. '�;; .
<br /> , 1
<br /> ., �.> .-
<br /> .r..
<br /> tyQO�-�9�13 DEED OF TRUST 9�a(�1.�°e�9or3 Pege 3 � , , ._
<br /> � Loan No aa9�39 (ConUnued) — �' . . .
<br /> ,
<br /> �-- ., -
<br /> sarvic�rondorod a mstodal furN�hod lo the PropaAy. Tru�lor ahaq molntnin iho Properiy iroo of nit Itort�having pdorly ovcr ar cquN to tho _ ,-_
<br /> Intotost ot Londor undor thi�Oaod otTrust,exeopt for iho Ilan o!ta�s nnd essosumont�nof duo,oxcopt tor tho oxlstlng Indebtodn�s rotuned �._—.
<br /> � to b¢lovr,und oxcept aa otharwlso prOVtded In INS Qo�d of Trusi. • �_.:
<br /> i RIph4 To CoMeat. Trustot maY witMtAd paymun!af 3ny t�,assos�menf,or cfelm in conncsctlon wilh n pood fNth dispute ovor tho obllpaqon : ��.
<br /> '. lo pay,ao long n�Lortderb IntQrost In thn Properly i�not lsopavdlmd. If a tian artsa�a is R;ad ns u rosult o!nonpaymant,Trustor stwil wilhtn • � '
<br /> Hfieen(16)daya aflcr th�1'�n nrl::�or,tf n I'�n�S nlsd,wlihin ilRoon(16)9nya oRor Trustor P+ua nottoo o}tha filing,eoouro tho dischargo of th� .
<br /> Iton,or I!reqaosted by LanGer,dopo�lt wllh Londor assh a a suHlcbnt coryAratO surety bond or othar sacurtty eat�staatory to Lende�!n an , . .__
<br /> pmouet eutticlont to diseharpe the[ten pfus any costs end ntlartoys'taas or other charges that cou:d aocruo as a rosWt o!e toredosura a eals •ti _
<br /> undw!he Ibn. in any eontost,Truslot shatl dofend ttseif and Lendcr and shap aaNSy any ndvcrso Judpmont bofora ontoroement agelnst the •••�,y .
<br /> property. Trusta aha0 n�me Londor as an addillonnl ob!lgoc�unda uny auroiy bond tumishod In!hu coMest procosdings. .
<br /> Evtdenoe ot Paymen� Tn�tor sha9 upon domand fumtsh W londor sntistactory ovldence ot payment of the texos or assessmonta und ahaU
<br /> authorizo the tippropdcstq povsmmental ahlctsl to dolhror to Lendor at any tlme a vrritten atatement of the tezes and assessmenta agNnst tho �
<br /> Proporty. �•
<br /> NoUca o4 Conatructlon.Trustor shail noUty l.ondor nt krast�taen(16)days bWore any wafc is commenced,uny sExviais are fumishe9.a any ; ,�,;'_.-
<br /> mateiinis nro suppik�d to the Prepafy. il any moehanla's Uen. matertalmen's tlon, or oth�qen couid bo asseRod on uccount ot the wak. _ ;,.Y,::;;:;-:,_-
<br /> servbos.m matarGils. Tn�stor wlil dpon req�est o!Londer hun�,h b Looder aQvanoo essurar�oes aatisfactary to lorsda that TNStor can end wltl •:;��,�
<br /> pny tha cost of such ImprovamaMs. . ��!�`��-"'-_
<br /> .�._y!c..----
<br /> PRO�ERTY DAMAG�iNSIlRAkCE.Th9 following ptovislot�s relaUetg to tnsudn8 tho PropeRy arO e p8A o!thls QOed Ot Tnisf. , ';_— -
<br /> , � a7atntenence ot inwnnee. T�a ahaN Practuo and mal�in polkdes o!tire te�surana wttfi sfan d a r d e x t en d e d c�vetapo e n d a e G a m e r�o n Q �,�r,,;=
<br /> roplscetrtent ba313 for the tuli tnsur�ble vaiue covering aIi Impruvarrtents on the Real PropaAy In en omount sufNcient to avold apgllca@on of anY , ;;,��, ---
<br /> ccpayuranoe ciauso�and erith a 5l3nc�ard mcNtgAgoe dause N tuva ot lender. Trustor shall also proouro and mainlain comprelwnsive genePsl ;c E',t"'": -- -.
<br /> ...:•�tYc;;.=
<br /> IIab11Hy insurenee ta suoh covorege amou�s as Lender may roquost with trustae and lsnder betng named as uddlUonci insureds in auch tfeDG�i ,�,:•�
<br /> �ny��p�. Additionatty.Tnuta sAatl melntein auch othe�tnsuranoe,lndudtnp but not Ilmited to heaerd,bustnoss intertupdon,ctr� ,� : _==__
<br /> Q�atlar Insuranoe,as tt3nder maY roasonaby roQuxe. Polbies ahel be vrtitten in(am�amounta�coverages and basis reasonabb eooePteble ta j. �x3•,;��:_�.
