<br /> �
<br /> •• 4
<br /> '" - r; �.
<br /> .t./ytlf!'))"Y L.�'' � . .
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<br /> 16.Do�rrower's Copy. IIorrowcT shalllm given one wnfornted copy af tha Note and of thjs Security lnswmcn� '
<br /> 17.Trunsfer at W e Peope�r or n I3ene�'fctnl Iaterest 6n 8�arawer. If aU or a�y part of tho Propcny or uny lntcrest in tt 1g ._�.�_
<br /> sold or uunsfeaed(or if u benelicial inten+st in Borrower is�old or teanafencd and 9orrower 1s rtot a naturalperson)without
<br /> . ..' Lend�:r's prtor wrltten consen on sluill notyba exe ci�dnb�Lender if e.�xercisc i proti bited by ederal law av ofbih dute of thi�s� _���;�
<br /> , Instn�men� However.ihis optl •
<br /> ° ' Security InswmenG ,'�r
<br /> ° � If L,ender exercises th3s opflon.Le�►der shaA give Botrower nodco of ncceteratIon.9he notiw shs�UU provide a perlad of nos less
<br /> thar► 3Q days from the date the nadce is dclivcrcd or muiled within whish Borrower must pay a11 sums sec�ued by this Se��uttY `
<br /> ` Instpument�If Botrower fails w pay Ihesc3 sums prior w the expiiadon of thi.s perlod,Lender may invoke any mmcdie�I�efn��u� F'.
<br /> _'-.� . by ihis Securtry Instrument without funhea nodce or demand on Borrower• Horrower shnU have the dght to have , �
<br /> .,1,,;,;:..�,-. 18.Borrower's Ytight to Ite[nstate. If Bonower meets certai�► condfdons. �«�;_
<br /> .�„ . enforceme n t o f d d s S e c u r ity I n s u u m e n t d i s c ontinuei!at an y time prior to tho earlier of.waer o sale�w n t a t n e d i n t h i spS e c n r i� -.-.
<br /> applicable law may specity far ceinsteiet�tent)before sala of Ute Property pursuant to anY Po �
<br /> Insttument;or(b)enuy of a judgmont enforcing thls Security InstrumenG Thoso condidona ure that Bonower:(a)pa�y�s,Le���de�r� �f� '
<br /> sums �vhich then would be dua unda this SecuritY Inswment and the Note as if no acceleiatlon had occumed. �y:
<br /> defuult of any other covenants or ag�anents;(c)pays aU eapenses G►curred i�►enforcing t�is Securtty Instrumen�including,but u,_ _
<br /> : not limited to,►�asonable suarneys' fecs:and(d)takes sueh acdon as Lender ma reasAnably recluire W assutB that t1'►e u�Af ihis
<br /> Sec u r l ry I n s w m e n l, L e n d e r's r i g h t s i n U e e P e o p e n Y e n d B o r rower's ob��o�n� P I suument ati d t h�e b l i ga fl o r�s s�e c u r d �-��
<br /> • Insuument shall continua unchanged.UWn reinstauement by Bocrower. ry _:.
<br /> hemrm►ry shall remain fuUy effecdve ag if no ecceleration had oaroa�red•However,this right�o u+einstate shaU not apply�n the ca�e of `�`
<br /> a --
<br /> � ucoafl�.cadon�mder paraaraph 17. —
<br /> Il4�.Sate of Nuse;Chnnge ot Laan Servicer. 'I1ie Nots or a partjal interest in the Note (togethar vvlit► this Sec �Y
<br /> �: Ins�ment)may ba sold o��a or mom dmes+�t1�fl e�du�s und re the Nate��his S ur ry Instt�►�►�g��e y�°° �-
<br /> ..:. �� as e�ha"Loan Sendc�r")that collects monthly p�yaa
<br /> mo�.changes of�+a Lfla►�Servicer unr�elsted to a�le of the Note.If ther�is a change of the Loan Servlcer.Batrower w�ll be
<br /> . . g(ven wriuen noBce pf the change in ac.cotdancs with paragraph lA above anciepplicable law.'I9�e nodce w1U state the name a��d T-
<br /> � .... �, address of the new Loan Servic�r and the address t,o which payments ahould 6e mada.7Yee nadca wlll also conteir►any other
<br /> informadon requ�red by eppllcable laa. stora�e, or releasa of any
<br /> �. Z0.Hazardous Substnncea $orrower sh�D not cause or peimit �he presence, use, a�.
<br /> Hazerdous Substances on or in the Ptopeny.BaaJOV++ei shaU not do.nor aUow anyont►elsa w .enYth;ng��S��g��
<br /> that is in vlolatFon of any Bnv�rOnma►tel Law.�l7�e precedinB two sentences shaU aot apply�PP P�ao normal resld��nl�s�
<br /> be tinl
<br /> propertY of smalt quanH@cs of Haaarduus Substences that are generaUy reco8ni�ied -
<br /> , .. end w maintenance of the Propeaty
<br />- � • Bflrrower shall promptly give Gender written nodce of Fu►y invcsdgation,claim. demand. lawsuit or other acdon by any
<br /> enC or rlvatc Farty 1nvolvItig the P[opar4r and anY Her�d�t�s Substance or Bnvieonr�nntai LF+w
<br /> , ' �' uf vdfikh nLas�w�����wl?dge.If Bo:rower leams.or is noufeed�►y eny�ovemmental or regulatorY authorlty.thut anY
<br /> �" "�`, j n,�movel or other remediadon of any Hazardous Substance affectfc►g�he�7apanY�.s necG�siuy,Bcuror,�s�hs�F��Y�ake alII =
<br /> :''�.'��+%`.;+ ;, n�res,�etY re�tedisl acdons in accordance with Envjronmeaial Law.
