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<br /> �� S. Ru�ard or Pt�upe�rty Insuranee. Bottower shaU keep the improvements now existins on c�:reaftPr erectec! on the �: �
<br /> a�
<br /> Properry lnsured a�ainr,s loss by flre. hazurds included withln the term "extended coverAge" and Any other hazards, tncluding
<br /> � floods or flaodinII,f4r which l.ender requires lnsurance•Thls iasurance ahall ba maintuined in the umounts and for the pedads �a;�,
<br /> �hac Lcsnder requiros. 'fha insuraace carrler provlding the insurance sbuil be choson by Borrower subject to I.ender's approval
<br /> th
<br /> �,-
<br /> which ahall nat be unreusonably wit4held. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage descdbed above. L.ender may. at Lender's =,_
<br /> ..�". . option,obtnin cavosane to protect Lender's d�hts in the Property in accordance wieh Par�►B�P��• �,_.'`
<br /> � All isteuranaa pUlioios and reaewals shall be acceptable to Lender uad shall inciude a stsudard mortgagc claase. l.ender �_,
<br /> - � shall have the dght to hold the poticies ant�reae�vuls.If Lender requirea.Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts af v
<br /> ;T.��f: paid prc�aiwns ai►d repewa3 nadces•in the event of loss,Borrower shall gtve pmmpt noticcs to the insurance canler a�►cl Lender. �,_
<br /> � ;, Landar may mnito proc��of loss if not made psomptly by Horrower. ___
<br /> r, UuJass I.endae and 9vrrower otherwise agree in writing, Insurance procceds shall be applled to restarntimn ar repair of the _Y.
<br /> Pcopercy damnBad, if Wo resroration or repair ia economically feagible aad Lender's securiry is not lessoned.Ig the restoratioa or -
<br /> � .; t repair is nat econamia�lly feasible or l.endcr's security would be lessened,the insuraace proceeds shall be applied to We sums � -
<br /> �., secured by thta Scsaurity Ineuument. whether or not then due, with any excess patd to Borrower. If Borrower ubandona the
<br /> Property.or dat�a nnt anewer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the lasarance carrter has affered to set�le a claim,then
<br /> '" Leader mny'callaat the iasuraace p:+oceeds. 1.eader may us� thg pr°ceeda to repuir or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> •�s� + secuted by thfa Sf��ouc1[y Inauument�whether or not then due.'Ihe 30•day period will begin when tlie aotice is �iven. -
<br /> � Unloss Lcnd�u nnd Borr�wer otherwiso agree in wciting. any application of proceeda to principnl shall not extend or -
<br /> � postpano thn dua dnte of the u�onthly�uymen�a referred to la pnrngrnpha 1 and 2 or change the aaiount of�he paymenta. It
<br /> , ';��� undac pnra�rapb 21 tho Property is acquired by l.ender.8orrower's right to aay insumrtc�policie9 mid pmceeds resultin8 feom
<br /> '�` damnao to tha Pt�oJrnrty►pdor to the acquisitton shall pasa to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instcument
<br /> ' tmm�intoly pr�s�r to tho ncqulaition. ,
<br /> � • . 6.Oesu{�onny,Preservattan,Matntenance and Protectton of the PropertY;Borrowee s Loun Appltc�tlon;Leaseholds.
<br /> Barro�v4r shn11 occupy.catublish,and use th�ProlsenY as Bonower's princlpal residence wlthln sizry days after tha execution of
<br /> thls Secuc�ry Iu�tnamont and shall coatiaue to occupy the Property as Borrower's prfacipnl res{dence for at least ono year after
<br /> the dato of acctipaaay,unless Lender othenvisa agrees ia wdtin8. wh{ch consent shall not be uaraasonably withheld. or ualess _
<br /> eatanuntinn etri:umctances eaist which sire beyond gorrower's control. Borrow��elr shall be in�defaulti f any f rfeiture
<br /> � Proporty. Allatia the Property to deteriornte. or commit waste on the I>mperty.
<br /> ����•,���.� � aotion or proosedina�whether civil or Griminal, is begun Wat in Leader's$ood faith judgmant could result in forfeitur8 of the
<br /> .• .: progert;,e±r�t?l�rarise mnterielly impsdr the lien created by thia Security Instrument or Lender's security lntare�t. Borrower may
<br /> � �•.�-�' h 18.by causing�Re acaon or procxc3.iu�to t��iomi�x2�;3sh a�lfng
<br />-,- ';• cwrs suah A dufqult and teiYtstate�as provided in�►tva$rap .
