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.[4, v.l;?��r;�r.:t5 . . . . , _;..;: ,. <br /> {;,,: 'K�':tr..%.`�t � ;�f`�.�!'��-, - � . . <br /> �''Y� . .1 � .. .. � <br /> J).�: .. <br /> •'��..i . � . . <br /> _ ..�� .. ... _ � � i� . .. ' ' . . � - , o . .� .. <br /> . . . --. .. . . .. . .. . .. ... .. , . . �� . . o - ., � �x+nYnut�'� .: <br /> ' • u ' <br /> ..�, � ....-a �, . .. • , : - .....__...._ <br /> - - .. • . r� „ . � ,... • - <br /> � ' ' . ,.� . � .. .-- - . � .. _ . . <br /> ... ' <br /> .. _ . ... �..... ......""'..._...._..__.._ . . . . . � �O�V�V n . � <br /> interest in tt <br /> •� � , ' • 17.TrnnsPer uf the Prop�Y ar Q Beneficinl intcrest in Horrower. if ull or eny o�Wel�g not�a naiurnl peison)without „ <br /> is sold or traneferred(or if a benefctal intereat in Borrower ia sold or trnnsfencd And B fcderul luw as of�hc date <br /> Lender's pdor written conscnt, �ot ioa shall n t be e erclsed by Lende ifiexe cisema prohibit�ed by�1 8�g eecumd by thts <br /> Securtry lastntment,Howcver,this p , , <br /> of this Seeudty lnsmsment• g(��q 6CCUfC�I b}I lI1�A " <br /> tf Lender eaercises this aption,Lender ehall give 9onower notice of ncceleration.The notiw shall rovide a periud o not <br /> � lens thon 30 duya from the date the nod�j�hese eums prior ol the e�apiru ion f thia pedodml.endei may invuku i+�►Y rcuic:dfcs �,.: <br /> Sesudty Insteument.if Bonower fuila to p y �___. <br /> „ permitt�d by this Secudty instac�ent without Nrther notice or demund on Borrower. �:_, <br /> . _.,;:��; , 18. liorrower's ttight to Refn�tate. If Bonow�er mecta certnin condltiona, Borrower ehnll hnvc thc riBht to hnve � <br /> �� . ,,,,�,� enforcemcnt of thie Security lnstrument diacantinued at ony timo prtor to th u`U1iMet of•Mty�weieof anle con nined in�ahis �._� <br /> A plicabte law mnY specify for reinstatecment) botoro salc of tho Propeny p y �y.:. <br /> ��rynll su a which t�hen�would Ue duemuadernthis'Segcudty ln tcutymeat nnd the Note us ifdno acceleration od occu�t dp(b) __ <br /> . � I.ende y uire co uasure -- <br /> � cuces�Y but not limf ed t�ereasonable attor�ae�a' fecs: and(d)takosesuch action�ndcr�may�nreasoaably req I����t. --_ <br /> � ! iactudi g, L,cnder s dshta in the Property and Borrowcr's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> j that the lien of this Security Inatnuneat, ecurtry Instrument and the __ <br /> tWs Securtty Inauument shall coatinue unchanged Upon retnstatement by Borrower. thia S _ <br /> thia right to reinssnte sha11 <br /> obligations secured hereby sha11 remnin fi�IlY effecth 17as if ao acceleration had occurced• However, F <br /> . � � not apply in the case of accelecation uader parngrap _ <br /> ` �. 19. Sr,le�he old neor more times wlthoucePriaraatice to Bonowor�A sulesmay result fa a�hanege!n tha entitys(knoiwn <br /> �nsenune°t�maY . a ments due under the Note and this Securlty Instcument.'�here aiso uwy be ane � <br /> � :i � ag the"Loan Servicer)that wUects moathlY P Y f �L <br /> or moYe changes of tt�e I.oan Servicer unrelated to u sale of the`Nol aboveandia plicabl�e law�Thle noticeNwill�state che name�and <br /> ., gtven wrlteen notice of the chan�e in accordance with paragrap <br /> � �� ' address of the aea Loan Secvlcer and tDie address to Wbich PAY�aeAts should e mude. The aotice will also contain any other <br /> � <� informattoa required by appllcable law. __ <br /> di sal stora a. ar release o aay <br /> 20.Haznrd�n�s Substeuccs. Borrower s�aorrower�shall n tr do, no p sUow anyon�e ets�e to do. a�nything affecting �e <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in tlie ProPeTty• to be approprla��to aormal — <br /> prop�rey�hat is in violation of any Environmxntnl Law•The Prec�Ag tv�'o sentences shdl no�t �pPly to tbe presence, use� — <br /> . storage on the�'roperty of amaU qusndtee�f e azardoua Substances that are$eaeraily recogn►zec► . � <br /> � res i do n N a l u s e s u n d t o m a i n u n a n c a o f t h P rt Y y _ <br />" Borrower shall pmmptly �ive I.ender written�volvtn f the Pcope�r it�yAnd az►y Hazardous S bstaace or Eavironment a l L c iw <br /> en or private pariY g n <br /> . g�vernmental or r�AulatorY a$. �l � <br /> ' of which Borrower