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. ''::�5':,': _ ' . • . <br /> � 1 <br /> ! <br /> v <br /> / . �, <br /> � "./' .._. _......._-_._. _._.. . . . . <br /> .. . ' '�i__. <br /> 1�,-OS-9B98 DEIED A� TRUST PApe 6 . . ' .. . ��= <br /> • loen No 821987 (Co�4lnued) �v��,���� H ,; ��- <br /> �—� q <br /> IniiE0ur8y. Londa In good falih doama Itso!f insacuro. ' • ' -,= <br /> E7ciatlnp irtdebtedn�a9. A dotault shall aaur undsjr any Exlsting Indebtednoss or undor ciny instrumont on the Proporty sacuring any F-�dstlnp ,� ,�.,;. <br /> ' indabtodnoss,or comrtrertcom�nt of any aull a othor eotlon to toractos�any exlating flen on tho Proporly. jY_ <br /> Rlpht to Curo� if auah a fdlure ta aumbta and if Trustor has not been plvon a nollco of a broach ot tho eame provl�lon of thls Oood of Trust , '.�- <br /> wllhin tho pmcoding hyolvo(12I monih�,it may bo ourud(and no�vont of Oefauit wilt havo ooaurted)if frustor,atter Lender sends wrlNen <br /> notloe damanding curu o!auch fallum: (n)ourcr�the falluro wlthln tiftoon(t6)dnys;or (b)M Ihp oure requlras moro thun Iiftean(16)dnye, . _ <br /> immed�ately Initlatss ateps euFftclent!o cure tho talturo and thoreaRe�contlnuos and compeatos W1 roaaonabto ond neeessary steps suifklant to . , � _- <br /> ,, produce complianco as soon as rea8anabty pracUcnl. '` _ - <br /> p�pHTg Atdp qEMmiH8 ON OHFAIi.Y. UpQn the 000urronce of any Event of Dofault and at nny dme thereafter,Trusteo ot Ila optfan, <br /> � �� � may exercise any ono or more of Ihe follavAng dghb and�emeQles,ln addlUon to any other�Ights or remedies provided by law: ,, <br /> Aceelaretton upon Dotaup;Additlonel Reme�ltas. It any ovont of delautt ooaurs as por the twms o}the Note seoured hereby.londa meY <br /> deciare alt Indubtodness secured by lhls Oesd ot Trust to bo dus ond payabte and ths same shen thereupon bacomo dus and payabla wAhoul _ <br /> any prssentmant,darr+�nd,prote5t or notice of nny kind. ThoreaRer,lsnder may: <br /> ,.,..; <br /> (a) EIMor U poreo�a by agent,wlth or wlthout bdnging any aadon ar proceeding.or by a receiver epp�lnted by a cou�t and vr�hout ;�,:.; . I , <br /> regard to the adoqua�/of Ita seeurity,entar upon nnd tuke possesslon of the Property,or any part thereot,in Ifs own name or In tho name <br /> marlcetablNty or rontab111ty oP 9he s+h.a part �;.5�S:. � ,., ,•.:.,.. ;=>;,;_.T <br /> of Trustee,und do urr/aab whkh it deems neCOSSary ar dcr�Irabie to proserv�e the value, �..;��q,�Y• <br /> ot tho Properh►or Interest in the Propody;increase ihe Incomo trom the Prope�iy a proteot the seouAty af the Propert�,and,w Ih or vfithout •�,;:;;:y- ...;.�.;�,,x'..� . <br /> tuking posse�on of U� PropoAy,sue tor or othawlse cdteot the renta,issuos and profl�o!the Ro�srM�indudinp those ptst due and �,��,;.