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<br /> payments may rto lan�cr iw rcc�ulred,nt tho apt�on of i.cndcr.if rrtor��ago inswanccs covemgv(in tho umount und far tho pepiod ��-
<br /> � tlwt LcnQcr requires) providcd by ttn insurcr appmved by L.endcr again hecomcs uvaitabto Und Lg nbtnincd.Barrowcr shall pay thc �-
<br /> r...
<br /> premiums requtrcd ta mointcdn mortgugo insumnco in aifcct, ar to provida n losv rescrvo,undl the rcquiremcnt for mon�ugo �;'..
<br /> , insumieco cnds in acurdanco wtth nny writtcn agreemcnt bcnvecn Borrot�,rcr and Lcnder or appllcnbta luw.
<br /> 9.Inspecttun. L�endcr or Itv odent may muko rc�sonnblo eniric.v ugon und lns�poctions of tho Peop�rty. 1.crtd�r shall�iva
<br /> � ` e nt thfl dme of ar rFor W an in� tton s s�cif In re.�sonuble cnuso for�ho insp�cdon. �,�.
<br /> Borrower nadc p ''pa R Y 8
<br /> Sp.�oe►dpm�nn3lnn. 'ITia Ssroceeds of n.ny awcvd or c�nim for dnm�os. dim.�t ar conacquentlnl, in c+�nnection�vilh any
<br /> condemnEuton or other taking of any pnrt of the Property,or for sonveyusico in lieu of condemnntion,ars hereby�signa!and �:_
<br /> shall be pafd to Land�er. _
<br /> .�;,;,;;.c::�r In the eveni ot a wwl taking of iho Property�iha pmceeds shnll h�applied to tho sums secured by this Security Instrumen� _
<br /> -"�'. whether or not lhen due,with nny excess puid w Borrower.In ihe ovent of a Qurtitil taWng of the Property in which tha fatr msuicet _
<br /> vuluo of tha Propc�ty immediately bcforc tho roking is equnl to or greaur U�an tho amount of tho sums secumd by this Securlry -
<br /> Insuument imrrse�inusly hefare the tulcie►8,unless Borrower and ixnder otherwi�e ages3 in wr[dng,the sums securod by lhis
<br /> '., Security Inswcreent shnll be reduced by eho amount of the procneds muldplied by ths foUowing frucdon:(a)tho wtal emonnt of
<br /> �i►e swns secur�immedi�tely befare the taking.divided by (b) tho fair market vr�lue of Ihe Property immediutely before th�s
<br /> �� ., t�lcing.My balance shaU bo paid to Borrower.In tha event of a purtiel taking of the Propeaty in whfch the felt market value of�ho ::
<br /> ' Frogerty ImmediAtely before tha talsing is less than the anount of tha sums secu�ed immediately before the mking.unless
<br /> �� Bom�wer and L.r,nder otherwise agres ia wtidng or untess npplicable law otheiwlsa pmvides,the praceeds stuall be appHed to the
<br /> � sums saured by this Soc�uity Instrument whetder or not the sums are then due. _
<br /> .. �. If the Pru�st,�riY�.v ab�tdQned by Bar�owcr.ar if.after noLCe by L.ender to Borrowes that tha condemnor offers u�maka nn --
<br />- award or seWe�n claim for dtimmnges�Bomower fiills to respona to Lender within 30 days aflee the dnte the nodce is givEn.Leatder __
<br /> d ills ::`.
<br /> �� �, is authorized w coltect and apply the proceeds.at its option.either w reswradon or rcpair of ttie PnnpeKy or to the sums secured
<br /> py+�his$ecurity Ins�ument,whelher or not then due. �1-
<br /> .. ' Ualess Lereder and Borrower atherwise agrets in wrldn8,�►Y aPP��on of proceeda W principal shaU not extend or postpone _
<br /> ° the duo date of the monthly pstyments referred to fn paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount af such payments. i=-
<br /> ii.BoprawEr Not Released;Forbesrance By Lender Not u dVri.vsr. Bxtension of the tUne for payment or modificat�on
<br />- � of amo�iZation af the sums secum.d by triis Securlry Instnurtent�anted by Lender w any successor in interest of Boirower�nU -
<br /> not opeiats to release the ltabiuty of tbe origInal Bo�u�uer or Bormwer's succe,c5ose tn inteses�Lettder shall aot be res�uired to _
<br /> eommenecs proceedinga against any succ�ssor in inteaes2�r aefuse to e�ctend t6ne for payment or otherwLse mod�fy amarti�don of
<br /> tho snms secured by this SecurIty Instruma►t by reasun�7 any demand made by the orl�inal Bomower or Bosrower's suaoessors
<br /> _ . -",�_ in ist�acs°.Ast3 f�b;L.nsler i��.•,���n,�ygl�r�r remedy shaU not be a waiver of or Qreclude d►e exerciso of au�y
<br /> rlght or remedy.
