__ ..cV.. . 1 � .
<br /> .. -� - . 1 . . . ,'�-
<br /> I �
<br /> - ..u .. " . ;1 •,
<br /> n
<br /> '. �� . .. . � � n .. ' .. .. ._.. _._...�._...�.._..� �
<br /> _. :.. • �
<br /> ,� . ._�y��� A�. � ...... . .. .y
<br /> . "___' '.... ...... ......._'_'
<br /> , ......_..."""'_"""""'_...�...
<br /> , '_�."_,...._, �_ .....-,—.____"'_... .__.. .._ �
<br /> p
<br /> • 7, p�oieatton o?6e�der's Rights In the Pr0�0�ty. If BoRawn talle to paAortn tho eovenonts und ngroomenla ,
<br /> contninvd lo thla 3c;cuurlry instrumcnt,or thcro la t� teQal proacodl�p thnt may olgnl4canty atteot Lender's dghto In tho Proporiy (eueh aa
<br /> a
<br /> � a proae�eding In bantwptcy,probnto,tor condemnatlon or W�toBuro or to cntorao l�wa or raguintlona), thun lsnder muy do and pay br ,_,,.�
<br /> whntcv�r la nocouonry to protect tho vnluo 04 tho PropaAy and Lander's„ghta in tho Praperiy. lander'a aotlona mny Inctudo pnym6 ___
<br /> � nny suma aeourad by a Ilen whloh has pdodty ovar thts 8ncudty Instrument,aAp�+�fl��couR, paying rcaoonnbto nttomoy's teos and �1��'.
<br /> �� ontedng on tho Propariyr to make►epnlra. Althouflh Lender may tuko nation undor thls pamgmph 7,Lor�der dono not huvo to tlo ao• r
<br /> My nmounto dtsburaed by Lender under thlo purupraph 7 ohnti becoma adAlUonel dcbt ot Bortowet eecured by thlu Sceudty �"
<br /> �naWment. Untaso Borrower end Lendor ugreo to othar terma of PaymenL thtrae amounto shap bear Interent trom tho dato of ��y__
<br /> d►abur:,em�n!nt the Note a+to nnd shail bo pnyabto,v�Yh mtorost, upon notlaa ham 4tmdor to Borrower raquostinti poyment, �['T'^
<br /> �•• 8. Mortg4ge Ineuranee. If Lender requlred moregago insurnnca uo a aondicinn ol maWng Qho ioan acc�tcd by th�o 3�;urity l�-_
<br /> ` �j IneWrttent, Bom�wer shaq pny tho premfums requir�d to mulntntn tho morttiagw InflumnCe In eitoct• tl,lor any reuoon,the moRgego �
<br /> --�i inau�ancn aave►tt90 requi�ed by Lender lapaes ar coaacas to bo Fn efteM,8ortowc�r ahd'.1 paY tho promfuma requlrctd to obtnln corora8e �*__
<br /> -'°"'"`� subatnnualy equNo�ent to the mortgage Insurcnea prevlouay N eftect, nt a coot auha4nntt�liy aquNal�nt ro tho eoat to BoROwer of the �_
<br /> " ..,., (� �-
<br /> ' � mortgoga insurance prevloualy in eilaat, from an eltemnta modgago tnsurar appmvoil by Lendcir. if subntnntialy equNaiant moRfloBo � __
<br /> tnaurance coverago is not avallnbie, Bortower shoU pay to Lender eaah manth a sum equnl to onatwotfth ot tho yaarN mortflagQ �_
<br /> �. insuranca premium beNg pni�9 by Bortowa when the insumnco eovera9e�apsod or c�.a:�Ad to be In ettact• Lender wfp accept,uoo and � `
<br /> y reteln these payments as a losa reserve In Qeu oi rttoAgugo tneurancs. Laes �srv�i paymenta muy no longsr ba requlrad, at tha �
<br /> opUon oi Lander, If moRgage Insurenee coverego pn the umouM c�nd tar thfl pmiad thflt lendor requtres) provldod by an tnaurer �.
