k . : ,
<br /> ....:f . .
<br /> � � �� ' „
<br /> ...�,�._,.,,�.-'_ i ,_�._.._.._�..o ::
<br />, .. :, . .., .
<br /> '+ ._._,_ .._._..._.--._-...._ _�__�... --.. ...___... . . ..... .. .----.._.......
<br /> — -�.
<br /> '� ' 8orrowcr'a aecrow uocount undor the Iedomi Reai Eatnta Satticmant Proaeduros Aat ot 1974 na amendad Irom limo to timo, 12 U.S.C. .�
<br /> 2801 at aoq� ('RESPA'),untess unother taw thnt appllQS to tho Fundo ooto u Iouacr nmaunt. It ao, Lcnder moy.at o�y timo.cotloot nnd ;y�
<br /> hold Funda in an amount not to oxcood tho Ioeaer amount, Lcndcr may ustlmAto iP�o amaunt ot tunda duo on tho bnala ot cur�ant datu
<br /> and re5aonnbio outlmatoa of oxpandituroo ot tutu�o Eocrov� 14cma or othenuloo in nccordnnco with nppllenblo Iaw. '
<br /> Tho Fundu uhall bo hald in nn inatitutlon v�hoa�de�oeqs aro tnaurad by u icdcral agoncyhonFundn o11pny tho Eoerowcltems "
<br /> Lcndcr, It Lcndcr lo sueh an InstltuUon) or In nny Fcsdcrot tha F ndn, nnunllyL nalyting tlho oncrow account, cv vedying tho Esc�ow
<br /> Lender may not charQo Borrower tor hofdinp and appryNO
<br /> itoms,unioss Lcndcr paya Borrowcr intetout on tho Funds and appNCablo law permito Lander to mako oueh u oharge. Howavor,Lendor �°,
<br /> � may rogulro 8ortower to pay a on�Umo ohargo ta tsn tndepandent real esteto ttuc ccportln8 ocrvico uoed by Lendm In conneetlon with .�
<br /> thls loan,unlase appllcabie law providea othervrise. Unlaso an agreemont ia mndo or Appllceble�nw tequires intsrost to bu pald,Lender
<br /> ,,.-:•.:� shNl not bo raqulrod to pay Bortowar any Inlate3t or ecmtnga on tho Funda. Bonownt and L��ndei may agreo tn wdtlnp, howovcr,thot �
<br /> �4*°`' Intaront ahnll be pald on the Funds. Lender shaii gNo to Barrov�ar, wlthout chargo� en annuai aceounting ot the Funda, showing �;_'
<br /> w crodlts and debits to the Fundo nnd the purpoue lor whloh eaah debit to i?�a Funds wna mnda. Tho Funds ure piedgod ns additional � Q:-�.`
<br /> � �-�.
<br /> eecudry tor atl sums secured by this Secu�ity InsUumen� -.=�
<br /> it tha Funds hdd by Lendar exceed the arrounts permitied to ba hc►d by appkcabte taw, lender ahalt account to Bortower lor tho � �;'.
<br /> � � oxcosa Fundu in accordance with tho requirements ot opplicable law. It the amount ot the Funda heid by Lender at any Ume Is not � c-
<br /> suf(iclont to paY tho Eeaow Itoma whun duo.L�der moy so notity Bortower In wdUng,and,tn auah case Borrower shall pay toe=8dc�r� ,,.:
<br /> � ��• the amount nec[sssarY to make up ihe dnAden Borrower ehul.make up!ho doftdenay in no moru than tweNe monlhty paym � �-
<br /> •1
<br /> • : Lsnder's sole dlsueGon. p refund to Borrower any Funds held by (� �:"'
<br /> `� Upon payment In tull of alt aums seeured by this 8ecudty InsUument,Lender shali romplly ,_.-�
<br /> � tcnder, it,under pamgmph 21. Lender ehau ac�utre or seq the Property,Lander, pdor to the acqulskion or sato ot the Properry,shali :
<br /> appty any Funds hdd by Lender et the time ot acqui3Non ot eate as a cmdit n9alnst the sums aecurod by thl��eurity IneWmenL �:
<br /> h--
<br /> ;; , �,�� 3� ppp���on o} pjrym��ts. U�lass app�caFsle law providos otherwiae,ail paymants reeeNed by Lender under puragrciphe _
<br /> 1 nnd 2 ahali be appked: flr�t,fo any propaymant ahurgos due under the Note; seeond,to amounts p�nbla under paregreph 2; 4hird `.R_
<br /> '„ ^ �i to Intarest due;tourth,to principnl due;nnd lost,to uny Iete oharges due undar the Noto. -
<br /> 4. Cherges; LJotts. Borrower ahaq pay a[i taxes.esaessments, eharges, flnea and impost�ons att�IbutabtR to the Property -
<br /> o `�` whiah mey attaln Pdo�ity over thla Securtty insWrnent, and leasehold payments or ground rxnts, if any Bortower skatl pny these
<br /> obllgnUons In the manner provided In pnragreph 2,or 8 not patd in that manner,Botrower shnp paY them on tlme directty to tho peraon
<br /> owod payment BoROwor shall promptty fumfsh to Lende��I noticea ot amounts to be patd under thts parac�raph. fl Borrower makea
<br /> theae pulm�enta direetly,8ortower shatl promptty iumiah to Lender receipts evidenatng tho payments.
