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.. . <br /> � Y` ; <br /> , ; „ <br /> �,;� •,. ., � <br /> , <br /> .. <br /> ,. ' J . �, � <br /> . .. ._.,.........._ . .. . - . .. ......_.'._._...--------- .. <br /> _.,..,., ._.,.. „ ,,.. . ---�-�--. .__ .�.._...�....__--_._�.. _. . ... <br /> . ���_ .,:•, „ .. .._....---�- �-� - -� <br /> �_. . .., ,n.. ............. . . .. • - <br /> __..�t,�s --------_.. <br /> " "Proeeeda')In connection v�ith condemnadon or other taktng ot th�Property or pa�t the�eoi,or for wnvc�yanco In Ilou nt condomnotlon. '" <br /> L o n dar shatt bo endttod ot Its aptton to cammence,eppea►in and prosecute In ita orm nome any actlon or procc3odings,nnd ohalt alao �'`;' <br /> � ba enti4ted to make any compromise or setl�ement In connectlan with suc h ta k ing or dema g e.U t h e e v o n t a n y p o rt i on oi tho Pro po r l y ls �:•- <br /> so t�kon or damagad, Londor shetl hove lho optfon In Its selo and absatuta discretien,to eppty all such proceedu, aftor daducting �_ <br /> - tP►erefrom all casta end expenses Incur�¢d by It in connectlon v�ith such Proceeds,upon any Indebtednoas socured horeby nnd In such <br /> order as Lender may determtno,or to eppty all auch Ptoceods,after such deducttons,Yo the restoration ot tha Proporly upon such�n- �,u;; <br /> ditfona es Lendor may datermine.Any eppllceUon ot Procoeds to indebtedness sha��ot extend or postpone lhe due dato oi any pay ,-- <br /> � menta under the Note,or c�ure any ddfautt thcroundor or horeiander.Any unapptled bnds ahell be paid io Trustor, �f <br /> 8.Peetomeaneo by Lender.Upon the occumence oi en Event ot Oetault hereunder,or it any act is taken or legat pmceeding = - <br /> �� commenced which matedatiy affects lender's intereni in the Property,Lendor may In ita own discretion,but wlthcut obltgaUon to do su. _ <br /> .--^;-�-i,: and withaut notice to or deman d upon Tnia t or a n d w i t h o u t r e t e a�i n g 7 r u s t o r f ro m a n y o bii gaUon,do an y act which?ruslor has egresd ��. <br /> •�r�'�—�, but 1alled to da and may atao do any aMor�ci ft deems nocessary to protoct the seeuriry hereot.TrusWr ahail, Immedfutely upon <br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to I.ender all cost�end expenses irtcurred artd eums expended by Lertder tn oonnecdon with th�exer- � �-�_: <br /> ' cise by Lender o!the foregoing nghte,together wlt�interes4 therean et ihe deinuit rete p�nvlded in the Note,whtcb ahaU be added to� �=r_ <br /> : � the indebtedness secured hareby.Ler,der shall not irtcur eny Uability bocauso oi anylhing It may do or omit to do hereunder. 1 �_ <br /> � 9.Hasa►doim Mt�to�tals.Truator shaU kaep the Properiy in compilance wAh all epplicable laws,ordinances and regulaUona �, ` <br /> m <br /> � r+eladng to industrtai hygiena or en�ironmental ptotecUon(coltectively refem3d to herein as'Environmentcal 4av�s'�.7rustor shali ep Q <br /> m <br /> thp propertyr tree from all subatances deemad to be hazerdous or toxlc under eny Environmental Lews(co�►ecNvely referted to hereln �, <br /> as'Hazardous Mate►lais').Trustor hereby warrents and repre�ents to Lender tt�at there ars no iiazardous Materials on or under the <br /> ProReriy.T�uator horoby agcees to tndamntty end hotd hartnt�ss Lender,its dlrectore,of(icera,employees and agems,ortd any suxes- � <br /> .� � sots to Lendef'o interest,from and againet eny and aii dsims,damages,to�ses end llflbillUes adsing In coanectlon witl�the presertce, � <br /> �� uae,dtsRnaal ar hsnspoR oi eny Hazardous Materlais on,under,irom or about the Prop�riy.THE FORE�OINt3 WARFZANTIES AND <br /> �� REPRESENTATIONS,ANO TRUSTOR'S OBLICiATi01VS PURSUANT TO YHE FGREGOIN(31i�G�MNPr1f� BHAtI SURVIVE _ <br /> RECONVEYANC�OF THIS OEED OF TRUST. <br /> � 10.Asotpnmont o9 Ran4s.Trustor hereby asstgns l'o�ender,and grents Lereder a security In4erost In,sit pressnt,future and _ <br /> after adaing rents,issues and proflts of the Property;provlded�at Ttustor ehat�,unB�the occurrence ot an Event ot Detai�il,hereunder, � <br /> bave the right to col►ect and retatn such rents,tssueB and profl4s as they become duo and payable.Upon the oa:urrenoe oi an Event oi <br /> . � � QeTault,Lender may.either in person or by agertt,with or wlthout bdnging�inv acdon or proceeding, or�y e receiver appointed by a <br /> � ' oouct and wlthout tegard to the edequacy of its secudty,enter upon and take pu+�ssession ot the Proper4y,or any paR thereot l�its a�� <br /> ses <br /> ;i,�.