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<br /> , l: .� THIS UE�D QF TRtJ$T.is medo es oi tho,�_,day of P�ahrur�r; .19 �o .by artd amang ��
<br /> ,••
<br /> . the Tcustor, Kenneth G. Shuda A Sin le Pesson '
<br /> .. `�� �� 4297 Summer Circle�_ Grand ael�ad, NE 61803-6�d�+eJn'T�ustaf,whethe*arto or more).
<br /> .. wiiase mal�ng addre^.a is � .
<br /> ., thoTrt�stae_ FIV� POINTS BANR, A Nabraska tiankfn� CorP�ratcion
<br /> (h�rein'Tnistae�,ertd
<br /> ,. Wh038 fRAfi�8ddt8SS i9
<br />_ ::4�r the BerteS�iary. �IVE PUINTS BANK
<br /> � , .�� � gn� Grand Ie].and � 68802-1507 (hc3rein'Lendet�.
<br /> w►�ose ma�irtg addrass Is P O Boac� + -
<br /> -'�` ' FOtS bALUABLE CQN810ERATION,irtcluding Lende�'s extensfofl of credit E�ionUfted heretn to
<br />_:�.,,.,��'• " ;
<br />;..�-:�.-. �._� (herein'Bomawe�,"wlsether ona or more)an�th�Wst herel�creatod.the reoQtPt
<br /> _ ��"- ot whtch Is hereby 2,alcrtowladgsd. Trustor hereiry iaewizr+iY 6ra�s��trass�...°�,s�nygya�assigna to TrtreLee,IN TRUST�WITH .
<br />='�` "`•�' ppW�i2 p6 gp�E,t�cr the beneflt and sacudry of Lender,under ared sub�Qet to tho terms end condi8ons hereUiaftar set(orth,tha reai
<br />=�;,�:,..,:,,
<br /> ._�1:,.� pr,�pc�ty des�xtbod aa tollows:
<br /> �''`"� E,�t Nineteen (19)� indianhead Suhdivisioat, City► of l3sand Island, Ha31 County�
<br /> ;�r�...- -
<br />���,.�� P1sb�aska
<br /> :��"��
<br /> __:�R.;'��� Together wtth etl butidings,Improvementa,flxtu�s.atreste,atiays,passageways.easQments,�ights.DrtvUe�ee ond appudenanoes
<br />�;�+.--,�1 ��a�reen or tn arrywise pee�talning thereto.and the rents,lssues and pr�oAta.reversions and�ematnc¢ars thereot.and such Per
<br /> y:.:�•� soslal�ar�perty tluat ia ettached to fhe Improvements su as to consYitnite a PoRune.Inctading,but not 1[mited to,hoating aRd c¢o�ing equip-
<br />�;�.k� mon�aa�d bogothar with the homestead or madtat Interesta,H any,vuhich Interesta are herehy reteossd ena woNod;ell�t►vhlch,inetud-
<br /> tng replaoements and addidons theroto,ts hereby deciarod to be a part of the�eal estate seaured by the Ilea ot t�is�ed oY Tn�s2 and
<br /> --� all ot the tor�going Doin�refened to hereln as tlre'ProDehlr•
<br />�-..._---- Th[s Qead ot ttust sh�U socure(a)the peYmm�t ot the pdndi�having a��atutlty date oi��y..�`"'�=.p*yLl�n�3���' it agree-
<br /> --___- memdatod q �
<br /> - �...u4� In the aiginal pdodPat amount of S��.0�� nn .and eny end atl modiftcattflns.extenstoars and renewats
<br /> ther�P ot tliereto and any and et�Nture acivances c+r+d readuancss to B��rawer(o�any ot them If more than one)he�unr8er pu�suant
<br /> � to one er more Promissory Rotes or credit egree�nenta(herefn caited`Nc�►'�:N1 the PeUmeM oi other sums advanoed Uay lender M
<br /> _���� Protea the sacudty of the Note;(c:)the perfomins�a raf atl covonpnts end egreementa ot Trustot set torth harein:and(d)ati present and
<br /> futura t�depiedness end abltgsUons ot Bortower(or any of them H more than cna)�o�ender wheth�r dired.indta+ed.at�sei�to or oontin-
<br />�.- -�=^`�� gesl a�d whether aristng by aota.guaranry.overdraR or otherwtsci.The Note.thls Q�ed of Tnist aad any and a!I other d�c�emet►ts thet
<br /> sea�!he Nate or olher`rlse executed In rnnnectlon therewltla.tnclading wlthout timltatlon guaraMees.security agream9nta and
<br /> �.-,�„��, assignments oi teases and e�enta. shait be reterted to fieroln as�he'Loan�natrumeMa�•
<br /> r --��'"'��+�� Tnrsior oovenants and egre�ss with�ender as foltuws:
<br />----_=-�+'�� 1. PaymeM oi lndebtadr�ss.All indc�btadners sacured hereby sheU be patd when due.
