, .;:�.
<br /> 1 �
<br /> , .
<br /> .
<br /> __ ...' _.. ,. - „ „
<br /> ., ���' ��A��� LOAN N0. 1 5 3 s 21 a a�s
<br /> Ail insuranc�policiea and renav�re�ls shull be acceptabte ta Lender and shall Inctude a atandsrd mortgago�to Lendar ��
<br /> ' Lendor ghal!have tha right to hold the policies and renewats. If LertdAS�equirea,�orrower shaii p�omptiy gfit ,
<br /> all recelpts ot patd premlum�and renowal notices.in the event ot losa,Borrower shali give prompt notice to the ,
<br /> inaurance carrier artd Lender.Lender may mako proot of losa If not mada promptly by sorrower.
<br /> .. Unlesa lender aRd So 1Ne reatoreatlan o g epatr IWS oconomlca�ily taasib e nnd Lendere's secu�rity�a notlas�senedr t��th�o - .
<br /> ot the PropeR;+damagecJ�If
<br /> restoratlon er repatr Is not economlcaity feasibie or Lender's security would be lessaned,the Insur��ce proceeda sha
<br /> ' � t�s applled to the aums secured by th�(�S�$��'ry a�$�uef w�ih n 90 day�a nat ca t om�Le der that the Insurance c�etrrler� �
<br /> ' �� Ii Bortower abartdons the PropertY .,.,.
<br /> '"' has oft�red to settle�clalm,then Lander may coilect tho insurance praaseds.Lender may use the praceeda to repair
<br /> �� or restore the P�operty or to pay sums secured by thla Securiry Instrur�ent,whether or not then due.The 30�day perlod r : "
<br /> w i U b e g i n w h e n t h e n o t i c e{s g►v e n. �:"�-.� �;�
<br /> � Unless Lertder and Borrower otherwise agres In vrriting,any appllcation of proceeds to p r fnc ipa i a h a U n o t e x t e R d o r . .�1 :
<br /> postpone the due date of the moMhlypaymenta refened to In para9raphs 1 and 2 or change the emount of the ;1_�w,�:tr
<br /> p a y m e r�t s. l f u n d e r p ara gra ph 21 the Property Is acquired by Lender,BoROwer's�Ight to any insurance poiicies and �.{;;;.
<br /> �,° rlorto t ho a c q u l s i t t o n s h a i l p a s a t o L e n d erto the extent of the surns �,,,^-.-
<br /> . procosda[esu(ting f�om damaga to the Proparty p _
<br /> �� sec��r�by thts 3ecurltY Ustrume�t immediately prlor to tha acqutsitton. �sQftawer's Loan Appltcatlon; �'::�'rn
<br /> �'t. g,���panay�Preaervat��ra,Malr�t�n�nce end Rrotec4lon of the Proporiy' �_
<br /> . . � l.eaeeholde. 9oROwer shalt occupy,establish,artd use the Property as Borrower's P�n 8a Boerrowe�s prtnc(p�d�y� !t.: �r-
<br /> ° '� aRer the exec u t ion o f t h i a 3 e c u r i t y I n s t n t m prdt and afleti coMinuo to occupy the Pmpsrty ----
<br /> resldenae for at Ieast one year after the date�f occupancy.uNess Lender o t he r w ise agr e e s i n w r�t i n g,w h l c h c o n ser� yy ,u
<br /> , t Y �`,._:.�_
<br /> . shail not be unreasonably withheld,or unteas extenuatirtg circumshe P o��o detd orat or commlWwaste o�n ti�e ��`�`.���.
<br /> � Borrower shaii not destroy,damage or impair the Property.allow p�nY �_,.
<br /> r Propetty.Borcowe�shall ment ould`resutty no�eiture ot ho Property or o h rwise mate�rtally Impair the Iten crea ed by � ��.
<br /> ' Lendera goo�Yalth Jud� p �''r
<br /> y �_.��.-
<br /> �►� �` . this Secuhmr8 ��using theTa i n or pro�adtng to be dtsmissed with a ruui ng tdheat,U Lende e g tood faith vid n -,,-�,.�,_.
<br /> Pare9rap � Y �.:�.�..
<br /> d�terminallon�prec�udes for[efture of tha Betrower's IrRerest In the Property or oiher materlat impairment of thdurin the --
<br /> created by thta 3ecu►ity Insuument or Lender's securtty fMerest BoROwer sha►I also ba in defau{t If Borrower. g �� _
<br /> ��� loan a icaUon process,g�ve matedalty faise or inaccurate Information or s4atementa to t:ender(or failed ta�rovide --`
<br /> ..�..._.,
<br /> ` Lender with any material info���wer�s occu p8a ncy o�4he Prope e a s p�ci��oah esiden�ceclt n�1a Se urlty t strumer� �
<br /> -� reprrnseiitatiti,-ia a3stC8ss� - _ _-
<br /> � �� o�a taasehotd.8onower s atl comply wtth all the provislons ofi tha iesi�v ii S�r���tti�l'-°�f`-u'��Is tu tha ropa y.
