...., i .
<br /> ' i a.:��-
<br /> P.,
<br /> . ; _� r......
<br /> � • ).
<br /> . ' . •1`"___..
<br /> 11-OS-99!!8 DEED O�TF�U�T * .,'�,��'�,9�ar8 Pege Z . ,- T
<br /> Loan Me aa1887 (Continued) �� _ � . _
<br /> —�------�
<br /> TNIItOr eo�onp as Truator1compites v�th a!t iRo enr+a o!tha tlate.tytn�Ilns ot c�edit.whten o�UQataa Lendcr to make edvencea to , --
<br /> II Lender. Thv word'ionOcf moun3 UNITEO NEBRAE1tA BA�x,its cuooD^�om and aa�10r►�• . a,___
<br /> I Note. rne woro"Note"meana the Kote det�d Kouomber 8,19Dl1,ID llhd pPItlCfpnl OIttAYt11 Of���•��om Trustor to Wndar, , __
<br /> � togethor wlth all ronawats,oxtonstons, mo6itlet�tions. ro4nnndngs, and subs�itulons lor tho Noto. HOTiCg TO TRti9TQR: Tf1E NOTE
<br /> � Paraonal Proyeriy. Tho words`Port�anal Propcxhr moan aU oqulpmant,fb�tures.�ndao��,il�ullgoco��on�pnrbeand ad�itio bII uU �"-,,;� � _-
<br /> fN
<br /> ownod by Tnistor,and now or heronfter attachad or atfEcced to tho Fi�t Properry. 00
<br /> te
<br /> � rop�aoements ot.and al►substitWo� (or,any of such propery, and topethor wlth ati prooeed� pnduding without Iimitntion eU insuronoa -
<br /> proceada and rstunds of Dmmiums)from nrty snto a otlie►dlsposiGon ol the P►opaty
<br /> ; Ptoperiy. Tho word'�opeAy'mea�con9cthrely tho Roal ProperlY and tho Pcrreonal FhcPerh�. ,
<br /> � Rea!PropeAy. TM►wo*da'gteul Propert�l'mean the prope�lf►.intorasis n�d rtghb descdbed nbovo fn tho"Conveyunce and tiranT sc+cUon. . -
<br /> � R e�a t t 6 D o turrtenta. Tho wo�da'fteletod Oocumenb'm�an and indude wl►hout IlmiLaVOn an promissory notes,credii ngresments, loan _ _
<br /> d o e�s o f t r u s t.a n d a U o th er instruments,a9reements end
<br /> i agreemenls,environmontal agreements,guruanNes,seau r i t y egreeme n t s,m o r t g n g e s. _ ..
<br /> documents,whether now ot hereafter oxlsUng,ezecNed in conneetlon with the�ndebtedness. roflts,antl otAer benefib derived hom tho
<br /> Renta The word"Rents'msans aA present and futare rents,revani»s,leeonne�Issues.royaltfes, p -
<br /> t
<br /> ' � Prope�ty '
<br /> � Trustee. The word?rustee moans UNIlEO NEBRASKA BANK end eny subsutute or suo�assor Uustoes. _
<br /> . .. i 4ruetoi.The ward'Tnutof mciams any and ell pereoru and e�Ities wcocWn9 this OoeO of TnFt�lRduding wlihout pmtffiNan a9 Tnistora named ._ .
<br /> - Bb0Y0.
<br /> � TH18 OEED QF TFtU8T• INCLt1D1Nd TI�A�S9'1'iNA1F?IT OF iiENTB MiD T!£SF.Ci�iITY 1NTEREST !3� TF� PiQiR8 AND PE3ifiONR�. n
<br /> PRdPERTY�IS ti11/F.�1 TO 8EqJAE (1)PA90.9'FT,1T OF TFE iHDEHYF�NES.4 Ai�tD )PERiOii�tA[rCE QF ANY AtiD ALL QBi.IGATi0K3 OF
<br /> @i�Tt1E FOLtOWiNG TQiM3: ''"
<br /> �A�rMEMT AND PERFORMMIGE. E�c�ept as otherwise ProNdod tn lhis Osed ot Tnist,Trustot shalt paY to Lend9r eU amour�ts saeureA by this Oeed
<br /> ,�:--=
<br /> ' •' ,��t� of 7rust as ihay beeome due,and shall sMeriy end in a dmey manner pedorm aU ot Trustors obl�puUons under the Note,thb Qeo9 of T�st,and Me _- -
<br /> , �;jt Retated Dxuments. shali bo povemed bY :
<br /> � ���� POSSESSION AND MA�NTEMMtCE OF THB P�t�DFERTY. Trustar aarees that Tnestora possess�on and use of the PropertY
<br /> �'�;r the tollowing proNsions: •� ��.
