., �
<br /> . � .� -, .. . .r..�. �
<br /> . . _ ._..._ n.... .._ . .. .... . � . . _ _... ..
<br /> ttao�te�a ���e� o��'RU�� �t➢�.4355 �e$�a
<br /> Loa�No 8�1867 (Continued) 99° , ,
<br /> ._,—�-�.�� �
<br /> � Apptlestlon ot Het Ptoceede. if atl or any pnA of lhn Propa�ty Is condomnod by eminont dom�Jn proceoding3 or by any procesdinp or ��
<br /> purchctso In Uau of con�emnnUon,londnr mey nt Is etocl!on nqulre that nA ar any partlon of tha rt�t procAeds of tho qward bo p�ed to tho n
<br /> urcn
<br /> Iad�btodnoss ar tl�ropaV ar�toratlon of the P�oparly. The rtet proaeeds ot the award aha�tt moan tha Qward aftar poymant ot a t roasanaBla „
<br /> cosb,s�er�os.end attcrnoys'tnn3 tnoumtd by 7rustoo o►l.ontlsr In Conrtootlon with Ih�condomnsUon.
<br /> st��mn�Ybc+6�ncctu�ary to�dofond!h0 notlon�8nd obt�atn tho o n d�Tnt�oT mny bohs rtaminal party U euo procoedi g,buptuLendor e ah � ��
<br /> i
<br /> be antlUad to pcirBdpato in the praceadlnp and to ba�raented t�+the proo�d�+�p bY co++n:�1 a}�atm cho'co,4rtd Yrusta wUl ds:tvo►a
<br /> rBd
<br /> cn�e to be delivered to Lender auah instrumonts aa mty bo nquest�d bY�1 hom tims to Ume to permtt auah padblpatlan. ,�,�
<br /> IMP081T10lJ OF TAX88.FEES AND CHARGES BV DOYERNM�NURL AUTHOAITIEB. Tho faftowinp provisions relatlng to govammontat taxes,
<br /> .� fses end ahnrgos a►e a part ot thls Oe�d of T�ual „ '
<br /> w�ha�ve otfu�u aeUOn Is roqast�by Wndur to patrtoyc end ccnt nua Land 8/►on on ths Roal Piopody8 T�rustor nhaU rolmbur�e Lendertur at�t . • � _ �
<br /> tax�, tt�descNbod botow,toBathor wlth dl oxponses Incurrod in reeordin0� PeAecr�O a�ontlnu�n8 thts D�� of Trust. Includinp wllhout
<br /> Ilmllatton alt texes,laps,tloaumentary s#�mps,ond olt,er chargas tor recading or rcglstering thie Oood of TrusL . : _
<br /> Taaces. The fottovAng shall constltute taxes to which thb secuon applles: (a)a spociflc tnx upon thls typo of Dood ot Truat or upon NI u any .,„v�.!;�:•
<br /> pad ot ths Indabtsdn2�s seourod by this Oeed ot Trush, (b)s speeitb tox on Trustor whkh Trusta h�authodzod or roquirod to doduet hom , ",�,,,�,..w
<br /> � paymenb on th31ndebiodnoss seoured by thls type of Oaod of Trust; (o)a fax on thls typo ot Doed of Trust chergeabla agalnst the Londor or .*�:'�`_ =
<br /> tho holder of th9 No:9:ond (d)o speCtflo fax on N�or uny potGOn of lho IndoDtod�ass or on pnymenta of pdndpai nnd Intcvast mado by ;:.;�j LL�`'_
<br /> � Trostor. ''''
<br /> Subl�er�ueat Tscw. H any tez to whlch this seetlon appites b o�ctad eubseguent to the date a!tAb Daed af TrusL thts ove�t�►ai tulw�h� •s=�_<'_
<br /> b) ---
<br /> snme eNect as an Eve+�t of Detaull(as doflned butarn},and Londe►rnaY exetoise any a ati ot Its av.t'Jeble nrt�edl�a for an EwM ot Dst�uR�s ��
<br /> � proNded botow un`ass Y�ustor eiiha► (a)paya the tax Datoro il bazom�del�nQuent,a@)eontosb ttie fax as pm�tdod above in tho T�ces and ;i�__.,
<br /> Uena seotlon end @opcsib with Londer caeh or a su7t:�tant corporate suroty bortd or other seaudiy BaUsfaetaY to Ler�dar. :�`+,
<br /> � SECUAIflf wORk�lYlEti"�:FINANCING 8TATEMENTB. 1'he totlowtnp provisions relatinp to thls Oaed ot Ttust aa a BecwftY YpreemeM era a parl of
<br /> E -'�'7�-�
<br /> ., this Deod a4 7n�sG
<br /> s,, ,�:''` .t,.:_
<br /> ,:^�; . Sgcartly A�reemetll. TAb Insbvment sheil constltute a svcudly apre��meM to the extent any et the PropertY conatltuto:l Podutee a othkt :.,k_„
<br /> pre
<br /> ':.'•�;•'' � peisonal properly,antl Lendor shell have¢II of tho�Ights ot a secured aartY under tsia Unlform Commerclat Code as amended hom flrt»to ::;A,,,.