<br /> B.on�er nnd k^sued b a eompa+m ar companies reasonabty acc��bb to londcu. Trusta.up on roquost of Lender,wIn detiver to Lender hom „ ;,�,.
<br /> @me to tlme tho P�a aerlltk�les ot insuranoo in fam stttstaotal►to Landor�ineludinp sUDula�ons that covers9es w(ti rtot Ca aancolud a . •,•t:;.
<br /> dlminishod wfthout at Ieast Wn(10)dnys'Pdar wrllten notl�e lo Lender. Faah trtsuranoe poliaY also ehaU indude sn endorseme,�t 9rovtdlnD lhat .:,1�,:,;,..—
<br /> conxaye In tav�o!Lendor witl not ba Impalred In any way by any act,omisston a detautt of Tnistor a any other person. Should the Real ,;�
<br /> pirppOAy at anY dme btteome looatod in en atea dasi8nated by the OkeCtor of the Federel Ert�ergenol►MBnepertro�tl AyerteY as 8 epeClal flood .,.
<br /> . harard area,Tnista egroes to abtsln and maintaln Federal Flood Insurenoe for the futl unpaid Pdndpat belanoa ot the loan,atp to th�meodmum `�:r'`;��;;:..
<br /> � . poliey Umib se!undor the Nadonal Flood Insuranoe ProBrnm�or es ofherwlse re4�by Lender.and to mntntatn suah insurance for tM turm ot `�,,�,;
<br /> ,;. thr�losrt. �' �--
<br /> ` �spticaifon of Rroceed�.Tnesto�ahatt prompUy no8ry Lendar�t�nY toss or damape to the Pro�ryr. Lender may mtke proof d loas M Tn�sta ��.,�. ��
<br /> . Ihis to do so withtn tttteen pb7 da��s ot the cwusltY. Whether cr,na!Lender's secv+ity Is Impaked.Lsndw mcy.at i��cUor►�realMe ub�In '`' :. .�t..._
<br /> � �, tha orooeeds a!any tnsurance ar�ai ePPry�►�e prooeeds to the reduetlon op tAa lndebtedness�PaYment ot any tlen afl�eUnp the�roplAf►.�a tho f,�,�
<br /> ,, 3 restcraUon and rvpa►r ot the ProQeAy. It Lendor dacts to�y i�iv���a r�sY�Ors snd stpzlt.T!!�!!x�i?r+R�_w��e� tltm S , =
<br /> i damaQed or destroWd�mDrovemenb M a man�saUSfadory to LenQer. lendar sheM.uPon satlsfactory praof d aucb a�enaAtun.p�y a
<br /> ,,.. r�tmbwse Tntstor ham the Rroos�ds tor ihe reasorwbte cost ot�epak ar restoraSon It Tnistar Qs not In de8ult und�Ws Oaed af Tntst. M!► �°_::
<br /> :;:,;�,. �Or��eeds wNch htvo rtot bee�+tl�hu�sed wttAln t80 days�ftnr tM(r reoetpt u�d whxh L�ndor t�not committed to the repa��r rostora�on ot " _�.
<br /> b + �
<br /> 4P�a PropeAy sha�bo used f�st 1��y a►�y arnount owtnp to lQ»�or under this Doed of Truat.thnn to pay eoaued tnten�s4.an0 Sh^csrt�lnd�r.U �
<br /> ri 6! ��
<br /> , .,'� ti any.shaY be apPOed to the pdnclpal batonce ot the Indebtednees. If Lender hotds a�q Prooeeds efler DaYment tn fW of the Ind�b4adness.euch ���::°"
<br /> i'�
<br /> t, prppeedg slwti be patd to Tnistor as Tntsta's interesia may 3�P�� ,',",s"`
<br /> unp�ired Insurenee at 8ete.My unoxpired I�uranoe shflo lnure to the banetit o1,flnd pass to,tho purchascr oi the Properly co�ered br this S �..�
<br /> � Caed of 7nist at any trttst9e"s sala a other sate hetd under�o provlsions o!lhts Oeed of T�ust,ar at any forecl�uro sate o1 such Propwty ��_�
<br /> . �, ComAOonce wllA E]dai[np tndc�tQneaa. Ourtrg the pab0!n wh1Ch nm►E�Urg indobtednoss dasaibod be!ow ts In ettect.comp9moo with _ __,
<br /> . . the trauranoo proNsloro eenLit�a�d In the Instrumert Mdenct�D such E�dsttn0 Indebtedness sP�N cor�sfitute compHanco wtth tlw inwrena
<br /> i proiAsEons under tAfs Qood ot T e a�,to t h B e x t e�t c o m p y anoa wlth the tertra of thb Deed of Tn�st woutd eonstltuta a dupNca�on of Insur�ncs _
<br /> requlr�e�ment. It enY P�9�m the Insuranco beeome OnYgbl�on loss.thn pro�isiorts ln this Deed ot Ttuat tor d M S�an of prooa�a thaA ��
<br /> � appy oNy to that pcitlan ot the PraoeBds no!parai�la to tM holde►a!the E�dstirp tndebtodnass. --
<br /> TNator'a RepoR or�EnsUeu�e• Upon request ot Lende►.however rtot mare than onoe a yeor.T�usta sAaO f�sh to Lender a nport on ac.h
<br /> �;:,..:,;�.. a�:,11rg Pe11q+of Insnrenco sAaw3mp: (e�ths nams ot ths t�uursr; N)lha dsks ln9urod: 4a)_�'ro amowtt o!the PoNCY: (dI��F�� --_
<br /> �.