� nama ar tn the nams ot the Truatee,end do any acts vfitch it deems neoessf►ry or desireb�e to preservo Ute value,maricetebtliry o� <br /> s ► <br /> :;•r rentabllity ot the PropeRy,or eny part thereoi or Interest ther�ein,or to Increase the hcame therofrom or proteet the secu�i�t hereof and, <br />��`' with or w(thout taking posaession ot the Properry,sue for or athervuise collect the rents,issuas and proflts thereot,Indu�ing those paat <br /> ` due and unpatd,by rtodying tenants to meke�anyments W Lender.Lender may epply rents,issues and profite,Iess costa and exp�ns- <br /> ' es o!oysratfon and caliectlo�including attomey's tees,to any indebtedness secured hereby.a!1�n suoh oNer as Lender may deter <br /> ` : "p,,•' min�:'1'he enteflng upon and caKing Possassian oi i�ro?r�edY.i�s� o!s��t►�?nt,lssuea end profits.end the aFPilcetto� <br />;,,`'. � � thEreoi as etoresaid s9�aq not cure or watve any default or noike ot defauit hereunder or im.�aildate any ect done in�m�ponse to such <br /> _:, , �,���, defaull or puBUant to such noUce of defeuit and,notwithatanding ihe oonUnuance U pa�sesston ot the property or 1he ooilecUon, <br /> reoeipt end ap{�llcaUon ot rents,lssues or proRts,Trustee and Lender shall be ee�Utled to exarctse every dght provtded Uur in any ot the <br /> ;.;.�:;;;;;•�; Loan Instrumer�cr by Iaw upon occu�renca of any Event of Defeult,Irtciuding wlthout Itmitadon the�tght to exerc,ise the power of saf�. <br /> ,;,.::,,:-.�;� Further,LendePa dghts and romedlea undor thi�paragrePh ahall be cumuteUve wNh.and in no way a IlmitaUon on,Lenders dBAta ond <br /> " � remadtes under eny essignm�nt o!leasea and�ents►eoorded e8ainst the PropeAy.Lender,Trustee and the reaeiver shail be tiable tu - <br /> `.;':?':,.,,:�` � accou�only for those rents actu�lty recetved. _ <br /> :_;:'ti���' ' 11.Evertts of Defeult The toilowing shall consdtute an Event ot Default under thia baed oi Trust: <br /> :.,.,.: <br /> ��, _� (e)Falture to pey eny instatlment oi principp�or interost or any other sum secured hereby when ua; <br /> (b)A broach ot or detault under onU prov�s�on conteinod in tPte Note,Ws Deed oi Trust,eny of the Loan Instruments,or eny <br /> _'''�¢`�'�1',,T,�� other�len or encumbrance upon the Propariy; <br />_�_�_r_„r (a)A wdt at enecutton or attachment or any simttar process shel!be entered egainst Trustor which shall become e�ien on <br /> the PropeRy or eny poRlon thereat or Interest theretn; _ <br /> ���,�±-�� � (d)Thero sheil be flted by or agalnst Tntstor o�Bottawer an acNon ur�der any present or ti¢Wre federel,s4ero or other etatute, <br /> -_=�� taw or regutatlarf raleUng to bank�uptcy,fnsofvoncy or othar rellei tor debtore;or there shali bo Qppotnted any dustee,recotvar or <br /> ���' Qquldatw of 7tustor or Batrowor or ot aU or any pad of the tha re�to,Issuos or proflts thereot,or Trustor or Bom�c�u <br /> ;r:�� shaN make any generat essignrnent fa�tha b�n�rRt oi creditore; <br /> ��'�i�� (e)The sate,,assignment conveyanoe ar furth�r encumbrartco ot ail or any paR of or any interest in tlte - <br /> �' ,,�N�� propetty,olther vufuntadly or invo�unterify,without 1h�r exPress wrriten�onsent ot d.ender.provtded thnt Trus4or shait be permit _ <br /> _a.