<br /> • h '' dme. �=
<br /> � :•� 3eeuriry t�tereat. �1Aan requa�st by lender,Trusta sha0 e�wcute Rnenctrtp etatements and teko wAntever otha Qt`GOn ts tequostod by LendYr :,``�r�`
<br /> to po�teot and eoMlnue 4ender's seKUdty lnterest In the Renb and Perscmal P►operly. In additlon lo recardlny tAb Deed of Trusi in tta rsnl .�s.Yr=
<br /> 6 '
<br /> , � proporly records,Lender may.at eny tlme and wilhout turlher authwiratton trom Tnistor,file wcecufed counterya�ts,aoples cr reVroducUons of �.��,_
<br /> thls Doed of T�ust as�flnanelnp stutamerd. Tnistor MoY repl�a�►bu�lendw ta�II e�enses incurred In peAeaUnp a eonttnulnp lh��ottdtl+
<br /> . 'S and m�ako pa�a�ble�ta��er w'tthi tt�iree�t3)d�aYs�reeatpl ot wdtten�dertwnd hom Lenpde�r. �onnbb comrentent to Tnutor nntt Lnndor __
<br /> �' _ ear�uad hom w h l C h I I 1 tOfrtls U O n C C 7 1 ff d i M n p t l 1!0 8 C U f 1�►(RtifQ31
<br /> Aq��a. 1 iq�udGrp ndmba��t'iti�i�t�BbtM)8tld l.SSl4�{--:-.-- i�Yk ✓"`"'
<br /> Q�
<br /> .. greMod bY lhls Oeed of Yrus1 rt►eY be obffiined tetioh as requUed by the Unitorm Comrt�erciai Code)�are os sffite0 an the erst P�p�oi iiis tiaeci ,,,�r.�:s�..
<br /> of Trus1. �-°�;;'-;
<br /> FURTF�R �SSUiANC�B�ATTORNEIt-IPt-fACT. The followln0 Dravisloro rotaflnp to fuRher ass�unncas and atlomoY-�n-htcl am n DaA a!thb =------
<br /> , ' � CeedotT�usL ----_..-
<br /> Fudhet ABSUrancos. At eny 91me,and hom time to tlme,upon roquost of Lender,Trustor wiU make,exeoute and daQver.a�v1i1 a►use to k0
<br /> �' made.executed or del(vored.to Lender a to Lenaara designee,and whan requasted by Lende►,aause to bo ftcod,recorded,tetlled�or
<br /> � rurecardod,as the ceso may be�e1 sueh tlmes and in sueh oiflees ttnd plaaos as Londo�rnny deom approp�iate.any end NI sueh rrt
<br /> �� doads of trust.security deeAs.senudry apreemonb�ftnandnp staferrteMs.conttnuaUOn atataments.instrumenb of huther aasunnos�C�N
<br /> and o9her doeuments as may.in the eole opinton ot Lertder.bo necessary or E�slrebte lo adsr ro eHeah�ats,compkte.pMecR�nUnu�or
<br /> �� a�on�tu by th�Deed ol�Trust on t�he«Fr�opedytwhethar n w owned�a itereaRar�cO��Y TYusta.Unbss p%thtOtted ygia�w a�dlrt�nab
<br /> " contrary by londor�r►wrlUrp,Trustot shali relmbwss Wnde►far a9 costs and axpe�es Incurred In conneCUon wllh the nwttas�ehn►ed to In _
<br /> � this p�traprepR.
