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� ry�.i���]l�� i� . <br /> � ..w:.� � �� i. <br /> _ .,.. ! . ij . , - <br /> � w�AY� .., ' <br /> I . .� .. . � � _ . <br /> -wa+�w�w' '• „ _�.,_,�....,y._...._...�. �—�..__..-----�_.._..._..�_ <br /> . », <br /> ` .J.� <br /> . <br /> •.��I., . . .J ' " � <br /> .. . . . <br /> . . . . ...q,..��«:.;i.._.-__J�' ., ._.`....�.'�""._.""............._.'__�_'_ .de <br /> . • � <br /> !a �Q�,+ <br /> _ ; prtrtcipal amaunt at trio IrrdoUtadno�a a�curcd by tht�Aaod of Truet,not inctuding eums e�!�0 9 Q�BB Ote.Be��ty�11h18 D88d 01 � <br /> „ f Teust,oxcot�d the odfllnnl princippl nrrtount otntad hcroin,ar 3 �p� ^^^ ^^ � r=:__ <br /> 98.Mtscoltanssus P�ovidcna, <br /> " " (a)8or�awsr No!R�tea�ad.�xten�ton ni tho Ume for pnymant ar madllteation nf amoNaaUon of tho aumo aecured by thfs -�,��_, <br /> Dced of Trust grantad by Lan�or to nny euccassor(n interest ot Bortatiear�heU not operete W reteare,tn any manner,tha tlabitl- _— <br /> " I ey ot tho ori�I�r.1 sonav�or nn d�errovluPo auccouso�s in interost. Lendor shalt not be requlrod to eommenca proceedings �� <br /> �� apatnat auch euccessor or rotuso to extortd time for poyment or atherwtan modify amortizetion of the auma secured by t h ia ��°^- <br /> � Ocua of 7rust by roa3an oi any demanda madfl by the original Bortower and Borrowors succesaors in interest. <br /> ° (D)Le�sde�'o P4u:�fa.Without nf(Retinp the Ileblllty oi any other pereor►��ablo for tho paymont ot eny obitgatlon heretn men• �,-,- <br /> ' �� ttorted,and wiii�out eifecting tho Qen or aharge o!thts Doed ot Trust upon nny poAton of lhe Property nat thcn oc therototoro �__ <br /> .:;y;; ratoused os setudly tot the full amount ot atl unpald obilgetlons,Lender may,irom tlme W dme and wlthout noUce(i)release <br /> .». � any psreon so Iiabto,(tl)extend the matudty or al�sr e�ny o}the terms ot any such o�1lgaUona,(nID gra�t othor�ndulgences,(iv) <br /> :.'��r�� Peleaso or reconvoy,or causo to be retea.ed at rooanveyad at any dme at lertdar's op�or�any parcel,po�lon or atl ot tha <br /> .�,,,L;�;,�r� Pro�arly.(v)take or ret�ase any other or eddkianat sccu�tty fnr nny obllgadon hereln menUunad,ot(vq make oamposlUona ot � `_ <br /> : $ other arrangemonts with debtors in relatlon thereto. <br /> . en Ise allorded b eprpt cab e Iaw�shaD nat be e�wttf Ivat o or predude aho'e erciae ot ony�ud�ttl9ht?or revmedy.l'he procure-� �., <br /> b .. <br /> ment oi Msurance or the payment o!taxos or other ltens ar charges by Londer shaq not be a vHaNer or Lendera�ight to acoeler-�� — <br /> x' ata t4►e mutudiy of the tndabtedness secutc�d by thts Deed ot Truat <br /> (d)Suecesaors and Asstyns t'i�und;Jolnt and S�vemi LleDltlty;Captlona•Tho eovonantE and ag�menb hsretn eor+- <br /> � telned shali bind,Etnd the ltghta hereunder shall Inure to,the tespective auccesaore and assig�s ot Londer and Tntstor. Atl� _ <br /> ' � aovenants and agreententa of Trustor shaQ be jolnt and sevorai.The captlons and headings ot the pa�agmphs ot ttds Deed of� <br /> ��° Trust are for oonvenienoe only artd are nai to be used to Interpret or deflna the provistans hereoi. oi en noftceQ� <br /> . (e)Request far NotiCea.The parttea he�Ymig4Q �of T�us��t�tho ayddress setr Rhtabove�inethe m n ep presayEbed by <br /> � � oi sate hereunder be mailed to each party bte law to be 81ven tn another manner,any nottce provtded tor <br /> r;� ..". ap�Simblfl Iew.�rccept for eny other notice required under aPpt`ss <br /> in¢his l7eed oi Trust shall be g►ven by matitng such notico D�ceRiBed maU addreESed t°the other paRtas,at tlte ad+ir�ss set <br /> torth above.Any nodce provtded for in thl�Qcied of Trust shbll be effective upan matltng in the manner dastDnated her�{ <br />:��:= +'�'�';`� Tnistor is more than one person.notice esM to Lhe address sot torth above sheU be notice tr►aA such persoas. <br /> � � (�tasp4ctton.lsnder may make or causo to be mede reasonable enMas upon and inspealans oi fhe F►cPeriY.P�ovtded <br /> that i.ender ahall gtve Tn�ator notice pdor to any sach tnspect�on spedtying reasonable cause therefor relatod t°lendefe�nter <br /> ' �;;_:, ast in tho Propetty <br /> (g)Reconvsyanae.Upon payment of ep eums scscured by th(a Daed ot Tnist,Lendsr shall request 7rustee to reoonvey the <br /> �_ s <br /> ,�• ��V Property and shail aurrendor thta Deud of Trust and ati rtotoa evidenctng indebtedness secured by thia Deed of Trust to <br /> °`.:•%� TnisteR.TNStee shaq reconvoy the Properiy.wlthout wartanty and without charge M the person or persons togatty entttted <br />-.