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<br /> ' ' ��.1 pnyme�u�nnny no(or�acr tro r�quir�d. nt�he aption of Lendcr. it�rto�9gage In:�urnttce cavcragc(in tha cimount nnd for thc period �
<br /> ° that l.cnQe� rcquires)providcil by cu�insurer npproved�y Lender c�yuin C��camcs uvnilable and is obtainc�f.Borrowcr r,hnll pny __
<br /> � tke pr�mium3 rcqulred to mnintatn�nartga�e lnsuranc�in etfett.or to provida A loss rescrvc.until che rcguicement for monQaBe � '
<br /> a�
<br /> - insuranx enda!n accordanoe tivith nny written t��+ecment betwern Borro�vrr aRd Lender or Ap}�Itcablo law. � ��'�,_"
<br /> ' g,Ie�peritan. Lend�r or its aaent rtu►y mnke eeasonnblQ�nteies upan und insprrttuns of thc Properiy. Lender shall Qive � ��;�
<br /> ,_�,
<br /> �� �Otroevtr notice nt the timo oY or priar to un insprction speclt�+ing reusonnble cnuse tor tho inspection. � _ _
<br /> �0.�ondemnatfom.Tke pmr.c�:ds af any nwu�d or claim for dnmaBe3.die�ect or con€cqucntint,ln connection �yith nny �
<br /> " condemnation or mhet tt�kklag of nny paR of U►e Prapeny.or for convcyance in 1i�u o f oon demnut lan,ane t►creby nssigned and � ••�;�
<br /> ' � shaU hap�idto Lender. � �
<br /> ' •,,.
<br /> � Yn the event of n tots�l wking of the P�+opErty,ehe proaceds ahull t�opplied to the sums saured by this Szcudry Instrument. _
<br /> ���"'`'�'; whether os eot then due. wtth ony cxcPSS paid to Batmwer. la the event of a pnrtial tnitinB of the Property in vshich the fnir �
<br /> " "�� msuket vulue of tke PropeRy immediately before the talcing is equal to oT gr�enter thnn the amount of the sums secnt+ed by this _
<br /> . S�cu�iry Inswment im�nediately befom,the taking,untesa Bormwer nnd Lender otherwise ngrec in writing.the swna secured by
<br /> in
<br /> � ' . ,� thia Se�urity Iastnunent shall be reduced by the�nount of thc proceeda muttiplied by thc followinQ fractton: (n) the total .
<br /> umourit of the sums setured immediately before tbe tnkIaB,divided by(b) tbe fulr mnrket value of the Propeny Imraediutely 1
<br /> befom ih.°. teking. AuY balance shall be pnid to I3orrower. In the event of a partial tekLig of the Progerty in whfch the fair r,;_
<br /> ' m�rket vulue af the P�openy immedtatelY before the tak�is less t6an the amount of the swn.secur�d immedtatciy before t�B �-
<br /> tak(n8,unless Bomower and Leader othern�rlse agree in writWB or unless uppliqble law otherwise provtdes,the proc�eda sh�ll C
<br /> m�
<br /> ; .�' b�ap�plled w We swns secured by this Securtry instrument whether or aut the sums are then due. _
<br /> . It��p�g�ty!s abz¢de�ted by�m�wer, or if.after notice by irender to Bono�ver that the aot�demnor offers to make aA
<br /> awaM or seale a�isim for�lamages. Borrower tails to respond to Leader within 30 duya after ttte date tho notioe is given.
<br /> I�ennder is autherized w collect and apply the p�oeeds,at ita option.either to cestoratioa or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> secu��dby this Securlry Insuumeru,a+hether or aot ttten due. -:
<br /> Unless I.$nder and Borcoaer othetwlse ag[eES in wrtdn8, aaY aPP��oa of prooeeds to prtnclpal sball aoi exteitd or
<br /> �� �vostpone 4he due date of the monthly payments c�eferred to in paragraphs 1 aud 2 az change tho amount of such paymeats.
<br /> �• ll. Borrower Noi ReleaSedi Fot6earanoe By I.e�dsa'I�1ot a Wsivrr• BRtension of the time for payaxnt us modlficatlon
<br /> .: ^ . . of aano��rn uf the sums secured by this Socuttry Iasnu�eent granted by Lender w aay suooe�sor in latemst of Borrower shull
<br />_ " t not operase to emlease the liability of the o�ri�inaD Bormwer or Bon+our,r's suc�essora In iatemst. Lea�er sbail aot be requlred co
<br /> � '., i;.,, com�snwc�Pra+�din8s a8ainst eny suooess�a da interest or refiuse w e�ctend time far paymcmt¢r ethsiwise modity amortizatlan
<br /> � oY tize sumg secured by this �curitY Insuuu�nt by e�a�n of any demand madn 6ty ttse original Borrower or Bomu�cver's
<br />' �#;�.��:, �� _ �„�.�,�in isuerest. Any fi��Lear.uece by Lender in ea�rcising any cight or remed��.'�tilf not be a aaiver of or preclude the =
<br />;,.;;;,,.;-.,,.,,-- , �xer�ise of any ei�ht or reanedy.