<br />_ , , pnptafey�MF�eI. It Tn�sta talb to do anlr a1 the Ihlnps reterted to in the praoedia9 P�9�Ah,�^�^ur d0 oa!or and�� ��
<br /> 'frustaT and d Trustara�er►se. Fm sueh DurDaro3�7nata herobY irrevacebty apPant�Lendor ne Trustolb attaney�cl _
<br /> - _ i� o!rtwkirop,ezocuthW.deNvedny�iUin9�recordlrW�and doing a.9 olhtx thtngs ss maY be neoesseN or deskebb.ln Lendo�'s so��P��� ���`"
<br /> •• �" axon1PUSth the rnt1tte�8 tefeaed to In 9he preoodinp parsysph _
<br /> FUl P�tFGAW1A�iG�E. tt Tmsta Paya eI1 tho�ndebtedness wtwn dtw.terminatas th�8ne of aedit�and othe�wlse DeR�►s aN thY ot�i8t11ona =
<br /> : � Imposed uPon Trusta under lhta Cesd of T�st,Lender ehafl exeauta and deBver to 4�us4ee a reAuesl ta tuY rmconvsYdnoo and eNar aacuta artd :;
<br /> de iva tc T►usta a�dt�QW statemonts ot terminn8o�o!nny tlntnd�Q statemer�on Hlo�vldo^cl^g L�o"dedd'se°urtty i�+ta�s�M ths Ronts and tM
<br /> ,� Personn�S�cpaty. Any reeonveyareoe fse reQuired bY law aha�Iso O�d�Trusta.tf pa�lted by aPPUCable law. �±-
<br /> • '�. DEFAlL4. Eaah af Ua foilowtng,at 1�8 opUon ol lendet.stuu�tii coratiWta an wtsnt ot dotatAt('Event o?DetaulF'1 undet lhis Deed of Tn�t �==-_
<br /> -_. �����=��w„�,����T��cfar to msko any payme�st wtwn duo on Uee Indabtodness. : _
<br /> "`,+ ' '� Deta�ttt on tttt�m b��ts. F�fiur�at T�rubtar crtthfi th�tlrtq te�u�et!by t1�hs Oned o11'rust to make QnY PsYrps;n!tor tuxs ef I�u+ant�,� � --_
<br /> z amr other piyernr►Y�ry�o Drovem Ainp ot a ta�tfect dlsehups of anY lis�+. --
<br /> .. , ,$ Da?autt M Favor ot Third Peetles. ShoWd Bortowor a Q�Y Tnulor doHult under ar�Y�onn.axteRSlan of eredil.sacudty�preertwnt,Dtxelus�a 6__
<br /> Ba►�wer�aea Y�'��a ebNy�reD Y the loans pertam��resDe��obll�a�ore unde�th�b De�d�if Tnut or�Y�t!»�ted rt�---�-
<br /> '.p ••.;,_,;---
<br /> l , a —
<br /> •� :, Documenb. �_>u=.:-
<br /> � .s ComnllMee��1Q. Fatluro ot Tnistor to comPh With anY oth0r tam.oL:tqA'�.covonanl a condtlon cortatned in thb Oe9d W Trust�tl� .;=i.,'�;-;N-
<br /> Noto or In nny cf 9P►p Retatod Oxurtesr►ts. ' �'`':A�;,�r
<br /> Ral�e Statcments. My wmmnN.royrosortaBon or sTutortrent m¢do a turni3hed to Londor by cr an belutt of Trustor under thb Dood of Tnut. ,�•����t.lt`';;
<br /> t?ro�A7ato ot tho Retated Oocumonb ts talsD a mis�anding In arry mattx181 respoct�6I1hEU now a at ihm 8me made a Mrt6hmd. } :;;,A F.,::..;_
