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<br /> � S. @�cu�nrd or �iropr�riy ii�surn,nce. Borro�ver shall lceep the improvemenia now exiatinQ or hereniter er�ested on the �-`-
<br /> • Property iasured ngainst toss by firc.hau+Ns included within the term "eatended coverage" aad nny other b�znrda,iactuding ��_
<br /> A
<br /> - ., � flooda or ilooding,for�vhich I.ender requires Insurnnce.'fhis insurance ahnil be mnintained in the uraounts aad for�he pedada �_
<br /> that lxnder requires. '!�e iasumncc cnrrier provldUin tf�e iasumnce ehutl be chosen by @orrower subJxt to Lender's upprovnl �.;_
<br /> u- . wbich shali aot be unre�sonably withheld. If Horrowe�fnils to mnintnia covernbe d�cdlse� nbave. Lender muy. ut Lender's
<br /> ~ option.obtain coverc�e to protect l.cnder's dBhta ia tde Praperty in ncuordnncc with pamB�Pb 7. �°
<br /> " A 1 1 i n s u m n c e g a Q c t e s u n d r e n e��n l s s h n l l b e a r.�e p t a b l e ro L e n d e r a n d a hall include a stundArd mortRa�e cluuse. Lender �`;'
<br /> ;;,, sliull huve the right to bold the polictes and mnewuls.If Lender t+equires.Borro�ver ahall promptly give to Lendet sill reoeipta of �
<br /> p�d premiwns end reAewal notices.Ia the event of loss.Borrower shall Bive pmmpt aottce to the insurnnce carrier and Lender.
<br /> �•-��-'" l.ender muy make prootof toss if aoi made promptly by Bornower. bP lied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> ���"� Ualess Lender and Btorrower othe:wiso agree in writing.lnsur�ece pmceecis shall apP
<br /> _ property dcunageai,If the restoration or repair is eoonomicnlly feasible and Lender's securlry ia not lessened.If the restoration or � `
<br /> repair ia not eoonor.�caUy feasible or Ixnder's security woWd be lessened,the insurance proc�ede ahd� be aPP��ed to the sums
<br /> secured yy th(s �ecudty Iastrtunent. whether or Qot then due, wtth ony ea�cess paid to Borrower. if Bonower abandons tho �.
<br /> Property.or dces aot enswer witt�n 30 days a noticc from Lender that the iasurance carrier has offered to settle a claim,then Q•,.
<br /> ; n
<br /> F Lender awy oollect the imsuraace proceeds. 1�ender may use the praceedx to repair or restore the Property or to pay s�uns � -
<br /> � socw+ed by thia Securiry Instcument.v�hether or nat tken due.11ie 30-day period will be�in wt�the aotice is given. E'
<br /> Unless Len der �w d B omower ot he i v v i se agrac: i n w r t u n 8. a�►Y a P Plication of prooeeas to princIPal sh�►1 not emead or !_
<br /> . � postpone the dae date of the monthly payraents refemed to in para�rapha 1 2.nd 2 or change dee amount of the paym�nts. If __
<br /> under Paragraph 21 tTae�avpeny is acquiced by Lendcr,Botrower's r�ght to any iesumnce polides and pm�ds�ulting from _
<br /> - „ Qamage to the PrepErty pravr w the acquisiti�n sbali pass to Lender to the exte�t og tk�e sums secured by this SECUri3y inssn►ment
<br /> �" „ Immodttuely prtot to the a�quisitfon. =
<br /> 6. �p�ancy, Pt�esesvatdm�:a. Maintenunce nnd Pr�+nt¢ctlon of ttie Pt+operiy: �rwwer's Iman App�1�41�en; _
<br /> . I,easeholds.Borrow�r sha11 accupy.�tablish.end use the Pmperty as Bomower's prittcipal rESideace withia siAty days after ttte
<br /> . executiun of this Security Qnstiumeat and shall oontinuo to oocupy the Property as�orrower's princi�al reslQen�e far at least one
<br /> year itfter the datc of oxupancy.unle3s 1�ender othezwise agt�ees ia wdtln8� whic�oonsent shall aot be unzemsonably withheld,
<br /> iRe �en
<br /> pr unless exteauatiag clrcumstanoes enist which erc beyottd Borrower's conu+ul.Bom�wer shall aot destroy.damage or Gapair
<br /> the Pmperty,allow the Pmperty to deterlomte.or comwit waste on the Prop�rty. Horrower slzail be in defaWt if aay foTieituce __
<br /> �z ��` �, eWon or pmoeeding.whether civtl or crl�minal.ia begun thut ia Lender's gaad fssiW JudBinent could resWt in forfeiture of the
<br />_�'"�'°,. pi,eperty,or otherw3e,x matedally impair the lien created by thIs Se�a�rtty Inatnnment or I.ender•a securiry interest.Borrower may
<br /> ;. ,,.,.