<br /> Borrower shNl pramptly dfsohurgo any Aen whiah has pdoriry over this Secudty Instrument uniess 8orrowmr. (a)agmos in wdUng to
<br /> -'4x-.. tho onyment oi the o6llgation sowted by ths l}en tn a msnner aeceptab�e to Lender, (b)eonteata In good ffitth tha Ilen by, ar detends
<br /> +:`�t'ty�( roeeedlll S wAlCh m ttte Lender'a opiniuii 8p�ta ta pcC:'8!t!i!!9 etlf4rccrt�ent ot ihe QCrI; Ot(0) ,-
<br /> r,,�:�.. agninct adorcament ot the Ilen in,legai P 9
<br /> � secttaCS hom th�halwer of tha Itan an agrearnmi satla4actorY to lc�ndtx subotdinatlng the Ilen to this Saendty InsUUmen� It Lctnder
<br /> ' � � „ dotermtnos that a�ry q�nd of he 11en CBoirtow'aba atl satisly thetllen oreteke olne otmore of he acUons set forth above wthin 10 deys
<br /> . ` Borcower u�ottee IdenUMn9
<br /> �er�u;.'�,�+`, _
<br /> of iho gNing oi noUco.
<br /> � ' S. H�ard a�Propo�ty Insuranae. 9otrower ehali keep the improvements now o�dutlng ar hereefter �rected an the
<br /> :,; . �...;�...
<br /> ,,;.,,°._.,,.. property insured agatnst loas by flre, harards inciudod within the term 'extended eoveraQe� and any oih�r h�arde,tnaludl�8 floado or
<br /> ::_,., � tlooding, tor r�hteh Lendcr tequires Inaumnco. Thia lnsureeae ahail be maUrtelnad fn tha emcunts and fo7 fhe period� that lendar
<br />_ r � � • requlrea. The tnaurAnca eartter providing the insurar�co eh�l be chosen by 8orrowe►aubjeet to Lertder's approvat whlch shn8 not be
<br /> �•,'�L*� unmasonably wtthhold. it Borrower fnfls to rtuiintatn eoverage described nbove,LQnder mayr, ut Lendeta opUon,obtnin eoverago to
<br /> :�.=��:r.�� protact Lender's dghts in the PropertY in accordancv wMh paragreph r.
<br /> �,��s�asrxy,��a� M tnauranmo Qmaoto�and renewals sh�i be ar.�xptsblo tv Lendnr and shea IncNde a stendard modQega ctause. Lender shatl heve
<br /> -=��"�R�'�"V�� tho dght to ho:e tho poIldas and rennwats, 8 LenOa requtree,Honowa ohnJ prompyr Blva to Lender ali reeeipts ot Pntd Pmmluma
<br /> -��::�-�.�� and renawat notlees. �n tho ovent ot�oaa, Bartower shall gMe prompt notice to tho Insurnnce cerder end Lender. Lendet may make
<br /> =-�-`�•",z� Botrower.
<br /> ,xm;.�;Z;.;:u� proof ot tos�s It not mtde promptiy by
<br /> y��:-`��, Unleys lende►and Bortower otherwise a�ee In wiilitiQ,inauranee proceeds shelt bo ap�ded to restoratlon or repnfr of tho Rroperty
<br /> -;;�;�-'"�:• dnmaged,M tho rostomUon or repnir ls eeonomicalry leaslble end lende�s oaeurtty Is not te5soned. it tha restoration or mpnir is not
<br /> '.�.,��,:�_ economlcai►y feasib90 or Lendc�'o aecurity woutd be Iessened,the insurance prooaeds shali be epptled to the suma secorea IIs not
<br /> " '"�"'`�•• Secudty Instrurnmt, wAether or not thon due,wIM eny �ccese Pa►d to 8orrower• It Borrowcr abandona tho Proparty.