��r, ____ w <br /> unpald,and appM the same,tess cosb und e�enses ot operallon and cotlecNon,indudtnp attorneys Psas,tn any Indebtedness�ecarod ., ,��,�;;._: <br /> by t h i s O e e d o t T r u s t,e�I n s u o h o r d e r a s l o n d e r m a y d e t a r m i n e. T h o o n t o r f n g u p an and lakin g possesslon of lhe Property.fhe aollectlon �� <br /> of suah ronts,t�suos end p�oflis,and tha appAcaUOn thamof sheti not cure or waive ur+y delault o►nodoa of dolauH under t h l s Doe d o t T r u s t � �,; �`�ss,`;;=— <br /> ot Invaltdate 8ny act doRe In tespor�se to suoh desauft or pursuant to�uch noNce of deteult;ctnd, noiw8hstanding the Contlntasne0 In „ � ; __ <br /> possssslon ot !ho S�roperh or tha cotleadon,recelpt and appt�allon ot renb,Iss�es o�proflls,Trusts� or 4ender sha►I be entlOed to / '�ti'��r <br /> � exercise every►i9ht provided tor In ihe Note or the Relalad pooumenta or by law upon the ocaurcence of any event of deieult.Indudwg the ,�,`,� <br /> right to exerCist�th0 powet Ot sflis: .. ' _--- <br /> (b) Commence an actlon to faectose thia Oeed of Trust es a mortgage,appoint a recelver a speclflcally entorce any of the covenanta `Tl.s,r �,-:_ <br /> ::�,� . horeot;snd � <br />;� � . (o) Oativer to Trustee a wdtten declsraGon af defc�utt and demand(or sale and a writlen noUce of de4ault t�nd etec8on io cause Tnistors �.v,� ' .� <br /> Intorest in the Ptaperh to b9 sold,whlch noUce Tn�stee ahell cause to be duty Nod tar►eco�d in the appropdete o�ices of th9 County in .�r, <br /> � which the Propery tsbcated;and <br /> .'r-, .-. <br /> � (d) Wlth re3�ect to at or nny paR of tha Porsonal Property.Le�dar shNl havo ult tfr�rights end remedles o}a secured pary under the .:. ���;,__ <br /> NebraskB UnlfOim COmrrterCi81 COdti. . . <br />;:.r� � ws;• Fotecloauraby Power ot Sele.U Lender eteats to forectose by exerdse of lhe Powe�ot Sele he�dn eontainad,�endc�snan noay Tn,�wo mna +���,•;.;: . :1�•.._ <br /> ahaU dsaoslt wlth TrusteeWs Ooed of 7ntst and the Note and auoh�eoeipts end evldenco o!o�enditwes made and aeau�ed by INs Oied W ;� ,_, �� <br /> ��i;,�`#:. <br /> � � __-- , t�+a�T��y rev�• ,;�.,�: .. <br /> ` � � (n) Upon recetDt at woh notle�trom Londor,Tn�stee chuY cause to be rocadod�Publ�hed and deUverod to Tarst�r such Na11o�otDOl�utl > „ . <br /> ' ' �f;: and PfoUce M 5ab w���iuirod by taw and by thb Oeed of T�ust. Trustee ehaU,without demand on Tnistor,afte�auah Ums�s Qrny " ,� <br /> f, , .�•.� then�e reqi�red by Iaw and aRer roo a d a tlon o f s u c h N o t b e o f O o t a t�l t a n d a f l e r N o t b e ot 8a1e haN n p been a N en es tequtred by Ww.soU `� <br /> :•::�� •:<<-j the PropertY at the tlme and ptace af eate flxed ty�la such NoUoe o?3ate,eltPier as a whote,a�in separa t o tots a parcots or ibms es ��y��;'_. <br /> �: T�t�e shal►deem exp�dlent�end tn such ordet as it may determine,at publb auallon to the highost bidde►for cash In lawhtl money ot i;,�.� <br /> tlw Unfted States peyabQa at the Ume ot eate. Tnrstee sPiall deUver to such urchas�z or�urehnsws thaeot(b poo�a�nd sufBdent dead a ;;� y�',,a�,, <br /> ,`F,,.` . f...!