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<br /> � ,. , .. � - . . . . � . .. .. . L, ' .. .. . . ,i- . -----�.�F.it..,, .
<br /> .. i. . . �� . . . ........ _ _
<br /> .. Q
<br /> ,. 11-05-9998 DEED OF TFiUSF Pago 8 }
<br /> Loen No 821967 (Cae�tlnued) ��� ��1,��� .,
<br /> �-- — —
<br /> � 6uccaasor TruaYae. Len6ar.at londsu'a optlon,mny ttom tlr�io to tirr�appdn!e euccessor Truste�to any Trustoo nppolntad horeunder by�n � �,
<br /> � � Instrurnent oxocuted and aaknowlo6ged by Lendsr and reecrdad In lho oftba o!the reeardor a!HALL County.Nobrntaca. 7ho Insbumcsnt sh�ll
<br /> � aontnta,in addltlon to atl ot�or msltore rsqulred by atato law,the�wm�s of lhe ortalnai Leodeq Trusstes,nnd Trustor,the book and papo(ar .,
<br /> u
<br /> computor uystnm ratorenca)wharo thl�Doad o!Trust Is recarde9,and tho nama and addrass af the aucoessot trustoe,and tha Inshvm�nt ehal �
<br /> " bs pcaoutod nnd acknowWdpod by a��the bmetictaAas urtder th�Q�wd of Rua/a ttwir suaaosaora In lntoresct. 'Rn►eucce�or tru�too,wlthou!
<br /> convayanoe cf 1he PropeAfr.shal su000sd to aq tho Utb,powK,and dutls�ooafoend upoa�ha'frustw ln this ONd o!Ttuat and by app�w �
<br /> ' � - tt�w. 4tu proccduru tot c�tbatltutlon of trustse ahatl�cv�un to tho unoluston of NI othut prov�sior►3 for oubslltWon.
<br /> � ,; NOTICEB TO TRUSTOR AND OTlER PAIiT1E8. Any nOtbe under thlS Oeed of Ttust stl&11 be lt1 wrillnp,msY 06 sont Oy tW81ect1rN19(unt�ss • _
<br /> � othorwiso roqutred by law�,artd ahalt be eNectiw whon aatually de!:vared,ar when depo3fteB wilh a naflot�lh►reoo0�d ovam ht aottrNr,ar.U �_Y
<br /> m d l o d,e h r i l t b e d e amod offooUvo when depositod In!he Unttod&tates malf 8r�t class,ce+11fte0 a reptstett�d ma�l�Dosta�e P�A���direotad to the --�
<br /> addre�stes ahown ncar tho beptnning of this Ooed ot Tn�sl. Any 9ary may ohn�e its addr�s tar nottoss unde►t h b Oea d a!Ttu s t b y g M n p t o r m a l �_' '��
<br /> wAtlon notico to tho othcr pnrUes,spocltytn8 lhat the purposo of the nolbe b to ol+anpe the partlle address. AII copfes o!nollaes of loreotnun kom s:_�::
<br /> ,. For notbo purp yo5es.lYu�t o r eS�ees to kesp Lon�d r and Tnutee t n�tamed ut Qolt tlmas�of Tnisto s�cuRant edQross.�beginninp of thts Ooed ot TrasL �;,.;:
<br /> :_,:
<br /> ,,^
<br /> ", _M.•-_-
<br /> '�.�`�•. MISCE3I.ANEQIJS PROVISIONB. Tho tonowing misceAaneous provisforw are a paR ot this Oood of Tnt� =--.
<br /> 'i,`�:��' „, '' Amendmenta This Doed of 7rust,togethur wlth any Reletod Doaumonb,eonsUtutss tho on&o undernWnding and sproement o!tho paUOS ns ��:.
