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. __:f•R.r. l <br /> .... � _•:;V;i�::t::_ <br /> , '..�'�;:.� <br /> ' •:•,� , . �,r..,, <br /> �� � ... . „ �� ' , <br /> , , <br /> ., , . <br /> , ,;,�,�,_,. „ <br /> .. . , .. ...:_......_._.___ <br /> . ,. . -- - --.._...._.. . ._ _... . ', <br /> „ : 99������.a <br /> • 19.Trunsfer oPthe Pnapci4y or a}�eneficinl l�!n Iiorru�vc��. lf all ar uny part of the Propeny or any intcrest in it <br /> - !s solci or uanafened(or iP a beneficlal lntcrest in Darrower fx s�l�l ar trensfcrrcd und Bonower is not a natural person)withouc <br /> � I.ender's pdor vadtten cannent, I.endar may, At its artfon, rcqufre immcdiate pnyment in full of all sums secured by thls <br /> , 9ecudty Insteument.However,thia aptian ehnil not hc aacrciscd hy IAnJor if excrcisc is prahibited by fedcrai law us of the date <br /> of thts 3ecurity lnatrument. <br /> ' ' If Lender exerclacs thls aption,Lcndcr ehnll plvo Aaeecnvcr nuttcc��t uccclerotlan.The notice shall provide u period of not <br /> �• lesa than 30 daya fmm the date the notice is dolivered ur mt►iled wfttdn which Aartower muet pay all suma secured by thia <br /> Security Instnttrtent.It Bortowcr fnils to pny the�o eums prii�t t��Iho cxplrnticm c�P tltie perlod, l.ender may invoke any remedics <br /> �. ° permitted by this Security Inatrument without furthcr natiro ar domnnd cm ii��rmwcr. <br /> I8. Borrowep'e Right to Rein.ntato. I! 8orrowcr mcctn ccrtnin cundUiunx, Dureower shall have the right to have _ <br /> - enforcement of this Secudty Instrument diRCO�ttlnued nt nny ifmo prlor ti� �he enriicr af: (a> S duya(or such other period as <br /> -" . applicable law muy specify for relnstntoment) bafarv snlo �f tho Pn►perty pureunnt to any power of sale concained in tl�is <br /> � o Secudty lnatrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thi�Security liixtrinnent.'fhoae canditions are that Bortawer:(a)paya ... <br /> Lender all awna whlch then would be duo undee thie Securi�y Inninnnen� nnd tha Nato ns if no acceleration had occurred; (b) <br /> ' cures aay default of aay other covennnte or agreements; (c?pnye all oapen�cs incurrcd in enforcing this Security Instrument, <br /> includia�,but not limlted to. reusonable attnme�+a' fccs;tuid td)tnkcs such mtlun iu+l.ender may reaaonably rcqnirc to assure ;�;'_: <br /> '���� ' that the lien of this Securtty Instrument,I.ender s dghta in tha P�operty nnd Sarrawer's obliIIation to pay the sums secured by ��,-,` <br /> ,.. "�:�»:;� a thia Security Instrument aball continue un�hanged. Upan reinetntement by Borrowet, this Security Iuatrument aad the .. <br /> obllgations s�curai hcreby shail rem�in Nily effecdve ns if no acrotoration hnd aecurred. Howcver,thia right to rcinstate shaii _ <br /> not apply In the case o f acce lerat ion un der ptitagrAp h 1 7. � - <br /> t <br /> ' 19. 3ale of Note= Chunge oP Loan 3crvlccr. The Note or n pnnint intcrcat In tho Notc (togethcr with chia Seciuiry . <br /> I n s t r u m e n t)m a y b e s o l d o n e a t ra a r e t i m e a w i t h o a t p r l o r n o t i w t o B o r rower.A aule ma y rceult in u change in the entity(laiown ��� <br /> ,. ,..:;;�;^1,� as the"Loan Servicer')that collects monthiy payments duv under the Note And this Srcurity Inctrument. Therc also may be one :__ <br /> �.�y�-a or more chaages of the Loan S erv icer wue lat e d to u s u le o f t he No to. I t t here I s n c h a n o a f t h o L o n n S c rv i c e r.B o r r o w e r w i 1 1 b e •,_� <br /> '�''�-',��� givea written notice of the change in accordaace with ptuagraph 14 nbovo and applicab�o Inw.Tho notico will atata the name and �__�" <br /> addresa of the aew Loan Servicer and the address ta wbich paymenta should bo mado. Tho natico wltl also contain aay ather <br /> ' infonnation required by applicubl8 law. ��.?` <br /> <, . ��. . 20. Rezardons Substwnces. Borrower ahNl not cause or permit the pteacnca, uso. dlapoaN, storage. or release of any -- <br /> „ a Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shail not do, nor allow anyono elso to du. anythinB affectin� the e— <br /> . ��'!1}, Properry tbat is ia vlolation of any Bnvlrotuaental Law. The precediag twa sentcnceA ehnll nat upply to the presence, use.or — - <br /> . storage on the Pcoperty of small qoantities of Huu�tdoua Subatances thAt are genornlly rccagnl�.ed to b0 uppmpriate to normal = <br /> n residential uses aad to maintenance oP the Property. <br /> " Borrower shall promptly give Loader written nadce of any investigatian. clalm,demand, tawnuit ae otber action by any — <br /> . ;., governraental or regulatoryagency or pdvate puty involving the Property nnd any Htuetttdoue Substance or Hnvironmeutal <br /> . :.