�. <br /> deeds conveylnp the Oroperty eo so�d,but withoul any covenant a wartan�y,ao��ss w Impllod. The recitak�In sua�+�eed af a►Y m�tte� �:�, <br /> :'`, or facts BhsU be Condu5lve Proot Ot tho huthtuln�a thereof. Any person,indudinp wilhout,I�r��q�p�q T���r a����Y '{�" ��;"y. <br /> " purahase at such oela ' �' ��� <br /> '�' (b) As may De p�ed by taw,arter dedueUng aH costs.teos and o�enses a1 Tiuste�+nrtd of Ihls Tn�at�Indudirt�cosls d evEdnwe of <br /> ti, <br /> tltto In connection wNh salo.Trustee shatl ePPN�P��g o!eote to payment of p)nll sums o�ondod undor the terma ot this Daed ot ; — <br /> � Trust or undtx tho terms ot the Note not then repad,irydudlnp but not Iimitad to aocnbd Intorest and late eharyes, NI e��a�t��^�t� .,,--�. <br /> : „ �� secured hereby,and pii)the remair.der.l} tha Rason a pasons le�nlb enUtted thnreto. d-- <br /> (o)Tr�stee may In the mannet proNdod by taw postpona stt�ot aY ot any portf�on ot Itw PropaAy. a any IndoIDtid�eeaa -- <br /> ., ` Remadtes P7at FYCttutve.TYustoe and iAesi�ar.and each W them,c+ha7 Oe ernlUed to esHac�Pg1trt�a:�peRo�"°0 = <br /> ' ,� or obupallons cecured 0y thb Oaed of T�'t and to eccen�e a�dphb en�i poM►e�s under this Deed of truat,under ttw Nom�unda an)a�!Ih� <br /> �� ; � Retated Oocumenffi.or undtx any othe�ad�ement or a.ry taws now or heteattet In tarcet noheithatnndi�9�eome ar eN ot suoh Indsbted� .��_�.�_� <br /> and bbUpaUono seeured bY 4h1s Deod ot Tnut may rto�w or 9�ereaRer be otha�wh.s seow�ed.whether by matpaps.deed ot trus1,Plsdp� <br /> p, a�nmsr�f or othe�wise.Netthe►the accaDtanco of tAts C�ed ot Trust rwr Ib onto�aernc+rd,whether by court actton or pureuant to U►s powev o! �,,.._--- <br /> sale or atha powera eadNnod In lha Deed ot Ttus�stw�t Proladioe ar in any mannat�tt�ctf�u��ea d Lender�e d�eeeh ot�Wm aAaY bo �.,__"`—`.------- <br /> � , •,. � omo�ce any other ceatt�Mj Row or I�erea�r hotd by Trustoo u Lendor.It botr�g agr6ed ^ <br /> �M <br /> enUUed to vnforoe tWs Oeed W Tnrst artd eny otP�or cxurlry now or horeafter held by L+ender a Ynistoe In aueh onler end mannor aa UwY or ' =�-� <br /> etther of Uiom may in tlbir e6sWute disaa�on dataKmtne. No rert�dy conterrad upor�or rosaved to Tnntoe or Londer.Is tntended to be . .:,�. <br /> - , -�.i ar.cfulw of aay nii�iv� + !rs!h'3 Q�ct Tsfls!4r by InW d�a px�ad.but each sh4U b�cumulatl�w and shvl be�n adQUon to �� __ _ _ � <br />,�.,♦.• .. „ r`� ev:ry oth:r�am^.d1t 0�""n�thb Deed of Trt�st a oow ar��a�4+`tlna at ta�7 or trt c�ui'ry a ay eE�tuts. t�ry parra ar��a�6i►t�b . -- -_-_ <br /> ��..=--` <br /> Note or ar►y ot ttre Rotated Oocuments to Tn�stee a lendx or to whbh Nther of them maY W othawis�Mti�cd,m�y a cx:rc=a. <br /> concurtofiy ar trtdeporMontfy,trom ttme to Ume nnd as olton as daemed eoq�e�NrQ by TNSte�or L��.and atha Ot ttMm m�y �_�-.— __.—_..—�_.- <br /> � ' egatn5t the T��to �t suCh a��'aa b pettntted byrus!et�a0 ba crmatruod as Rsontb�tlnp Lande►trom swtcinp a detic1enoN I�O� � _ <br /> ��._ � <br /> ' Reqt�es!For No1iCe. 'ihhistat�on behatt o7'tmslot and Lender�horebY�4�that a eopy ot,�ny Noike of Oeta�Bt art�!a copy of a�1i Kc�O Q1;y�„�,±,. __ <br /> ' of Seb undor thls Deed dTn�st be malk�d b Uwm at tho addresses set talh In th9 tYSt parnBnRh of Ws Oeed o!Trust ,. T-�,�y�i.� �-_. <br /> a <br /> . Wslror;OeoUon a!RaraeQles. A wetver by anY P+�N of a Orasch of e ptoMston o!thls Ooed ot Trust shall rtot eonstltuts�waMr d a �I.,'��;;a�.^�,�•:.�--_ <br /> ' ' pre�udlce 11io Portf�s�I9Ab olt�ervvlso to domand strbt comAltano0 wllh thet provlslon or amr olher provPslo�. Eleotlon by Landar to pt�aue anY �, �.