<br /> `-'�;� to Ihe matte�a se1 t�rlh ln this OoQd ot Tn�st. No alternUOn ot er amendmE►�q to this Oeed of Trusf ahaN De efNCthw urttess piven tn wdt►np anA ��.�:
<br /> •• ' sipnod by the parry or parUes so�0ht to be oharqed or bound Dy tha ntterallon or arr�ndman� �_—
<br /> �' Anrtud a�potQA. H the ProAerty is used tor purpaws otl�than Tn+stcre nstd6rwa,Tnasta ehrA hunfsh to land�r,u�on rpw�t,a aKiltl�d �,
<br /> .�tQ:yr' . :..�.. siatament of not aperaQ�tncome reaolved hom the Prope�+dur�n�Tn�stors ptevio�s Rsosl Ysu In sueA tam and detau ts i.mde►�Rat --eA_
<br /> - '�``�• require."f�tet operDUn9 lncomm`shall mean ctl cnsh rc�oipia trom 4he 1'roperly tw"s att pah oxprrtrHh�res msda�n eon^ecUon vuRh the oparttion �'�
<br /> ,�;G... " t
<br /> �:.?,�;+ otthe ProPerN• �c,-._..
<br /> ,<<:;r;?n ::
<br />-"'�•���� � �� Appllcable Laiv, this IDaad of T►uat hea�ee»dellvered to Lernlet�nd xeepte0 A1►L�nder in the Stete ot Nabnike. Th1s Deed o!T�u1t
<br /> ' ' ' � sndl be poreresa�by and conatrasn in aceordance wlth the Iaws of ti�e 8ta4a o!Nebraeke.
<br /> 1 ._ �.'--'
<br /> ��,'�.�:'� '�� Captlon Keadlnps. Ceptlon head inps U t h is O e e d o t T n x�t e n t o r c o n v o n l e n o e P u r P o s�o n t y 8 n d a r e n o t t o b a u s e d to�nte r�rot a deflne 1!w -
<br /> ;,:�; r�,;�. t� provislor�s ot this Desd o}Tnts� -'-
<br /> , '`;,�,;;;i,4��. __ -
<br /> � �;;,;.i itr . Rl�rpet. There ehei�bo no mer�ar ot tho Interest a astate aoated by thts Desd ot Tntat with BnY other Interest a estute tn lhe Ptoperly Qer/
<br /> :��5�G''•'" Umo held by a ta tha bunet!of Lendpr ln ony capaotty,wlthout th6 wdtten con�eM of Land�x.
<br /> ,. " ,� tltniqpb Puttes. Aq obllpaUorq of Trustor under 41tis G80d oi Trust shaU 6e Joint end aevent,�ttd all teierences to Trustor slwD m0an MC�8nd ---
<br /> every Tiusta. Thle rt�an�thal eaoh W the persana slOntnp baow i�respo�le Por a[i obupatlons In this De�d of TNSt
<br /> � Sersabplt�. �f a couR at ccmPOtent JurbdbUon flnds ar►y proNston of tMS Oeed of Trust to ba invalld a urontoroe�bte no to aeY p�on a
<br /> �!��j4t��.{
<br /> � .., 1� droumsTanos�such 8ndtnp s�not rendo�l���n tn�w hin ttw o�b�a ttaceib�Uh�w v�1Y P��M ��,"��r
<br /> ,�, �. awh 6im�i��tt:�- � ,
<br /> `� cannot bo ao modiRed.!t eha11 ba strldcan artd a11 other provlsior+s o1 thia Derd of Tn�st In u otnsr reapee�siw�re►i�in v�i Br�E `
<br /> . gpCCea�o�is�A�Ipna 3ubjeet to the pmBadora 6tated in tt�±7 Osed of Trusl on han,,�ter ot T�uatore Int�est,thia Oeed ol7rust ehwM be _
<br /> binding upon art�Inure t0 the boneflt o!1he parties,thetr auooesaoB artd asslgna. If owneBhip ot tke Proper�l beCOme�vested U�p�so�
<br /> oUu+r than T�ustor�Lertder. without rtoUoe to Trustor, may deatt wiM Ynistor's a�� �th �eferenoq to thia Daod ot T�ust and tho