<br /> . . tu s
<br /> � � • thnt. in Lendcrr's goad faith detemiinetion. prccludes forfe�YUre of the Bon+ower's interest in the Properiy or othor materIul
<br /> =��`='��`"��' Impaicmant of�tta lian crented by tliis 5ecurity Insuvmettt or I.ender's securlty fateresc. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br />_;,:.,.:•'._�
<br /> '-"�'�:�� � � Sotrotvor,dut�.nQ the loaa appiication process,SAVe materially false or inaccurate iafornjadan or statements to Lender(or fail
<br />,;��,,,�; including b
<br /> -��:,.��;� to pmvida I.endar with any macenial infom�ationD 1n connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, , ut not limited
<br /> -'`6�:�r�� co,tcpt�ssonnmon�conceraiag Borrower's oceapuncy of tho Ptoperty es a principal residence.If Wis Secudry instn�ment Is on u
<br />-�y-:��4x�:�. l�suahold, Bnrao�var sbaU wmply with ell tha provisions of the lease. If Borcnwer acquiras fee title to the Property, the
<br />-`;=�.;�� lea�ehold und�tho fee tide shall not meYge unles�x.cnder agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />.- ,�:.:.,:. '�� 7.gt�nt��tina of l.ender's RigE�ts in t6e Property.If Horrower falls to perfomt the wvenants aud agrc3ementa contaiaed ia
<br /> .!':�"�;�+� ehto Security.l'�nshwttent� or thero is a legal proceeding thrie may signiffcantly affect I.ender's d�;hts jn tho Progecq►Qeuch as a
<br /> _"�=`=.'�-�:� pruce�ditfa im bnulctuptcy� probate. for wademnation or forfeiture or to eaforce lawa or re$ulations). then Lenaler n�uy do aad
<br /> _ -_�-= pay fvr wrhntctvur is neccssacy► co protect the va{ue of the Property and Leader's rights Li the ProPortY•L�n�er'$�o� �y
<br /> ._=�:.-m�;� 'ivaf�ia�'.� pnyinII aay sums socu�ed bY a Iieaa wbich has pria�ity over thia Securlty InstrumPat� appeuing in court, puytnB
<br /> - --�,_� rea�umblc�attomeys' fces and entering oa t�e F'raperry to m�c�repaire•�►lthough I.ender may take aetion under this parugraph
<br /> -------� 7,Lcndar daea not hnve co do so.
<br /> - _'—"'- pey umouats dishursed by Lender wtder ihis paragreph 7 shall beceme addittonal debt of Borrower secured by thta
<br />-�""""'�'y Security Wetn�wont. Unless Boirower aud I.epder agreE to ather cern�s of payment,shese amounts shall bear intec+ast from the
<br /> _ ..._,_a�,.�
<br /> �-�=�4�� dnto oP dtsbutetement at the Note rate ead shal!be payable, witb Interest, upen notice fcom Lender to �amower request ng
<br /> -�-�= paytamnt.
<br />-- -=-���;� 8.Aiort�age I�surunce. [f I.eader required mortgage inaurance as u condition of makiag the loon seciued by this Securiry
<br /> .�`.°.`-°`-� Insuumm�t� Adreowcc shall pay the premiums r�luired to maiutaiu the mortgnge iasuranee in effect. If. for any reasoa. tho
<br /> �="-��� mo rt II a g c i a e v m n c e c o v e r a g e r e�►u i r e d b y L e n a�le pses or ceases to be in effest.Borrower shall pay t6e pre�niwus required to
<br />°- �°=����-� obtnin coyarnc�a substantially equivalent to the rttartgage iasurnnce previously ia effect.at a cosc substAat i a l ly equiv a lea t t o t h e
<br /> `--��� �� �.i cost tn Hnrro��br of the mortgage tasuraace prevlously la effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approve�d by Lender.If
<br /> �,;;,����;. �
<br /> __ .. .,,.��,� substuntiaUy equtvulont mangage insuraIICe oovesage is not available.Borrower shall pay co[,en�tEr eacL monttt A sum e9uttl�°
<br /> =" :-�_°. s ..
<br /> . ... �::-1'' ono•twolfth of tho ytsariy mortgnge Iasurance p.'n�udum boiag puid by Borrower when the insumnoe coeera�e lapsed or ceas to
<br /> ,�� ��, be in afi9sM.Lender wlU aa�pt,use und retain these paymenta es a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage inauranr.e�. 1.+ess c�eseive
<br />—_-- :�rs 342P QlEQ
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