<br /> +��•� � pp{�ye�pp�=riiimltatl. This Desd af Trust or nny W iho Rolutod OxumeMS Coasos to be In tuJ toroe artd otlt�Cl(indudlr+g E�Uure at umr '• � �'-
<br /> I�erest or Ilsn)at any tlmo and ta nny reason. ,'r:`•'::
<br /> " cottc►tertil doeum�ts to uente a vattd and Partoefctd BectMry '. • �
<br /> Tho death ol?rustru cr tt►.0 dl�;oluSOa ct t�mthatlon W Trus4a's o�dstenoe en n 4�6 buslnosa�tho insotvenaY�
<br /> ..., .._,
<br /> , , Deaifl Or InsoNeno�►. °,,:
<br /> . Tnrstor.the ep0��r�t of�receivor tor any parl of Tn�stor's Orapodf►•a�Y a-�+�ta tM bonetH ot cred►tars�nnf►tyPo ot credlior wakouL . .. .-
<br /> . a tfle commonoemen3 of anY P►��+��nder aml b��ruP1e!►or I�oNen�11 tawa bY a�nst Tnator. �
<br /> • . .•.
<br />—_- -----___ _ .�,...r ... e��,�,:d taree��a taluiture D�oceedir�.whethe►by�udiel�l ao9oedirq.setl-he�P�roposs�s�
<br /> _..._.. --.f.n.,a
<br /> .....,
<br /> -��---.._-.:-- rOfflGi�lao.rv..v.s.�w..�. �......�.�..._ . __-. .
<br /> a�+r o�ner�u�oa,br�►r«�o�Th,st«a br anr aow�nw��aQa��u amr o��.+�w�,. :;�.:.�,a�..r...:_..__._. .. .. _
<br /> , tPD1!►In the ewnt af n�ood tatth disPuie bY Tnwta as to t1a vakdily cr rensonabteness ot tta oS�tm wldch b fh�basts af th�to�ur�a ,
<br /> . foruto►turo P���Providod that Tnutor 4Mes Lende►�w�flten nouae ot�A ctalm artd Mnbhes resorve�a a suret�r bond h►tA�eidm „
<br /> sat}3teataY to lsrttkr.
<br /> �� .. Bre�Ch o!01net AgeemOn� My broeCh by Ttustor und0t the terms ot nny ot�i IIreo���boMraOnnQ�4tBdrte3�Ot other ObNBtEon d T�ntstor
<br /> . w(thln nny 9rsae Rertod ProYldt�d thE�r�n,fnct�np wllhout QmltaUon anr QOree „ ..
<br /> ., � to I�ndcx.wt�ethEx e�urg now a loter.
<br /> Evente At�eelm0 Guarantor. A^y of t�e pr�oed�ng ovoMs oocu�a��''�P�t to any t3uaran2a o!eny of th9 indebtedrtess Cr M►Quorarta
<br /> d;os a bocomas tneomAetent.or revokes a d�P�+Ws th9 valldib o4�a NeblGt�unQ�x�arry Qutuanty o!the indebied�ess. lende►�flt Eb optton,
<br /> manru r sat�s�tadal►to t�ndeQ.and.n d�np so,�aur�e t t�E�of�ut�t. mo uneond�itonattp ihe obi�ga4orts�ISinp und�r the qusrnn4y tn a
<br /> . partormsnoa dU�ie IrtAob�b impaked.� ooctra tn TnrstoAs fltuncbl condtL'on.ar lende� bo�bv�ss th� Prospeet et Ba1n^0�a ..
<br /> � �
<br /> � . � �a�e`�
<br />