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<br /> ,� - . ' � .. .. „ , . •' „ ,. ,. „ (1.. - ,�
<br /> ,. , ' 'tV+R�teYr�<f�.� , -� .. . '� - .• .. �� _. - ,� . . . .. % � �YY .
<br /> ,. payments way no loager be requic�d,at tbe option of L.ender, if mortgage instttance coverage(in the amount and for the period ,
<br /> that Leader requires)provlded by an tnsurer approved by l.ender ugain becoraes available und ls obtalned. Borrower shnll puy _
<br /> � the premiuma cequired to maintafn mortgaga inaurance in affect,or ta provido a loss reserve, until the requiremcnt for mortgn�e
<br /> " insurance eads in accordance wlth any written agreement between Bonower and Lender or applicuble law.
<br /> 9. InspecttoA.Lender or ite Agent may meke reasonable eatriee upon nnd inspections of the Property. Lender shnll�ive
<br /> , ' Borrawer notice at the time af or prlor to an iaspection speclfyiag reasonable cuuse for the inspxction. �'
<br /> �y 10. CondetnnaUoa. The proceeda of any award or claim for damugea, direct or consequsntial, in coru�e�tian with nny �' '
<br /> � condemnadon or other taking of ony part of the Praperry�or for conveyence in tieu of condemnatian,ar�hereby assign�and �--�-
<br /> , shall be pald to Lender.
<br /> . In the event of a total taking of the Pmperty. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secudty[nstcument, � ���
<br /> ,�'j�+''��' whether or not tden due,with any excess patd to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking oY tbe Property In whlch the fair � '�
<br /> "''" market value of the Property immediately before the taking is equ�l to or greausr thnn the amount of the aums secured by this � E�r_
<br /> • Securlty Iastn�ment immediately before the taking.unless Bonrower aad L.ender otherwlse agree 9n writing,the sums secured by °=-
<br /> Wis Securiry Instrument shall be rerluced by the amaunt of the pmceeds multiplied by We following fraction: (a) the rot�l �"`
<br /> araount of tha sums secured Inunediately before the taldng,divlded by(b)the fair mazket value of the Property launedintely ���.
<br /> -- bafore the taking. Any balaace shall be paid to Borrower. ln the event of a pnrtial taking of the Froperty In whlcl� the fair � '
<br /> ' ' market value'nf the Property imtaediateIy before tbe taking�x less than the amount of the suma sc:cured immedlately befam We =
<br /> taking, uiiless Bomower and l.ender otherwise agree in wrtting ar unless appllcable taw otherwIse pmvides, the proceeds ahall =_
<br /> �, be applied to the sums secured by thia Security Instnunent wheWer or not the sums are then due. _._
<br />, s'::' . If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> ''• award or settle a clt►im for damages, 9orruwer fails to respond to Lender withiu 30 days after the date the nottce is given, ��`-
<br /> :;;'r.} �. ,
<br /> ::��. �. Lender is authorized to collect nnd appiy the proceeda, at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to tha sums
<br /> ��� ' " � secured by thie Securiry Instrwnent.whether or n�t then dus.
<br /> � , ;; ��; Umless Isnder and Bon+ower oth�wise agree in wrltiug, any applicadon of pmcceds to principal shall aot extond or ����
<br /> "?t��:}•�+- a ne the due date of ihe monthl a u�.nts re fe r r e d to in are hs 1 an d 2 or c han e t he amoun t o f suc h a men ts. n,
<br /> ,;`,;y{�';�f.< + Po � Y P Y P B�P � P Y �.
<br /> r;rtl�,�� � 11. Borrower Not Relcesed; Forbearauce By Lender Not a Watver.Bxteusion af the time for payment or madificatton
<br /> ��`'�a;�,�� of amortizadon of the sums secured by this Sewdty Insav�ient granted by Lender to any succ�essor in interest of BonowEr ehall
<br /> �� not operate to release the liability of the or�ginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.l.ender sha11 not be requiral to
<br /> '-� commence pmccedings againat any successor ln Interest ar refuse to extend time for paymont or othenvise modify amortizatIon
<br /> � ' ' of the suma secured by thia Seturl�y Insuument by reason of any demand made by We origlnal Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> `•;�;����'-. auccessora in interest. Any forbearpnce by Lender in ezercising any right or remedy ahail not bs a waiver of or prectude the
<br />°.°``'���'F''' exerctse oteny right or reme�y.