-,�-;��� ted to execute a tease ot tho Properiy th�t does not�ntetn an option to purcfiasti pnd the term ot which does not excoed one <br />----_-`�'_w year, <br /> ��-�''��:r'"°� (�AbandonmeM ot the PropeAAt►;:or <br /> �" (g)It Trustor Eu not en indlvidusl.'tlie issusnce,se�e,trenster,a�ulgNne�t,conveyence or ensumbranoe of mare than pi e <br />--�-„�..e�.:-.. - <br /> ._..—`;k,,�`�� co�poratlon)a Wtal ai�,,._.__6�e�nt of ite issued and outstending stock.or(if a partnership)a Mtal of___peT <br />-•_� `,�•r cent of puMership inter�ests,or pf a pmfted IIa611iry company)a total oi pe�cent ot the Ifmited IlabUity aompa- <br /> "�-�:�:� oy tntereate or vo�ng dghts dudng the peflod 4hts Doed o�T T�uat remaina a Ilen on the proporty <br />."f ti'_°"``'• � �Z Pimnnm814s;Aceet�wtlon Upo�e�IDo?autL 1�the event oP any 6vent of Default Lender mey.without notloe exwpt ea requlred <br /> �;':y,; �',',:���' . by lativ,decloro a0 Indebtedness secured horoby to ba due end payablo and the same shail thereupon become due and paYaba wUM - <br /> .�,:;"' ' out any presentmer�t,demand,prc►test or no4trs ot eny klnd.7hereafter Londer may: - <br /> (a)I�emand that Trustao exercise thu P�WER QF SALE gt�nted�Yrustee shai�thoreafter cause Tnistofs Inter- <br /> ��;• . ^ �t(by Exerct�any nd eltlrtghb�amvfde�tf fortn eny ait tlt0 Losn InsWmenta by taw�pon eoxurnino�0'1 a�ny�E�vQ�nt ot = <br />--` , ..' ,i�,� Qeteutt;end <br />- : �. (e)Commence an actlon to faro�Smsa thia Deed of Trust es e moRgago,appoint e receir�r,or 8pedftca►h►entorce 8ny of tho <br /> � � o�venants hereoL the Laan = <br /> �.� No remeety herein oonfert�ed upan or reserved to Trustee or lender is intended to bo exd�lve ot any atRer Bmody _ <br /> '��� Inabumenta or by law provtded or portnitted.but each shall be cumulative.shaY be in o�d8tan to every other rem�►�y g�lven hersundor, _ <br /> �•�u�'-_± �.r�t nan lnatn�rttents or naw or hereaft�r exfstlng at lew ar in equil�►or by ststute,end mey be exerdsed oone�mrer�4ly,tndapenden�y - <br /> �� ' � Of GItC08ElY81y. <br /> �_�S� 13.Tmstne.7'he Trustoe may rosign at eny time without cause,and Lendor mey et any tlmo an0 wtthout causo appolnt e sica <br /> . ';;°'=:- c�,�or or eut,sGiute;r�+st".a•Tns�°tes°-he!!r+nt he ila6ie to any DaAy,lnctudinB:�vithout BmltaUon lendar,Borrower.T�ustor�o��any��p� <br /> '� chuser o!the Propa�ty,tor any Ioss or aemflge untessa�iue W recktess or vritttu!miscondiw�t,nRd shuii�wi Ga rerul.�tc L's•---•Y---- <br /> � In oonnt�cUon with the enforcemer�of this Qaed ot Trust uni0ss Indemniflod, In writlng,for ett oosts,oompensaUon or expanses wt�tch <br /> ' may be associatod therew�th•�n additton,Tnistc3e may bscamo a purc.heser�t any sa�e of the Property�udEdal or under the power o4 <br /> te <br /> sate gtantad heret�):postpone Me sate ot ail or any porttan oi the Qravfdad Dy�aw:or seli the Propafty as e wtwto.or to <br /> sopatato paR:eis ot�ota at Tntstoe's discrotlon. <br /> � �� 14.�ees snd Fxpen�es.ln the evont Trustcta cotls the PropsRy by exerctsa of power ot sato,Tru�tea shafl De entiUsE to appy <br /> •• 8�y sa;e proca�A3 itrot to PaYment ot ett cosfs and oxpenaes ot exorcising power ot sete,fncluding atl Trustea's fees,and Lendefa artd <br /> Trustee's attomey's foes, ectua��y inw►red to extunt petmtttod by eppAcabte �aw. in tho event Borrower or Ttustor exe�cises any�ipht <br /> �' . providod by lav+to curo pn Event ot Dofeult.Lender ahall bo ontitled Qo recover irom TrusOor aU o�ts and exponses actuatty incurred as <br /> e resutt nt Tnistor's detoult,Irtcluding w(thout�Imtmtion a117n�steo's and nttome�s taeo,to the oxter►t petmtited by applicabta Iaw. <br /> '� 16.Futuro Advartces.Upan roquo�t ot 8omcxer.landar may,et its opiton,make addiUona�and tuturo advartoos and reatf- <br /> vanoes to Borrowcir.Such udvanoe�artd rc3advartm3,with Intor�nt thoraon,�shell bo setcured by chis Ceed o!Trust At�o dme shall tho <br /> , —.---------- ..., . ,�_,.P,�.,�— ----_�_� - - <br /> __� ...r--•^-rt-rr.�"'T......._....._._.. . .._..__.._.._ ..�-.1.. .�-_� <br />