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<br /> . 'POti�TliF3R Wl7'li all tho impravementa now on c�raRer erected on tho pYOperty.ond aA esuemcnts.appurtcnartcc.9.and " `
<br /> � fixwres now ar hereafter a part of tita progeYty.All replucements and uddidons shsill nlso ba cavem�l by this Seru�ity InstrumenG
<br /> � All of'tt�e foregoing ls rci�rrcd tn in this Sccurity Instrumcnt av tho"Praperty:'
<br /> SOFiftOWER COdBNANTS thnt Borrower is luw[ully r+eised oP tho esmta heccby wmoycd and hng thc dght w�t and
<br /> , convoy the Property und thut the Propecty is unencumbered,except f�r encumbmnces of recard. Bonawer w�urunts nnd�vill
<br /> defend genemlly 1ho tdtfe w tho Pcoperty ogAinst nl!ciaims and demnnds.subject w any encumbrance.v uf record. _
<br /> THiS SECURITY WSTRUMBNT combines uniform covenan�s for na@ona!usa ana non-unifarm coyenant9 wIth limited
<br /> varIalions by jurisdiction to consdwtc a unffo:m security instrument covering rcal property.
<br /> - , • �• � ' [1NII�ORM COVENANTS.Borrower end I.ender covenunt and agree us foQowa: -_
<br /> j.���' 1.Payment of Prfndps�l und Interest;Prepuyment and Late CAurges. Borrower shall prampUy pay when due the .
<br /> �7;�, princIpal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Now end any pTepayrrtent and Inte churgos due under tha Not�.
<br /> Z.Furtds tor'Taxes und 3asnruace. Subject w applicable Inw or to a wriuen wuiver by Lender. Borrower sh�tU pAy w -
<br /> � . Lender on the dAy monthly payments are due under ihe Note,untillhe Nose is paid in full�a sum("Funds")far.(a)yauly tmces
<br /> ' ' and assessme�ts wdich may nuain priariry over this SecurIty Instrument ag a ilen on the Propzrty:(b)yearly leasehold paymenta -
<br /> ar ground rents on ihe Propraty.if uny:(c)Yearly ha7ard or propsrty insuretice premtuma:(d)Yeaz1y tlood insu�anco premiums.if G_`
<br /> �Y:(a)Y�ly mo�oge inaurance premiums.if any:and(�any sums payablo by Samower tn l.ender.In accurdunoa urith the _--
<br /> provL9tans of paragraph 8. in lteu of the payment of moitgege insurance pnmiums.'It�ese itams nre called"Escrow Items." �-==
<br /> � I.ender may�at eny dme,collect and hold Funds in an amount not m oacced the maximum amount g lender for a feder�illy ralatsd �-
<br />- �`� matt�ge laan may reguira for Bomower's ascrow account undra the fede.ral Real Estate Settlement Proceduns Act of 1974 u� __
<br /> - � vrteaeded from tipae to dwe.12 U.S.G Sectian 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").utelcss another law lhnt applies tn the Funds s�ets a lesser -
<br />_ .. .. { amount If so�Lendsr may,at any dme.collect and hotd Funds in an amount noi to oxceed the 1�amoun� Lender may i._
<br /> �' � . � esdmate the amoune of FUnds due on thE Dasis of cuaent data end reasonable es�matas of e�cpendIwres of fuwra Bsaow Icema or -
<br /> otherwL�e in�cordance wlth applIcabls Baw. �-
<br /> ,. - . The Funds shaU be hetd in an institutton whose degostts are Insurect by a foderei agency.instmmentaUry.or etttlty(inctudng
<br /> i: Lender.if Lender�s such an iasdtudon)or in any Fedeml Home Loan Bank.Lender rihhall apply the Fwids to pay the Rscrow _
<br /> . Items.Lender may noL ebarge Bom►wer for holding and applying the Fnnds�annually analyzin8 ttte escrow ancaunt,or vea�ifying
<br /> <: the gscrow Items.nnless Leader pays Bosower interest on tho Funds and applicabla!aw permits Lender oo make such a chorge.