<br /> �,�:i; . .
<br /> '° possossfan and tl�e. UnUt tho 000uaanoe ot c�n Event of Delault.Tnata may (a)remain in Ross�ssion snd contrat of ths ProDe�tli, (b)use.
<br /> ' d j� oporate or manage!he Prope�ty,and (o)edleet any Renls Pram tha Properhr. ��������� ;,r;y ':
<br /> ��yyy¢� �,,,1, ap��In L rt c+n t p b l a c o n d l U o n a n d P r o m P n Y P e rf�a l l r e p a U S.re P� �y l i�j�
<br /> "' __.S.r7 11 Qw��W�R��WI�(I. �f�71ZG SttOw S�S��o�i..�`+�++"•i . . _ _ n.� _. _
<br /> t�,(�� necessarY to Preserve tta vatue. "`,•.
<br /> .;•;4 •Terardous a u b�l ar+aa'd i s p o s a 6•1 r H t e a s e�e n d't h r e s t eneC telease��s ttsed In thb ,�r.�
<br /> .t,�y Hamrdotts subaQ�nafs. The temis'i�amrdo�woste, �Ompensaaon.u►d t,Jab�ty Aa4 ot ,ti. .,• ,,�•,
<br /> , .;� Oeed W Tnat,shaN have the same meanl►g5 as se!tath i�n��S���n d m e�s and Reautl►almtlon Act o?1586. Pub.L No. ,> .
<br /> 1980�as amended�42 U.S.C. Sectlen 9801,e t seV• ('O E � ot se4. the Resource ConservatEOn c�nd R e e o v e ry 1 1�c t, .
<br /> � 99-499('SARA'�the Hutovdcus Materia�Tra U o n a�,4s v.s.c. an�eo�, . ���� .
<br /> `�'� 4 2 U.S.C.Sec�lon 6901.e!s »or athex eppl b slate a Fe�rel Iaws.rules,a reputattore edopted pursuard t0 arry ot tAe lorepdag. The �^.�,... .
<br /> ''r:"� �� • um and Retrc�bam by-producb or any frucllon
<br /> .,•,�� terms Ta�nrdaus waste•and ous aubslaroe a h a 0 a l s o i n c tu d e.w�m o�n a m n s u o o.p e t r o l e • _ ` ,,:',..'`
<br /> �� theroof and asbsstos. Trustor rePresonb an0 wartnMs to Lender thn� (a)Du+lnp the Pedod ot Ynistors ownetsh�P o!the ProAertri tlwre�as �,��.•:. c:
<br /> � ,�:4�.
<br /> been ao uso,Qe�uuatlon,manutaduro�ffiae9e.treatmant,d�sDoseit�rdense or IMeatened reiease ot any hanardous waste or substanoa 0Y�►rnJ ��� . .,;'�.
<br /> os I�,,,�'
<br /> �,: person on.under�about a hom the PropertY: (b)Trusta has no kiwwled�OB�manutacturotato�rap�e�trea���P°�n��t°f""°°'er� • �� .
<br /> disciosed to and ackrtornedgsd by Lender in wdtlnp. p)ar►y use.Oenera � ••
<br /> � retease ot any harardous wa3to a substanoe on,undor.about ar iran��t�h��fl���t����p�to�u�id
<br /> ` actual or threatened Utlpatlon a datms of nny Wnd bY e�Y P� ..Y_—
<br /> • , �i•, t acknowiedped bY Lender tn wdtlnp. m rtdiha�Vusta nvr 4ny tentr►t.co�etar.e08nt a other authaf�ed user af tho Praperly shoM use� ,l= --
<br /> �',c f' generate.manu1u4ure.stae.treaf,d1s0�e of�or release nm►hazardous was�e a st�starae oa�under.about or from the Pr�9►��w1'J�o t '•'_*.T-- °
<br /> � ,, suc b a e t M t y s h a l t b e c o n d i w�t e d I n c o m p 1 t a r k e w l l h W i�p pfbebb ledora��st�ste.nnd tocat taws.repWatlorq��nd ordnsnoes.
