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. .,t,..�„a <br /> i•A. <br /> , ` <br /> � <br /> .,.,R� <br /> / i <br /> ' .�":u'�'a1.•:_ • . "�1V�Oi <br /> .� ./ � �.. ,: . <br /> � , � : <br /> . .. r "_.�___�.."_"_".. i�...._....�....�.. <br /> . .._..._. ."'_ " .. ._��.......�...�_..._.. X <br /> .. �. <br /> . .. ..... .... .... ...��...���'����..�..�-�_..�.._.. .__'�.. ... .... .�_-.--..�_.....'""�"_�..... . �. - � - <br /> ,F.. . <br /> r . .. ��� ������ *'` <br /> .� •I .. <br /> � 19.Tearrsfee aP th� Pe�ug�ty�ar A 8e�teflcl�l lnterr�.3 in 0orrowcr. If nll or any part of the Property ot nny intercat in it �> <br /> ' is sold or trnnsfeired(or if a 4senef�cfal lnterest ia Somower is sold or trnnsferred und Barrower is not a nutural peYSOn)without : <br /> � l.ettder's prior written consenQ,l.ender may. nt ita option, require immediute paymf:nt in tWt of ull suma secured by ihis <br /> „ . Securlty Inauumeat.However.this opiion shall mot be exercised by Lender if eaencise is prohibited by federnl inw ns of the datc �"s'_�' <br /> of this SExurtry Iastnunent. <br /> � If l�eader e�cercises thia optbn,Lendes eball give Borrower notice�f accclor.uion. Tho natice shall pravlde a Redod of not ,.�-:�_ <br /> ' less tttnn 30 days from the date the aotice is delivered or mailed wtthin which Borrower must pAy �tl sums secured by tdis �� <br /> Sccurity insmuzcent.if Borrowr,r fails to pay t��sums prior to thc cupiration of this pedad.I.ender mny invake any remedies �^,Y <br /> . " permitted by this Security instnuaent without fiuther aoti�e or demand on Botmwer. <br /> � 18. Borro�vex's Rlght to L�eimstnte. If Borrower m�ets certaln oonditians, Borrowor ahal! have the dght ro have �.. <br /> -•• � enforceatent of this Securiry Insuument discontinued at any tiare pdor to the eurlier of: (a)S days(or �uch ot6er perlod as n�-; <br /> ��=^��� applicable lu�v may cpecify for reiastatetaent) before sal6 of the Property pursuant to aay power of sale coa�aiaed in this - <br /> '�`�� Securlty Iasuument;or(b)eatry of a judg�aent enforclnB this Secudty Instrument. '[9�ose coaditIons sre that Borrower.(a) pays �����^' <br /> Lender all suma whtch then would be due under thia Securlry inswment and the Note es if ao aoceleration had occurred;@) -- <br /> cures any dcf�ult of aay other coa►enants or agre�aueats; tc)pays sill expenses incurred In enforcinB thia Security Iustrumeat. �'=y- <br /> � includinB.bat not limited to. re�sonable attoraeys' fees;and(d)takes such acdoa os l.�ender may reasonabiy require to sssure �.,-- <br /> thnt the Iten of tLis Securiry Insaument,L,ender's rights ia the Property and Borrower's ob1igatlon to pay tde sums 6acue+¢d by <br /> * tWa Security lpstrnwent shall condauc unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer. this Secudry Instrument aad the �. ,_ <br /> , obligatlans secluesf hereby ahall cemain fully ef�'ective as if no acceteradon had occurred•However�this dght to ce�nstate s6al1 � <br /> � aotapply in the c�.se of accelBratfvn wtder paragraph 17. �''� <br /> 19. S�le oY Notc; C6s�age af Laan Servtoer. The Note or a partial interest in che IVote (together with t61s Secudtg+ !'