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<br /> LOAN N0. 1 5 3 9 Z 1 8 3 1 3 .
<br /> T4iIS SECURITY IN�TRUMENT combtrtes uniform covenenta tor natlonat use and non-uniform cavenants wfth �
<br /> Iimited varlatlona by JuNsdlatlon to constitute a uniform security Instrument covering teai propeny. �
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT3.BoROVrer and Lender covenant anci agree as follows: � �'
<br /> 1.Paymert of�rineipel And Interes4•RrepeymeM ee�Leto Chargos. Borrower shall promptiy pay when due .
<br /> tha principat of and interest on the debt ew�denced by the Note and any prepayrrtsnt arsd tate charges due under the �
<br /> � Nate. �
<br /> 2.Funsis tor Taxes and Insurance. 3ubJect to applicable taw cr to a w�itten waiver by I.�nder,Borrower sheN ay N .�
<br /> to Lender on the day monthly paymants are due uettier the Note,untll the Note ia paid In full,a sum("Funds")for.(a�
<br /> yearly texea and assessments which may attain prlorlty over this Sacurity Instrument as a tten on the Prcperry; (b)yeady .
<br /> " � �� leasehoid paymertts or ground�eMS on the Property,If any; tc)yeariy hazanf or proparty insurance premiums; (d) "
<br /> yearty flood Insurance premiums,H any;(e�yearly mortgege 7nsurance premfuma,t�any;and(fl any eums payable by
<br /> 8onower to Lender.In accordance wtth the provlsiona�!paragraph 8,In Ileu of tha payment of mortgage inaurance , :.,l_,
<br /> ptemlums.These ttems are calied°@scrow Itema."Lender may,at any tlme,collect and hold Funds In an amount not to :;..��;
<br /> exceed the maximum amount a Iender br a federaily related mongage toan may require for Bo►rower's escrow account ;.,_
<br /> urtder the tederal Reai Estate SettlemeM Procedurea Act of 1974 as amended from time to tNne,12 U.3.C. �2601 et :,�,�',�
<br /> seq.(°RESPA"),unless another taw that applfes to the Funds seta a lesser amount.lf so,Lender may,at any tfine,coliect �• ,;,;:_:
<br /> artd hoid Funda In an amount not to exceed the tasser amount.Lender may esHmate the amouM of Funda due on tt�e ,.cl;°�:�.;;=;,
<br /> � basta o!auRent data and reasonabie estimates of expsnditures ot future Escrow items or othervuise in accordance w�h ,..b__T
<br /> appllcable law. - —
<br /> The Funds shaii be hatc!In An lnstltutlon whose deposits ere Inaured by a feder�l agency,tnstrumentality,or enttt}t '���.-�_
<br /> (Inctudin�Lender�tf Lender Is such an institution�or!n any Fede�at Wome Loan Bank.Lender shail apply the Funds to ,ys;�;,
<br /> Ray tha scrow Itema.Lertd�r may noi charge Bortower for holding and applyirtg ihe Funda,annualiy analyzing the �_;.�._�
<br /> esca��w account,or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower In4orest on the Funds and ap�licalde taw ;;-- °=;:.
<br /> pormtts Lender to make such a charge.However.Lertder may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge far an _.,:,., _
<br /> . independent roat estat�tex reporting service used by Lender in connection wfth this loan.ur►toss applicabie iaw �
<br /> �f�- provides othenvise.Unless an agreament is made or appllcab�e taw r�squlres IMerest to be pae�8,�.ender shali not bs =�
<br /> �;�� �equi�ed to pay BoROwer any Interest or eamings on the Funde.Bor��wer and Lender may agree in w�iting,however, � ,°����
<br /> that interest shall bepatd cn the Funda.l.ender shall give to Bonower,wfth�ut�h�rge,an annual accouriting of the -
<br /> " Funds,e h o w i ng c r e d ft s a rt a 3 d e b i t a t o the Funds and the pu r p ose for which each da�it to the Funds was msde. The �:..�7;,,
<br /> � �'�� Funds are ptedged as addtiinnal security br ail aums secured by thia 3ecurity fc�s'trument. �'-x���-
<br /> � ` ' If tho Furtda hefd by Lender exceed the�mou�ts pertnitted to f�e held by applicabfe taw,Lmnder shatl eccounttc
<br /> �� �� 3c+rr�w�r tor t��excesu Funds in accordance with the nqutre�noMs mt sppIlcable Isw.lt the amou�t of the Funds held
<br /> r
<br /> , �: by Lendar at a�y nme la rt�2 sufficient to pay the�ecrow items when aue.La�ier may sc�lty 9arrau�r in:�:rliing. _ "
<br /> end.tn such casa 9orcower ahail pay to I..endar the amour�necessary to make�ga tt+e deficiency.Borrower shail make
<br /> E. ?�-=-
<br /> �;'� ��the deflcienoy(�no more than twe Ne mor►t h ly pay�nen ts,a t L�n d e r's s o l e d t s c r e U o n. t�-
<br /> � ' ` Uponpa�fent In fuli of ail sums secured by this SecuNty Instnamant,Lender ahail promptty refund to Borcower any ;
<br /> • '�;i�; Ftmds held ta t,cender. If,under paragra�4�21,Lender shall acRufm or sell the Property,Lendfar,�prtor to the scqulsltlon �:
<br /> ° , ;, ;���� or sale of the�QCape�y.ahait apply any F�ands held by Lenderat tho 41r�ne of acqulsftion ar eala�s a credft againsttha �_
<br /> , sums secured by thia Securlty Instrument
<br /> ��' 3.AppiiCation of Pay�aMe. Unless eppifcable law provides otherwise,atl paymeMs receNed by Lender under
<br /> r8 Tp h91 81ld 2 BhHil b8 8p�liBd:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amourns payahla
<br /> 9 p nder the Note. �'.
