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<br /> . t_.w. ---..�...___-.----._.__....._.._._.___._._ .._. . _ _. 99. �o��xo �... �..
<br /> " � paymsnts may no longer be required,nt the option of Lci�d�r, if mortaage fnsurance covemge tin the amount and for the period �� -
<br /> tMat Lender requtres)provided by un insurer approved by I.ender again becomes avuiluble and is obtalned. Bonower shall p�y �.n.�•
<br /> , the premiuras required to mnintain mortgage insurancc in effect,or to provlda a losa reserve,until the requirement for mortgage 'i�,. ;
<br /> insurnnce enda in accordance with any writtea agreement between Borrower nnd I.ender or applicable It►w. =4•
<br /> p 8 �.�•,�
<br /> • ' 9.Ias�tlon.Lender or ita ngent may make reasanable entries u}wn and inspectiona of the Pro ercy. L.cnder shall Ive
<br /> � Bonower aatice nt the time of or pdor to un Inspection sp2cltying reasonnblc causc for the inspectton. -�,-�:-=
<br /> • 10. Condemttntlon.'I'he proceeds of uny awtud oc clnim Cor datnaIIea. dlr�ct ar consequentiel, in,connection with any �.__^_
<br /> condsmnution ai oshet taklaII of nny part of tbe Property.or for conveyanco in lieu of condemnadon,are hereby nssigned aad c-�
<br /> shnll bo pAid to L,eader. ��-;�,
<br /> . ;���� in the event of a totui tnkina of the Property�the procecda sholl ko npplicd to the aums secumd by this Secudty Instrurncnc. _
<br /> ••--'� � whether or not thcn duo,with+:ny oxceas pnid to Horrower. In tho cvcnt of n purtinl taking oP the Properry in which ihc tair �l_
<br />- "' morket vnluo of tho Propeny Immediutely boforo tho tnkina ie cqunl to or B�entcr than tho nmount af tho sums aecured by�h�s
<br /> " Sccudty Iaetnimcnt hnmcAintely boforo cho tnkl��}y,unlas3 Darrowcr ttnd i.ender othetwlee nB�co in w�fttng.the sume s�cueed by --.
<br /> this Sscurlty in�tr�imcnt ehnil bn reduc^�by tho nnto��nt of thu pmcccAn multlplteA by tho folinwtng frnctlon: (o) thc total
<br /> `� � a�nau�n oP tho eums securcd immcdtately beCoro tho tnking, divldcd by(b)thv fnir morkct vAluo ot thc Propeny immcdimcly
<br /> � �� boforo tho tnki�ig, Any bnlnnce ehnll lss patd to Barrowec. In thu ovenl uf n ponial taking of thc Prnpony ln whtch thc tnir
<br /> mnckct vnluo ot tho Fropcny immedintely baforo�lto takl�ia is lcea than thu n�nount of tho eums secured immediateiy batoro the
<br /> �' taking,untess Boreowar nnd Lendor atherwfso ng�co In wrlting or unles�uppUcable law otherwisa provideo,tha procc:eds�ha1�
<br /> . _ ° .� ° ho Iled to tho sutas eccured by thfa Secudty Inatrumcnt whcthor or nat tho sums nre then due. ��o��e�n .
<br /> �►PP
<br /> '• If tho pruperty is nbandoned by Bonower.or if�uftcr notico by Lendec tv Burrower that thc condemnor o e
<br /> � Awtud�T Authortzed to wllect nnd pply�the pmceQds tat i�ts opt on�etthcr to reistorndan or rep r o�f the�Property or o,the tsuma =_
<br /> I.ender is
<br /> secured by thia SecurltY Ir►etrument,wbeWer or not then due.
<br /> ° Ualess Leader ond Borrower otlaerwise ugreo in wdtu►B. a�►Y APP�icution o4 pmc,ceds to principal shali aot eatend or
<br /> � postpone the due date of the moathly payments rESferred to in purugrupha 1 nnd 2 or change tbe amount of such pnymenta.
<br /> � �" 11. Borrower N�t Relensedi Forbc�rance By Lendcr Not a Watver.Extens{on of the time for payment or madificadon
<br /> of araortizntion of the ewns secure�by this Se�urlty Instrument granted by Lender ta any successor in interest of Borcower ehall
<br /> , ,'; aot operato to release the Ilability of the odgiAal Borrower or Borrower's succeasora in iatetest.Lender shnll not be re9uired to
<br /> ,;��'�=;�,r,;• . eo�uneace prooeedings agc►inst any suo�essor in interest or refusB to eatend time for payment or otheruvise modify amacti�ation
<br /> " ��•;�� oP the sums secured hY this Securlry Insnvm�t by reasoa of aay demand c�ade by the original Borrower or Borrowes's
<br /> '_,
<br /> --
<br /> �`i,���'� • successors ia interest. Aay forbenmace by L�tder iu cxc�cinin$aay rlgtii or res�d; shall not he a weiver of or preclude e
<br /> a;v`��;�. �, exerctse of any d�ht or remedy.