_°= <br /> �� � Inatiument)may be sold one or mon times without prtor notice to Boirower. A sale may resu�c tn a change tu the entIty(knowa _ <br /> m <br /> �� as the'Lonn Senricer')tbat coAecta monthly pay�nenu due uuder We Note and this Sccuriry ts�ssnunent.'i�ere als4 may 1r�oae t_ <br /> h <br /> . ' ��, or more changes of the l.oan Servicer uarelsted to a sale of the Alote.If there is a change of the Laan Senricer.Borrower av�ill tae �:� <br /> given wrItten nouce of the change in a.econdance with paragraph 14 above aadapplicable law.The c�attce will siate the aaub�snsi -- <br /> address of ahe new Loaa Serv9cer and the address�a which payments should be made. The nouoe v�ill alsfl contain any ot�er ;,;_. <br /> fnformatlon required bp applica6le law. �'�,~ <br /> • 2(E. �ia�+dou9 SuBstcutas. Bortotiver shaU not cause or perntit We presence. use, d�sgosal. storage. or relebse cnf an�r �-- <br /> R Hazardous Sulsstances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyoae else to do. anYthing aft�cxln�thP �-.�_ <br /> �, property thnt is in violat3oa of any��c�vironmental Law.The pr�eding two seatenoes shal�not apply to the presen�. trse,or '- <br /> . ' starage on the PcnpertY ot smali quantides of Haaanlous Stibstanoes Wat are�eaerally �oogniuud to be appropriate to nom�al � <br /> . �esidentinl nses and to i�nintenaace of the Property. �' <br /> - 6orcower shall p�IInptly gtv�Leader vmven notiae of any investigati�n,claim. demaad. Iawsuit or oWer action by eay _ <br />- • ' govemmental or negulatory agenn'or pdvate party iavolviag the Property and any Harardans Substance or Environmental Law <br /> � of which Bumuwer ha�accuat imowledge. If Homnwer lenras.or is aotified by any govemmental os regulatory suthori�.that <br /> - : <br /> :�:-�?`. , ' any removal or other�tauon o1 any Ha�aidous Subsiance afia:ti�g thc F��.`jty is aa�as��.Parra'�es�s�!gramgt�� <br /> all aecessary'�medial aat�a�s in aceordance with F�vironmeatsd Law. <br /> .',,..;�^"., _ . ps usod in this pus�.agmph 20,'Haaardous S�bstances' an those substsuices defuted as toxic or hazaMous substances by <br /> -`-- Eavuonmental Law aud the folloatng substano�: gasoliae. kerosene, other flammable or toxic gemolewa products. touic <br /> �';� '�^,.c�'• pesttcides and heibicfdes.volFUlle sfllveats.materials oontaining ashestos or fomialdehyde.and radloactive mateiials.As used in <br /> T�'`r.r`�«: thia a�raph Zp. "Fa�vlmnmeata!Law" means federai laws and laws of the jurisdiction a�em the Property is laceted that <br /> � ��# .,`r p health safety or eavimnmEntal protectton. <br />_.+�,�....^^S. [C18tC to , <br /> 1-_a�•' ° NON-UNIFORM COVBNAIV7'S.8orrower and L�ender fiuther covenant and agc�ee as S�a7�u�ws: <br />-..�,�.,. , <br /> : ..i„��. ' Zl.AaodtrntEon;Re�edles.I�md�s6all gtve n�ice to Bomuwer prior to aooderat�on[ollosving 8on+nwer's breach <br /> ---_'' oi aqy oovc�nt or ag,�roement W tmt9 Sa�rtty Ias�vmeat (but not p�ar �¢v ao�tlon uud� pursgrapb 17 unless <br />��.:.:',y,r:�:• opplEcalb➢e law provldes oWciwise).'1Le nottce st�ll apectty: (e)the defaulu (6)the a�an requte+cd w cros the�1t�n�tt; <br /> iw <br /> :���:;?