. ` . :,,.�..
<br /> LOANNO. 1539218313 "
<br /> 1A.CenOemnstion. The proceeda of any award or ctaim tor damagea,direct or coneoquentlai,In connectlon with •�,� . ��{
<br /> �, ,> any condemnatlon or other laktng a9 any part at tho Property,or fo�convoyonco ln Iteu af cortdemnatlon,ard horoby � ,.
<br /> asaigned and sha11 be patd to l�ender. � �
<br /> In the�vent af a totst taking ot the Property,the proceeds ah�ll bo appllad to the auma secured by thla Security r�°
<br /> Inst�ument,v�hether or not then due.with any excesa paid to Barrower. In the evont of a paRial mking ot the Ptoparry in 0'� ,
<br /> which the f�ir market vatue of the Property Immecltately before tho t�king Is oaual to or greator than the amnunt of the ..
<br /> eurtna aecured by this Seeurity Inatrument lmmediatety betore tho tmking,urlless Borrower and Landet othotwl�o ugrca In ;�
<br /> � ,� writing,the sums seaured by thla 8ecurity instrunrtent ahali be red�rced b the amount of the proceeds muttiplled by the
<br /> � g dlvlded by(bj the blr markot
<br /> following fraction:(a)the total amou�of the eums secured immedlately etore the takirt ,
<br /> . .•--� value of the Property Immeata4ely before the taking.Any batartca ehall bepatd to Borrower.In the ovent of e partlat
<br /> taking of the F'roperty in which the falr martcet vatue of the Proparty Immc�lately betoro the taking is tesa tfian the
<br /> amount ot tho sums securezl Immoc�lutel�y before the 4ak{ng,unless 8orrowe�artd Lender otherwise agree In writing or �..,
<br /> � nnloss appiir,able law othe►wise provtdes,the procseda shali be appiled to the sums secured by thia Secudty ;�.,.-_;_
<br /> " Insaument whethor or not the suma are then duo. , �_�;�";`
<br /> If the PropsRy ia abandoned by eonower,or It,after rtotice by LeRdor ta eorrower that the coRdemnor off�ra to ��;,,,_�
<br /> m�ke an award or settie a ctafm for damages,Borrower fatls 4o respond to Lender wfthin 30 daye after the data the ,�.�_
<br /> . ' rtotice ts gNen,Lendor is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds.at fts optton,etther to restoratlon or repair ot the ` ,,.��.�"
<br /> Property or to the sums secured by ti�ts 3ecurity t�st�ument,whsth�r or not th�n du�. -�_'-
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othorwiae egree tn wrttirtg,sny application of procesds to principal ahall rtot extertd ar ,1;,n�
<br /> � � pcstRur�a 4ha duo datQ o4 the monthly pay�neM��eferred to In paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such •;;.__.
<br /> u :,�::--
<br /> .; p�yrt►ent�. _�--
<br /> 11.6ar�vrEr Not it�9�aeed;Por�earertce 8y Lsnder Mot e W�Iver. Excenston of the tlme tor payment or
<br /> , modfficattura of amortiaati�n of the sams secured by this 3ecurity Instrument granted by l.�nder to any suocessor U ��:���_;;,;
<br /> � interest ot Borrower�hail�ot opereteto reiease the Ilabiltty af tho origlnai Borrower or Borc�arer's successars In � _
<br /> IMeres�Lsrtder shail n�:be requtred to commence proceedtngs�galnst any euccessor fn irn�orest or retuse to extend =__
<br /> � .�p time for paymeM or othenn+lse malfiy amortizailon ot the euma secured by thls Securlty Instrumerrt by reason of any '�.,�,
<br /> " demand msde by the o�igtnai Borrov�er or Borrowers successors tn Interest Any for4�earance by Lende�tn exercistng ___
<br /> any�ght or remedy shall rtot be a waNai of ot prectude the exercise ct any dgh3 or rem�y. _
<br /> �• 12,gur.amuore and Assig�s�aund;doiM and�everat UabAI ,Co-sipners• Th�covenants and agreemerda af __.