� : of which Bo�rower has actual knov�ledge. If Horrower learns.or is notifled by nny goveenmentul or rcgulntory uuthodcy that <br /> _>;::__._ _ anv removat or other remediation of any Hazardoua Sub�tance affecting the Property is neccasary, Aarrower shall promgtlly cake <br /> ,` �`•. all neceseary remedid acHons in Eccordaace with Bnvironmentul l,aw. ` <br /> � As used in thie parngraph 20, "Hazardous Substancea' ara those substuncea dctined ag toxic or haznrdoue aubataaces by <br /> Bnvlronmental Law and the followWg substances: gasoline. kerosene, othcr flammablo or toaic pctroleum products. coxk <br /> . . ., � pesqatdes and herbicides,volatUe solventa.materlats conwlning nsbestos oc formnldeh}�do�and rudionctivo materials.As used in <br /> . � this paraIIraph 20. '6nvlronmental Lsw" 1riC8R8 (CdCI81 IAWB ilAd I8W8 OP llf0 jUtlBdlcdon whero thc Propeny ls located that <br />- relate to bealth,safety or enviconn�entel pmtection. <br /> .- NON-UNIFORM COVBNMiTS.Borrower and I.ender tluther covennnt srtd agrco as foUowe: <br /> � � Zi.Accelerattan; Remedies.l.ender shall give notice W llorr�uwcr prlor to acce�eratlon tollowln�{pormwcr's�reach <br /> �� ��� � > of any covenant or aBceement In t41s Securtty I�steument (but not prlor to acceleratlon u�Merpae�gowph 19 u+�tess <br /> , �- r applicable tow prnvides otherwiso).The nodce slwll specltys (a)tbe dctRUlti(b)the�ctlon r�qulred to cur�tho detcau,2; <br /> • � (c)a d a t e�n o t l e s s t h a n 3 0 d u y a f r o m t l t e d a t o t h e a o tt c e is g iven to�orrower.b y whtch tha detwult tnust be cured; and <br /> (d)that failure ta cure the default on or bcfore the da3e speciiled in !ho noitce may ersutt In acceleratton ot the sums <br />�;�„_��;,,,��;"�; secured by Wis 8ecurtty Instrument u�ed sale ot the Property.'14�e nottce ehaq tUrther Inforan Burrflwer ot the right to <br /> Y;•�r:.�- , relnstate attea eeceler�tton aad t6e right to br(ng a court astton to assert tho aon•sxlatenco of�det�udt Qr any otder <br /> —�-Y�-�r' defense oi Borrower to aocelerutton and sale. lt tt�e defaWt Is not cure�on or beforo tho s1Ato epecitlad [n the nottx, <br />_.�,;��;-,_�-;` Y.ender,at ite opttan. mayrcqufre immedto4e payment In Pu11 ot aQ suau�secured by th19 biecta�ity Irtsiruanent wd4hu�rt <br /> -�' x.:. ... � turWer denwud and mey invoke the power of snto and any other remedi�pee9nttted by appltcebte law.I.cnder shaEl ba <br />��`��_" '� � entttted to oollect�11 expenses tncurred in pnrsui the rcmedies pmvided In thts parpgrt�ph 21�incl�tdtng�but not Umited ,.��' _ <br /> ,. � to,reasanabie nttomcys'fecs nnd costs oi dUe evi�ence. • <br />- _.....„... .. if thepo�ver of sate Is invoked.Trustee shall record a nottce o!det�ult In eACh county tn whlch c�ny paet ot the ., <br /> "` Property is lacatcd and ahall mall coples of such notice in the munaer prescrtbed by oppllsablo IAw to tiorrawcr and to � <br />--..�-.�''` the other persons prescrlbed by applicable tew.AEter tho time rcqutra!by applic�blo lvw,'Itiustee shall qlvo puDile notice • <br />�' ��� � oi sale to the peisons nnd in the manner p�rescrlbed by appl[cable Iaw.lYugtco,wlthout demand dn Borrower�ehat!ecll <br />°'�".�!�;fj�• the Property ut pnblic auctloa to the hlg�est btddcr at the tlmo and piace and undcr tho ter►ne desI�nated!e tho noiica of <br /> T'��"'*""'"'t' sale In one or more psir�els and in aqy order 7Yvstce detem�lues. 7tiustc�mAy postpono swlo ot�11 or anyparccl ot the - <br /> �'�'""`��� "�� Froperty by public anuonncement at the tLae and lACO ot any+•prevtousl scheduled eato. I.cndcr or Ita dcstgneo mwy <br /> x,:�°+�;'°. � P Y = <br />-_-. ,..ar_. pncchASe the Propertq ut any salo. - <br /> .. . ;; ;.. _ <br />_. .;,.rj%;t� _ <br /> , ,;:�:�:?„�� - <br /> %,�+,,\��r�.;� " ': <br /> .Y�{;`;,r;� Gorm 8018 0�00 �� <br /> . � �f,;.. <br /> :., � .'��' � ��BRINEI�ss�a�.a vooe s o�o �mu�,•_ .... i .; <br /> ." � ;.lj��li:� #. �:';: <br /> , f;��!!i,���('��'•5- �t- - <br /> _ ,. <br /> ��•s�l�(.�n -- <br /> . <br />—' ,�" � <br /> -'(!.! I' ".�..�..n.n�^�^� �-..--�_�1�pws�"^-�-�.-""---.�._��_.�»_.......�"_._..._'_.•e.J:1q�iiaw . --�_� <br /> .. 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