<br /> 12. Successars nnd Assignv Boand; Joint and Several Liabiltty; Co-slgners. Tbe covenauta aad agreements of thIa
<br />:':;�:;;'".r;�y Secudty Instrument ahaU bfnd and benefit tbe suarssors and assigns of l.ender and Borrower. subject to tha pmvisiona of
<br />:_":.:;�rt���:µ;; Paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and egreements shall be joint and several. Any Bon+ower who co-signs this 9ecurIty
<br /> -� S�� • Iasmuaent but daes ttot execute th�Note: (a)is oasigning tbis SecurIty Insuument oNy to mongage� grant and convey that
<br />-,:�v�;,,r, . —
<br /> .. r4..�.tin. �
<br /> _ :�,�u. Borrower s laterest in the Property under the tertns of this Security Iastrument;(b)ia not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> '1"- L�°� secumd by this Securlty Instrument;aad(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.modify,forbear or -
<br />_'._3Z4__�:i� '
<br /> _-::_• `,,�� make any accommodationa with resard to the temds of this Securlty Iustn�meat or the Note wtthout that Borrower e consent.
<br /> �;:.����:- 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secured by thie Se�udty Insuument ia suhject to a law whtch seta maximum lo�t charges.
<br />--_•r��:,,. �� and that law is Mall y inte r preted sa that the iaterest or ather toan shargea wllected or to be collected ia connectlou wlth th�
<br /><.,.';"i;,!:,; . :
<br /> ..._:ti,,,,.,t loan exceed We pernittted limits,thcn: ta)anY su�1►loan chargo shall be reduced by the amouat neceseaty to ceduoE the charge
<br /> r;;u;�.� to We permtued Iicnir artd(b)�wY sums already collected ftom Borrower wbich exceeded permitted 1lmita�will ba relLnded to
<br />.,,;�R f.�,�y.,.,�,� Bosrower. Leader muy choose to maice thia refund by reductng tho prlacipal owed uncter the Note or by makiqq a direct
<br />---_;:ry� payment to Bomower. If a rethad reduces princfpal. the reduction will be ueated as a partial prepayment wlthout Any
<br /> �� �'�Y`;�`.� prepayment charge uader the Note.
<br /> - y,-----
<br /> '�"'�'� 14.NoUces.Any notice to!�c►rrower pmvided for ia this Sec�uiry Instrument shall 6e given by delivering it or by mailing
<br />��`������ it by fiest class iva3f unless applicable law reqWre:s use of another method.The notice ahail be directed to the Ptaperty Addresa
<br /> =-� or eny other address Borrower designates by notix to Leader. Any notice to Lender sha11 be given by first cless mail to `
<br /> - Lender's eddress stated herein or any o�ther address Lander deslgnatea by notice to Borrower.Any nmioa pmvlded for in thia
<br /> `1����'�c�' Securiry Instrument shall be deemed cc�have beett gtvea to Bormwer or Letcder when given as provided in this part�raph.
<br /> ^ti,�,�����; IS.Goverofng Luw; 3everubllity. This Sccurlty Insmiment shall be goverae� by federal law and the law of the ---
<br /> _�.��;����j� jurls�fetion in which the Pmperty is located. In the evcnt that eny provision or clause�f this Security Instiument or the Note
<br /> =-_=��;,�"�:� oonfllcts tvith ayplicable law.such contltct sbuU not affixt other provisiona of this Security Instrume�t or the Note which can be -
<br />""�'T�'�•�-�:. glven effect wlthout the contlirttng praviaion. To this ead the proviaions of this Security Insavment and the Note are declared --
<br />_:��';�awv� ' to@eseverabie. =
<br /> � -
<br />-�j;°;:��=,:'.:?..:.. _-_
<br />;:;:��,." �� . ; . 16.Borro�ver's Copy.Bono�ver ahall bo given one conformed copy of the Note an�of this Securtty Inatru�eat. �.
<br /> �.,•i,'ct'S �`,� ,
<br />':;:�;, . j Form 3028 9130
<br /> , � � (��BRINC•)t92t�).04 Pege4ot0 tNaala: ��=�
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