<br /> .�-' '�. 9;�a'lnen cureM roptaoement vulise d such Droperh►.anb the mmnner at de�ortntNtg tnat er.al�ru;and (e)tt�e��drtto cQ P�� ------
<br /> ,,::::,,.� er,tsnder�e�v�+e enB asn varue rep�n,nur�ooat a q+o
<br /> •.�i{�tr;��i'.;� g't'�0�6��itp0�f�Q116�PS1�{J�T.OAfr�10Y0 i����tid0111�fHtSef�1�01y Y.____...�..
<br /> ' � �y� __y�._
<br /> �wa�tua�er�rc�a. lf T�vstor hYS to compy wlt�u►Y Orav�o�cf tt�kt Ooed W Tnts1.tncludi�o��h�nUon to rtwt�tn E�tlnp . _
<br /> IndehteMoss Irt Sood atendinp as re4uYed beiow�ar tt aq►aatlan a proeeedln8 b comm9nced thnt woWd mata9�j sJteot Lenders tMerests in the �,: -- -----
<br /> . af;' Pro�Ay.Lando►on Tnntoro buhz'!�nnr.buf aheA not be rs4u�d to.ttke any acUon thflt Lender deam.a aAP�Priata Ar►y nmovnt tl�t 1,e�idor �.-;__—�_.-
<br /> .,.,
<br /> 1!E e�onOs In so do1n0 wW bear In9o�s;t at tAn rato provlded tor In tho Hoto trom Me date incu�med ar paid by Lender to the date of reWYm�nt bp �..:_�._.. ------
<br /> ;_�-••___-. � Tiusta. M sueh e�er�c�s.at LenQ�trr?a oPHon.w1Y(a)be paYaD10 an demand. (b)be added b the battnoo of tlw Nolo tnd bo iPP a� `'.-
<br /> . . .r and ba R�Y��rriu�anY frs�umant�aYrt�.=r+b to bo;.,n���w 3�cls���!j tRS 4�re at e.�►!'wn�abt�Ir�suranos poliay a Nl tlw�wn�k�irrq t�rm `s---...��_ . —
<br /> . " ° ,�' Of tli9 NOL9,ot le)tuo trealwi�S a QN�oot►Pslfit3nt tthtah tve be dt�e end gaya4le a!lhe NoSes�iiYtuttry. t1�3 Q�01 Tt1�t eE:Q t�fA. t3C�c0 �,__ - _ —_ ----
<br /> �• paymont a¢ta�ae�vnb. The dpMS pravtdod far in thb pus9r�h ihall ba to additton to am►ot�er Aphts ar�n y rertatlies to wnlch�mqr t� �,�'""- � � .�
<br /> ' enR�es mn ecaaurt!ot tA9 detauB. MY such actlon by Lender sl�tl not be eonstrued u cutnp the d�tault so as to b�r I.sndw from any nrt�dY thal �j�,�,=_,��
<br /> � R at�mmA,�p wouid have had. ,� "` _
<br /> . p — _
<br /> WMRAGRYi�.Sg OF TI7�.E. �h8}OU0IYIQO DfOY}StOftR lBlfltlflQ t0 OW�6�0�tA9 PtOQi�101T9 t�8f�0!�9 t�6�Ot T(USt. �jI't;.'�;::;�-.a�..,.���.
<br /> v s� . „ f,y��:;..[--_ ---
<br /> }�
<br /> r�•----°_.
<br /> ��t�:{, ?.�e1�''.�,�.,ii��'...'?'_.