<br />_ . . '>i"� iZ. Suu�gt�rs and A� �ound:Joint�d�eve�l Liabilftyi Co-sl9neis.'11te ooveaanp anfl agreements of tb.i�
<br />-�'y"'"`�"�;� � Secu:lty ansu�reat shall bind and benefit uhe successors aad assigna of Leader and Ba�rrower,subject to the provlsians of
<br /> - ,y.�t.
<br /> ��,rx��= �3z 1%. Borrower's oavenants and ag�ments sA��,l be joint and s�veral. Any Boaower who ao-si$as this Sxurity
<br />,���''�T E�nstr�nt but does not ea�tE the Note: (a) is oo-si�m.ing this Securlry Iaguume¢z oWy W anortgage. grant�t�vonvey that _
<br />���r:.��:::.;, �
<br />- '"='�w Borr+�wer's iaterest in the Fr�eity uader the tem�s of th�a Secur�ry[nsuumen� N)is noi personuliy obligated eo�ay We sums
<br />_...i.t�'�r_.i rJV�
<br />__-�y y;;� secured by this Se��rIry Instn�ment:and(c)egoees that Leader and any other Borrower toay cgt�e ter extead.ffiafl3�y.foibe�n�r
<br /> ,-�v:;,�TMy'"� make any exommodatlons with cegard to the temis of this Security Iasuument or the Aiote ai[haen m'ti,as�omowei$oonseat.
<br /> -_:__.;�;;n?=� 13. Loan Churge9.If the loan secunod by this Security insuumeat is subject w a law whicD��aaaximnm toan charges. -
<br />-._,���� �:►� dieet laa is fiQa11y inte�greted r,o that the interest cr Qth:r loan cbarges wAected or to be ooAectdd in oaianeotion with the __
<br /> �-�,:�.T��:� --
<br /> t
<br /> ---•-=�� ��aa ezoeed tbe permiued limits.then:(a)any sucb loa�r9ctarge ehal!be reduoed by¢hx amout�t naoes,�aty w�+afiute the chs�ge
<br /> _—.��,..,<<�'� to tttepermitte9 limit;s�nd(b)any sums alrrady aolleaed frnun Bomower which exajedod permitmd Umits wIU be refw�ded to
<br /> .-M _,_�z�;;:�[�I Borrnwer. �remfl� maY rhoose ro floalce m'his refund by teductag t�� �rincipnl owed�nder the Nou or by makIug a d'a�.-ot
<br /> m__.__=--= paymcnt to �orrower. [f a refund rodezas principal. the red�ctiam uvUl 6e aeated as a partial p�paymeut wtthout sny
<br /> ��� �nA�!'��'8e under t���tou.
<br /> '°'�""� 14. N�tioes.Ac►y aoSce to Bomower Qrovided for�►this Seatdsy Insuvm�ut�aU be given by deliveriag it or riy mailtag �`
<br /> -- ,-,�,� �,...
<br /> ':°;'ca�,�i4t•� �,�,.
<br /> -- „� it by fiess cL�ss mail unless aY►Pltcable la�v roquires use of another mx�Qd.The aocicr shall be dic�ted w the Pc+operty Address _
<br /> -=,�`t��a� or any otGar mddress Bomower desigaatea by not�ce to Lender. Avy�nottce to Leader sDal! i�s�iven by fitst class�'i o�
<br /> - -__-�'"�7 Laada's address statod hcrein or aaiy otteer eddress Lender designates by aorice to Borroazr.•.� notiae pmvided for in�ni,�
<br /> - _=''=�= ��y ina�rnment sh&Il be d0emed to havC b0en giv�to 9�t[ower or LendRr whm,�Ivea a9 p�ti#Ied{n tht3�.1�$t�cph. V
<br /> --..--�T'�: IS. Gove�ning Law; Stvern611tty. 'lbis S�curisy tnsuument sball be goaerutd by �¢Ceral law �I &ae !aw �fthe
<br /> --=',",t�. jurisdktion in whic�the Propany is located. In the event Wat any�vls:on or clause of tLi��oct:rlty In.cuusnent or the NoYe
<br /> aoaflias wl�a applicable law.such confitct aha1D not aft'ect other prati-isions of this Sawrtty I�at os the l�ote v�hid►�1�
<br /> -�-�'�':Y`y'i�� gtvenek�ca�without the aontli�ting pmvisioa. To ttds end the pr�vi�ians o€this Serurity in�a�eat azW the Note are de.c�arr.�l
<br /> _:,.�a_se�;,t�•:.'� ,
<br />_-:'�•�'.:�..�,t=, �ObCiEVCIBbiS.
<br />:,;rr;::�e.;r,�" , I6. Bormwer's Copy.Bosower shull be given oae oonfo�med oopy of the N�and of this Secudty Insuument. _-
<br />'='k. • Fam 30A0 �79D �-
<br /> ' t . "I�/����'T. . Prr�.qm ..
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