�. . . (c)A dMr.not Irss thaa 30 d4ys fmm t�e date the notdee ts�[veA to Bonvw�,by w�lsd�the ddeWt must be ca�^�ea7t aad <br /> ..�--��-�;'��:� (d)t6at�Wlure to c�re the dtfadt on or bdore We date specified In the nc�ce may�r�alt In ecaleratEan af 9h� so�s <br />-_--•�- �•� seaircd by this�eauity InsWanmt and sa:e oi the Pt+np�ty.7Ue nudxe shall fiuthcr intorm B�ore+ower of the r�ht to <br /> _.-__`''��� re�nsmtc�Real�sation � the eight to bring s►a►nrt ad[on to esyat tho noa�eadsteacs of a der�ult or��► oiher <br /> -=--"'===`�""� def�of Bornower to aoodasatioa and sata V 4he de(au1Q Is no!cured oa or betore the�te speetRed in We untioe, <br /> _ ,--- -�-��� L�drz,a3 its apaton� may �+cquire tmmaliate paynicat in fWl oi oll ss�ms sernred by t63e Se�aidty Iastniment w�t6out <br /> ��^sti,=- Wrih�er dem9nd and may i�o�e thc puwcr oi sate ancl any ath�rimedies pennitted by aP21,iadudbsg,6ut not limited : <br /> mt[Uee co oouat an ex�ses t�unYa m�►nu�uieg tne�medf�s provta«!in tl,is par�ph � <br />_-- -��'�r, w.�amable attomeyP'[�es�o�ate of Htle evideaoe. ' <br /> _`',-:�a- �P t�he po�rer of a�le is invoked,��stee sh�fl reoord a notiae a?dri4uit tu eucti ouauty ta afitc3�oniy Put oi t�e - <br /> -.,�:3.�:�� 1'i»party fs tocatal unil sh�ll a+�D eopies o�svcb�ttoe In the mannv pr�ed by appiicable Iativ 4o Bore�nW�and to . <br /> -==��a� ths otiner�asonB p�'lbed Ey m�pt�cnble law.Aliter the time req�aired Iby applica6le iaw,'I�ustee st�U g[ve pnbiic s�ce <br /> —�___�—� ot saie to 16s peasoas�n�tn the m�anc�r prescribed by oppllca6le faw.7'�usta.wdthout dem�nd on BorroWer.shall sell <br /> --�a��r-�� We PmpaKy a3�llc sactfon to the highest bidder at the dme and plaoe ead under ths teims d�t¢d to the a�the of - <br /> _.,__,,...�.� ss�e in one or more q�xrods and in afly ord�Tn�stee dehemimes.Teusta may poa4pone snle o�ai!or aoy pat+oel ait6e <br /> - - =-='°�= Propety by�ub91c unnounoenent at tlee time and R1¢oe of ony �e�to��y sohedWed snte. I.en�ar or tts d�stgnee may <br /> - -"'�yc put+c�ase ihe P4rnpa4y st�y sale. <br /> »:.�:.t-., <br /> :ti^',=i�{.. <br /> ::s:. -- <br /> _�._r= <br /> - _ :';^:�. <br /> ',. . — <br /> � .. acsss�ssi'tes$i� - <br /> ———--� ��8R(�tiF.�(82121.00 P�6 ot 0 MOfs: c- <br /> _ 7' <br /> i �. <br /> _. �e .. _ . .. _�- � <br /> . .. ' 1 - = <br /> . � •: �.:' . .. , „ �• � <br /> �. M1� r ' `� '_,�- �' __., � � - ,��• • L� _ <br /> ,. . � c <br /> ____ Y' _ _. _ ____..____. _ .. ... . ___"___--_-,--_- .________.___.____. . i___.______-____-.-_.__._--__`_ ._ __-.._ ' ______ -___- ' .._ _'_ � ...^ '�. <br /> �.�..-._ -.. yR,. . . _____ _ .. __.._ ._._.__.___.' "__._.___..___-_-_.__ _.__._-__-._.__-.._____.--_- __--_—_ -- - . .. . ., ._ , . . , . .... . - <br /> c] ' i '(1` • " • . . . . �� <br /> � • � , " . . � � ' ' . I . l: <br /> ' .. „ 'I� .. , , �. ' . . .. , ' .. ' �� . � .. .. . �i! . <br /> .. �� . , .. .. , <br />.. .. . .. .. .. - n <br /> . 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