,any e�r�p�lp nd 2 or changa the amount oi su h ��
<br /> - postpone the due date of the monthly p ymenta referred to in �
<br /> ; � +�,, PaYmenta. �''.
<br /> ' 1; 11. Borrower Not l�.aleased; Forbearance By Lendor NoE a Waivor. Extension of tho tima for pnyment or
<br /> modifieation of amortiu�tian of the sums secured by tAis Se�urlty Inatrument$ranted by I.ender to any successor in
<br /> �: '� interest af Borrowet sh,��l not operate to release the liabiltty oi tha ariginal Borrower or Borro�ver s euccessors in --
<br />:.';. interest.I..ender shoU na�t ise required to commence proceedinga agoinse any aucce�or in interest or rtlfw^a to extend v
<br /> .��,.;, --
<br /> ��.,,;...�� tima 4or payment or oth¢�^�aose modify amortization of tha suma secured by th9a Securlty Instrument by reasan of any -�
<br /> � �.. � �8n�.rA�A t,y tho origennl Barrower or Bortower's successora in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exerctsdng
<br /> )Y',,4,--
<br /> • .•�f.•,��. any ri�ht or res+ne�y ah311 not be a waiver o4 or preclude the exercise of any r�ght or rem y. _
<br /> " ` vr�''`'•� 12.Sq�9A0f9 eAA•ABS;$ttte BOUI1ij;Joiat�nd Saveral Il.iQbility;Casignera.Tha covenanta and agreamenta
<br /> ' � oi thie Secur)ty Instcum�nt ehall bind and benefit the auccessors and aseIgna ot Lender and Hanower.aubject to tha
<br /> �"�°,, provisiona of paragcaph 17.Borrower's cuvenants amd agreemente shaU bo jnint and saveral.Any BurraNer aho co-sig�ns :_
<br />��:a�:,. ;,;.;.� .
<br />:;{�,., thls Secur�ty G�tstrument but does not executs the N�te: (a) ie co-signin�4hie Security Instcument onDy to mortgsge,
<br /> •'��•''�• •�;� grant and conv�y that Honower's inter�st in the Praperty under the terms of thia Secusity Instrument; (b) ts not
<br />',,,,:;:,,•;;::.',�.�`� personnlly obligated to pay the sumG aocured by this Security Instrument;and �c) agreea that I.ender and any other _
<br /> ��;,�'`:;-,: �;,; Bonower mny a�cee ta extond,modify,torbearor make any accommodutiona with regarc9 tathe terms of thiaSecurity _
<br />�v-;?;� .��.� .. Inatrument or the Nate weth4vt that Borrower's consent. _
<br />=;,'�'�' �•,; 13. Loan ChmrIIos.S�¢he los+n secured by this Socurity Instrument is auh�act to a Iaw which s�ssts maximum Qaan
<br /> FIT:
<br />'`"'" '"���+���� charges, nnd that lsw is�nully interpreted so that the interest or other lou�i charges collected or to be collect�d in �c:.
<br />-L•:•_...::.;.�^'i.x. ��
<br /> �,,.;,,�.,,�.�,,:. conneotion�vith the laea.exceed the permttted lianits�then: (n)any suah loan charga shalt be reduced by the amount
<br /> ---��j�� necessary to reduc� ths charge to tho permitted litnit; nnd (b) any auma alresdy collected from Borrowa w�hich
<br />;:.y:-'.�:'r°:•�Ef excceded permjtted limita wi11 be nsfundal to Borrower. I.ender ir►uy ahoose w make this retund by reducin�'ihe
<br />�'��� prinaipnl owed under th�Itiote or by making a direct payment w Borrower.It a refund reduces principal.tho reducdon
<br /> w:;��
<br />�::, a.�� tivi111w treated as n gan3�1 PrePaYment�ithout any prapayment charge under the Nots. ,;._
<br />=�r;�t'1'. 04. Notices.Any notica w Horroaer provided�tor in this SecurIty lnstrument ehal!be given by deltvertng it or by
<br /> - �� mailing it by firet cl�ae mIIil unless npplicable tow requires use oi another method.Thd notioa shatl be directed to th�
<br /> ��'�..:,.,.; y Propercy Address or ony othvr address Borrowcr designates by nottce to Lender.Any norice to Lendor shall be�tven by --
<br />''�4�""» - tirst class mail to Lend�r's addres-s stntesl hemin ur any other address Lender desi�nntes by nottce to Borrower. My
<br />�» r=_-:
<br /> '�='�:;, not{ce�srot�id�1 for in this�►��ity laurtra�ment shall be de8med to huve been�iven to Borrowar ar Lender when given ��':s�
<br /> ;w�,'�••:"'"`.' os providcd in thic psrn�aph. �`
<br /> m;r;�:��7. .
<br />�t»���;�*•�r� 15. GovcsrninB I.uw;SaverabBOity.Thts Secvrlty Instrument shall be governed by federnl iaw and the law of the
<br /> y-�::�� .'�` jurisdiction in which tho Property ie located.In iha event that any provjsion or clause of t�is Security Inatrument or the __
<br /> �: ' ��:�� Note confiicts wtth opplicable law.auch conflict shall not atfect other provisions ot thie Security Instrament or the Note
<br />:�� ''�'>�'� � " ` whlah enn be�ivan efiact without the co�nfltctin�grovision.To thta end the provisIons di this Security Instrument end •;�..
<br /> � . tho Note are declarESd ta be saverable. ���
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