<br /> .` • �� ix.gucoessora and Assigos Bonnd;Joint aud Sev�LlabiIIty; Co-signers. 'ihe cavenanTs nad agree�ner►ts of t�Is
<br /> ^�:s'��+ �''' Sccu�ity Iastmment shall bind and befeefit the sucoe�cocs and assigns of l.ender a�d Boirower.subject to tho pmvisions of _
<br />-�'�'�:s�:=��'`'a . ; P��Ph 17. Bomower's covenant� and r�eements s�ul� be joint and sev�ral. Any Botrower who co-signs this SecurIry °`
<br /> - :-:.�.::,�;;; Insirument but does not acecute the Note: (a)i.v casigning this S���rity Ins¢�umum only to mortgage,8tant and convey thAs
<br />"_�'�;`"�...'';�+;�;;;; Botrower's in2cuest in the Prope:ty under the terms of this Securiry�l�ame��(Qn�is not petsoonuUy obllgaud to pay the s� —_
<br /> .%:,:;;-°':`;:�r', ; sectared by this Sacuir[ry Insmimenx and (c)eSrees that Lr�nder end any other BorevsWes may agres to extand.modify�farbear oz
<br />_ ���`� m�sny accommodsdons wIth regard to the tem�s of this SecuriYy Instrument or the Note wlthout that Borrower's consent
<br /> .-,�.�� �r 13.I.uan C6mrges. 1f the loan secured by this Securlty Tnstnuncnt is su6ject W a law which sets mt�ximum loan charges. —
<br /> �'��i:�, ' <� end that law is finally intexpmzed so that t�he interest or other loan charges collected or to ba ooll�a�ca�in connecdon with the loan
<br />—�---„��; exceed the pcxcniaed limita,then:(a)eny s�uch loan chtuge shaU te raduced by the amoimt ne�sary w reduce the charge m the
<br /> -_�,;�� pe.msiued lImi�end(b)any sums alre�dy coll.ected from�orrower wP�ch exa�ded pe�miued Wnits wW be refu�led w Homower. ^__
<br /> .-��'•�,�� Lender may choose to make this refnnd by reducing the princi�al owed under tl�e NoW or by making a�act p�syment to _
<br /> -.�;._���. �wzower. If a refund reduces principal, the rednctton wiit be t��sd as a p�ud� prepayment without any pt�epayrrt�ent ctwtge �
<br /> �=.�=:;;���\ ander theNo�e. �
<br />-_ �"•,:��, 14.No41�Py. Any no�ce ta Bosow�provided for in this Sesc�2!3n9aument sheU be given by delivering it or by�uuiti�a c2
<br /> �.iF.a'
<br /> - `��� by Cust c1oss mafi unless epplicablo law requires use of another cnetZ�IDCd.'il�e nodce shaU be directed to the Property Add���c: -
<br />=`��r��"'��� Any other addc+ess Bonowea designates by nodce w L,�nder.My nadce w Lender sdall ba given by first clas�mn�7 to Lenda's
<br /> _--=,,r.�.,.�,
<br /> �`-s.:s-t;-�. uddrass smted herein ar any other address Lender desig,�at�s by namice to Soaowea.Any nodce provIded for in �l�is Securlry
<br /> ---`;::;;>;;�� InsOrument shc�ll be decmed to have been glven tu Boirt�wer or Lendex when gtvon as provided in thia paragcuph.
<br />_;�_-�:�.i;. �.,
<br /> ,: __�.,�,.,,�. 1S.Goveratng lawi�verabtlity. 'iLis Securiey insuument ahall be govemed by federnl 1aa and 1he Inw af c
<br />--�-�:�n:�;;� ; jurisdicdon in ahich the Pmpe�ty is located.In the evant th.at eny pmvision or clause of this Sac�iry tn�tument or the Nat°
<br /> '�� oonflicts with appl�cable 1aw.such contlict shall not a�l'E�t other provts�ons of this Security Insteument or Ute 1�Ts�ce�ouh[ch caa be __
<br /> t ""`� gtven effect without the coniticdng provislon.To this en�tfie pmvistons of this Se�uery Inswment und the I�a�z�nc deiiered W
<br />_ _,f,� ;. �s�
<br /> -- . aesxvriaii2�. -
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