{L�:.....��':�,;y�. <br /> romcdlr�roul�ad In thts Doc3d of Tnis�fhe Nata,ln any Rotatod Oocumant,or provldod by Iew sha0 not madudo pwsuit ot any otlxx remedf►. <br /> Do d <br /> ha �•?� <br /> � � and an azell�n to mako oxpondtturos ar to teko aciton to p�ufam an ob!lgation of Tnsstor u�dm lhls Ooed o!Tnut aftor tatlure ot Trusta to •��;v�,;:._. <br /> � pertorm ahau not aHect lend�s�tgM to 0�claro a do"autt end to exmct^,o any ot Ib�madtos. •� , u � <br /> • Attortiaf►s'Feea:E�penxs. If I.ender tnstltutes am►eutl or aeBOn to entoroo ar�y cf th�tema ot t�ts Doed o!Tn�,t.l.endar st�sl Do tnBtio9 to . .;' �.,.;°.''j_ <br /> . rocover such oum as fim courf may ad;udpa nmsonebb es elton�eya'taes at trlel artd on anY�AO�• Whother ar rtei nny cou+1�tlon is r.... .. ; <br /> tnvotved.alt roasor�able ezpetises Incurtod by Lendar wAfch In Lande�b cOJnlon�n�at ar�y tlme ta Mq piota� of tta tn�ct 6t tta -..v . <br /> �� ' " � <br /> . ' ontorcoinaM ot tts dphb eh�ll baeome a part of tho IndoCtedrass WY�b on demtnd and ehnN 4onr int�r�s3 at ilte nIISo rete tran t1w db�te4w : . . ; . <br /> , - _1 exDOnditure unUl repntd ExPeraos covurod by th�s purnBraAh Indude.v�thoul ttmttet�an,hovrav�subiocs so mny Bmlb unde�eDP� <br />_---_ ___-�__ . ..."'� _._.....0 �..W...r....�c�Inue fet h�t11tlIIDfII11 D�7��in$S(IBCIUf�If1O ElI�0�3 t0 tIl0OJ1y Ot <br />— --- <br /> _ LpndOfs ettOfiOyS't0oswieeiner a am ma,o o.o..o�.............. _....._,_ .�.- -- . . . -- -- . .. <br /> vaoato nny automa0e staY a Injunetlan). eAPoeb artd any antic�p�ted pasHud�ment cdleetion earvioos. tno co�t ot sc+eue�ung�acaras. --.-- . : , <br /> obta�ntnp UUS roPods Ondttdnp faodosure repals)�etsveYara�rePab.lpP��•GIW Insurenoe.and fa�a for tho Tnw^tee�to Uw c�nt <br /> pormttted bY apDficebb law. Tnista elso wfsl pay any courl cosb,tn eddlUon ta�ft other sums Drovldod by Inw. '• " � s <br /> Rt�te o!Trusiee.Tnnteo s�aU 1�svo ell of the riphb and dWes o!Londer ss tat tath tn thb sectlon. , <br /> . POWER8 AHD 00ltGATtCNB OF TRUSTE�. The toftowtrq Prov�stora relaUr�g to the po�cras und obltgstlons o!7n�stoe nre part ot thts Oeod ot • <br /> TtuSL • <br /> Powca of Truatee. In eddiuon to sll pawcxs ot Tnatoo urtslnp a3 a maKor ot ta�v�7rusaso ehaG Pave the Powa to tako tPq folowt�q aeUOro , <br /> ' wlth rospoct to the ProyoAy upoa�tho wdttan►84u�st of Londer ond Trustor: (o)Jdn In p�pednp and fiUnp e map a P�t ol!h¢Roal Proye�ty. � � <br /> fnduding Ihs dodlca�ion at 8troats or othe►rlQhb to tho P��� tb)l�n ln yraMing any csa+amont a atwUnp any rc►sMctton on!he ReN PropdM , <br /> � • I and (e)Joln fn nny subardlrtnflon a a2Mx agroomant flttoctlnq thts Qoed ot Ttust or the fnloresl o!Londor undor tlds Ooed ot Trtn6 � <br /> TntatEO. TNStao ehaU au�t eN qutU[kaUorri requtred tor TtuSteY urtder eDPlic�bte 41w. In tdditlOn to the�igP►b artd romedle�6ot taAh ObOW, <br /> wlth resyeot to NI a am part ot tAO Rrop�xtY.the Tnr�toe ahali Aave!he�Ight to taed�o by nottoe artd e�.n^d londer ahatl Mva the�ipht to „ <br /> torodoso by judk�at toroolasuro.{n afther auo tn aocordar�oo vlth nnd to tho MI oxtent�rovlded by ap�l�luw. ; � . . , <br /> � t, <br />