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<br /> � S.H�zwrd ar Propepty tnsurense. Borrower shap keep tho improvementa n�w exisdnA or heecafccr enectcd on the Prapsrty �
<br /> AZi9
<br /> insurcd agninst loss by fua,hnzr,rds included within thu tcam "extcndcd coveruge"and nny ather haxards, includin� Qoa�or �
<br /> "��" flooding,i'or wh�ch Lendcr requires insuranet+.lt►is Insuranca shoU 1w mainwine�in the nmaunis a�d for th�perlodg thut Lender
<br /> �
<br /> ret�u�re.w't9►o insuxutca caaicr providing the insutance sh�il be chosen by Borrower sub�ect w Lender's approvnl���hich shall not
<br /> ' bcs unrc�asflnebly withheld. If Borrower fniLs to maintain coder�c descdbe�atsove. L.ender may, at Lender's option, abtnin �'
<br /> �. ' covemge to protect l,cnder's rights ln the Propert}+!n uccordsu�ccs with parugmph 7.
<br /> r
<br /> .'" All insu�nnccs poltcEe.4 nnd renawals shuU�u uccepmbto to Lettder ond shull include a standacd rteo»�ag�clnuse.L.ender sh�il
<br /> ;; :
<br /> havu tho r�ght w hold ihe polIcies end renawsils.If Lender requtre�.Borrower shull pmmpUy gtvo to Lender nq raceipts of puid �-
<br /> premiums and renawnl natice�s.ln the event of loss,�wrower shaU sive pmmpt nodco to ths insura�►ce catrler�u►d Lender.Lender
<br /> ��;,�,�„s�, may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Bonower.
<br /> � '4ar` Unlas I.ender end Borrower othenvlse a�cee in wdtinB. insurance pmceeds shall ba applled to restoradon or rep�ir of the �:-
<br /> .. � ; property damageil,if the restomdnn or repair�S economically fcasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the resmratlon ar
<br /> � re�air is noi economtcally fcsagible or Lender's scxurfty would be lessened,thu insursutce proceeds shall be ePplied tn tha sums ��:
<br /> , :' y -
<br /> secuced by this Securtty Insaz►ment� whether or not then due,with any eaccess paid w Bonower.If Borrower abandons tha
<br /> Property,or does aot enswer within 30 days a nodco fram b.ender that the insurance canfer has offered to seale a ciaim.then _
<br /> Lender muy collect the insuranca pmcceds.l�ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property►or to paY sums secured _
<br /> �� h� by this Secuc[ry Instrument,whether or not then due.'Ihe 30�day perlod wlll6egin when the nodce is given. _
<br /> 11nless Lender and Boirower otherwlso ag�ee in writing,anY appIIcaHan of pmceeds tn principal shall aot e�ctcnd or postpone _
<br /> � ' the due date of the monthly payments referced to�n pare,g�aphs 1 and 2 or chunge the cvrtount of the payments.If under Aara�uPh _
<br /> . _ " 21 Ihe FiopertY is eWuired bg L,endsr.Bosc��rer's rlgAt w �ny insurance poltciww and pmceeds resuldn� from damage to the
<br /> ' �, proPertS'Prtor ta the acquisiti.on shaU pass to I.ender to the extent af the sums secumd by a,"us Secutity Instmment imme�iutely _
<br /> prior to the acqulsidan.
<br /> ' 6.Occupancy,Pre�ervatton.Mnintenpnce nnd Prefection ot We Pro�r88; Bon+nwer's Losw App�lcnt�on;Leasehols➢s. �
<br />: . Borrower sh�ll axupy.establlsh.and use the Property as Barrower's princfpal residence wlthin ai�cty days after 1he exacutlon of -
<br /> ,...�� this Securlty Instrument and s1�alE carr�nue to accupy�he Progecty ag Soirower's principal resIdence for at least one y�ar after the `
<br /> ��'��,�{; date of occupancy. unless LxnEar athctcwjsa a�reE.v fn wrlting. whtch wnsent shnll nai tse un�asoaably withheld,or onless
<br /> ���l;�� �c�¢�uadng circuuutances Bxist which ares beyond Bo:rower's control.Ho�rowu shall not daetmy,damf►Be or impair the PcoPts�Y•
<br /> , .,, :; allaw the gmgerty to deuaioraee.or commit waste on the Property. Botrower shall be ln defanit if any forfeinu�acdon or
<br /> : .� � proceedjng�whEther�ivf1 or cdminal.is begun that in Lender's good faiih,pucigmeat could result in forfeit�are of the Property or
<br /> ,:•�,�::ry Y;..;
<br /> ..'`„{-;;., �', other�se matedally impair the lien crested by this SecurIty Insvument or Lender's�uriry intae�.Bo�rower may cure sucQ�a
<br />-r`�,:;.;, :t-. �cfsss�t�td teusst8i�.8s g�vlAr.�l in �aragraph l�,by caudn�t the action or procecding oo be d3smissed wIth a niling that,i�►
<br /> . Lender's good faith detcm►inadon,p�recludes forfeit�s of the Boirowcr's Interest in sh�P,ropertY or uther ma�s��P���of
<br /> -,':`. � the IEen created by this Secuzity Ins�rument or Lencier's security inteaest Baprawer shaU also be in default if Bomuwer,during the
<br /> [um
<br /> .Y:.:"��w`�;"��.� loan appllcadon pmcess.Save mater�ally false or Inaccurate jnfoanadon ar stat�meuts w Lender(or fatled tu Provido I.ea►der wlth �
<br /> �."=;;°''�w any matcxiat infoanadon) in connecdon wtth the loan evidenoed by the Note. including. but aot limtted co.rePr�ent�ions
<br />.�_�'��t�`-�';;� concemin8 Borrowes's axupa�ncy a�f the Property�s a prfnci�ai res(denca I4'lhis Secudty Insuument is on a teasehold,Hoaower
<br /> .t>������ ' shall comply with ell the provisivns a�f tha lease.If Borrower acquires fee dfle to�ha Pc�oporay,the leasehold and the fee titla ahal!
