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' `;i';"(u`�:. ,. . . 'l.y�r,i. :;•t.�•��r .., • <br /> . . .f�•i�ti�'!', . <br /> ._. .',{':' . <br /> � �, , <br /> ., , � �` <br /> .. . •}Ww�PYt:tn s .. - . /l �� . . .1 � +M,�T"t <br /> _""'_..._ . . .�_._.�_...._._ , : <br /> ., 99- so�.���. �.. <br /> . S. Ht��rd or Pro{seMy ln�urnnce. Borrower shall keep the improvementa now existin� or hereaRer erected on the <. <br /> Property inaured agninat loas by fire, hszards included w1Wtn the term "eatended coverage" end any other hazards,including --- <br /> tlooda ot floodinII,for whicP�l.ender requlres inaurance.Th1s inaurance ahall be matntained in the nmounts and for the per[ods <br /> - � tfint Lender requires. The insurnne�s carrler providing the insuraacc shail be chosen by Borrower subject to L.eader's approval ,;, <br /> : <br /> ' which shali not be unn,asonably withheld. If Sonower fails to ma{ntaiu coveru�e descdbed above, Lender may. at Ixnder's <br /> option,obtaln wverage to pmtect Lender's dghts la the Property In accordancc with putagraph 7. `L'= <br /> , All iasurance poticles aud ranewals shall be acceptable to Lender and bhall include a swndard m4a�age clause. Lender <br /> renewals. If Lender re uires.Aorrower ahall promptly give to i,ender all reccipts of ��' <br /> � ahal!hnve the dght to hold the policies and Q <br /> • pald premiutus and renewal nodces.In the event of losa,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the inaurance car[ter and Lendor. ,V <br /> ,„;��_'". I.ender may make proof of losa if not made pmmpdy by Borrower. �_�:�_ <br /> ��� � UWess l.ender an d B orrower o t hcrw ise a g r e c i n w d t i n g.i n s u r a n c e p r o c ce d s a h a l t be a p plied to restoration or re pair of the -_ <br /> , , • propertyr damaged,if tho restoration or repair is economlcally feasible and I.ender's security ia not lessenr.d.If the restoration or ;:; <br /> • ��•,� repale is aot econamlcsilly fe�+sible or Lender's se�urity would be leasened. the insurance proceeds ehall be applied to the sums -'�,,`. <br /> c �� <br /> . • � . � se�ured by this Srxurlty Instruraent, whether or not then due. with any excess patd to Borrower. If Borrower abandona the �;: <br /> i' property,or does not enswer within 30 days a notice from Lender Wat the inaureuce carrier has offered to sQttle a clnim. then _ <br /> _... �==- <br /> l.ender may collect the insureuce proceeda. Lender m�v use the proceeds to repair or resrore the Property or to pay sums �;.,LL;: <br /> � secum,si by this Secudty Iastn►naeat,whether or aot then due.The 30-day geriod will begin when the notice is glven. !��!:-"' <br /> • ��' U�less I.ender aud Borrower otherwise agree ln writfn8� anY aPPlicadoa of proceeds to pdncipal shail aat eatend or k��: <br /> � � �i" postpone che due date of the monthly p�yments referred to tn paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amouut of the paymente. If - <br /> . under paragraph 21 the Properry is acquired by Leader,�orrower's right to any iasurance policies and proce,e.d�►resultin8 from __ . <br /> • �, damage to the Property prlor to the acquisition shall pass to L,ender ro the eatent of the sums aecured by this Security Instn�ment �_ <br /> ' immediately prioi ro the acquisitian. <br /> � T 6. Oocapaucy► 1'eesen'aUon� Malntenance and Protectton of the Property; Bo�rrowar's Loan Applicadou; �.= <br /> � Leaseholds.Borrower shall occupy.establiah.and use the Prope � �rroweAr'ss�c�pe�resid�e�n�Ce w��for�at east one _ <br /> e�cecution of thia Secucity Instnunent and ehall continue to occupy ge rt y P P� -- <br /> year aRer the date of occupaacy, unlesa I.ender otkecaise agrees In wrid�ng,which wnsent shall not be unreasonably wittiheld, — <br /> ` or unlesa extenuating cfrcumatences exist which are Deyand Boxrower's conuol. Borrower shall aot destroy, daznage or impair <br /> the Y�roperty,allow the Property to detertorate.ot commic waste on the Property Bartoa+er ehall be ia default if any forfeitute _ <br /> :. ' actiun or proceediag,whether civil or criminal.Is begun that in L.ender's good felth judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> �, -� `� , Property or otherwise materielly impair the lien created by this Secudty Insuument or Lender's security incereat. Borrower muy _ <br />- . - - cure such a defAUit and� pr�vfdcd fss psr°«D�Ph��ng�e�'�tl�n or proceedinp to be tlismissed with a ntling _ <br />- that� in 1.eador's good faith determination� pnecludes forfeiture of the Horrower's interest in ttte Property or other matetlal _ <br /> �"i5� :; ImpairTnent of the lten created by th[s Se�urity Insuunaenc or Londar's security interest. Rorrower shall also lxs In deP&t�lt If <br />���� "'• '���`�', Borrower.duri»g the loan application procesa. gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Leader(or failed <br />-�Wr���'.