<br /> ,�;;1•;�• t o e rt t e r u p c n t h e P r o p e d y to L`�.`�-
<br /> , ",i.�''�'. Iimt4adon ttros�Iawa�reputatlons�nnd adtnnnaes d e s a f b o d cbove. Tn�ta tttthodms L e n d e r a n d i b a p e M a • �. --
<br /> make s�ch I�peetio�a artd tests,at Tastnra emerise.as lender may dsem ePPrap�ieie to detertnine compshaY RatlOa com�r�wd o ueab ��' t. ,
<br /> , , �. � suctlon ot the Doed of 7mst. My Insped�ong or teats rt�ds by Lender s1�eN be tor Lert�ata gu+Ao''.�es �Y and ';t�:c;
<br /> i�;�� any rospor�ibiGry ot Wib�ty on tho pa1t o!LentAer to Tn�star or to tnY otha'0�� Tha royrosentnriore and wnrtan�ea conteln�d h�reln a�s --
<br /> +.F�t�.� �� � t����.�•._-
<br /> � bused an Fr.�tcfe due diAOenoe M tnwst�aEirp 1he P►opeAY fa hanr�aus�ste artd harmdous subster�.Tniator herebr(y retee-�ea and t1�V".�y,-„�"'
<br /> i��;�;��a, �rNves any Nlwe cWms a4y�inst Leredar fcr indcsmnity a arntrfbullon tn tho ovent Tntsta becomes Ifable!a�dearwP or other c�sts undo�mny . , -
<br /> � nst eny nttd all drJm9�losses. � tglUas.t►nd " ' �.
<br /> t4�; suCh 18we�flnd (b)aQt6HS to IndemNh and hold hturtdoss Letidur I�sl qabJitles.Oama0e8�pe '`"�.
<br /> ��'_ e�enses which Londar may dtrectfp trom s brsed�04 tM3 s�etton ot tho Deed of Tn�t a p a
<br /> . or indUecllY susffiin ot stAtCt rosultinp "�'i;}�
<br /> �...__,.:..._.:...`� conseauonoe of nny use.4enwetlon,mnnutacture,slmape.disPasei.�etease or threatanaG rWease of a ham�doua waste or sub�noe on tt�e r�„
<br /> � :�;' praAa+� Tho ptovlSlwtS oi thts r,setinn of tiro Obed t'n Tvt�.lr.�tld!s�lhn��eesUan to tndemNty.shail survire ihe Payment of the � �
<br /> _ � _ .;}`�rv�:�;! indebtedness and tho sstisfacL`on a�d reconvsyartca ot tho L�Cn qf thls Qeed of Trust and shaU ttot ba aHccted by lenes'#�segta�.�6on af any �.4 ----
<br /> sa
<br /> . 4����y' interest 1�the PropeM.whothcit 6y toredayuto ar othe�viisc�.
<br /> hc t
<br /> � rM;i��
<br /> ,. ;;•�k:,.�`` Nulaanee�Waste. Tnutar shaU no!cau5a,oonduet a P�t any nulsanoo na commfi,P�rmft,or au4:�r nnr�str�pA�rq of a was�e on ar fa ttw '.,�.:.-.,:,�.,.«,::
<br /> �� � WlMout Bmitlnp the penero�tf►ot the toroCa�O.T�sta wiN not remove�ar�!to arry aRher OaM tt+o '.•_ -_
<br /> ;'..1�.',y� propctty ar gr►y Po�tton ot th9 PtoRertp• vef a roolc Products wlthout tha prta wrtttoa cror�nl o?lendor. ,�'-. -
<br /> dght to removo.nny Urt�ber.minereLS p�aAfnp oY and 9es).soo.pn wtthout the��wdHen co�e� �,"
<br /> . .}�.• Removai ot t�yrove�artl�. Tnata shaU rtot demo9�h a remo�ra arry Improvsmenm frmn the Ree1 Proptxy► sattslador�►to Lende►to : __.
<br /> ot Lon�x �la a con6�"BOn to the remo►nl ot any Imptovemerds.Lender may re4uYe Ttustor to mnl�e erta�13
<br /> '�,(�'t�� �"�.`�`�tiwo^vn�:'... _
<br /> ,��� repluoe s�h Emprovemo�s wtih Irr�rovemonts of at loast aG�value. 8f i�f6450T19b18 Urt10S�0 aQeltd t0 . 7�S P'-�.
<br /> ��•� Uves may onter t�pon tho Renf PraOeAf►
<br /> ± �cnder•a at�t to Fi:tcr. Londor end!b egonb nnd repre�.,e�+h tscsr:.