<br /> th�leasehdd and the tee t�1e shall noi merge unless i.endar egrees to the merger In wrfting. �
<br /> 7.Protection ot Lender's Rlghts In tho Rtoperh/• If Bortower falls to pe�fo�the covenants and egreorr�ents
<br /> cor�ined tn t�is 88curity Instrument,or tfiere Is a�l�ae!p�ror��i Bmnatlorn or torfe cuere o�to nt rce laws or�In the
<br /> � ' ' Property(sua�as a Procaeding ir+bankruPt�Y�P and Lenders __
<br /> �egutatlonsy,4�an ILender may do and paY 7�r wi�atever ts necessaa'N Ro 3�rotect the vatue af tho Properiy �er tt�ts
<br /> � `� �ic�?r�s in the Proper�Y.Lender's actiona may incl�de payln9 enY su�a+�s sxeured by a tien which QeAS priorT o make
<br /> Sa��rtyr 1ns2rumern,appaaring tn couR,paying reasonable attomeYs'tees a^d ernering on the Propsrty
<br /> repatna.Aithau9h l�ertder may take action under thts pa�ag�aPh����er does nat have to do so.
<br /> , ' Any amo�e�dtsbur�ed by Lender un�larthta paragraph 7 shail becoma addttimoeal �es8 mmour►ts sha 1 bear bY
<br /> , y ,�.
<br /> . , : , 1Merse�frcm the date ot dfsbu semAM at the No e te and sthall tbe payab e wl�tb in r�est�upon nottce irom Lsnderto
<br /> :., . . 6arrower requesNng paymeM.
<br /> Q�..` _�:'':�:� . e.Mort�tpe Inturanr.�. if Lender�8►�m0ms regqulred o�air�itat cthe maRgage tnsuranc�t effea�I�t,fcis y
<br /> ;;:= Secud►Y tnswmanL Bonower shalt paY p ---
<br />� �. :Y;; reason�the mortg�ge tnaurance covara��equtred by Lettder ta�o-�g or ceasee{n uera��pB���n eff�t,a�1�•a ca�t
<br />_ ."'� '' premlums rsqulred to obtaln coverage e�batanttaily equNalent to Qf��a�c�tSa9 —
<br /> ubstsrttatl equfvelent to the Cost to Borrower ot tha mortgac�e Ins�rran BP��ance cove�ge Is no�av�aila�ee _ .
<br /> -j . - csi�o�tgage Inaurer epproved by Lender.lf eubstantiaily eguhra�or�t m 9�9
<br /> _ 8a�rower sha11 pay to Lender each month a sum equsi to one-tweifth ot the earh/moetgage Insurance premiusn beir�9
<br /> . • ��:� !d b Ba�owar wtten the Insurartce coverage lepsed or ceasc3d t$�e In�m�Y�I�ongee be equt�ed,atlth�� � -
<br />'"`v-` ��'�; piy�rtents a�a loss resorve In tieu of mortgage inaurance.l0 1� rovtded by �
<br /> �"��:%-� �� "l' opt�on of Lender.lt mortgage Usurance coverege(In the amourrt and for the pertods that L�endar requlres)p _
<br /> . an Insurer a p proved b y t.�nder agatn bscomes a�e a�io rese e�u�t he re�i e lremen�for mortg ge tn urance�e ds� �'��
<br /> ,� ° " ma,Matn martgage insuranae In effoct,or to prov : �-
<br /> Icable law. +���:::�
<br /> ' �,;,=:,�; in accordance with any w�ltten ggreement between Bor�ower and Lendar er appl . �.v---
<br /> y pe p Lend�z :•
<br /> r,1�:. �ti po
<br /> . . " �':'�•;;,. �8R•N 4�rrower n�at the t me$o?or prio�to an(nspeciion s�ecffytng reaonaWo cau�s for the InspeycUon. _ -L
<br /> � � 1..... __
<br /> :. �_ '� � 8 u /_�'�:.:_—
<br /> r�`�t ._� Ibt��.'.
<br /> - -���,.. F�RN130`189�96 k:,je_�'-
<br /> ��.
<br /> f 18C/CMDTN.c//OP92/5028(9�80)•L �::5
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