<br /> ,����,�
<br /> .-�,.,�...x:
<br />`:T�fy: �.:' ; not merge unless Lender agrees to the meagcr in�!riting.
<br />:: `7."�.�:=�1:' 7.Protectfon of�sder's Rights in t6e Ftroperty. If Boirower faiLv to perforru tha covenants and agreements contained In
<br /> �-r',�.T,,Nr this Securiry Instnunen�,or them is a legal pmceedins that mey �lgnificandy affect Lender's rights in thfl Prope�ty(sucfl as u ,
<br />. ?rZ`t��� proceeding Ia bankruptcy.Pmbute,for condemnadon or forfeiture or to enfoics Iaws or regulattons)►then I.ender muy do and pay
<br /> � �'iz.:y� for whatever is neces.s�uy ta protect the valae of the Pe+operty and Lea�der's clghts in the Pi'apertY.I.ender's acttons m���e
<br /> ---.,. P�8 eny sums secured by a lien which ha4 priority over this Secarliy Instnunent,ePPearin8 im wurt,Pal+�B
<br /> ---a��;��r� auomays'fee.v and entering an the P�opecty to make rcpairs.Atthough Lendea may tnke actlon under ihis PazagcaPh 7.Lender
<br /> TT ��• does not have to do so.
<br /> _--`�?;tS -- pny amounts disbwrsed by I.+ender under this parag�aph 7 shAll become addidanal debt of Borrower secured by�hts Securiry
<br /> �.,`'�;"„�' Iasuument Unless Botrower and l..ender a�cea to other tearna of payment,these ac�euudts shall bear Interest from�he date of
<br /> iia' �4J
<br /> :;i�?�i���' .,
<br /> - disbursenaent at the Note rat,e and shall be payable.w,ith interest,upon nodce from Lender oa�oaower reqaesdng paymem�
<br /> '�'�"°—'.�� 8.Mortgage Iaguraace. If Lenda r�quired mortgeg�insuranas av a conditton of making the loan secured by thla SecuriYS►
<br /> °-:-��'�'�' Innuument, Boirower shall pay the premiums reqvired ta maintain the �ortgtige Insurance 3n ea'ect.If.for m►y reason, ihc
<br /> -=�i� mo�goge insurance coverage res�uired by Lender lapses or ceases w bo in effect,Bomnwer shall pay th�premiums required W .
<br /> ��-�',�'S�iew'�� obtai��cove�age substantiaUy eqauvalent to the mortgage inswanco prevtousiy in e.�'ect,at a cust substa�►tiatty equnvale�t w the
<br /> —"" cost to Borrower of the mongaga insuranca prevlously in cffect.'frora ar►altemere mortgage jnsurer apPmved by 3.e�eder. If
<br /> ....:���_��;��
<br /> -:.;���.�,� subswnt�ally e9uivalent monga�e insuran�;e coeerage fs not available.Bar�rawer shall pay tA Leader ciaoh month a sum equal Ga
<br /> `.•'.��_.'- one.iwelRh of the yearly moitgnge insurance premium bein d by Bonrower when the insumttce covut�ge lapsed er ceased td
<br />:;,__`, t 8 P�
<br /> � ,,:::�`tl-�-�." is:.� effe�t. Leieder will�cc�,t�st:and cetaiu iitese paynea�: a;a lo�reserve fa He�� nf mnrtgnge insurance. Lcss m,s�ve
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