<br /> � �
<br /> . 7+
<br /> .�
<br /> , �� ��
<br /> . � -
<br /> , . . �7_
<br /> , 9�� 1��.7�r� LOAN NO. 1 5 3�J 2 1 8 3 1 3 ' � , �
<br /> If Lertder exercises this optlan,Lender shall giva Bonower notice ot acceteratlon.The notice shali provide a pariad ' ;�
<br /> '87 not 18sa than 3Q days frorm the da4e the natfca Is delivered or malied withln which Borrower muet pay ail sums secured ;�_
<br /> - J by this Securfty I�strument. It Borrower taUs to pay theae�uma prior to the expIratlon of thto period.Lender may Irnoke _ .rl..
<br /> any remedies pormitted by 4hla 3ecu�ity inatrument vdthout further notice or demand on Borrower. ;_
<br /> � 1 8.�o rr a w e�'s R I gM to Reinstate. If Borrower maata certain conditlons,Borrower s�ali have the right to havo r-_
<br /> eMarcement of this Seau�ty Inat�ument dleaontinued at any time prlor to the ea�iler oi:(a)S days(or suc h o t her p e r l o d
<br /> � as epplicabie iaw may speci(y for reinatetament)botore saie ot the PropertY purauent to any power ot saie containBd in �
<br /> this Securlty Inatn�msnt;or (b)entry ot a Judgment enforcing thts Seour tnsttument.Those conditlons ere that ;
<br /> Bonower.(a)pays L.ender sil suma whiah than wouid be due under this�ecuriry Inattumant an at�h'e�tenSea incurred ` _
<br /> � acceteratlon had occur�ed; (b)cures any defauit at any other covenants or agreements;(c)pay P
<br /> � tn eMarctng thts 3ecu�Ity Instrumant,inctuding,but nat Itmited to,reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)takes such action
<br /> as lsnder may r�aasonably require to asau�that tha Ilen ot this Security InstNment,Lender's Mghts In the Propatty and -.
<br /> a the sumo secured by thia Security inatrum�nt shail continue unchanged.Upon
<br /> Bonower's abllg,�ticn to pay �-
<br /> no a8cceteraUoh d occurra�Howeve�thia rtght ta e nstate shall n t apply nt he rcase ot accel�rat on urtder�Ne as B _
<br /> ,_,,
<br /> . '�ya_;.
<br /> paragraph 17. .. •�„::..._
<br /> 19.Sele o4 Nate;Ch�ngo of l.ean Servlaer. The Note or a partiai Interest In tho Note(togetherwith this Security '�_�i�;,,:�:..:_
<br /> Inetrument)may be soid one or mara tlmes wfthout pdor notice to BoROwer.A saie may�esult in a change in th�entity
<br /> � (known as the'Loan Service�that co�3�s'ts monthty payments due under the Note artd thla Security Instrument.Thero -- _
<br /> aiso may be one or more change�af the toan 3eroicer unreiated to a sate o!the Note.If there is a change of the Loan �
<br /> .. SeNlcer,Barravuer vsiill be gNen w►itten nottce of the change in accorda�ce wlth paragraph 14 above artd appltcable law. y -
<br /> The�otice will state the name artd address of the reew Loan Servicer and th�address to which payrnenis�nou�d ba
<br /> ' • made. The notice wlll alsc contain any other Infomeadon requlred by applicabte I�w. U_. ,:_
<br /> 20.Herne�ous�u�o4�nces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the preaence,use,dioposet.storage,or�elease of
<br /> ���• any Haza�daus Substances on or in thR Proparty.�arower shatl not do,nor allow anyone eise to do,a io h p�e8ence, -� i �
<br /> tho Property that is in vi�Sn�t¢n ot any Envlronmental Law.The preceding two seMences shaii not appty �:,�,"°?;.
<br /> - use,or storage on the Froros�y of small quaMitias ct Hazardous Substances that are generatly recognized to be :,,<<;'.+r.
<br /> •, appropdatb to normai res9�iemial uses artd to maintanance of the Property. .;,;:;1,;;..,.,
<br /> Ne Lonc�er u+rt(tten notice of any tnvestigatton,cfaim,demartd,lawauft or other actlon by �,r:,a��.��
<br /> BoROwer�hall promp�y g '�'�"'�
<br /> ��" any govemmer�tai or regulatory agency or prlvate party irnrolvirtg the Property and any Hazardous Substance or . � ,
<br /> ' EnWranmernal Law of which Bortotivet taas actuai knowledge.If Borrower leams,ar is�ciiNed by any governmental or �`_,' �" ..;,�
<br /> j: t , �egulatory authority,that any removal or oYner remediation of any Hazardous Substance sffo�Hng the Proparry�s -� � ;
<br />-_____ ��,g��Qf�att �mpUy take ali nscessary remediat acUons U acca�ance w►(th Ernironmentai l.aw. `��'n.y _�_
<br /> �� • � As used U this parage��h���"Haaa�dous Subsiances°are those substances deflned as toxic or has���u� ,�;,�, �-�—
<br /> suhstances��Ernironmental6.aw an�B 4o�a fo►lowing substances:gasollne,kerosene,oiher flammabie or toxic �;,,;�+:�:ti�._:
<br /> petroteum pr�r9ucts,toxic pesZdckiea anri herbictdes,volattle solvente,matertals containing asbastos or brmaldehy�e, �,�,�r�
<br /> , and radioactNe materlels. 4�s used in this paragraph 20.'Environmec�tal Lav�'msans fed�rat I�ws and lawa of the ,��,
<br /> ��. JurfsdlcUon wh�re the Pro�erty�s�ocated that relat�to health,eafoty or envirenmental protectien. :� �r..�
<br />�' NON•UtVIFQRM CO�NANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant artd�gree as tollowa: �Ir� ��r'�-r?