<br /> Londef's Ir�srests artd ta�tha RropeAy ta Durposeg d Ttustofs ax�q9nno�wNh 6iio ferms attd condiUOra of th7s OeoO of Tn�t. � -
<br /> Compilante witit Gavaram�arttN ReaulrcmeMe. 7��hsU Prom9vY�mDh vdth ra7 Uv�s.adtnaraes�and ro0�'•aas.now or I�xeaRer In :"- -
<br /> ettect,of et QoYammfi�dat auThodtbs oA0lECabte to tP�o uss or�nar�ioe,a ropul�tlon fln0 witl poA d thout Um�durtn0 any pt000ediep. �':,^
<br /> OLoh"�Act. Y��sta may cont�t tn qood fsith any auch tow, +gy„in Londer's sofe ePtnton. ; - - - -
<br /> U�dadia0 ePProA��aAP��t�^0 os Tn�stor_haa rtollAed lendcit In wr�linp Pdo�ta Eano�,b� ,'-.:=-="_-
<br /> , Wndern Uduresb tn tho ProDeM e�nat lcropard�xad. t�er►d�may m4�Tiusta to Pa1 ado4uato coe Y a a Quroty bored�ramzonebly ' , n.°,��,--.^
<br /> saUsfnctory to Lond�r.to P��Lortdo�'s tntaesl s.._
<br /> ----.--Y.._.........ud...w�ern aroeortv. Tn�stor shar do ar a1Mr acb.ln aEdUor�to thoss ecb . .�---
<br /> =- _- ..
<br /> _ _ -- •
<br /> _• • • ----°-- • - �-_ ����e�_-.
<br /> Oury to Vrotcef. Tn�a agroos ne+u�u�v e„o��..�•,,�.�..-...._..—__- are ceasonably e�o�ary to P�°"O�'•�°•�••,''°'.,• . � -�__�_
<br /> � set foRh abow tn tNs Sc+eUOn.wAfeh hom tha ehrrester and use ot Ihe ProPah .,
<br /> 06l�W�13!!LE-CONSENT 81f l.QtOE�• Lon�or maY.at lb opilon.do�3aro imm�4's4df►due nnd PaY�b� �nt u e Rea vroo«tY. A' . ..yY�=:--
<br /> upon ihe aate a transter.wHhaut the Land�xb P�wrtiten cons�nA.d�9 a anfi D�ef the Aoat Prc0e�f4 or ar� a f�Cuttablo:whath�r vdu� ..;��, -
<br /> '�sats a tra�tt�mtiot�s tha conw�noe of Reel ProDert�l«a++l��.6'B�ar 1�luast theroln:wtbther M�1.ber� vlrth�term qnawr thtn .
<br /> or Invotuntar�r,whothe�BY o�►'�IItt1�co.docd.tr�rn�t eats t�dr�et fnnd ooetrad co�trect�td�«ll�d�trtct Ral�nO M�tm fDe We! ' •
<br /> . ' throe(9)Y��tea.�oP�n aor�d or OY eas.a�nmonl.or trar�er d anp� a 8mited�a.b�tli c'omDUq►. ;, ..
<br /> ProAoAS+.a bY anlr ot?�ar me�hod d comeY��Re�at Rrapary tntensl. tP a�+Teustor b a eorPanuon.O�+�P
<br /> • hnnstcst aiso Indtt�as anY�ha^8a in owoaahip a!mo�Uun t�r•anly-a►�e Pe�e�(2b9�)d tho vottn0 stodc.P�rtnerc►dA Irderelb ar Ymdsd 6nbY+q
<br /> �pmpnny M".emsb.as tho ca�mAY�.ot Trustor. HonrOVer.ltds opilon shaN not bo exertis�d Or lenda tt ttuch axc�tctso Is prohlhiio0 by foderoi
<br /> 41w or by NObrask&l�W. . '�
<br /> TAXES AU6D UE�iS.Tho foCa�rtnp provtslor�s�ttnp to Uro ta�a and ear+�co the Prop..^rh►nro a 0��th�Qa�d��•c��rndudlnp water ° .
<br /> PaymaM. Tnistor Qhau PaY vA�^duo(nnd fn M ovonis pdor to dW'.nquancY)eU tatctn.tpactst t�.gss� . .
<br /> h8
<br /> nnd sowcr).ttnos nnd frtepar,lUOns 18vlod egfltn3l u on RCGOUnt ot the Firop4tfy.nn�sha11 DaY when duo M t,�nims tor work don0 on or • . '
<br /> � , `� .
<br /> � . — _ -�
<br />