<br /> :;:�;a� c.�u�au�i n in'fastt�3 rr.#�sait.�grat�3sl�d fa gsr�gle!8,hy caw,ing the pc�ion or p m o e e d i n 8 t o b e d i s m i s s e d w i t b a t u lta g ,
<br /> r��-����� that� in Lender's good fatth deteaninatlon. preclttdes forfeiture of the Borc�oNer's interest in the Prmperty or Athes [nate�
<br />�;�'''�'i� impairmtnt of the lien c=eated by ehis Security Iastcument ar Lender's securlty interest. Borrower shall also be fn daF§nilt if
<br /> '�':�'�iv�i� Borcower�dudn8 the loaa applicnt�e�s�moess.Sava materiaUy false or inaxurate infemoatiom ar scatementa w Y.eader(or failed
<br />�--�"?��?� to provtde I,euder with siziy material�nformanon)in oannectlon wiW the loan evidenced by the Note.iacluding,but nat limited
<br /> '�'�:!�'�:� to�oepreseutations oa�noe�ing Bormwer's ocatpuncy of the Pcoperty as a priaasip�l resldence. if this SL�It��ment ta oa a
<br /> -''''`f� lcasehold. Bornower shati7 oomply with all the prnviaionu of the lease. If Borrower acc�ta�res fee dt1�.Ya the ProPert9. the
<br /> �_f�'�.;�._�'�
<br /> ^N=T`r�.���� leasehold and the fee dde ahaq not tnerge uNess Le�der agt+ees to ttee merger in wcitiag.
<br /> --. `,- 7.�+otsdton oi Lender's Rtghts in the Pmperty.If Bsmower fails to perform the ouveaanta and agre�ments ooua�3nzd in
<br />_°-`^.-�`'� this Secudty Iasuumcnt, or there is a(eB�P�S thnt may sigaificandy affect I,ender's rights 1n the ProPeitY(sntch as a
<br /> .":,:_-.
<br /> �-_'=,?�� prooeeding in banlcr��qtcy.pnobate.for ooademnation or forfeiture ar to enf�r�oE lnws or regulations)�then lx.nder m�r�do and
<br /> -'�"�",� pay for whnuvet is nooGSSary co p�tect the value of the Property and Lenf�er'a rlghts in the Pc+npertY. Lrendet's actians maY .
<br /> �.,:;�� : iuclud� paytpg any su�ns secund by a liea which has prio�nty over this Seeudty Insuument. aPP�B � a0� P�8
<br /> —'�`:�v��, reasoz�2��uuttomeys'tees sad entering on ttee Prnperty w mnke r�gairs. Alihough i�cader may talce a�lon uudet thi9 p:dcttg�aph
<br /> _-=__ ?.Lenda�8ors not�ave to do so.
<br /> --_ , ' � pipy �npunts d�tsu�sed by Leader under diis para�raph 7 shall beoome addttionnl debt of B�s�t�var secured by this
<br /> Sow�rity 1ra�u�umsnt. UnAass Bo�so�wer and 1�eader agree to other[er�na of payment.these amouats shND�beer iaterest from ttia
<br /> -- �e--'�� date of disbursemeat at the Note�mte and shall tse payable. wIth interest. upon aotioe f�esn I.ender to Borrower tioguesting ,.
<br /> �,_;:�:..s;�� PaS►tnent•
<br /> -,"xli',?�1i°�i'9!� 8.1Vlortg�ge Imsurnuoc.If Lender requit+ed mortgage inseuaace as a oondidon of making the loan sea�red by th9s Sxuriry �:
<br /> --___= Inatmmwt. Borrow�r c2�aU pay the premtuma required to maintain the�narrgage insierance in effecx. �?,for aay n.ason, the �
<br />==;.}i....�; mortgage insuranoe covesa,8e re9ulted by Lender lapses or oeas�s to be ia eFfict� Bomower shali pay the preaniums ceqtilred to ,
<br /> . ,.i, ob*ain coverage subsantialty e�uivalcat to the mortgage insuranae prevlously in eftect.at u cost substantielly cquival�nt to the
<br /> -:;'-:�� cost to 6orrower of the mortgage iasuruttoe prevtously in eff2ct, fcom an altemsue mo�4Sage insur�r aPpt°vad by irend:r. if
<br />���=�,�^-r: �ubstandal➢Y e4uiva�ent mortg�e insucance coverage is not avaiia'ble.Eomower s�ll pay to Lender eacb moath u siva�val to
<br /> -_`�';"r-�� ' one-twelfth of tha y.�a�7y mortgage insuranoe premium being patd by 19ormwer w1�en ttee tnsuranoe om�erage lapsed or ot�s�ed to _
<br /> ^'':;',,�.�....r.
<br />-=� � be in effect.Leader•�i11 aooept.use and retaiu these p�y�urnts es a loss reseive in lieu of n;ortgt�e insnrnuce. Loss re.seive
<br /> ::,� ; • �
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