<br /> � �t.Acee1�tion;Remedtea.Lender ahall 9�ve notice to Borrawer prlar to acceleratton toqoar9r��e�ower's ��` ' ��
<br /> � breach of any aovo�M or sgreemerrt In this Secueity Instrum�nt(but not prlor to eccelaratlon unde���rage�pfn �.,-R
<br /> ,:...
<br /> +�'���� 17 unleas eppiicable I�w providos otherwt�e).The�oitco shall�peclty:(e)the detsu�;(b)the a b o�ic��the�
<br /> � ` curo the detault;(c)e d�te�not tesa th�n 30 dsys hom the date the notice ta givon to Bmrrowcr,
<br /> �` " detauit muat be cured;aed(d)4hat tatture to c�s t�e detautt on or before the date sReaHtod In tiee noitae may __
<br /> . ��,�� rosuit[n acceleratton ot the�ums seceired dy thEa�acurKy Inetrument e�d eata at the Property.Th�natice shatl =—-_
<br /> ., . ,�, tuRher intorm 8orrower of the right to retnetete aRer acceferetlon and the rigi�to brinp a couR ao8on to assert
<br /> the�orne�c[atence of e det�utt or�n1/aher detenas of 6or�owerto acceie�tton and eate.If the defauetf�s'n���of
<br />" ,� :�"� cu�ed on or l�etore the�f�te specifled tn the n�tfce.L�nder at(ts optioe mayre�u{re Immedtat��ym
<br />;;�, • ell�ums ss�mre�by tlota 8e6urity Instrumor�t�rithout tupther demamd ared nca�y tmoke the pov�er ot sato a�mny _-=--_-
<br />_�:; �lher romedi�s pemo6�Rca��y appllcable tew LsaoE�r ehap!ee entttied to c�a7le�t aQ oxpemes incurred in pur�uing ----
<br /> tho remedles provld�fl U�+ahls paragr�ph 21�lnc7�BJng�but rtot timited to.maasonabte attomeys'tiaes end�� ��:'?_:-
<br /> , � •� �_
<br /> < tttle evW�.
<br /> � If the�w�er of sde ts tnvoked�Vaastee shaQ record a�ota�e of defeui3ln oacle coucny tn which any part of ����
<br /> tho Property is foe�ted and sheQ mail coplos ot euch eotice In the manrter presaibed by eppiicabte I�MO to •,� r
<br /> . ;� e�mowet end to ths other penom prescribed�y eR�ifcabte law. ARer tho timo required by�pptioable t�w. �, '__-
<br /> T�ustee sh�il glve pu�9lo nosice af eate to the p�r�ens aed tn the manner preacribed by�pRlt�Ole lew. Trustee. . :^�:
<br /> y�,� wEthout d�mand on 8mvower�slu�ti seii the R►��Ay et pulflic auctlon to the highest btdGer et the time�nd place �,- '{_�--_�.__
<br /> • �� f and under�o terms d�ignated in the oottce o�eate[n oree ar b ai'e Ite anrteu�dncemo�r�t��it th�imeear�p1��,,� : �:'!"���;`;`�
<br /> °" i Truatee rroay poatpone a�[e of al1 or�mt pa�ef o4 the Pro��y Y P � �=
<br /> ;, eny prmvtousty scS�eduEed aale. lsnder or 6b deslgnee mey purchase ihe Properiy a4 any sate. ���M —
<br /> Upon�ecefpt o4 pt►ymoflt ot the price b1��3hr�tee shalt dettvef to tha purc.�aser Ttusteo'e deed conreyi� ,� �_
<br /> 'i the P�perty. 1'ho rE��E�[n th�Trustea's de�!!�7sat1 b8 prirtu�teeto esfi�lonco of the truth af the�temerna rtoa�a ,t � �- ....
<br /> r tl�erelee. 4ua��tea sioail aa�Piy th��ncaeeds of the etiaalo En ttna im9lowirtg ertS�r.(a)to ep cvsta and ex�enass m4 .;•.�i�,,�, ...
<br /> � � .
<br /> ?•rE,•....�,�..,
<br /> r >..,,,.,•`_..
<br /> . Fi�Ab1?o289/� - --- --`'S�:�l':�.�:"�._
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