<br /> "'������'�'�g ` 12. 3uecessore and Assi�ae Bound; Jolnt end Severnl Liubility; Caslgaere.77ie covenants and agreements at thia
<br /> '�'�'�`�`,:�;`,"Fi� Seciuity Iastrnment shall bind and benofit ths auccessors and assigna of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> ="'�'�y'-----�°'�" ara h 17. Borrower's covenants and agrEements shell be jo�at aad aeveml. Any �ortu�vea who co•signa this 5ecus"ir!
<br /> ..�-Kr_;�;� P S�P
<br />---__- - instruuaent but doea not execute the Note: ta)ia co-sigaing thia Securiry Instmment o�lY to mongage. graat and convey ac
<br /> �"�-``"��"�'� Borrower's interest in the Property uader the terma of thia Securiry Instrument;(b)ia not personally obiiguted to pay the sums =
<br />_ �"^'J�68��
<br />-`�,w L���,,�,;� eecur�d by this Secvrity Insuum�nt;and(c)egcces that Lender and any other Borrower may ngcee to extend,raodify.forb�ar or
<br /> _.,.,-TT,�,l,;-ti;+�;� �ICe anY ut;comiuodations w[th re8ard to the terms of this Sec�utry Iasuument or the Note wIthout that Bornower's consent.
<br /> W���=��������`""➢ 13.l.oan C6arges. If the loan secnced by thia Seciuity Inatnuracnt is subject to a law wbich sots maximum loan ebatQes,
<br /> s..,�,��.���o
<br /> `°°°.�rp-�-°� aac!that law te fwnUy iaterpreted sa that th�interesac or other loan�har�es coltected or to tre cullected ia conueccfon wi e
<br />�,.�.���.
<br /> loan exceed We pennitted limits�then: �a>aaY Buch lona chacge shail be reduce�by che amount necessaiy co reduce the aYBo
<br /> -_�=�=�=��?� to the pesmitted limit:aad(b)�y sums aiready collected from Bnrmwer which eaceeded peimitted Iimita will be refundocl to �_
<br />-- '.-``'�"'`;�I"� Borrower. I.endar may choose ta muke this retlind by rcducing the prlucipal owed under the Note or by making a direce
<br /> ---��=;��� puyment to Bor�ower. If a reflmd reduces prlacipal. the reducdon �viU be tccated as a pattisl prcpayment wlthout any
<br /> u�e�-ara��� prepaymene chargo under the Note.
<br />-•-�;;r:� 14.Notices.My aoitce to Bemower pmvidal for in this Securiry Iastcumant shall be givea by delivering it or by maiiin8
<br /> ��-;��� it by t"ust class mait wdess aPPlicable 1aw requtres use of enother method.The aodce shall be directed to the Property Ad�resa _
<br /> '"�" o: any othxz address Borrower desigqaates by aodce to Lender. A�ny notice to Lender sha91 be given by first cless mnjl co
<br /> �u=��;;��� Lender's address etated herein or any other address Lender dcaignatss by notice to Borrowes.Any noticc provided for ia �is
<br />-""-'� g�ur(tyr Insqument shall be deemed to hnve been givea to Bocrower or Lender when given as provided in Wie paregrAph.
<br /> "":�M�z9�� 1S.Governtag I.mw; Severnbiflty. This Security Instmment shall be �ovemed by federul law and the la�v of the
<br /> ;.-,,��1«.�,.;
<br /> jurlsdiction in which tho Property is Imcated. In tde event that any provision or ctause of thia SecurttY lnstnuneat or tho Note
<br /> ='�+��,�� caafi{cta with npplicabla Inw.such con4�iet shall not nffect other pmvisions of this Securlry Iusm►ment or the Note whtchuia be
<br />����,4'>''��'� given effax wit�out the conflictiag provtsion.To this end the pmvistons of this Sectuity Instmrnent r+nd the Note ure declared
<br /> µ����""`'� to be severable. -
<br /> '.•��1:���$;A � of che Noce and of thts Sec�ulcy Instnuaent. :_.
<br />_,`� _ � 16.B�renwer s Copy.Borrower shNl b�given one wnformed copy __.
<br /> — Form 8026 8100
<br /> '.� -
<br />_=°.+.F:o�:�. Paq��uf 0 INWIt•
<br /> r,^:�:.i� ��OA��1L'�IOZ171.02 .
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