<br /> • ., thfs Security Instruumer�shall btnd and berteftt the successors and ass�ns of Lender an�0ot�ower,subJect to the _ _
<br /> � p r o v i s i o n s o f g a r a g r a p h t'�.B o r ro v�►e r s c o v e n a t�Y S a n d a g r e e m e r►t s�i be joh�t and several.My Bonower who �"' —
<br />- . � ������i:�t������pxAr.utA the Note:la}Is castgning this Socurtty inatrumen t on ty to __.�—
<br /> s. mortgafle,grant and aanvay tMat Bortawe�'s Interest In the Property under ths terms af this secumy inswmar�;(b;ia �:
<br /> ° ,;`� not perso�l9�oWl�sted to pay th0 surru�secured by thls Secu:�ty Instntment;and(c)a��28s that Lender and any ot�$r �__
<br /> � ���°� Borrower rnr��agree to extend,m�Hy.torbear or make any aocommodaUons v+ilth regar�d 4o the terms of thts Secu�ity -.
<br /> t��' ' Inaitue�ent or the Note wtthout t h a4 8orrowe r's canser�t.
<br /> 19.L oan Chtr��s. if fie toan secured by tt�1s Secur(ty Instrumsnt fs subJect to a law whtch sats ma�dmum loan
<br /> � � chatges,and that taw is�Irvglly Intergrreted so that the tnter�st or oiher loan chargos collected or to be collected U
<br /> connectlon wfth ttte loan exceed ttn�permitted��m(ts,then:(a)t+ny such loan charge sh�il be reduced by the amount
<br /> x
<br /> ne�ssary to reduce the charge to Yhe�pem►itted�tmit;artd(b any sums elready coileciod 4Pam Borrower whtch
<br /> exceeded pettnitted tlm(te wlll be tetunded to Barrawor.m�t Borrow�e0.r It a e uc�d�iedu pNnc(pal,the reductlon
<br /> „ '�. p�inclpal owod under the Note or by malcing a dinect pay
<br /> wU!bo troated ae a pazttaal prei�aYn'�er�without any�prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> R�
<br /> � " • • � 1 4,p Q E t c e�. M y n o t l o e t o B o r ro w e r pr o v i d e d f o r In thts Sacu r i t y Instrumern ehalt be given by deiNertng[t or by
<br /> ���..;_- ,_�;� maUlnB It try tirst class mail untess applEcable law reQulres use of anoiher methai.The natice s h a t t be dtrect a d to t he
<br /> •� Pro rty A�d�ess or any o t h e r e d�r e s s B o rn�wer dest gnates b y Rotice to lsnder.M notice to Lender shafl be ghren
<br /> ' � :. �, ac�� m�vWed for lnt?�ta Seci�t t i y n s t r umed t d e h aU be deyem�edeto hm e bee gNen to�Botro�r or°tttenae ewn�n 9%"�'y
<br />- „: as proMded In thts par�a�raph.
<br /> �� 16.Govamtng 6nw;&svarabllNy. TNis Securtry InstrumeM shaU I�e govemed by federal law artd tho taw of the
<br /> � urisdEctlon in u�fhtch the Properiy Es located.In the eveM that anY provision or clauae of this Securt�t InsirumaM or ttee -- -
<br /> ,. `•'� �ote cor�l[cta wkh appttcable 1aw.BUCh COliP.ICt 8h8I1 ROI A�8C2 02her provislons ot thls Security InsuurnoM or tha Nmi� —
<br /> wQ�ich can be given efte�t withcut the co�llctirtg pMVisfon.To thfs end th�pro�►istons of thla�acuriry Insttument and t�e __
<br />° _:. Nots ere dedared to be s�verabia.
<br /> � �,� � 18 Barowere Capy. Bomower shall ba ghr�n one conforened cowgr ot tho Note and ot t�is 8ecurtty Insbumern. --
<br /> = '}'`��;��. 1�. �ae�fer ot ths Rrop�ly�r�eeneflalal Ir�erari In Bomower. H aii or any part of the Propsrty or any = ---
<br /> .._.
<br /> . , � tr�a�'t i��t ta sofd or transferred(o�lP a benofidai IMerest In eorrmwer Ia sold crtransfe�ed and Sartawer�� f���� ��
<br /> . � natur�7 person)without Lende�'s pdor written cons�sm,Lender may,at fts optloo,requtre fmmedfate payme �
<br /> �. �roh;bft¢d b�tedeml aw es�ot th�eeof this S�urity nstrpu�me e��t not be oxardsed by L�ender ff exercise is -
<br /> p Y
<br /> :�°,.. _
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<br /> • '�ya�
<br /> _ _. - ;',,=Y7 NEBRASI(4�-9INfil.B FAMILY—FNMA/FHLMC UHIFORM ltiSYRU&lEAttt rQ�i�i 3u98�Se� =
<br /> :, �sCicMOnv�//ors2/sazatsso)•� aaa�ao�e °�,�,q ---:
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