��'�' , ta provide Lender wlth eny mnterial informadon)i°connection with the loan evidenced by the Noto,including,but not I�ited <br /> to.rePresentationa concemiag Barrower's occupancy of the Property as a prlacipal resideace.If thia Secudty Insuument ie on a ;:_: <br /> �. ' , leasehold� Borrower ahall comply with al! the provlsions of tho lesise. It Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the R'= <br />�`�`��:; '� leasehold tuid the fee tide shall not merge unless Leadcr agtees to the merger in wrltiag. <br />'.-«�+� t 7.Peotectton oi Lender's Itighta in the Property.If Borrower fails to p�rform the covenants and ng�ments coatainecl Ia <br />�= ,'',:' this Securlty Insuument.or there is a legal pruceeding that ma,y aignificaatly affect L.ender's rIghta in the ProPertY<such ns a <br /> i�: ...�«� proe�d�ng in banlauptcy� probate.for coademnation or forfeitum ar to enforce lawa or regulatlona). then Leader may do actd <br /> _ -- =�;,-� pay for whatever is rta�ssary tu pmtect the value of t?ae Property aad I�ender's ri$hts in the Property.Lender's actions may <br />=r-�� include pt►ying any sums secured by a lien which h�s prlority over thls Security insuument, aPPeartn8 tn court. payiag <br />�;-.�-,�rm <br />-==�=,�;,,��`=� reRSOnable attorneys' fces and entering on the Properry to make repairs.Although Leader mt�y talce actlon under thia paragrap . <br />-��':?''•�� 7.L�ender dces not have to do so. <br />�!�u�:►�� Any auiounts diebursed by Lender under this pnragraph 7 shalt b000me Additionel debt of Borrower secur�d by this , <br /> `'��''' Secudty Inatrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agr�ee to other terras of paymeat,these amounta ehall bear iaterest from the <br /> 'r� •�"�� nble, with intes+est,upon nottce from Lender to Homower c�equesting . <br /> __;_;;y� date of diabursement at the Notc rose and shaU ba paY <br />�i��� puytnent. <br />- °'`�°�^��� 8.11�ortgage Ins�us►uce.If 1�endex roquired mortgage inaurance as u wadidon of mnYing the loan securad by thia Secudry <br /> �°'—'�= Insm►ment� Borcower shnU pay the pre�niums re9uired to malntafn the mortg+�ge insurauce in effect. If, for any c�eason. the <br />�-_���'� mortgage tnsurance coveroge required by Leader lapses or ceases to be ia offcxt.Borrower ehalt pay the pA+ccmiuma m,quired to <br /> -�-;�y�u obtnin coverAge substandally equtvalent to the mortgage insureace previouaty in a wst substandally�:quivalent to the <br />�;;:::,,:±.�:� cost to Botrower of the mortgage insumnce pteviously ia effect, from an eltaraate mortgege insurer appmved by L�:���, if <br />-''"''���"� � subssantially equivalent mortgage insucance ooverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum c�ual co <br /> �--, otte-twel8h of the yearly mortgage inRUrance premiva►bein8��d a lo�reserve in�li ue oi f mortgage iasurance. l.osa reseN <br /> - " �e in effect.Lender wiU sccept.nse and retaiii these Paym _ <br /> '� . � Fmm 3028 9180 <br /> . . � <br />_ " � - ��BRINS)wg�x.oa Poc•a a s uwn.s.� <br /> . ; <br /> S . <br /> d'- ......._.r...�,»�-- - � , --. ti -°_ <br />- . ., � . t � . . , , . <br /> ( . � f � <br /> , u �' .1�,`-- � . t .•�3. �i�.,i< < . . . =-_ <br /> � �`� � • i <br /> .. � <br /> � ___�'. ._---- -- -_��s..�.•.. _---_------ -- ---`--. �_._------ -------- --- ��-- -- --- "---- ------ - --. �L ' `> {'c,��1.y <br />�--• T�� ------ ��- �---� --------- • -- -- --- �—__-- - -- ^ � ---- r—�-------- -,�—° -------- - � - - - <br />_ • � .�;t��,a�� .. �� .. .. , �• :. , �,1 - <br /> • ,} ;; , � , .. .� . . _ • • , o ; ° ' ; .. , �:' <br /> . � . <br /> � ., • . ,, • „ � '�� <br /> . ° .. � , ` .'1� � „ , .' , . . ,. .. • � ., ( <br /> , ., . . <br /> ,._... . .,... .� --� - ��• <br /> . . <br /> ,_ . _. ._..._. _. . . . .. ._... .. .... - - - -- - _ , _ <br /> .. .. �� . .. .. .• ' .. �� , .. .. . . 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