<br />_ ' `'r. However�I.ender may require Aosower to pay a one-tGne charge for an independent real esmte tax reportiag setvFce used by
<br />_ `.��i1�h. Leaidea in connect[on with this loan,u�lt�ss appllcable lnw pmvi�des otherw3se.Unless an agteetrtent is made or appUcable law —
<br /> . requires intaext 2o be paid,Lender shall aat be teyitue�i to pay Horrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.Botrower and
<br /> '-;'_. _'. �-, �.e.tuter may avree 3n wri�e,howevac.thal intera�t sh�l be pa�d on tha Funds.L�eades shnll glve to Bomower.�vithout charg0.an
<br /> �— , °=
<br /> �:t,,h annual accounting of the Flands,shocving credib and dobits to the Funds and t��purposo for wAich eacd aebit w the t'�u.rt s ar+�
<br />�; :. . :t`;�;,;;, made.'Ihe Punds are pledged es eddieianW securIty for all sums secure��y this SecurIty Insamm$n�
<br /> ���: ��''r::;;;;'� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounta pramitted to be i�ald by epplrc�ble law.Len��shaU account tn Bomavv.�r fc�
<br />�.�,:, ,�.;�,t�,�,
<br /> .":��.,1�, . the e�ccess Fnnds in accord�nce with tha requirements of applicable Iaw.If the aaeount of the Funds held by Lender at uny mna _ -
<br />'�'�;;�:;a;,,._';.. not suffcctent to pay the FLCCrow Items when due,Lender may so noHfy Bormaec in�vri�ng.end,in such case Id�rower shall pay N
<br /> .,F=.
<br /> .i�:.,�.
<br />_�._ � ,;,�;�� to Lender the amount neees.cary to make up the d�ciaecy. Borrower shall m�ice up the defictency in rto�a�U�an twelve --
<br />-_�^:y�;�.r.ry�i;r.� ,. monthlypa}nnents,at'Let�derssoladisa�tton. _.
<br /> _. ���;s' Upon psyr�ent In fuU of all swns secvred by this Sacurlty Instrument,Lender shalt promptly refund w Barrower uny�luads
<br />�.°�;--�:;M"' held by Lender.U�under paragraph 2D,9.ender shaU accluire or sell the Property.L,ender.Prior w the acquisIdon or sale of tho
<br /> �,��.�
<br />�_,?:_,� .,_ praperiy.shall apply any Funds deld by I.ender at the t�rte of acquisiflon or s.le as a credtt against the suma s�curc�by this
<br /> ---=--��—= Stxurlty Insuument
<br />�;°�"9�� 3.Appikatlon o!A�yments. Unless appllcabla Iaw pmvfdes othenvise,a11 PaYm�tv received by Lsnder under parag��phs
<br />—__--::,Nsv� 1 and 2 shall bcs appllea: firs�to any prepayment cherges due uader the Note: second�to emounts payable under parag�h 2:
<br />--���t���� third.w interest due:fourth.w principal due:and iast,to any late cAarges d�ae under the Note.
<br /> `�:„�„•ryu� 4.Chargesi L1e�s. Bonrower s6all pay all taxes.essessments,charges.�in►�s and imposidons uun'butable to the PcoP�Y
<br />��:�;�.��°� whfch may atmin prto�ity over Wis Securlty Instrameu�and le�ehold paymenb�*ground rents�If any.Botrowes shaU puy lhase `
<br />�r_,f'�,�.��
<br /> <����x� ��ow a�a«�c a�e��s���uy f�u�n co Le�,na allt no�ces�of tunounis to be paid und m�s p�a�n�rr -
<br />�s:�ri����:� P� PaY� p
<br /> ���� Borrower makes thesc payments diroctly.Borcower shari promplly fumish w Lenda receipts evldencing the payments.
<br /> ��.��
<br /> Borrowes shaU promptlY discharge any Uen which has prlorIry over this Secudry Insawnent unless Borrower:(a)egrees u�
<br />��u�.,c� wrldng to the payment of the oblfgation secured by the llen in a manner acce�tabla to Lender:(b)contesss in good faith the IieA =--
<br /> -�==�`"!'�"��' ' by� or defeads against er►forcement of the IIen in. legat pmcc�dings whlch in the Lender's opinion open�te ta�pmvent.iha --
<br /> �,,;l�,�F'�;�,�iAy;; .'� enfo�cement of the lten;or(c)secures from the holdc�of the llen an ag�reement saiislacwry to Lender subordin�dng tiis fllen w -
<br />-��:: r,�•. . ,.
<br />-,;:-_;.���;i�� „ this Secusdty Insuument If L�der det�nnines thai any p�ut of the Pro�eCty is subJect w a llea which muy sttain prFority ovcr ..
<br /> - '�,a.�..,_.:»�: Sccuiity Instcuucen6 Leu�4ex may pve 13otrowcr a noric,e idenePy=ng Eii�Fir�e.But�oarer sl�all�y iltt![cn or t��:e nr.e et snurE „-_
<br /> --_ �..
<br />��" '; .`��' �� of the ncttons set forth abmve vv�thitt 10 days of the glving of nodce. Form so28 0�00
<br /> ,� .'�.:;i{����;!r�,�,� Pnpo Z ot 6 initlaU:�,� m�
<br />- �� ,1�,.,� �� Q�•8N(N��I�toa�.o�
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