<br />=o�r��; �. Tft�.TrusWr fs tha owr��r ot the PropeRy.hes tho dght and autharity to oomoy the Prope�rly.end warr�Ms t�at the Ilen aeat
<br />""'"--'--�'�� ed h�e�,by ia e flBt and pdor I�n on the Properly.exaept far!lena and encumbranoss sot forth by Trustor in writlrt�c�'rm dotivered to
<br /> .-:Er.:r•�i�l!
<br />�;���;��s;; ��,p�p bp{�re executlon oi ihis Oeed ot Trust,and tho executlon end do!Ivory ot this Daed of 7rus!doos noi viota2e a�oy oontre ot
<br /> �n...,f:::.. .
<br />;,.,.:::... ..:.; ; other obllgaUon to whtch Ttustor�s sudjea� .
<br />='•'....::� • 3.Taxea,Aaaeaamonts.Yo pay befero c9�11nquency all taxw,epsdal essessmer�end aU other�erges a�atnst U►e PmporiY
<br /> 'F=K�=.'�;�r.., now or hereafter lovted.
<br /> --'•-- � � •' 4.Insuranco.'To keep ihc PrQperty I�sured agninst demage by flre,hazerda indudod wlthin the term'exteedc3doo�►otage'�end ..
<br /> �.a: ;
<br />-r`^I
<br /> -:,;;..�. •��- sach othpr harocds as 1.,¢ndnr�p oequlre,tn amounte and with oampan[es aooeptable tc Lendur,namfng Ler�r es a�odditbr'a ..
<br /> ,'..' ` . rtamc�d insured.we"9�ta�s RaY�fe��e��r.tn case of toss undor sac9�putict�.tho�ondor Is autho�id ta c�i't�5t.oatk�t c�tid
<br /> m d
<br /> . .'� compromise,aU�i�r�vs lharsundot and ahali have tho optfon of sPPlytrtg eli or part oT tho tn�tuuranoo P�s m to �r,�6�ebtadness
<br />_ : �:.,
<br />-`e '�+ seqireti Aereby artd in such order as Lender may dotermine,(ti)to tt�T�r to bo used for the repair or custoratbre oi t1►e Propetlll or
<br />�. " �".�i� �;��� (ttt)for any other purpo�e ar ob�ect sattstactory to Londor wittiout t�ffectln9 the ilon o!this Oaed oi Tntst tor tha t�tl��duo dE►to
<br /> --.s.,.�n�.wecerndnr�s shall not axtend ar PosC�o
<br />�'`s'"". ' hnrc3by bofore sucfl PBSrtnont ov+er iooic Praoo.:v:s���--� �-----
<br /> ' •_��.:�..� ot any paymants undar tlre Not�.or cure any detault Morounder or Aereunder. _
<br /> - - -- .- . ;.�p�.Up�n wriECOn deaeanv iry Le�r,Tnssta►g��}� �r m Londet.U such manner ns Lertder may deisfgrtato,cut(tdont _
<br />_. �� sums to grw�bte��P�miums onetyhe�peti�►Insurcirtce requtred horou de�.endt(if�t4to prem�lu:ma an a Y t►to�y8g�su��ence �
<br /> _ _ . uee Prap �9• q) _
<br /> - ' • rsqufr¢d by lender. -
<br /> 8.M�IMot�nnee.Repafrs�nd Compllanw wtth Laws. Trustor sttali kasp�t10 Property irt good ooadi�or�artd mPafr.shall _
<br />-- ,� , Promptly repatr,or rept�oe any tmprovemant whtd�may pe dama�J�d ur des�royod:ahall not commit or ponntt any wasta or d�tori�a• -
<br /> " Han oi the Proporty;shall not removo,domotiel�or substamtally r�tter any a?ttto Impravomst�te o�the Propat�/:ehaq�o!aommlt,outfar
<br /> �� �� or perm�t any act to be dane in a upon tho ProPorry 1n vto�ett°n ot eny taw.ordtnanco,or rcigutaUon;and ahali pay and pmmPth/dis- -
<br /> chargo at Tntsto�a cost and orcponr�o ail ttons.oncumbranoos and charges►evte�l,imposud or aocassod egalnst tDm Proporiy or any
<br /> tr � � p3R thoreoL -
<br /> 7.EmineM Qomatn.lorsdsr la hcr�by asstpnnri att componsnt:on,owards,dmm�Bos and othor payntunta or taltcA(hurQEr►attnr
<br /> . rac=as�o��aw tAe _
<br /> Q1C6D ftY.mD C�dCam�utM1M0^,�p Asaxv."�►Ktln,f�tre•.w
<br />