<br />„';�;�;,�;.�,��t.;,,.� As used Ir� this paragraph 20.'1�a�+dous Substences" are those substances defi�zed �s wxia or hazardous subsWnces by
<br /> _`;�;;�ti,;,i�'�•,. Bnv�mnmental Law and tho following subsmnces: 8asoline• keroser�e� other flammabl� or wxic petroleum Fra�ucts.toxtc
<br />-<=_,�`�` �.�� t i t�hio cipatag�aph?.0."�ronmental Isw"mcans fe�erel la�d l�a w of the jurlseticdon whe�re�he Property is tocated tAat�late
<br /> .:�"_� �`��:j' w,hoalth.safcty ar environmental protecdan.
<br />'�::r.�.. ., ,� ag followa:
<br /> �. ;��•�,�`;4�, NON-Ul�*�ORM COVBNANI'S.Bonower end Lcnder fwiher oovenant end agroe
<br /> �:�<<,<<..,.,:_... -
<br /> Zl.Acoelerat[on;RemedEes.Lucder shaII give nattfise rtas Borrower prtor to naceieration following BorroweW�s irea��at9
<br />_',,- .�;.':;��r any covenant or ngreemmt (n thE9 Secn*Its' Instrumew3 (but no! prior to accelerntbn uuder Pan►graP
<br /> ' .,�� applkable law provides otherwtse).The notice shall�pectfiy(a)tlne ate0uul4,(b)the actkn Reqaired to cure We defwuth(c) '`
<br /> - �.�� a date�not le�v than 30 daya fram We dute t6e nottce t�gWen to�wcr,bY nfitct�the def�uit mnst 6e cure�i s�nd(d)
<br />°�-�ie;�:;;�� t�a t f a i t u r N t o c u r e W e d e t a u t t o n os be�ore the date speclfled in ttee na�iCe may result in acaler�tFon of the s�a secnreat r
<br /> •���'��.'��?"a�'ra,� py thi�&ecuY'ity Ins4tument and sa1.e oR the Property.Tbe notEce s h a ll fa r t her i n fo r m B o r w w e r o!W e r i g h t t o r e S e s t a t�
<br /> .....�"'�.r.^3il
<br /> .,°.`�:-�� afYer acaet4ratton siad the rtg�►t ro bring a wurt action to sssert the noa�e�dste�rase�m4 a default or any othcr det'ense o
<br /> �.�:.�;.:;:�`^"� Borrawer to�coeleratton and sak.It t�Q�eSauit tv not cured on ar 6efore the date spec[fled in the notie�,Lende�►at its
<br />"'�=.': ..,. 'i� ulre immt�iutc p0ymea4 in 4u11 of 811 suma�t�re��y this Secur(ty Instrtltm�ID!+avit�tout turther dem�nd
<br /> -_�:_;L,.r_,.;,- antion,may req llcable lavr.Lender s�c�ll 6e entitled to wllect
<br /> ��1d moy ft►vake thc pawv o!&ale and any othet remediPS permiM�by aP6 Zl,iasitidingr bnt Qot lfmi4ed ta,►�easanable
<br />_��;=-���-� - We remedies pmv�f in this psua�aP _.
<br />--g..�.�.,� atii e�enses incw�rcd 6n pupsuind
<br /> _��=.�n.,��� ntQnrneys'tees and�sts o!title erEdenoe. of We
<br /> - -�--_=° U the poaRr of sate iv invoke�,Trugtee sLmll remrd a noi[oe ot detsnit in each�k law Borrow�w�7ee
<br /> --="_�"�,;,,�`�:�'• pruperty is lucated aaA shall maU coptes ot snch notice in the manaer prescribed bY aPP
<br />---•�-�` � otlYar�ersons prescribed by appi[cable I�w.After ti�e�►e n�uired Dy apptk�bk l�a,Trastee s1u�1 give pub�sell 4�e
<br /> ,.'x7:=t��;�,�� ' Qcable la�v.Trustee.althout deawnd an Bonnwu.
<br />;:t-.te����,., , s�to tm!he persovs and in We manner prescr[bed bY ePP
<br /> .;�s�}�• : .. IDnnporty at pubik anctbn to the hi�he.st bfdder at thc t�ue uad place and aeder l�e tc�rms des�gnuted in t�s�of the
<br /> .-'�:�:,�'�',• {� :xie ar�ssre �rcelv and in any order 9t�tee determines.'dYustee maY Ros�one sale oi iill or anY p
<br /> ..• b II��t AIIBQi1BCl'iMUI ot 8�s �Erae nnt� place ai�ny prer�u:�.`•�a�°=...�' �Ror or ita dest�mee�a9
<br /> -�� d
<br />," ,.,' ,:.��;:.• gt�operty Y P :
<br /> �. �;�', pnnrhase the Property at any sak. Rorm so al
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