has actuat tcnowledge.If Bortau�cr lrrms.or iA notified by anY Rovemtr�ental�o�weraah�i�r�t1,is� - <br />�, �• any remavnl or other remed�attoa of any Hazardous Subs[ancc affectin�the PraPerty'is necessery. _ <br /> . all aecessarS�cemedial acctons in accordance with Favtronmantal Law. <br />- ` ' Aa used in thia pacagreph 20. "Hazardous Substances' �lceroseneuother flammable ortto��p tml�e�►� Products oxic <br /> - g��{��m�ntal LaNr an.d the followiug substs�axs: geso�ine� �bestos or formeldehyde,aad radloactive mated�ai���� <br /> �,� am <br /> : `, pesticides aad herbicides, voiatile solveats,mutedals containing <br />_ ��p�gr�ph �� •g,���p�.�tai Law•meana federal laws aad laws of the jurlsdictioa v�here tha ProP�Y <br />;,• 's� ' �1��health�safery or en v i s a n m ental protectloa. <br /> x,� , t ;;, NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Botrower and Lender fi�rther covenant aad agree as f o l l o w s: <br />- - , ( ± 21. Aoc�c�lett�tloui I�wnedles.Lendcr ehall Etve n�o�ceeAt�ut not prlor to aocelern�ttonf u�tder��rt►SrnPb 17 un�less <br />"'"'� �:��- ent ia thts 3ecudty �cure the detault; <br />�=.:" <_,>� of any covenaaZ or sB� <br /> �;'-%'�. " appltcable law prnvides otherwlse).'17re aottce ahull spedfy: (�)the detault;N)�1e��Qn� <br /> ��'_-'�`�r�-� (c)a data,uo4 less tt�a�30 days from the date ihe nottce is given�toin the ottce may�result o�accelerettou otuthe sutps <br />�..��,:���.��� ' <br /> i�;,�:ti�`*:.>. (d)3sdat fellure to cure the default on or betore the c�nle��e nottce sha11 tarther tntornx B°rr°wer o8 the right to <br />�,.:;:•,�,•�_,,.�' s�bY t61s Se�urlt3►Iastnuaent and sale of the l�ropertY. <br /> ,..,, -��;., e�eiastate aftrs meceleration a�nd t6e rtg6t to bdng a court sctton to assei4 4he non•existence of a defnult or any other <br /> �`Y:�Y- .�.,: de4ense of Rarq+�wer to uxeferntion cwd sale. It th��i ufull of ai!eums secured by ttels Securt��ir�s2r�ttnentewlt�OnS <br />-u�:'�'-��`'�` .`., Lecider► st its optton. �nayreq�cire[mmediate I�Y� <br />�`�```�'�`.'.•. turther demund and moY Invoke thepower ot snte aad auy ather e�medies pern►itted bY b�i.�Ittcludin8,b�irt nst Itmlte�J <br />-- - enUtled to collect ail expeuses incurred In pureuing the remedies provlded tn tdls�arn�P �Q1e <br />--�:. '�"°_ to,eeasonabLe attosaeys'tces and oosts of dtle�vtdence. <br />'.T:s`'�..., U the power of sale is tnvaked.Tntstee shail record o noUse oP default in euch cm�e low to Bo�we.�r oad W <br /> - ProPerty'is Ivcated and shnll mait coples of sucb uottce in the�a�.n�r P�bed by aPP� <br />�:-'!>:_j�: the other Persoa�s Pr�dbed 6y appUcnbde law.At�ter the ttme�b 1���Qw bY��w[thout d�d o aBor�rawet�sha�l sa1� <br />��.��.: <br /> ,,,,�,-� ot sute to the peisons and[n the mauna'prescelbed by gpp ne sale of all or any par�ei ot tho <br />_�,�;�pl �.:> �s p�,uperiy at publtc aucHon to the hl8hest bidder at the time and place c►nd uuder the twms deslguated in the aotice <br /> - �+�u•�r-.� ' s and ta eny ordcr'llrustee dderraine9.Tcustce mnY postPo <br />,�:,;.;�;�.;_. ; s a l e i n o n e or 8►ore p a r ce l r evtousl y schcdWed sale. Lender or[ts designee mW' <br />_, ..: -. � property by publtc annouucwnent at t he t i m e a n d p l a c e o f a n y P <br /> . _.' pun�chase tice Properiy+ ut any sale. <br /> .....�. ... Fotm soze erea <br /> • ��° v.00 c o+a wndr.__.. <br />. ' (��GR1NE1 qa�9�.os <br /> ;�' <br /> x <br /> �•!� •, --- <br /> • p <br /> : <br /> ...._ <br /> y � , .. _ <br /> ��•- --�,.--�.rua� � . .., _ � _ <br />� ....o ---r--- - _ — — ---- ,. . .� ... � <br /> . . �..,�....-�--- --- ----- ---- <br />- .. . „ -, - .. . ', , _ <br /> � ' �s' „ � • ... „ �. ' � <br /> .. . • .. • �. _ ., <br /> . ., .. , <br /> ° -- <br />'� � , ' , �. .. ' > . , • , �, �y � ' • _ . <br /> �'J <br /> _ " . . .. " . .' • ` . . .. �F:c <br />-�-. . ,. ., .� . .. .. . i1 �.. .--:.. <br />_ . .. -' I�.. - .� . ., d .. � . ' <br /> . .. .. � . ' .. �, � <> • .. ... 'f�; <br /> - _ � . + . �" . o .. � , ,r �� . . . <br /> • .. ,� . „ �. <br /> ` - .. - ' , . ` , . . .. ' . . - - . � � �.. u . ..�. <br /> ' . � p . <br /> . ' . .. <br /> . . _ ., _. .. ._. - �-----_." . <br /> .. ,� .. ."_"__.. _.. G . .. -- --� <br />