<br />-:'�._«��
<br /> _-__ " __ wnswfir withN 30 de��s a noUw !rom lender that the Inaurence cartter has oftered to settllQe �►gU ae RRC�u�red by�thls�8ecudb
<br /> .�''-----�*"�-� tnsorertco procecda. Lendcr may us� the �oceFds io rc�ir or restvr� tl��e Prap�tY �
<br /> --"-' ""•'°"' e�b0 v�bagin when•the noUca is Qiven.
<br /> L''�'`''`�'�"•"� Y instrumunt,wtasrlher or eot thcn duo.Tho 30-d�p
<br /> - �~r�^•�° licatlon ot roctseds to pdndpel shali not extend or postpano tho
<br /> ;:'�`�� ' UMoss L�nder and Botrowet otharvuiso egree In w�ttlnp, eny aPP P ��, �f under h 21
<br /> �� �� � duo date ot 4ho monthy paymer►te refurted to In paragrnpha 1 and 2 or ahange the amouot ot Me paym P�9�A -
<br /> tha Propery ia eaquirod by Lendar,Bortower's dgM to cuiy Insuranae peltctm�and procoeds rosulUng hom damago to tho Pro oertY p�he -
<br /> uty
<br />_:�>,,� , ,� 4p the ae4ulsitlen ahsl► RESS to Lender to the extent ot tho sums secured by this Seeu�itY inatrument immodi�tQy p R
<br /> . ,iya aWutsftloo. BOr�OWPiP'd LG'8Pi _
<br />--� �„�;:` � 8. Oc�a:�aancy. Preservation, Mal�eneac+e and �oiectton ot the P�c�srty;
<br /> +��.;��. ' � ., �`{�a�' App1IC8ti�in;U�88ehOld9. Botro�ver�Q�aU a�eupy.e�bliah.and us�e the Property as Borrower's pdnotpnl r�atdonae withtn oll�y .
<br /> -���;' days after the aecuUon af a?�ts Seewfyt In�ent and aha�1��tinue to ocwpy the RropeAy as Borrower's pdncipal residrnco for at
<br /> ' Ieast ono year aft�r tho Qnfto ot occuPnncy,untess �c�dar othsqw�e agrecis 1n Nitling, whtch consent shatt not ba unreasennbty
<br /> .. . �: wfthheld.a�unk�s o�uating cEroumstnnxs extst whlah are Doyond Bonowc�'s Bofrow�sr ehall boln�d�ttau H any•t etturo actlono'r -
<br /> , _# the ProRatY• a11ow tho Properiy to deterloru4a,or comraR wuste on tho Property. or othcrwlso -
<br /> _—�"-- ....�_
<br /> _yy�.,.�...�..e� m �n fhat In Lenda's Qood tai2h Judgmtmt coufd resWt In to�foRuro ot tho Properly
<br /> ----�= proceernn9,r..+cu«M..,.,. ...._.,.- ---- •-- ° --� _
<br /> ° r mnteciniy Impuk tho Uen ereatod by this Scairtty InsLVmcnt or LC(IdCt'8 BoCUrily intCtit�t BOROwET mny Cum eudt e aocaun m�v -
<br /> ' retnstuto, aa provlded In p�SraAh 18• by enustng tho acUon or proc�ding to be�smisaod wRh a ruling that, in Lende�'s good tailh
<br /> daterminatlon. Pmctudes tod�ttu►e ot the BortowFr's intaest In tho ProPeriY or other matednl impa►rtrtent of thu Ilen created by this _
<br /> ;; ' � Secudty Instrument or lendar's secudty Inteirea!• Bor�omr ahail aiso bv In datnutt H Borrower, dudrtg tAa lonn upptfoati9n process,
<br /> gnvo mataialfy talao or inaccumto Intortnatlon or atatcmmto to Lender (or fn►►ad to provfde Laider�vith any matettt+l tntotmnUon) In
<br /> �� conne�tton with tho loun uvidancud by tho Note. induding, but not�imited to, reprctsenlntlano conceming�h�ho pro sl a of tho
<br /> � Property as c�prindpat rostdanco. B thla Saourity Nstniment Is on a teanehold, Bnrtov+rer aha�l compy
<br /> t�
<br /> teaso. Ii Bortower acquiros toa titla to tho Propeny. tho Ieasuhoid and tho fee Ntio eAnI1 not merg� un�ess tho Lender ugrues to t e
<br /> • merger tn writing. Fo�m:�02o eleo
<br /> CaBo�et S � /\ -
<br /> ` F1049.LM0(1199) ^ J� (�
<br /> .. .. . _p``V\�
<br /> � ,
<br /> �v �
<br /> � . s9oo
<br />