<br /> �� # approved by Lender again bocomes avalisWe rind is obUilned. Banowor shOU PQY the premlums required to maintuin mort9a0c� �,^
<br /> 3 tnouranee in oftect, or to provide a loss reserve, until tha requiremant for martgGga innurnnae endss U► naeo►dunee wflh any vrdtton � . _
<br /> �� agreement belween Bortower and Lender or epp11ca6in Law. `°°
<br /> �.�r.
<br />- ' '� 9.IneAectton. Lender or ita agent mey maice reaeonabte emties upon and innpeatlona of lho Properiy. Lender ehnii ghru � �i__
<br /> ��� Sorto�ra aotics at the tir►�e of or pdor to an Inapeetlon epaetN�n9 raaeonNolo caunn 4ar thn inapecden• __
<br /> , ' •, �
<br /> 1 O� COF�demnatlon. Yhe proceeda oi ee9 °1Ndor tor conv anae n�tiau of condamnatine�. areUehereby asatg ea'�nd hfle�o !� C�:.-.
<br /> �• candemnaUon o►other taldng of any pari o!tNi Properiy. eY -
<br /> �� . :,, peid to Lender. -��
<br /> ` le the event ot a tatal teking ot the Properiy,tho praeeda shuV bo appUed to thn suma secured by thta Security Inetrumsnt, �.,;_�
<br /> ;•,�;4�,�' whether or not then due,wtth any oxeess pald to Borrower, In the evfmt oi a pertLt�i tNdng of the Prope�lf►In which the feir merlcet =
<br /> mt
<br /> ,;,,? value ot the Praperiy Immddlatey EeYoro tho tafdnp Cs equnt to or grentw thnn tht► c�maunt ot the suma secured by thta Sacurity -
<br /> ' •' Insbument ImmedlateN betora tha taWng,untess Boarower and Lender othonv�o a9roa tn wrtUng, the sums aewred by thts 3eadty
<br /> ,•` �nstrument ehaU be roducad by tha amount of tho proe�eds multtpilud by tho taUaw�p huation: �e)tho total amouM ot the eums
<br /> eecured tmmediatey boSore the tnWng, d i�d e d by @) i h o f a k m a r k c rt vntuu of tho Pro poriY�mmedlatelY be�ore tho taWng.My baVmco —
<br /> � ahali bo pald to Borrower, In the event of e parNal tnl�►9 0! the Property�n whlafi thn fair markeY valuo ot the Properry Immedlately
<br /> betore the teWng ts Ieas than the amount of tho su�s seeured imn►ediattf�'botara th�Mking, untess Bortower�nd Lender othen+toa
<br /> p„rpn m w�lina or uniesa appltcabte law oth¢rwlae provtdea, the proaesdo sha0 bo applted to tho sumo seaured by this Searrity
<br /> ,� • � '` Instrumon2 whether or not the suma are then due.
<br /> It the Property is abandoned by 9otroww,or H,eAlzr natice by Lendor ta Bortowm thM the condemnor oHere to make an awnrd or
<br /> +� " , s�ttle a otatm for cLemages, Bo►rower faila to r�sponc9 to Lender wrihin 30 days eftar lha dute the notke is gMEn, lendor la autAarlred
<br /> to coEect and epply the proceeds,et fta opUon.eilhar to restoratlon or repab ot tho PrapeAy or to the sumo aecured by this Seai►iry
<br />'='�'' inotrument,whethef or not then dua
<br /> •w•..=�:
<br /> �• �•�<��' Unloss 4e4►der end Bo�rower othenvise agree in vrtRing,any npp'�oaUan of p►ooeado to pdncipal ehutl not oxtend or postpvne the
<br />�"•`''1�,;�;�l�' enta reterted to in pomgmphs 1 and 2 or afinnpa tho nmAUnt of eueh pay�rtantu.