<br /> �... Tltle. Trustor warrenb fhn� (a)7nista hotds pooA nnd nwrk�tl9e ol acad to!hs Fro�ty in he slmpt��(fOP�f�9it C�tI OOM MA .�.i�r�,��-_,�n.,,:°:_
<br /> • oneumb►araes ather ttbn those set torfh tn ihe Rest RoporA►daSO�Ipflon or In the Extsqnp indebbdness eeatlon balow a tn aml ffif�Imunna .r,,,c:';,-� _..__
<br /> Poi�aY.61b ropo�.a ftntl tiUe opinlon Issuod In tavar of�and esoe�ted by,Lender tn connectton wflh Ihts QeOd of Tnpt.nrtd(b)Tnnta hts tho �. .l,..c�',�'�i�',`"-
<br /> ttEl dptd.Powa.cns atRfiarltY to�omaute aod dt�tiver fhis Dead of TYttst to lenda. ;'•: '�.j�t';A;;'i`—
<br /> ��r'• �iense of Tlite. SubJect to C�¢+exooAtbn in the paraOrnDA nbovo.Tntstar aarraMs and wltf A�v�r detand tho tIUo to ihe RreAr.alY�Irat tho �, ,
<br /> r,-: ; "
<br /> Vwtui daims of atl pmsons. I�a tl1e ev�Ont uny nctton ot procoedltg is Commonood Mat qttpiians Trustofs tltio or the t�¢�t m!Trusteo or � �,�� ,<��:s",�:
<br /> � Lend�r undor thls Qeed ot Trust.Trusta shalt detend tho tc@on at Trusta's mrcQar�o. Trustor rteey be tho nominal parly in such pr000eQinp,but . . ;,�,_„_
<br /> lendor s?rrli h.�eMiUed to partldPate In tfio P���u�d to ba rep�ied In the P��b1►coureel M t,andets wm cAO1co.and • •• �`<;tr::
<br /> Tn�ur[0�itun.or causo to�o daLY�.to Land�SttCh fnshumonls us Londa msY ro4uest trom 41me to Lmo t0 Pe�t sueh Ps�Wd�. --•r.-�:�:�>.
<br /> �6ilth t.eiws. Tnrsla wartnn4s th:t th�Propert�r and Tnator's tuo o!tha PropExty comgYes vAth sb eoQsU�g oPA��� . -;:_;�,_ ��y-,;•�
<br /> op xt g
<br /> -:�-.
<br /> . ardinanaes.and ropulatb�af gavanmonte�authortUes. ' ., .
<br /> __-- �- . ._._..__ �.�,..�� --��b s,�,s�e„�,.�..o�w u,�oeea a .
<br /> ___ _ __ ,ro i�oeow�ny v�ov�o�*�---
<br /> pftSTlD+t31ND�NES9• uw.wi�..a�o.v.. .�,_-- __-- --- • • —___-___--__---;
<br /> . Tntsf. , "
<br /> pdaitnp Llen. The 11en ot this Ooed ot T�ust se+cwtnp 4he tndaDSedn�a may bo Q¢condary eusd InSOrtor to an a�dsttnp li�n. Tn�ata ao�prassh .
<br /> . eownanls and epreos to PeY.or ceo to tbo PaY���,q1e F�dsBr[q Indebie�nost artd to pro�t em�'ault on aueh indebtednes�,�M►dotaWl .
<br /> under Uie tnstrumenb ovidenol�p such Indebtednaa�.at anf►defallt under ae�►secuAtY documeMS ta such lnds4t�dneas. � .
<br /> ��
<br /> Qeti�lt, if th�pIIyment ot a+1►tasWmert d ptindRal at toY int�r�st on U►e EidstEnp in6eLtadr�►b rta!ntlds tvllhda!he Hm�resR�bY tho .
<br /> _ � nffie�vydenctr�web(rtdebted�ss.or eho�d a detaidf aoeur urt6er the U�strumo�securlrg euch Uufobt�dr�ess and not bo eu�e0 dwt+p enf► .
<br /> � �A���f�a�n���pae�d�Ot Tnrs16M1 bs In dMa�L L ender.lhe Indobmdeqss secured bY thls Oood of Tnist nha8 becomo Imenedtatey due ' . , .
<br /> No aiodmeauon. m�a anae �a��to any s�ec+mem w�n ine►►aao�a am m e�a�d e o a o r tr u s s.o r o m e r s o c u�b ��' �,
<br /> . hag p�ioith aver thb Oaod o!TNSt by wh1cA that e�preem�nt b irtodiAOd.tmsnded.exten .ot mnow nt wlih�oiA the pAa�coMaft d .,'
<br /> Londor. Ttustor ehaSf nefther rtsAU�t na eooePt any Niure advat�oes un08r tnll Quch socurtfy egreeme -
<br /> Londor. .
<br /> CONDEIaHATtGN. Tho to"owin8 OroNSlom rnL�U�to eondomnaLOn pr0000dhps ers a P�at thts Doed of TNSt. ;� ' .
<br /> � .
<br /> d1 � ,o��.
<br /> � ° ,
<br />