<br /> - � '�''r.' under paragr�ph 2;third,to Interest dua;fourth,ta principal due;and tast,to arry tate charges dua u �
<br /> 4.Char�es;Uens. Borrower ehallpay ail taxes.assesamenta.charges,flrtes and Impoarr,c�ans att�ibutabie totl�a r�
<br /> .,;��. , property whlch may attain pdor(ty over thts Securfry In�trumer►t.art�d Ieasehoid payments or�round re�s,It any. _
<br /> Bomower sha11 pay these obtigatEona ln the manner provided in pa�graph 2,or ff not patd in that manner.Bomororer sha11 _
<br />;;�;;`'� �' - , pay them on time directly to the person owed paymen�.Borrower shall prompU fumtsh to lender ail noiices ot �— -
<br /> re
<br /> � ", ,:' amourtts to be paid under thia paragreph.If eorrower�akea these paymonts d recUy.Borrower shati prompUy turnish to
<br />' . .�`,,sr� Le��der receS�ts evfdencirtg the paymeMs.
<br /> �-
<br /> �.� ` '� Borrower ahafl promptiydischarge any Ilen which has priodry over thia Securtty I�strument unless Barrower.(a) k��-
<br /> ' . ;_
<br />��•:.. � agrees In writing to tha paymeM of the oblfgatlon secured by the Ilen In a manner acceptable to Lender,(b conteste In
<br /> .;-,�. . . :.. -.
<br /> ,;:,� good t�ith the Ilen by,or doiertds against erdorcemsnt oi the Ilen In,legal proceedtngs which in the Lende s opinican _
<br />�;,� - . operate to prevent t[�e enforcement of the Ilen;or(c)secures from the hotdsr o!tP�e llen an agreement satistact to =
<br /> • �f; Ler�der aubordtnating the Ilen a this 3ecudty Inst�umerrt.if Lender determtnes thai any part of the Property ts sub�ect to __
<br /> . . ;;;;;,;; e Iten whtch may attaln prtotit�'oVer thts Secu�e�acti ns e�t�h abo e within 10 day of the givirtg of n[�e.
<br />:�, ���• , 8 o r ro w e r a h a l l e a t i s t y t h e i l e n o r t a k e o n e o r o
<br /> ;�:�� ' 8.Harard ar proryeft�Insurartce. Borrower sltia9]kee�the lm�rovemer►ts now extstin�or hereatter erected on the __
<br /> s;,: > -
<br /> � F�rcperty insu r e d aga[nst losa b y ftre.hezacds Indud�I wtthhin the term'exteMed coverage artd any other haz�rds. ----
<br /> tncludirtg fl000t�or flooding,for whtch t ender requlr�s insurarece.This Usurance shaq be maintalned In t?�e amour�te and ��
<br /> ' for theparto�s t1�at Lon der requ ires. 7 he ins u r�n c e c a r r l e r p r c n v D�B r�g t h e U s u e a n c o s h a l l b e�h o s s n b y Borrower su b Jeet ��:.�
<br /> �, . • Lertde�ma�yAat�Lende s��n�obtsl�n cove go o protect Lender�a r gMe In t�he Property I��ccorda ce wfthed above� �::Vti=—_-�
<br /> ' : � Pare9raPh 7. . � ---
<br /> ��
<br /> �`"rt.,
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