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<br /> __' �
<br /> • �� ^ TOOE'fHER WITH ail the imptuvementa now or hereafter erected on the pmperty, uad sill easementa,appurtenances,and ��:.
<br /> •� flxtutes now or hereafteY o pArt of the pmgerty. All replucements nnd additiona shall also bc covered by this Securiry `
<br /> , Instruutent.All of the foregoiag is cQferred co in thia Stxuriry Insuument ns the'Prap�tty."
<br /> ;, BORltOWBR COVENANTS thnt Bocro�ver is Inwfiilly seised of th�estete hereby conveyed and Qas the right to graat and ��•
<br /> convey the Property and that ths Property la unencumbt�red.except for encumbmnces of record. �orrower warrants and will � ,
<br /> deEend generally the tttle to the Ptaperty ogalast atl claims and demanda,xubject to any encumbraaces of rPCard. � �,'''
<br /> ' '!'H1S SECURITY INSTEtUMEN7'wmbines uniform covenants for nutional use suid non-uniform covenanta with limited 1
<br /> " � varlationa by jurisdictlon to coastitute u uniform�ecurity instrument coverfng real property. ' r ���
<br /> •• �� UNIFO1tM COdENANTS.Boreo�ver and l,ender covenaut and agtee as fotlows: � '
<br /> 1. Poyment ot �tincipui aed Interest; Prepaymeat And Late Charges. Borrower shall pmmptly pay when due tke �ri
<br /> r:::s��� rinci ai of and interest on the debt evidence�i by the Note and any prepuyaient and Iate charges due uader che Note. �..�.�
<br /> ..aar p p �
<br /> 2. Ft�ads for Tnxes nnd Iasurnnce.Subjact to a�plicable law or to a written waiver by LeQder, Barrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the day montWy pnyaeents sue due under the Note,until tde Note is paid In full.a aum("Fuads")for:(a)yearlY tases 6d� ':,'
<br /> and assessrnents which may attain pdority over this Secudty Instn�ment av a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasa3sald payments ��-
<br /> � or ground rents on the Property. if any�(c)Yearly haznrd or pmpe�ty insurance premlums:(d)Yeariy iload in�uranoe prsmiums. �'
<br /> 't if any; (e)Yearty mortgage fasurauce premiums.jf any;and(�aay suaas paya6le by Borrower to i.ender.in accoMance with =
<br /> � the provlaions of paragcapb 8.W lieu of the payment of mortgage tasurance premiuma.These items are called"Tsacrow Items•° n=
<br /> � Lender may. at aay timo, collect and hold Fuads in ari ainount aat to exceecl We tnaximum autouat a lender for a federally `�
<br />= �t1� related moxtgage loaa may require for Borrower's escmw account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Pmos�tures Act of _
<br /> ��- -• �� 1974 as aine.nded fram tlme to tlme, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Fuads
<br /> „ . <�� sets a lesser xwnunt. !f so. L.ender may, ai any tima. collect and hold Fuads in an amount not to exceed ths lesser amount. =
<br /> Erader inay esdmate the amaunt of Fuads due on the basia of current data and reasonable estimates of expsnditurea of thnue `
<br /> �sxtuw Itetns or othetwis.nu�c�ordance with applicable law. i"
<br /> The Fuads shali be �e9cl in aa instituttan whose deposits ere insured by a foderAl agency, iasaum�ntality. or entity r-
<br /> ' (iacluding Irnflzr.if Lender i�such an instirution)or in aay Federal[�tume l.oaa B�sk.Lendar vatdll apply the Funds to pay the __
<br /> �. =-A,.f;r; �, 6scrow Items.D.iender may uat charge Botmwer for holding and app�yi�g t3ie Funds.annusilly nuaiy�cmg che escrow account,or
<br /> s; ••+r•;•; " verIt'ytng the�'iscrow iten�s,uNess Lender paya Botrotiv�r interest on tYio i�unds and s►y�plicable{a�v r�emiits Cender to make sucb
<br />-• - � r a charge.However.Lender�ay require Bomower to pr.y a one-time charge for an i�ed�pendent reafl estate u�n reportin�service _
<br /> •• �t: used by Lender in connectian with thia loan, ualess applicable law provides oth�wise. Ualess an ag�uzat ie inade or
<br /> � r'h�`�(:�: appltcable law requires interest to be paid.l,ender shaU not be required to pay Borrower sury inte�st or eamiags on the Funds.
<br />_ . . . '.`�;y{ .I.
<br />-• „ .�i�_ Borrowes and I.ender caay agree in wrlting.however.that interest shail be paid on the Funds.Lender shaU give to Borrower.
<br /> .��� l., .
<br />-,�„ without charge. an annuat accounting of the Fuads,showing credits aad debits w We Funds an4 We puipose for which `
<br /> ,�. ,.. ,. . • �lebit w the Funds was ms�a.The Fuads are pledged as 7.+l�idoaal se�urlty fbr all sc�secured by this 5ecurityr F,��munent.
<br />-��y•_� • : t If the Fuads held by II,�nd�r exceed the amounu garmi�tted to be held by applicavle law, Leuder shall accauat w Borrower
<br /> �.,�•:,•,.• •' for the exc.�s�vnds W accorciance with We reQuircmeats of applicable law.If the amount of the Fuads held by Lender at any
<br /> '°'=��=""��'`•; time is not su�'�C�ient to pay the Bscrow items when due,Lender m�y so aodfy Boirower ia writing,und,ln euch case Sorro�ver
<br />�1'y.`:141 F
<br /> Y�:��;+�*•, shall pay to l.ender the amaunt aecessary eo raake up the deRci�r.cs�. �orrower ahall make up tbe a�eficienry ia no more thau
<br />��+i� twelve monthly payments,�t�.ender's sole discretion. �;:-
<br /> '�='�• U n a ent in futl of ail sums sacured b tLtia�ecurity Instrument� Leader shall promptly refund to Bomawer aay
<br /> �.,.,,.,_ , .: Po P Y�► Y
<br /> �;��=`-�-ti�=y,;; Fnnds held by Lender.If,under paragragh 21.Lender s�a11 acqulre or sell the Property, Leader.prior to We acquisition or sale
<br /> °-`�"�:i�c�•�_ ^ of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the da�e v�f acquisittoa or sele as a c�flas against the aums secured by
<br />�,_. f,c. �
<br /> -::"�";-•�=- this Seeuriry Instn�mont.
<br />_lC(AlTLI tiEiQ.�
<br />- - 3.Applicattoa of Pwymenta.Ualess applicable law pzrovides othervyise.all payments s�eceived by I�ender under par�a,rapbs
<br /> v_°-2��,�a. 9 and 2 shall be appl{ed:f�rst. to anY PnePayment charses due under the Note:seeamd,to amounts payable ur�Q�:paragc'aPh Z� 1e:
<br /> ----- th�rd�to interest due;fourtD,to prfncipal due;aad last.w any late charges due tutder the Note. ___
<br /> __=
<br />