<br /> ��,;;,:.,... . Indobtedness by rvoy o!tortrearanoo ar exlension without�edleasinp Tnistot irom the oblipaUona of thls Doed of Tntst or Oabilly unda t►w
<br /> - ,,.� Indobted�es9. - —
<br /> TUne t�ot the Eeoenee.Time�of lho essenoe In the pertormanoe of thb Deed of Trus�
<br /> � Waivas�nd Causnta. Lendev shatl not be doemed to h�va�waMed any dOMo ua�de►thb Oe�d of Tnnt<c�tande►tho Rekted Oaaunws�b)
<br /> ,., .,�, '' witesy aucA waive�b In wdtlnp and sJpned by 6ender. No dWr or omFssfon on ths parl of L+�ndw tn sxer�Clsir►ID iny dpht stttll op�1�aa t —
<br /> wolver of euch ripbt a ae�►otlier r1pM. A wdv�by�u+y wfi►a a ao�a►a m�a�a a nus+en.r�consu��o o wan�a or��,m�n�
<br /> h�
<br /> ' ;.��r,r.,� . por�/o�ht otherwlsa to demand shict complianoa wHh ttKt provlsion a trry othe►Drovislon. No pda vralvor bY I.onder.Aa anf►ootrs�d
<br /> '.j�;15;.;,, doaUrq betwoen Lender art�'{lrustor. shaN eor�Utute�welvar ot any ot Lendu'e dOht3 a any of Trustar'� obliyatlor�ss to am+t�4un
<br />_'�';i`:rz;;,�-�,, Uar�sacUons. Whenavar coraent my lenda Is requlred In!Ns Doed o!Tnnt.the�ranUnp of euch eonser��y 6e�det in eny tnsfu+a�htR �t
<br /> J�,�.f;,,,nti:•
<br />-�P;,,.0 cor�-�ut�i r�+�da��►p�nrGert to subseatront In3tnnoes whero suoh com3entb nquksd.
<br /> '��i1n"°'` Walver ot FbaaeYtead EuemOtbn.Tnista hore6y relwsw.►and wntves d rlQhb and bertetib oi the homeatnnd mxemp8on Iaws d ltw Sttt�d
<br /> jj?�?k, ,./#;�!'� Nebra�ka q ta ntl lndebtedness seaurod by thk�Deed of T�us�
<br />�`'�`,���'.�. . ' EACDI TRU9TOR ACKrlOWLEDOSS HAVI Atl THE Ptd�11�ES10i�8 OF 1?US OF.ED OF TRSIST.lINID FJ1CN 1'iil19TOR ACifiSE8 TO ITS .
<br />_��;,`�,�';i� TER�19. !0
<br />�, �i�i , ,
<br /> -,•.�..c.,.. .' TRti9TOAt �_.
<br /> � �� �---y--� Y ,e�. ,C�� �
<br /> ��-�_•
<br />�.+�k'..w�en+u.i�a�i � �.°�L ���.��I�i1e t'VG�"6 --_ E-�--
<br /> �_n_,�{�Fi�.`:... WlLL1A�1 i� _._�
<br /> .��-
<br />=�-,����� ' INDIVIDUAL ACNCPiOW�DG EN4
<br />_,�:,�.., __.. �
<br /> `::.��� _
<br /> :;:;c1t,.._'' - gte►te oP �� -=
<br /> y�:..,..{ . -
<br /> rlr,4t, __:
<br />�'��"'�"' �. COUNT1/0F �_
<br /> e
<br /> ' � � WILLIAN P BE�INEP71tnd JOAHNS 6E)4NESTT.to mo known to be tl� �;..
<br /> •:�.;.,. On tNk33 day Oofore me�the urtdersigaod No1arY Fublb.PasonaNY eAD�ere�d thnt tAey s:t; •ahe poed o!Yrusi ao theU and votur�tery tot ,�'
<br /> � - IndWlQusb dosa�bed tn and wRo exac���O�e�a Trust,and s owbdpod _
<br /> u
<br /> � nnd doed,ta lhe taes artd pwRose.s �`�-- _
<br /> - i Otven under my hmd �/'yp_�`{`y{y�� `'� a� _
<br /> �rJ '
<br /> -Y_ I�l� !�I \ M�'
<br /> -_.-- _ _,_ �.�,�� CF,yf,9 Npl�PUWt01n 1PNl �Of - .
<br /> ��� �y'�!y RaEld�D� �� �
<br /> 'ti,�;<<���99` • �
<br /> „ ���,F,`�"o�. MY c�mf,sston ex�res ,:�
<br /> 4�fy l�a
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<br /> �. '. �' AoO�;'e
<br /> .
<br /> „ .
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