•r•';�;;. ` thareto.Tn�stor�a11 pay atl oosts oi reooMadon,i4 any. <br />=`r.'���r� (h)P�nona1#?�rapert�l: �audty A9rMmen�Aa Addi�n�I e��tn�alt�flxtures,equ pmen and oUtBt Petsont�bPmPeR!► <br /> } ,hw �ender ander o�a Wa�rastca iJaSlasss:Catrn�rcte!.�_ �Y = <br /> , 4�,r.� ���co��st�to�►�ith the real estate or tmprovements lo��ed theraon,and not otherw�se dacis�rea ar deeRia�tci:�a i�� <br /> _c_s R��:�:. <br /> ��_r;;:;;.:r�i,;�� !he real estate secur�ed hereby.Thls instrument shait be oa�a e�aid Code n addid�On to tha d9hts and�reme�dies creatad undAr - <br /> :�;u�a;�,�� shail have a�l the dybts end remedtes of e secuced party <br /> and axoNed 8ie Lender purcuant to this QQed of Truax pravided that Lenders�lghts end�medtas und�r this peregreph shall <br />_v�,�r��� be cumulaUve wlth,and in no way e ttmitatton on,Lendefs rtghta end remediea under any ather sc�xaity agreement signod by <br /> ���°� Borrawer or Trustor. <br /> =�t:;;r';y� Q)Usns�nd Enea�mbnn�ae.Trustor hereby warranb And represeMs that thore�s�e�deiautt un8er No provtsiats o �ny <br /> ,.��� mor2gago,deed ot trust,tnase ar,purc,hase oontr�ct dascrlbtng eQ or any paR ot the P�nperry,or other contrad,instrumerit a <br />�_�;�;� agreement canstituUng e lian or encumb�noo against a110�any paR of the FYoporly(coUectiveiy,`Lfensy,exisUng ea ot the <br /> .,�-��..� date of thts Dsed at Trust,and that any and ap exist{ng 41ens remaln unmodiflod except as e��o Trostor's bl gaqons, <br /> ten disctosare ci di�ns and encumbr�nce�provided tor hereln.Truator shail Nmely p <br /> ----- oovenants,reGrosarnaUons end warrenUes undor any and eli exisUng and futuro Uena,shat�PromAUY fa�ward t°�ender°°pieg <br /> � ot oll rtaUaes oi tlefauit seM In aonnecdon wttt►any and�U exlstlag or ftaturo Uens,and shaq rtot wtU►out Lende�s pdor written <br /> cansent tn eny menrter modity the vistons ot or eilow wny Yulure adv+anoes under any extsUng or fuQue tiens• <br /> —�- -- U)/�pp�ical3on o4 Pa�fm�nts. nless othenuiso reqvfrart�y t�w.sums patd to t�teder�luding wltl�ou�l 1lmitation <br /> - paymsnts ot�rindpal and interss� insu�rtss proceeds.cor�demnetton procee�s end rents end Pro�cs.eha���e�pp���by <br /> _ u-�v---- Lernler to the emounts duo nnd ow'ing Nam 7n�stor and 8orrower fn such order as Lender in iffi se�discretion daems desU <br /> 8�' Ion o!thts Deod of Tncat Contllds wttl+ePpltcabla Iaw or Ea doclured imralid or otho�vrtse unen- <br /> - (k)8ntsrabUEty.It a�Y ptavOs <br /> - = ratoeapEe,such ooMitct or In�ralldity shati�ot effect the other provistons ot thla Deed oS Trust or the Kote whid�can.bA ren <br /> --' _ =_— egect w(thout tlte oonflicting p�visfon,and M Ut}s end tha provNstans ot fhls Deed of Trv�t�nd the Ncte are dedared to bo uev- <br /> --------- etable. <br /> ---_..°m--� p)Tams.Tho terma?msiof end'Bortawe�'shaG tnclude botA singular and plural,an�when the Trustor and BoROwer are <br /> !hQ sittme petson(s),thosa terms es used In thfs Deed ot T�ust sh81i be�ntorchangoable. <br />__,,�,^�� {m)GovQminp Law.Th!s Deed of Trust shail bo goverteed by the lev�s°t the State of Nebraska. <br /> .s,_:ti:,��� • <br /> ;%F�� <br /> —�.�� <br /> -:=_•.8i[?��� <br /> =-�?�� .ni: <br /> _ - �:;,.�,�.. <br /> ��-):�1:... <br />�•�:���`f�''`�� � ' <br /> - .- ..� '.� �, T�usior Iu�s exeCit'�od thta Oc�ad�1 Tivat as W tho date wdtton above. <br /> :.:- - •�t: �f� /f <br /> ,:�W'���. /�G. ...,�_�� �.—�C; - -- ' 7rustct <br /> � ._._. <br /> ;�a -- �,� (Kenneth E. SHuda) •••`°"'. <br /> a� �' <br /> — _� <br /> � ,.�- — c Tntcitor in�^..bcr <br /> . r • <br />';, � ' <br /> ,� ' ,_ <br /> . �. ' „ � <br /> � <br /> „ <br /> .. o <br /> __ . . . <br /> �._..._._���;_ ..�,�..,...—.._ , .9.�,, s_.. <br /> ..,,.... <br /> . ...._�____._—...--...__.Y--,-�;--,. . �.� , , „. _ --- <br /> .. ... <br /> _,_._.._._,_..._..�......_._. .�r . , ..__._ . . <br /> --- <br />