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<br /> " �+ ��` � sale�and the s�lo�Including tde payment otthc Trust�o's tccs astually lncurrGd�nol to excecd 3.A
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<br /> ., �� Lender shall rcqueat 1 rustee to
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<br /> 2a. Reconvoynnca l7pon puyment ot all aums seourai by this Security natrum�n,
<br /> � raeonvoy tha Properry cuid ehail aur�nder thts 3ecwriry lnatcum�n+t nnd a11 notes evidencing drbt secured by this Security �
<br /> ':.>rr:.�` jpgtNlUBAt t0 TNStPA.Tcustee shnll rcconvey the Praperty wtthaut�vunanty aad Wlthout ct�nrQe co the persoa or persons Ie�N1y
<br /> � � entitlecl to it.Such person or porsona sb�ll puy uny record�uon coatQ. int u successor uvetee to �
<br /> +: ?,3. Su�sti4u4o'i'r�lee.Lender,at ita option. aney fmm tims to dmo remove Trustee and uppo _
<br /> �, any Tzustee appolnted hereunthe successor uust�e h ncceed to atl the tltla�pa t�h�irs�d duttes couferred iugon T es ee he�rein -
<br /> # coavcyaaca of the Pmgeicy�
<br /> nnd byapplicuble lnw.
<br /> � �'r�� ?�4. Request ior Nottces.Borrower Te9uests th°��°p1�s°f�e notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's ed css —
<br /> - which ia the Property Address. ent.If oae or moro dders are executed by Borro�ver and recorded together wiW this °
<br /> �:,�?;�,r' 2S.Rtdera to tbis Secnrity Ins�n�m
<br />_-n�;,.:,':..� S�ty Instnupent,the covenants and agreeaaents af eaah such rlder shall be iaco:porated inca and s I��e t�d supplemeat
<br />`:;c.;._ -�� the covenants aud ugeeements af thi�Security In�trument as lf the rider(s)were a part of this Securtry --
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<br /> _ ,. .. �Itate unprovement Rider ❑Second Home Rider
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<br />__°���� to the terms and covenants cc�ntained In this Secutlty Insuument and =
<br /> gY SI(3N1Nf3 BELOW.Borrower accepts sad agrees
<br /> _^��`�''`'�� in any rlder(s)executed by Borrower und re�orded wi�L ii.
<br /> ��.�-�� Wimesses: ° <�.�1� ,
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