<br /> y.. :.��.�;�p:,... �. duo dato ot tho monthly paym
<br />_',°.'},`',.`'.. 11. 8orrower Q+9�t Releasad:Forbetraacs By Lendor t+lttt a�157oEivor. Extanalon ot tho tlme tor paymem or _
<br /> j;_.�„ ,,;,,,�• modit(catlon of emorthatlon of tNo eums secune+i by tlda Securtty�notrumant grxnlu�bY Lender to any euccosaor In�ntereut of Borrower -
<br /> r-,. :,,-. , ohntl rtot operate to relaaso tho Itqbllity o!tho odgind Bortower or Borrowur'e suacessa�a in Interest. Lendar shuil not bo requlred to
<br /> •.,..,;;•.,.
<br /> .. .,...�,,, commence proeeedfnpa agatnat nm+sucaesaor In Intesrest a�ufueo to mctand tlmp tar paym[mt or otherwlae modlty amoRhatlon o t e
<br />='��=���t'��% sums sed►red by thia Seaidty inetrumant by reason of any demnn� rt►�da by tht+ odflinai Borrower or 8omower's eucao�sato In
<br />--`"� __"� interest. Any torbearnnee by Lender in exerdstnp any Aght or remady ohn'J nat bo n wafirer at or preolude the exardse of any dght ar
<br />��_.�..;�',r�i�:.��3
<br /> .srt,�
<br />�i_:,�`.::,:_.._,� ��'
<br />- --.-�-�,� 12. 8uaeessors and Asat9ns Bound; Jolnt aad Sovorat��.1n�Hitq; Co-elgnore. The corereanta an
<br /> ••.-.._ fhJ
<br />�.�=�"�sr•� agte�.mcrnts af thls 3aettrlty �natrumant ehall bind and benofit thn suocossor� and uosigns at Lender and BoROwer, subject to t e __
<br />�`-''�`~��x ' h/7. Oortowot'e eovenants and agreemor�hi s'1ro'1 bo jshvt artd sereral. M� "Sorrower who co•algns this Sera�riry
<br /> z=°•=�4r�� F�Ialon�of patagraP _
<br />'�`�� ;.,;.:',��� Inatrumont Out daas �ot oxecute tho Noto: (n) is oo-s�9ninp tb;� 8ecu�lt� �naUumant onry to modgago, grent, and convey tt�at
<br />==;s�y ' gor�ow�s'e intmrust in the Propc�iy uader iho temre �7 ih[s 8er.urily tntttum�tt(b)is not pasonai�y obtlgated to pay the euma seoured _
<br /> :v�:rs�:�+,�+ by tNa Secutity insin�rne� and (a) a9►ees that La�ader and nny olhm 8o�mwer mey egree to extend. modity. torbear ar�nake any
<br /> x, t�ar-..__--:��
<br /> ---`��:=."=�� aecommodadono with regard to terms ot this Sacutity�est�umtnt or tha tttrto wlthout that 8orrower's aonaen
<br />- _---�-`��+ tg, �� r�am�. It tha toar► securctd by thio Secur9ty tnCtrument is subject to a law which sets ma�dmum tonn elmrges, _
<br />_�`�?:_���• .� end that �aw is Ma�►Y IntQrpreted so tfint the Interesf oc oth�iaan aherges c�fa�cd or io be e"��'�'°`i to reduco t�ho ehar8o to`th� �
<br /> _-�"`=�=-°t:�� �, exceed tha permltted limita,thent fAI e�Y e�ah loa�n chnrges shC:l bo Yeduaed by tho amount nescesoary
<br />�.��� -�� pem�ltad 9mil:end(bI arry sums airendy collectad irom BoROV�er�+fiich oxceeded�amltted Ilmila wiil bo retundad to Borrower. Lender
<br />;=�":• •�- eM to Bortower. U a
<br />_� � •'' . nwy choaae M mako thls rotund by cedudng t�o prindpa� o»�bd undcY tho Na2e or by maldn9 u dlrect PpYm
<br />;- � ,•i.�ati;?'.- � �����p�ndpat,tt�e reducUoa will bo trcatod ns a psrihf preAmY►�nt without any prupaymcat chergo unda tho Nota.
<br /> ° • � � iQ•. PIORIC6& My notico to Bortawer provided tor In thia SmwdtY�nstrument ahnp bo gNen Oy dolNedng k ar by matling tt by
<br /> f� �t dasa mrsi�un►eas epplicable inw requU�ssa ueo ot anoth�ma�Yhod. Tho eotloo eheti bo 6r,ected to tho Property Address or any
<br /> - 3r, _
<br />'� otha address Barrowmr Goslgnetes by noUoo to L�n�er. My aottoe to LQndM ahaH ba given�y 11mt dess era�to L�;nde�'s sddresa =
<br /> i x� stated haeln or any o9hef addresa Lender deatgna2�o bY nolice to 8orrow�. Ar�y nonco ptov�dea!tor M this Sgcudty Inatrument shail -
<br /> , '�r • � bo daemed to havo bttrn gNen to BortoYVCr or Lenda wAa� g�'�c�as Reovlded in this paragrgpA. _
<br /> �;..
<br />_ • . �,� 9En.�overntng Law: 5svarebility. Thts Seair..'^y v��tuument ehaU bo govemad Qag� taderel Inw and tho taw ot thv _
<br />`-_ ;, � Jur4sdicLton fn whtch tho Propetry is�eaated. In th0 avctnt thal cmy provis�on or ctsuso ot tPsb S�curily(nsWmeM or tho IVat�connc�a -
<br /> WRp apppoeb;e �nw,suoh eontUet shaU not atled oMer ptovistons ot thia Seasrtty InaUument or tho Noto whtch ean bo gtven QNect
<br /> -�?�---,--t- ..�.....ae�•��w� orovision. To thls end thc proristona ot this Secur(ty tnstrument and the Noto nro dadured to be aaraablo. _
<br /> ':—°°- ---� .....,... _�__.---- - • . _...�
<br /> _ eY...,..�......�.....�
<br /> - ., � 16.Baltd1t18�'8 COpy. Borcower shnU bo g�4c3n ono canfomtcd eopy oi me rioio ano.,. u.o.A.�••••, �.�.._.--.._ _
<br /> - �.. .' 17.Yranator of tko Fropsr�or s BsrteHolaO Intersst In Borwwsr. it a� or uny part of tho Prop�xty or eny
<br /> -- • intcrest In It is oold or tranaferred (or li u bonaR�nl Nten�t In Bortowc►lu aotd or tmnsfeerad and 8mrower ts not u�aturnl peraon) .,
<br />= u „ nstium nt�Howovcr. thwl9 opUon shull not bo exc.�e�d by l.end�Ifuo��1 0�Ftf°h(blted�by 1cd`cral taw a�ot thae date oi thls Sazudty
<br /> _ � + In3wment.
<br />_ , o
<br /> It Lendzr exerdaas thls optlon, Lrnda aha� gho 8orrorra noUco ot ucceters8on. The no2tco ahaU provtdo a pmiod vf not Ioss
<br /> � ., than 30 deya hom tha dc+to tho noUw Is de:lvcred ot msticd withln whleh tho Borrower must psy ell sums securcd by tAts Sccudty
<br /> _ �noUumen� tf Barrowcr tall3 to pay thoso sums prtw to the exptration of thls pertod.lcnder may trncko enY rcmcdl�g P�ittcd by thta
<br /> orm�02a 918�
<br /> � S�ourity Instrurnent wtthout turther noUco or dc�nusnd on Borrowcr. _/'F l
<br /> Pa4o 3 ot 8 ���� � -
<br /> . � F1078.Lfl10(�N9) !� //�
<br /> �
<br /> 990018
<br />